Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Yammat felt a tug at his flags and yanked it back. He found a girl pulling on the flag, but when he turned, Zak was pulling the flag. "MY FLAGS!!" Yammat yanked the flags out of both of them. "Sorry, lady! Soryy Zak!" He left by jumping tree to tree. He won't let anyone grab his flags. He won't even trust Zak. He might give it to Kamryn. Aaahhh....Kamryn. Now is not the time to fantasize! MOVE! "Gotta run! Gotta run! Gotta run, run, run! Gotta run! Gotta run! Gotta run, run, run! Gotta run! Gotta run! Gotta run, run, run! Gotta RUUUUUN! Gotta run, run, run!" Yammat's singing apparently attracted attention, because he started getting fire and ice shot at him. "Shit!" Yammat moved faster.
Kamryn was shocked and honestly hurt by Jo's words. She was kind of in a daze when Jo ran off, not really knowing why she had... the absolute denial was kind of a shock to Kamryn. Didn't Jo want to know what the outside world was like? Kamryn did agree on one front, this was where Krayas belonged... but she wanted to know what the outside world might hold. She wanted to know more about herself... if Krayas really came from humans. There was so much she wanted to understand and staying here meant she would never be able to understand.

Kamryn pushed herself to her feet... without Jo to drag around the space around her seemed very empty. There was a buzzing that had picked up in her ears and she shook her head to clear it, finding herself a bit annoyed that she had been so strongly affected by Jo's decision. Why would Jo want to leave? It was dangerous out there.. it was dangerous and it could cause trouble for the Krayas here if the Krayas that escaped were caught... but Kamryn had thought Jo was her friend... would she really turn them in?

'Goes to show you're too trusting, Kamryn.' She thought to herself angrily. Krayas don't have friends... they only truly depend on themselves and they take care of other Krayas when it was necessary but no one is really your friend. You can't really trust anybody but herself. Feeling worse for wear Kamryn began to wander around idly, avoiding placed with a lot of chaos, battling, or emotion and just sticking to the more secluded areas. Was it wrong of her to want to leave? Was it so bad to be selfish for once?
Zak stumbles back awkwardly and falls over with the girl still in his grasp. Yammat, for some reason, had turned almost fanatical about protecting the flags, which was good, he thought. The Chameleon that he was just trying to pull off his flag seemed to be going in some crazy fluctuation, and Jo rushes over to call the Guards to help. Yammat was being shot at again by some Elementals and Jo collapses as she tries to help the spasming Kraya and the Guards rush over. It felt like everything was going everywhere at once, complete chaos. After what seemed like forever, a siren rang out across the facility, indicating that the game was finally over, Zak doesn't even need to will his power back, it just recedes due to his exhaustion. It was a long day, and he was happy the game was finally over, at the moment he couldn't care less if he won or lost, he sees many of the other Krayas leave the foresty area to go inside to shower and have dinner, he was about to leave and join them when he notices the girl that was trying to take his flags on the ground. He turns and reaches his, now normal, arm out. "Need a hand?"
Yammat stopped at the bell. That WOULD be a good move...if the Fire Elemental didn't shoot another flame. now given Yammat's track record, he should not've been surprised, but burnt. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Yammat screamed in agony as the fire continued burning his right arm....awwww, now he can't hold a weapon for a good time. Rage started filling him. He couldn't contain it. The darkness was consuming him. "N-no! SHIT!" He let out a roar before darkness shot up and pierced the heavens. Yammat cloaked himself in darkness as armor, which looked like a gargoyle. He let out another cry before lunging at the Fire Elemental, shoving his forearm into the Elemental's neck. A fatal blow. The wind from all the motion seemed to put the flame out, but it would still be scarred. The Ice Elemental ran in fear as Yammat destroyed any and/or everything around him. He din't care. Yammat's not even aware of what's going on outside of his mind. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAGH!!!"
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Kamryn flinched back as darkness shot into the sky. "Yammat?" She thought, considering he did have the ability to control darkness... but maybe it was just something weird going on. She headed in the direction of the darkness though her instincts were screaming at her to run away. She would have, really, if she hadn't considered that it was Yammat. Well... maybe she would have out of curiosity but this was some serious darkness and a seriously dangerous situation...

Her heart pounding and adrenaline spiking in her veins Kamryn continued to move closer, avoiding the dark tendrils that would shoot out randomly. Whatever was going on they weren't aiming directly at anything anymore... or maybe they were. A short moment later a Kraya went sprinting past, causing wind to push hair into Kamryn's face. Blinking she turned to look at what she was running from but could only see a massive wave of darkness.

It was terrifying... like the light had been sucked from the world. Kamryn took a step back before realizing she wasn't going to have time to run. So she went out on a limb... she couldn't see who was controlling it but she only knew of one Kraya who could and she was pretty sure that Kraya's abilities were unique to them. "Yammat? Yammat?! Hey!! What are you doing?!" Kamryn called, waving her arms as the giant wave of darkness came closer.
Jo woke up in the infirmary feeling light-headed and weak. She looked outside of the window. The game was still going, she hadnt passed out for long, just a few minutes probably. She wondered how much time was left of the game. Not much now for sure......

She looked at the guard near her bed.

-" You did well saving your fellow student's life" - he said.

-"Thanks..."- She said, at least her last efforts werent just a waste of time... She sighed.

-" "man, I swear if my health was any worse I'd be dead already...."

Jo heard over the next room, her face lit up and she couldnt help but to smile widely as she jumped off the bed and reached for the owner of the voice. She almost tripped while getting there. She was already losing her breath again when she arrived.

-"DAR!"- she almost said with a crying voice. It was normal to see him in the infirmary but she was just glad she could see him after such an exhausting day. She saw the doctor was still on the room so she tried to calm herself down. For just a second it felt like this day could finally improve. Though she was still very hungry, now she could wait calmly for the bell to ring ....She wondered what happened to Kamryn now that Jo was there...She hoped some guard had given her the update of Jo's condition....
Darekk was staring at the doctor while he checked his health, he had made this so much times it was already an habit.

- "man, I swear if my health was any worse I'd be dead already"

he had arrived about half an hour ago and missed all the activities up to war games, which annoyed him, but it was no big deal, after all, he probably didn't knew anyone.

- "Ok, you're good, just take care of your health" - the doctor told him with a careful look in his eyes, the same look almost everybody gave him when they knew about his powers, he was about to leave the infirmary when someone said his name...

"DAR" He looked back and saw Jo in one of the beds, his only friend, she looked okay but he was still kind of worried she was there....

" Hey!why are you here? What did I miss?Whose ass do I have to kick?" He said to her with a worried smile.
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"Mine" Jo said in giggles "I just over did my powers...I was too tired and tried to save someone; this is what I get fro being the Hero" She sat down next to Darekk, she wouldnt bother to look at him, the height difference was so much it would probably end up hurting her neck.

"Its been a crazy day Dar... "
she paused "Now is not the time to talk about it, we should wait, in no time now the bell will ring and the game will be over; sit with me at lunch, I need to update you" She glanced at him and ruffled his hair "If you could only stop gettig sick, sometimes I worry I'll lose my only friend here" She smiled.
Mac heard some talking down the hall of the health ward and went to go see what was up. The doctor attempted to protest, but Mac just looked at him and said, "I'm fine doc, go check on another one of your patients. Your studies about whatever happened can wait." Mac approached the girl that was talking to another boy. "Hey, the name's Mac. I couldn't help overhearing that you had saved someone on the field today. That was probably me, thanks. But seeing you also in a hospital bed worries me, what happened?"
Jo snaped to the voice of someone else. She was surprised it was the guy from before.

"Dont worry about me, Im not hurt at all, just tired and hungry" She responded with a smile, she was glad he didnt look too bad either. "I overdid my powers' time limit, and fainted." She felt a little embarrased that the chamaleons were the ones ending up in the infirmary during the game. And it was a bad timing too, she had finally told Kamryn how she felt about the escape plan, but she wasnt sure how she took it. She was also curious to see how Yammat and Zak did... She remembered he was the one fighting Yammat's darkness.

"My name's Joey, but call me Jo" She said softly.
Darekk looked at the guy with a suspicion to his eyes. However he ignored him and continued talking to Jo.

"Ha, you wouldn't get rid of me that easily, if I die I would haunt you as a really lazy ghost" Dar said laughing looking back at Jo he was still worried about her, it had been a long time since she had passed out from using her powers, and there was something that made him feel "uneasy"

-"anyways, a crazy day huh? if even you tried to play the hero then that's something I want to hear about" he said He started to feel dizzy again, but he closed his eyes and breathed calmly as he had learned to do, after a while he started to feel better, he wished he had a better health but it had been like this since he remembered, he felt kind of guilty for leaving Jo alone whenever he was sick but there was little he could do about it . "I'd still want to be here more often...." he muttered as he glanced back at the 2 people now with him in the room.
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"Since we met as children here, your health has been a problem , but you always managed to protect me...even when it seemed impossible..." Jo said in a nostalgic voice. And before she could say anything else, she heard the sound of the bell, announcing the end of the game. It had felt longer than the usual team classes*. Jo could bearly hear over the sounds of her hungry stomach. "Come on, we can rest and eat now, I must tell you what happened today. Its been eating my thoughts up." Jo got off the bed, she paused a second and grabbed Darekk's hand "Off we go" She said, but as she tried to pull him with her, not only she failed to move him an inch but she also almost tripped. "Kamryn makes it look so much easier..." she thought to herself as she blushed. She looked outside the window before leaving the infirmary, she saw all the students gathering around the field, nobody died apparently, that always counted as a win for everyone in Jo's head.

((*OOC: In all fairness, its been 10 pages guys.))
Dar saw amused how Jo was trying to drag him to wherever she wanted to go this time, when she walked out the infirmary he followed her laughing a little, he started to think about whatever had happened while he was gone, Jo was acting like this was a big thing and honestly that didn't happen often, it was starting to make him feel uneasy " Well, I guess I'll find out when we're eating, I wonder how much new people are there this time" He thought

Now people, that's something he wasn't good with, since he had memorie he had never felt really comfortable around anyone, Jo was an exception though, but mostly he always looked for quiet places where no one else was around, even now something was telling him to turn around and go somewhere else, the idea of a crowded cafeteria wasn't really what he would consider a comfortable place for him

Still, he kept walking behind Jo and his mind kept coming back at the idea of meeting new people in less than five minutes which made him feel sick again, to distract his mind he decided to chat a little with Jo "So....Anyone new this year that's interesting? What's new?" He said
Yammat couldn't hear Kamryn. All he heard was the sounds of screams and things breaking. Yammat let out another howl before throwing a Chameleon at a tree branch. Guards arrived and attempted to subjugate him. They barely did it. The environment and some Kraya were destroyed as well. Yammat groaned and fell to the ground. He heard of his friends crying in his head, and he was consumed with grief.
Mac didn't bother Jo any more. She seemed to be entranced with this other guy, although he didn't know what she saw in him. He looked around the room for something else to do, because he knew that as soon as he went back to his bed, the doctor would begin his tests. Mac could care less about this new Paradign figure. It was unnecessary for a Kraya to ever tap into that power.

Suddenly, Mac noticed the girl who had helped him out earlier. He walked over to see how she was doing. Noticing her hat on the ground, he picked it up and set it on the table next to her. Mac wasn't sure if she was just resting, or unconscious, so he decided to thank her, if she could hear him, "Hey, it's Mac. The guy from the capture the flag tournament. I just wanted to say thanks for your help. I hope you're doing alright, and that I might get your name eventually. I forgot to ask during the commotion. So… thanks."
Noticing that there was no chance and no reaction from the mass of darkness approaching Kamryn's instincts kicked in and she turned and began running in the opposite direction.That is, until, the Guards were able to get him under control and Kamryn was just barely enough out of range that the destruction Yammat caused didn't quite reach her. The guards began dragging Yammat away, probably planning to lock him in solitary confinement or some sort of punishment for losing control of his powers. Kamryn chased after them.. not really thinking about what she was doing before she was slipping into their minds and causing an illusion for them to go chase after that was more important than bringing Yammat under control.

Kamryn didn't really notice the sounds in the area... she wasn't really paying attention. What she really wanted to know was what had caused Yammat to go so berserk. She attempted to link with his mind but found a dark barrier around it... even though he didn't appear to be fully conscious. Beginning to half drag/half carry Yammat in the direction of the hospital wing Kamryn continued to push at Yammat's mind, trying to find a way in and figure out what was going on.

See, her powers worked in the way where she could get an idea of what illusions to create by getting an impression of the person... so she was hoping that she could get an impression of Yammat's mind on the thought that perhaps that might explain to her what was going on with him.
Yammat was walking around a white...area? Room? Whatever, it was some space, and it was white. He felt a singing pain on his arm. "Irk! heheh...must still hurt...even when dreaming." Yammat laid down on his back and smiled. "Y''s been a while since i dreamt. Let alone a have a good one." Yammat stretched and yawned. " too pissed, huh? Ah well. On the upside, it's all over..." The only way he could tell was because he hurt all over now, but it wasn't nearly as bad as burning arm. Yammat laid back and remembered the fun at the game, before the little slaughter fest. Fighting with Zak, punching holes in trees, making giant monsters, and things of the like. Upon reminiscing, he heard a voice; it constantly called his name. Somewhat irked, and offended, Yammat replied, "You've reached the psychological residence of Privileged Information, otherwise known as 'P.I'. Please leave a message. When you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press-" Wait. That was Kamryn! "Kamryn!? Is that you!?" Yammat shook his head in disbelief. " do I know it's really you?"
Kamryn froze, surprises when she heard a response. The shock almost had her pulling back but she stopped herself, this was improvement. Hearing Yammat meant there was some sort of communication- never mind that it seemed to echo inside her mind. How to prove it's her, though... that was an interesting question.

'Well how do you know it's not me?' She responded as she continued to pull him towards the hospital wing. They had made it off the field by now and Kamryn was once again thankful for physical training, she probably wouldn't be able to have made it very far otherwise. 'I don't think there are any other Kamryn's around that would take the time to bother you... are there? I mean... I haven't met any. And why would someone masquerade as me? I'm not really the coolest of people, you know.'
Yammat nodded and got up. "Well...aaahhh I got nothing." Yammat blushed when he heard that Kamryn DECIDED to take her tame to reach his It was creepy, but kind nonetheless. After all, she is most likely going to have questions about his little rage mode. At this point he was hoping he wasn't blushing in reality, but that can wait for later. Yammat deciding to aim right at the heart of the matter. "I guess this is about my little 'f'it'?" He chuckled a bit, despite knowing better. He at least killed six people, and probably injured a good majority of the rest. "Sorry 'bout that..." Yammat's voice suddenly went remorseful. "Seriously, this what happened to me, and what I did?"
Kamryn allowed a small victory at Yammat accepting that it was really her. On the outside her mind registered that there was a conversation going on in the hospital room and she was faced with the decision of possibly being distracted by them so she paused outside the door.

'This is kind of about what happened, yes, but Yammat... are you ok? What happened?'

Kamryn asked... it was kind of surreal to be talking to Yammat even though physically he was akin to unconscious.

'I just want to understand what's going on. The guards were taking you away and I didn't know what they were going to do to you... because you hurt people but why? It's like something came over you- you didn't even notice me- but like, that's not the issue... you didn't really seem to notice anything!'
Yammat summoned a chalk board and drew a brain, Kamryn probably couldn't see it, but it helped him. "My power is linked to my mind. More specifically the part of the mind that release hormones when your mad or sad. I'm gonna use anger for this. The more pissed off I get, the powerful I am. On the other side, if I get too pissed, then I go completely berserk and destroy everything. It's not that I don't listen to people, it's that I CAN'T. I can't recognize anyone while in that state." Yammat looked down and sighed. "The me. Probably plan on either sending to solitude, executing me, or bring to some lab for further examination....can I get my wounds treated please?"

The guards learned they were tricked and went to look for Yammat. They concluded to go search the hospital first, considering he would want that burn to heal ASAP. Upon arriving at the hospital, they kicked down the door and started their search for Yammat. "Apprehend the Yammat and bring him to Mr. Troy immediately!"
Kamryn snapped back to the present for two reasons... one was the guilt of being selfish enough to want to know about Yammat more than she wanted him healed and the second was the sound of guards. But... they said to bring him to Troy? Why Troy?!

Kamryn thought quickly, trying to think of a way to keep Yammat safe but... if he was dangerous then maybe it was for the best that they take him away. Maybe they could help him?.... Kamryn locked that in her mind so that she had the strength to stand and call for the guards. Her eyes were burning but she ignored them and stepped aside as the guards lifted Yammat between the two of them.

They left her without a backwards glance and Kamryn wondered if she'd get into trouble for what she had done or not. Either way Kamryn headed the rest of the way into the infirmary to hunt down a medical kit and then ran back to the guards, glad that Yammat's weight slowed them enough that she hadn't lost them. She pushed it into one of their hands, realizing more likely then not she wouldn't be allowed to follow along. But she wanted Yammat to be healed so she could at least attempt, right?

The guards glowered at her but snatched the medical kit from her before brushing her off and continuing their trek to Troy's.
Yammat felt a transition. He must've been handed off to someone else, but he didn't care. He also felt his wound being treated. That's nice, but is Kamryn okay? She has to be. He would've woken up if a loud noise, like gun shots or screaming occurred. Yammat closed his eyes and went back to sleep. 'Nap time...' Yammat thought as he smiled peacefully. Yammat slowly closed his eyes and checked his arm. Bandaged and all better feeling. His environment...dark....sanitary, so there's a bonus...filled with scientists, Troy's here-WAIT! "Troy...? Troy!?" Yammat got up, but grabbed his arm in pain...the skin was still sensitive. "Grr...shiiiit..." Yammat shook his head. "Forgive my language...w-what are you doing here?"
-"Dar... there was a new teacher today, but he was different. He started talking about things that teachers arent supposed to talk about...talking about the world outside. Putting ideas of escaping in other people.. " Jo paused for a while as they arrived to the cafeteria. "I heard some students talk about escaping, talked to some of them even, I tried to stop them but... I dont tihnk I acomplished much" Jo looked at Darekk "Some people here dont understand how this place works when nobody is watching....." She couldnt say anything else, words wouldnt come out of her mouth. She felt like the walls had ears and the floor had eyes. She had a bad feeling shivering across her body. She looked at Darekk with the same look she did when they were children. Teary eyes, and a confused heart.
While Darekk listened to Jo talking about a new teacher and people talking about escaping, he felt worried but a little hopeful at the same time, past experiences told him it was not a good idea, but still, there had to be more to it, he was sure, a better place where Jo could live peacefully, he owed her that much at least, but still, he would have to be careful about it, last time didn't go well and because of that she was completely scared about the outside world "Maybe it's not time yet, but there's still a possibility" Dar thought

When she finished talking Dar realized she was on the verge of crying, he hugged her and said "Hey there, everything's going to be alright, we'll figure it out" he patted her head and continued walking towards the cafeteria, they were near the door when his stomach growled "Damn, I didn't realized how hungry I was" he said

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