Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Zak turns to look towards the front of the room, another Kraya has spoken up, a girl this time, adding to the tension in the room, he couldn't remember seeing her before... at least during physical training, when he actually payed attention. Zak almost jumps out of his seat in surprise when the low ring echos around the room. It rang at exactly the same time everyday, but he simply seemed to have lost track of time in the excitement, something he hadn't done in a while. Troy snapped out of his thought and wiped the smile off his face, and the guards rushed out of the room, happy that their shift was finally over. A few of the other Krayas who didn't speak up were quick to pack their things and leave the room, and Zak did the same, though he was more eager than the others. Nobody needed to check a timetable, everyone already knew what they had to do next, the same as every other day.

Ability Training.

Zak was waiting for this since the start of the class, if this new professor was right, then this mental lesson should have increased the effectiveness of their powers, since for once their brains were stimulated and their thought process questioned, and he could continue the next phase of his plan. Determined to find out, he walks straight to the ability training facility.
Yammat grew uneasy. A safe environment? Then why were there attempts to escape? Things didn't add up. It wasn't logical. Yammat hated illogical things. He listed the information attained. Training, escape, safety, parents-no! Idiot! In order! Parents, training, escape, safety. Would all the safety bore some people, who'd escape to the outside world? First day and he was already infuriated. Yammat clenched his fist and breathed as much, and quiet, as possible.

He summoned darkness to his hands and created claws, then a dog, then a small sword. For him, the possibilities were endless. He had to keep it small, so he wouldn't get caught. For all he knew, using magic without...'permission' would get him scolded, a detention, or worse. He brought out a sketchbook and started sketching.

Lines, circles, curves, scribbles, and shading. With a little bit of heart, soul, and mind in it. He created a vampire. A vampire feeding on a corpse that was already bled dry. The vampire look mortified, like it was it's last attempt at a hunt. Like the knowledge Yammat was given. Just knowledge that Yammat couldn't put together. On the upside, he can go all detective now...when the day's over of course.
"Well guys, that's the bell. Sorry that I lost track of time. See you tomorrow." Troy said, giving the class a small wave as the last chimes of the bell ended. He was able to pull on a smile for a little longer as he ushered the Krayas out, after the guards. "Keep in mind the things discussed here. Tomorrow we'll continue to delve further into the way you guys are each unique."

Kamryn had been waiting for Troy's dismissal before beginning to pack her bag. All this knowledge... this was so much to take in. The Krayas could be a form of human... but what made them different if that were the case? Escape... it was something she had never even considered before. And didn't really consider now... no one would be stupid enough to try, right? If this place was truly safe what would they gain by leaving?

Her head full of unnerving thoughts Kamryn headed to the next class, wondering if she'd even be able to focus enough to use her ability with so many thoughts buzzing through her mind.
Jo shook her head as the bell rang, things felt normal again. She took a long breath and carried her calm face and her innocent smile out of the room. It was all about pretending that everything was normal, then maybe they could be. She passed the teacher with her fake smile; and grabbed her bag as she tried to block out her head all her worries.... "there is just no way we are human or ..have families and even if we could it matter anymore,? we are here for a reason, any family that we could have ... left us here. Everyone knows we are a danger, We know we are a danger, we belong in here, where we cant harm anyone." she said talking to herself on the way to the next class.

Jo was so filled with different feelings and thoughts, but she was sure that facts pointed to the same place, there was no point in breaking the rutine, there was no concrete reason to believe Tom, or whatever his name was.... She was growing eager, at least the next class allowed her to put her mind somewhere else.
Yammat left the classroom apologizing to Troy on the way out. He saw Kamryn and blushed a bit. He didn't know what to say. Of course he could ask if they had more classes, or something of the like. Yeah, that sounds good. Yammat walked up to Kamryn and asked. "E-excuse me, but do you know what are next class is? If we have any more classes?" Yammat tried his best not to blush. Keep it cool. You're just asking her about classes. Nonetheless, his throat felt on fire.
Ignis closed his sketch book and walked out of the class, his sketch of Kamryn only half done, he saw a girl looking unsure of something. He walked up to Jo and asked. "Are you alright?"
Jo was startled by someone calling to her. "Are you alright?" he asked. She blushed a bit thinking that she was somehow showing how scared she was...

-"Yeah, Im fine, just..trying to think this whole situation through..if I can make some sense to it somehow, I could feel more calm about it.." She replied with a smile while analysing the person. She never really..cared much about the people that surrounded her day after day. ..She remembered his voice from earlier, he was debating with the new teacher...

-I heard you before, I think you are right... just now I was thinking how we couldnt be people, we are just too dangerous to be human, and we dont belong with them either..- she paused for a bit - Maybe its just me. - she said while shaking her head and going back to showing her usual smile.

"Yeah all that in there was just a huge waste of time." He told her trying to forget to argument in the class. 'She has a nice smile.' he thought to himself. "My name is Ignis whats yours?" He asked extending his hand to her in a friendly gesture.
-Im..Jo- she said hesitantly, as she awkwardly shook his hand back, all this time and she had ever bearly spoke to people there. Usually hiding and following the rutine. This was for sure a crazy day. -Ignis, nice you properly I guess - she said in giggles. And then she noticed the stares of some of the guards..maybe there was a reason we weren't very social... She tried to make him notice by softly moving her head and pointing her eyes to the guards. She just gave him a quick smile and started walking away, it wasnt fun to be the center of attention, specially if that meant the guards. She always avoided trouble with them, she had seen other people getting tazered from time to time, and it wasnt part of her plans to try it out.
Ignis gave her a nod showing he understood, he waited for her to get a god meter away before he started going the same direction. 'She has a cute giggle' he thought chuckling to him self as he walked down the hall with no real destination, just him alone with his thoughts which is pretty normal for him. He hated the feeling of the guards always watching them it bugged him to no extent.
Kamryn paused at the voice, wondering only for a moment if he was truly speaking to her or not before looking at him curiously. She attempted to put a name to a face... 'come on Kamryn, they all just said their names... you should be able to remember' but in the end it just didn't ring through. Attempting to look a little less puzzled she smiled.

"The next class is where we split up into our categories and work on better understanding our powers." Kamryn replied. She wondered why he was asking her, though... it was a routine they had known all their lives so either he had a problem with his memory or he had some ulterior reason for asking.

"And some days, after our ability class, we split up into groups and work on being a team. I find it's kind of fun most of the time... I really prefer it to the solitary work of trying to understand our abilities better."

Kamryn paused, trying to figure out the best way to ask what his name was... in the end, coming up blank, she just straight out asked: "I'm really sorry but I must be really ignorant... I can't remember your name. Would you mind reminding me?"
Yammat smiled and said, "Thanks. I'm sorry, I'm just...really bad at remembering certain things things." He looked around out of nervousness, (and feeling watched) then answered the name request. "Me? I'm Yammat, or-" Yammat looked down."-the guy who blurred out 'escape'." He gestured to Kamryn. "If I recall, you're Kamryn, right?" Yammat suddenly remembered her mentioning of ability classes and tilted his head. "Wait. There're more like me?" Yammat felt a swell of joy. He couldn't help but smile.
"Nice to meet you, Yammat -or the guy who blurted out 'escape'. Yeah, I'm Kamryn." She replied, grinning back. That's right... she knew she had a reason for knowing his face, this brought things into better perspective. "You haven't noticed? I mean... I don't recall what your ability is but there are people similar to you, yeah. I don't think I know anyone with the exact same abilities, though."
Yammat lowered his smile. "Nonetheless, I've never heard of anyone who could use darkness, according to the doctors, I'm a 'prototype'. The first attempt to use darkness..." Yammat scratched his head and made his lips a straight line. "Come to think of it...that's all they told me."
"Control Darkness? That's controllable!?! How powerful do you have to be?!" Kamryn responded, entirely enthusiastic now as she began heading toward their classes again. It really wouldn't do to be late. She looked at Yammat with a new sort of interesting, a curiosity. She had never really paid attention to other people's powers before but now she was beginning to wonder what all everyone could do. As the last comment reached Kamryn's thoughts her smile died a little. "They don't really tell us much, do they? I wonder why that is... maybe they don't know much themselves?"
"Then why would they make us? They have to know at least one thing that we don't know." Yammat twitched a smile and started walking. "We have to get to class." Yammat thought a bit and turned around. "By the way...I don't really know the standards of power in order to control darkness, but my power's linked to my soul. If I get too angry-" Yammat shut his mouth. No! Don't tell her. NO ONE. Needs. To know. He shook his head and gave a smile. "Never mind. Later..I guess." Yammat walked to...wait. Where would he go? They didn't really have a class for his kind of power. He hung his head and stood still. Deciding to train combat, he went to the training room. He knew where that was at least. Damn...I actually kept up a conversation.
Kamryn watched him walk away. He had a good point... if they didn't know then what could that mean. And if they did know and weren't telling them, what could that mean. What if what Troy said was right, though... how would they ever be able to tell.

Then her mind went to what he had said and why he had cut off so abruptly. She might not know what it was like to have a power linked to her soul but she understood about powers having more to do about powers being linked to yourself. It wasn't as drastic but if she couldn't focus she was incapable of using her power.... so it really wasn't the same but she could relate on a really basic level.

Kamryn continued to the classroom for Mental and after receiving a brief explanation of the assignment from her teacher she left the room to go into one that was smaller, built for her specifically. She wasn't sure if this was how it was for everyone but it seemed everyone in the Mental class had a room that was designed and decorated for the user... her's was completely empty and devoid of anything that could distract her.

Beginning to work through the assignment her mind continued to wander to what Professor Troy had said and what her other classmates had said... and she couldn't get the curiosity of other powers out of her head after talking to Yammat. This was so... difficult/strange... how was she supposed to cope with all this new knowledge and be expected to focus at all. It felt pretty hopeless to her.
Zak continues on into the classroom for Physical, though it more resembled a dojo then anything else, the room was surrounded in reinforced steel and concrete built to survive against a Kraya's abilities, and the room was lined with fresh training dummies. A familiar white-coat professor stood at the far side of the room, examining the Krayas as they walked towards him. Zak takes a short glance around the room, it seemed as though nobody from his previous class was here, meaning he was the only Physical in that room. He swears lightly under his voice, he was hoping at least one of the students from the class would be in here so he could see if anything out of the ordinary happened.

The professor gives them their task, same as most days, use your powers on the dummies. Zak walks over to the nearest dummy, his skin writhing as his arms produced his glowing, rocky hide. He takes another look around the room, Krayas everywhere were summoning up their abilities, some simply cracked their knuckles while others grew rending claws. Nothing out of the ordinary, at least for him.

After a moment, Zak's pulsing gauntlets had grown to their full strength, and the rest of the students were prepared. There is a small silence before the professor blows a whistle, and everyone launches at their targets.
Jo walked to her room. Chameleons werent allowed to see each other during training. She walked to one of the small rooms.

"Im ready" she said after taking a long breath.

The walls in the rooms started flashing different backgrounds and scenarios for her to blend in as fast as possible. Jo was very talented at vanishing, she enjoyed it, it felt so natural and relaxing. Then the room went white. Thats when personal training begun. She had been trying to strech her powers, animal shape shifting was so troublesome for her. Chameleons can only blend in with their enviroments in they can focus well enough, but after experimenting during late nights, Jo had started thinking, maybe it only took for her to trick her own mind.

A week or so she had spoken to the teachers that control the room to leave her room white during personal training time. She closed her eyes and took big breaths. Only parts at a time. It was exhausting, if she didnt concetrate hard enough, her energy got sucked up in seconds. But she kept trying over and over again to completly shift to something head to toe. Until she was complety worn out and exhausted, she wouldnt stop.
Yammat sat on the training room floor, being lonely like always. He found a shadow and gestured it toward him. The darkness slowly crept towards him. Yammat held his hand up, gesturing 'stop', and the shadow did so. With the raising of Yammat's hand, the structure rose to take form. First a dog, then a bird, back to a dog. "Damn, I love dogs..." He smiled as he pet the shadow dog. Not the same feel, but just as comforting. Yammat lowered his hand down and the dog sank into his shadow. Yammat tilted his head. "Wow. Such darkness. Much sinking." He turned to the clock and squinted. "Do they...have combat training?"
The time for class seemed to tick by slowly... it didn't help that Kamryn couldn't even focus enough to create the shadow of an illusion for herself. When the trainer had come in to work with her personally they were terribly disappointed in her and Kamryn couldn't help but feel just a little bit miserable... she shouldn't have her mind on what was outside of this facility- this place was her home, all she had ever known and all she ever wanted to know. 'You keep telling yourself that Kamryn, it'll become true eventually.' She thought to herself.

When it was obvious that Kamryn would have no luck she was informed that she was not allowed dinner tonight and that she should leave the classroom and think about what was going wrong with her. Kamryn tried not to hang her head as she left, rubbing at her eyes since they had begun to sting. It was an uncomfortable sensation, sadness... something that she rarely ever felt ad that was hard for her to understand. Why couldn't she just have focused? What was wrong with her?

Having nothing better to do Kamryn headed outside. It was against the rules, technically... but then technically she should be in class, working on her illusions so she figured she couldn't get into too much more trouble now. The sun was warm on her skin and she took a seat, staring out towards where she knew the walls of the establishment would be but couldn't see because of the length of trees between her and the wall. She took a seat in the grass, resting her chin on her knees and allowing her thoughts to continue to buzz- the harder she tried to hold onto any one thought the less she could focus on any of them so she just let them run rampant.

Escape. Is it possible? Would we be able to? What if we did? What's out there? Troy said some of us had human parents. Do I? Was he even telling the truth? And what about the ones who don't... do they have Kraya parents? Or were they made from test tubes like we've been told for so long? Who was Troy anyways?

Her eyes continued to burn as she thought and when she rubbed at them again she found them to be moist. Absolutely confused and a little bit mortified that her eyes were leaking, she pressed her face into her knees. Maybe she really was broken.
Jo fell on her knees, she had drained herself completly, she completly exhausted, covered in sweat, She layed in her room for a while trying to catch her breath back. Some teachers came in to ask her some regular questions to know everything was ok. Then left her there until the class was over.

She sat there in the small room thinking. Things on her head felt more clear after training.

"My first memories are here, this is where I belong. I have no family, and even if I did Kraya or human, they are not real family, they probably couldnt recognize me, maybe Im not using the same face as when I was born, maybe I dont have the personality I used to have.....its all messy inside. I have 100o faces and voices, not even I know which one is the real me...The only real things for me are here, inside this school. And not Trish, or whatever his name was, nor anyone can take that from me"
Ignis stood in a fire proof chamber. This was the only place he could show his true emotions without hurting someone, and he was ready to let them out. With the furiosity of beast he let out a earthshaking war-like cry. Flames filled the room within seconds.
Zak and the rest of the students in the Physical classroom go all out on their training dummies, after only a few seconds the sound of the dummies being torn and crumbling echo through the hall. After a few minutes of this, the professor at the front blows another whistle, and the Krayas back off from their targets, trying to catch their breath after the exercise while the professor examines the destruction. Zak looked a little shocked that his dummy seemed to have gone completely missing after his onslaught, there was nothing left but a crater in the ground.

When the professor arrived at Zak's station, he was quite impressed, and highly praised Zak's work, partly because he had been the first student in a long time that didn't even leave a mess, and that he was more often than not barely trying through the exercise. To encourage him to behave this way more frequently, he gave Zak the rest of the class off to relax, which took him by surprise again, but he enjoyed the lapse in routine.

Zak, however, wouldn't repeat his performance, he tried to exert himself to his full potential to test if he had become more powerful, and made a mental note to continue his sabotage of the classroom the following day. With a wide grin on his face, he leaves the class room and continues down the hall of the facility, he knew exactly where he wanted to spend his rare free time.

As he walks past the many training doors, he finally reaches the outside where he had done his physical training in the morning, as he walks out he stretches his limbs wide and breaths deeply, his hide crawling up and down his arms as he stretches. Satisfied, he was about to turn back into the facility when he sees Kamryn sitting on the hill, curious, he walks up to her. "Hey, you alright?"
Kamryn jumped in surprise, not having expected to hear a voice so suddenly. She supposed she should have been listening for footsteps but her mind was so full of thoughts that sounds hadn't registered for her until Zak spoke. Remembering that there was something wrong with her eyes she kept her face buried in her knees as she spoke, attempting to speak up so that Zak would be able to hear her anyway.

"I'm fine. Training didn't go well today because I couldn't focus so the professor told me to leave." What was wrong with her voice? That... couldn't really be how it sounded- all high-pitched and wobbly? What was going on? At least for this it wasn't like it hadn't happened before but the professors said once she learned to control it she would never feel this way again. And yet.... still, that should suffice the Kraya enough that he would hopefully leave her alone now... but for some reason she kept talking anyway, wanting to steal this moment of someone else's time for herself.

"They're disappointed in me. I worked so hard not to be disappointing and yet I could focus because of what Troy told us. I'm wondering if what Troy told us broke me somehow because there's something wrong with my eyes and there's something wrong with my voice and I really don't know what to do." Kamryn finished, her head remaining buried in her knees She wondered if that would scare the Kraya off... well that's what she wanted, wasn't it? Right now Kamryn wasn't so sure.

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