Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Darekk sat quietly eating, he wished the food was better but he was so hungry he almost didn't cared, he started thinking about his powers and how little he knew about them, he had always though that his power was creating illusions, but after he had discovered a few weeks ago about being able to access to peoples memories he was starting to doubt even that "Dar, access my memories and remember the faces that Im thinking about, might come in handy if you run into them.." He heard Jo saying and he wondered if she was serious, but by just looking at her face that doubt went away, so he started focusing as he had practiced before and started seeing faces, no one he really knew but there was so many people he didn't knew he started to feel curious.

His stomach growled again "Damn, I can't focus with my stomach empty" He muttered while dark thoughts about what would happen now went to his head, he ate quietly while considering what he would do that afternoon, he'd probably go early to his room and maybe do some exercise or practice with his sword, hell he may even go for a run outside, he needed fresh air urgently.

He looked around, there was a bunch of people in the cafeteria but none of the faces he saw in Jo's thoughts "Hey...Where are the others?I mean, the ones you showed me, did I forgot any part of our schedule? You know how bad my memory is" He said
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"Come on, you're far from mental, well, in the bad sense I mean. As for connections, I had no connection to Yammat while it happened. However, I do have this image of the girl that helped me imprinted on my mind. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. I haven't really tried accessing it again. I would guess that it's pretty hard from the doctor's description." Mac closed his eyes for the sake of fun and tried to find the Paradign in his mind. Not really putting his heart into it, Mac began to open his eyes when suddenly he felt his consciousness jolt back deep into himself. Again, he heard the same voice as from the first incident echo in his mind. He cried with the voice of the eagle and the tiger. He opened his eyes, hoping it would go away, but found himself on fire again. Yet he wasn't burning this time. This isn't what he wanted. Mac clenched his eyes and concentrated on the thought of human form, climbing out of the pit of his mind. He finally solidified his normal form and looked to Kamryn to make sure he hadn't set her on fire.
Yammat laid back against the wall and looked at the ceiling. "So when do we start?" Troy had seemed to make the best of this disaster, surprisingly. Yammat was a monster, and Mac was a god? Polar opposites. "Y'know, wise guy in a book I read said, 'One with too much power can either be a god, or a monster, and I'm no god.' An off topic question..." Yammat lowered his head to look at Troy. The look on his face made ice look warm. "...why did you mention escape on the first day?"
Kamryn jumped back in fear and surprise as Mac burst into flames. "Mac! I wasn't being serious! What the heck are you doing?! Don't access the Paradign you might get us killed stop it what is going on!" Kamryn said, her words running together as she stared at Mac in horror... flinching as he made a rather strange sound. She couldn't pinpoint what it was but it sounded distinctly animal. Flailing her arms Kamryn looked for something to put out the flames but... they died down before she had the chance. She stood staring at Mac, terror still in her features.

Troy smiled even though Yammat's face had taken on that of absolute seriousness, a strange chill to it that Troy had really only seen on some seriously tortured adult faces. "I mentioned it because it was asked about. There's no more reason to it then that." Troy said smoothly, his tone soft as he spoke. "You shouldn't overthink such simple things- no one has ever escaped from this place because no one has ever tried. Now, back to when you start- you're being given time off to recuperate from this ordeal but you'll be expected to begin soon."
Seing Kamryn was relatively unharmed. Mac looked deep into the palms of his hands. What had he just done? It couldn't be that easy. He would need to be more careful from now on if that was the case. "I'm so sorry Kamryn, I just let the thought mingle in my mind for a while. I guess I put a little too much effort into the thought. But that was the easiest transformation I've ever had. I thought it was supposed to be hard to reach. Now I'm just confused. But don't worry, i've got it under control, now that I know what to expect. You know I didn't mean it, right?" Mac extended a hand to help her up off the ground.
Yammat immediately caught a contradiction. He said people had tried to escape before, but they just failed. That means that either: A, Yammat has poor listening skills, or B, Troy had something planned. Either way, he didn't like it. Oh well, now he wanted to get out of here and to wherever-the-hell he was to go. "....May we go now, sir? I'm eager to start 'training'." Yammat brought one of the many shadows in the stone room, then created a battle-axe...scythe...thingy. He didn't come up with a name, despite it being an original design. "No threats intended."
Kamryn looked at the hand a moment before accepting it and allowing Mac to help her up. "I'm glad you're alright... you kind of scared me." She gave a small smile at his question. "Of course I know you didn't do that on purpose... unless you've been keeping your Paradign ability a secret." Kamryn shook her head at the thought though... she doubted that anyone would be able to hide such a thing from the scientists. "Did you really mean what you said about visiting Yammat?" She asked quickly, wanting to change the subject before she began to dwell on the whole 'Paradign' thing... it wasn't something Kamryn wanted to think about with other people around.

"Yes, Yammat, you may leave now. I just wanted to ask those questions and you have answered them." Troy said, getting up and opening the door for Yammat. He eyed the shadow weapon that Yammat had created but it was more out of interest then it was of fear or uneasiness. "No threat taken. You have quite a gift." Troy mused as his eyes traced the weapon slowly.
Jo stood up and looked at Darekk "Im not sure where they are... maybe something happened after I left with Mac. Im fine with not seeing them in the rest of the day..." She rubbed her face as she took a deep breath. "I think I'll go to the showers, if I get there earlier I might get some warm water...maybe some time alone. I know you can understand that..." She smiled at Darekk.

She took a shortcut to get to her room to pick up her clothing from the rooms and had to the showers before more people finished their meals. She was always too lazy to get more clothes dirty after the shower, and she hated the idea of wearing what she wore during training. So she usually took her bunny pajamas until the end of the day. She had a long night ahead.

For once things felt like they were back on the routine, even if it was the end of the day. The showers were empty "Yes!" she thought to herself, most people would just now be heading to the cafeteria or half way throught their meals. She vanished and stood still under the warm water. She felt calmed and happy. There, where no one could see her,for the first time today, even if it was for a short time, she smiled an honest smile.
Mac relaxed, glad that kamryn hadn't been offended. "You're glad I'm alright? I was the one that went all Paradign, I'm just glad you're alright, and no, I didn't even know about the Paradign before this. We'll figure it out eventually though. Of course I meant what I said about visiting Yammat. I make it a point to be as honest as I can. I pretty much said why during the meeting. Did you mean it too?"
Yammat bowed politely. "Thank you." He walked passed Troy, then opened the door. "Aaahhhh! Fresh air!" He walked further and saw Mac and Kamryn. "Yo! Guys!" He sped up to a fast jog so he could catch up to them. Kamyrn was looking as beautiful as always, and Mac was always giving that friendly smile. They both seemed live and well. He heard something about the Paradign. "What about the Paradign?"
After Jo left Darekk decided that as soon as he finished had she called it? Tasteless goo, he would go and walk a little, maybe find a quiet place, and then go out for a run, he had to do some exercise after losing all the day after all, he finished his food and left the cafeteria.

He started thinking about his nightmares again, they felt so...real, almost like a memory, but no, it couldn't be, he met Jo in there, not outside, more than that, he had never been outside.

Besides, that was not important right now, he just had to become more strong, become better at fighting and using his sword, he had to be good enough to never use his powers again, his powers.....they could be cool and all that, but they were something he felt he couldn't control, and he hated things he couldn't control, he didn't like to leave things to chance, his luck was so rotten everything he left to chance always went wrong.

Darekk was so lost in his thoughts he didn't heard the voices until they were around the corner, he got closer, trying to listen.

".....I said about visiting Yammat. I make it a point to be as honest as I can. I pretty much said why during the meeting. Did you mean it too?" the voice said

....He knew that voice, where did he heard it before?....ah, the infirmary guy " I think I was a little harsh on him by ignoring him the first time, but I was a little annoyed by the medical check" he though " I should apologize "

He went around the corner and saw him talking with a girl, he recognized her from Jo's memories, he approached them feeling a little nervious since he didn't talk a lot with...well, he didn't talk a lot, that's it

"Hey" He said in a low voice, clearing his throat he continued talking " Uhm, sorry about my attitude back at the infirmary, I was....annoyed by the doctor, anyways, I'm Darekk, missed all morning because I was sick "
Kamryn had been ready to respond when she heard Yammat call out to them. She just smiled and nodded at what Mac had said earlier before stepping to the side to give Yammat room to walk between them. "We were just talking about accessing it and how it's a little dangerous and stuff." Kamryn said, glad that Yammat had caught up. Not that she didn't enjoy Mac's company, but it was nice to have several friends around (and yes, she counted Mac as a friend.... he seemed like a pretty cool guy and everything. So now she counted Mac, Yammat, Zak, and Jo among her friends... even if Jo didn't want to escape with them. She wondered if Mac would e game...). "Is everything going to be ok for you, Yammat? Does it bother you that you're gonna kinda be isolated?"

Kamryn looked up in surprise, realizing that she had spoken over someone else. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to not notice you!" She said immediately, her face turning bright red at her ignorance.
"Woah, woah. Pipe down there boys and girls, this isn't drama-fest" laughed Mac, "First of all… Darekk? No need to apologize, I get it, I wasn't feeling the best either, otherwise I would have said hi to you to. So I have as much to say sorry for as you do. Second, I don't know if you've met my friends Yammat and Kamryn. You seem to be needing some company, so why don't you join us? We're all friends here."
Yammat shrugged and let a smirk show. "Meh...I like alone time. Furthermore, it's not like I'll be there all day! I still get to go to my class, but to be honest, I find taking me to anger management classes because I got pissed at someone hitting me with a fireball to be questionable." Man that was a lot. He took a look at his two friends. Friends...Really? Were they his friends? He was going to ask them about if they really meant to visit him, but then....Oh! New person! "Dar....ekk?" He held his hand, offering the newcomer to shake.
Darekk watched as everyone got along, it was kind of weird being around them, he wasn't used to it, when the guy that arrived last offered his hand he doubted for a second, but he shook it " Yeah, Darekk, you can call me Dar though, and you're....Yammat right? anyways, did I miss much? I hate missing things just because I'm sick" He said, they seemed interesting...maybe it wouldn't be so bad meeting new people...right?

Anyways, he was feeling curious about what the girl had just said, about accessing something, how was her name again?Kamryn? she looked like a nice person, maybe a little childish, but somehow he felt like he could trust her, she looked familiar yet completely alien " Uhm, Kamryn, what were you talking about? something about....access?" He asked, and quietly waited for her answer while studying her reaction
"You missed out on a really important event... or so Troy and other people think. The discovery of this thing that all Krayas apparently have- the Paradign. It's like this super form that could either make you a monster or a god..." Kamryn said. "These two unlocked it somehow during the last game...." She continued, bouncing on her toes at the thought... she was starting to question how she could unlock her own 'capabilities'... wanting to become extremely powerful like all the rest. She wondered how her powers would improve... the idea of being a monster did scare her to some extent but not enough to kill her curiosity. Pushing that side to think later she gave Darekk a smile. "Nice to meet you, by the way."
Mac smiled at the fact that they were all getting along, and Darekk seemed to be somewhat comfortable. "Ugh, and now the doc wants to experiment on me, and apparently Troy is doing some sort of lockdown for Yammat. I'm not sure how that's supposed to help. If only I had that escape plan fin… I mean, the quickest way to lunch found… Just, uh, food for thought." Mac reprimanded himself in his head, being sure to keep clear of his Paradign essence, or whatever it was. He needed more sleep, he couldn't be making these sort of slip ups, he was bound to be found out.
Yammat stayed back and watched Kamryn explain everything. He thought about everything that happened. It was a week, and he already had a crush, made a bunch of friends, who claimed to be loyal, got into a fight, killed someone, got into trouble, earned a place as the VIP test-subject, and earned the attention of most of the facility, if not all of it. Same could be said for Mac, for the most part. He heard Mac's remark about being a test subject and replied, "Yeah. We both got VIP test subject privileges." He let out an awkward laugh before realizing that wasn't funny. Yammat hung his head. "I'll...shut up." Though, Yammat couldn't help but respond to Mac's speak of lunch. "Lunch is nice...."
" Nice to meet you too" He said smiling, then he started to realize what she had just said, a "paradign"..... something that could make you a monster or a god, he definitely decided to stay away from it, he was sure if he stepped into that ground he would end up with the monster possibility, he flinched when he heard him talking about experiments.

"So....this Paradign thing, is it a thing for mentals too? it's just....I have bad experiences with experiments" He said with a weak laugh, he didn't want to show he was scared but he couldn't avoid asking that, he had to know if he was facing this thing as well, damn, he was hungry again, he tend to it a lot when he was nervous, it was like an impulse he couldn't avoid.

"Anyways, did someone mentioned food? because I'm hungry " He said with a smile trying to get the attention off his last question
Kamryn's stomach gave a small growl as well at the mention of food and she looked away from the others sheepishly. She wasn't allowed to have dinner tonight... And that was a painful thought almost in itself. "They said Paradign was a thing for everyone. I'm Mental too... but see, Yammat - who's an Elemental and Mac - who's a Chameleon have had the change so far... and they're the first to prove the theory so..... maybe it's not a mental thing." Kamryn said, trying to ignore the gnawing of hunger. "Way to be Very Important People... but then you already were, before the Paradign... now you're just VIPs on the Professor's lists!"
" Ah, okay, so.... it's just a possibility right now, sounds good" He said while feeling a little relieved, if this may be not a mental thing then he would not have to worry about it yet, now he could think more calmly about what would happen, and that escape thing Jo had mentioned....he would have to consider if it would be good to follow that thought, the idea of going outside felt....weird, like it was a bad idea, but that was nonesense, he didn't knew the outside world, how could he know

He decided he could think about that later, now he wanted to go chill at the cafeteria, maybe know them a little more, and go get some excercise, he needed to practice his fighting and sword skills, after all, he had to reduce his power use to the minimum, it was too risky for him to use it since he didn't have much control over it

" I think I want to eat some more, I'm somehow still hungry" He thought while hearing the others talk. " Let's go to the cafeteria, you all look hungry" He said
Yammat was confused by Kamryn's remark. What did she mean, 'before the Paradign'? That's how he and Mac caught the everyone's attention. "Ehhh...what do you mean by that? I was just 'The Guy Who Said Escape' before all this." Yammat shook his head and forced a smile. He widened his eyes a bit, hoping he could convince them. "Never mind. I'm hungry to. Let's eat." He walked over to the direction of the cafeteria.
Mac clapped his hands on Yammat and Darekk's shoulders, laughing genuinely at Yammat's joke. Anyways, the way he thought, with a light heart and the mindset not to hurt people, any joke deserved a good laugh. He looked to Darekk and said, "Everyone's had bad experiences with experiments, but I won't pretend to know yours. In that case, let's just make sure the profs don't take an interest in you then." He gave a knowledgable wink at Darekk, then looked to Kamryn and said, "Hey, you're all Very Important People in my book, Paradign or not. If it's a representation of your personalities, I'm sure yours will be awesome," Mac glared at Yammat when he mentioned escape. Had he heard what Mac had said? Was he mocking him? Or was it genuine? How could he know. "Yeah… to lunch then,"
"I uh... I'll have to meet up with you guys later." Kamryn said, giving them a sad smile. "And yeah... I meant like what Mac said- you guys were important to me ... or well would have been if I knew you before... even if you weren't the Paradign Krayas." Kamryn said, giving them a genuine smile. "I hope you guys have a good lunch!" Kamryn added, waving to them before turning to leave.
Mac looked back and said, "Gotcha, you must be busy Kamryn. See ya around… oh, we can swing by and drop something off for you to eat afterwards. It's not a healthy studying habit to starve yourself you know."

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