Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Yammat turned to Mac and noticed Kamryn and Jo. Yammat smiled, waved, and continued eating his food. He talked with some food still in his mouth, but covered it with his hand, so no food could get on Mac. " itsh okay." He swallowed and bowed his head. "Sorry." Yammat looked to the halls, wondering what it when the day of private training would come. "Most likely tomorrow..." He whispered and turned back to his friends. He felt safe around them. They stood up for him when Troy ordered Yammat's isolation. He wanted to pay them back dearly, but how? It was then when he remembered that Jo had a long absence from the rest of the group. "Hey, Jo. Where've ya been? It seems like forever since we last met." He let out a smile, unlike his usual expressions, this smile was warm.
Kamryn coughed, looking away from Jo. She hadn't meant to appear as anything but cheerful and that someone had seen through her... but then, maybe that's why she counted Jo as a friend so soon- because Jo seemed to see through her in ways no one else had. It always interested Kamryn that Jo mentioned the problem of never truly knowing herself but she read other people so easily... Kamryn noticed Yammat and Mac nearby and couldn't help but smile at seeing her friends again though her stomach gave an unpleasant lurch at noticing they were eating.

Hearing Yammat ask after Jo made Kamryn smile, finding it amazing how kind her could be even though he had had a rough time himself that day. All of her friends... Mac and Zak included... they were all so strong in their own ways and Kamryn just couldn't get over how glad she was to have them. Refraining from dragging Jo around Kamryn headed in the direction of the table, making sure to look anywhere but at the food. She smiled and waved to Yammat and Mac but remained quiet so Jo could answer the question.
Zak just smiled sinisterly when Yammat looked at him desperately to change the subject, he found the whole scenario particularly entertaining as Yammat squirmed at the question. He was happy that Jo and Kamryn had arrived, but he was also reminded how tired and late it was. Exhausted, he waves to Kamryn and Jo before simply saying "I'm a bit tired guys, I'm gonna get some shut-eye. Have a good night". He heaves himself up from the cafeteria table and walks to his dormitory and collapses on his bed.

(OOC: Hey guys, I just needed to get Zak out of the way for a bit cause I'm going to be away for a few days on a camping trip with a few of my friends, unfortunately there will be no internet so I wont be able to post :( though I should be back in 2 days)
Jo looked up at Yammat "Hey" she smiled, she wasnt sure what to say, her head was elsewhere, once more. She also saw Mac "Ah, you two know each other... " Jo paused as she had a small realization "The spider and the mouse!" she said in giggles. Then she started laughing when she realized her clothing "I guess that makes me the bunny" , She grabbed on Kamryn's pajama shirt and started pulling eagerly "I wonder what animals could fit You and zak and Darekk!" Jo snapped out of her little childish moment, she let go of Kamryn's shirt and shook her head smiling. She spaced out a lot during a day, but usually only Darekk was there to her her rant about random things, she blushed a little, and took a long breath to calm herself down. She looked up at the boys "Nevermind, Kamryn and I were just heading to the library"
So many people came that Mac missed Zak's exit. He hadn't really gotten much chance to know him anyway. But he did recognize Jo and Kamryn. He laughed at Jo's remark, "It looks like Chameleon's and rodents go together huh Jo? Although I think you pull off that bunny better than I did the mouse. And hey Kamryn, I thought you didn't want anything to eat? Or did you come to say something… to Yammat perhaps?" Mac winked at Yammat.
Kamryn flushed red, glancing away. "I uh... Sure, yeah, but Jo and I were ... we're just passing by and I wanted to come say hi to Yammat.... and you and Zak and... but Zak left so but." Kamryn tripped over her words, not understanding this particular reaction to Mac's question. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and attempting to will the warmth in her cheeks away. "Jo and I are heading to the library and figured we would come see how you guys were before continuing on our way." Kamryn said as her stomach grumbled once again. She glanced away from them, rubbing at her neck. "So... yeah. I'm thinking you guys are doing good so...."
Jo looked at kamryn a bit confused, with someone as enthusiastic as her, that sounded more like something Jo would say. She thought maybe Kamryn was more driven to get to the library than she had expected. "See you later or tomorrow" Jo shruged and started heading to the library, the sooner they got there the better. She was missing some quiet silent time. When they got there Jo spotted Darekk reading a book. She recalled telling Kamryn to talk to him but Jo asnt sure if she would use this opposrtunity or preffer to wait later, after all she was acting a bit weird. Jo waved at Darekk as she smiled, she was worried that it would upset him if Kamryn decided to ask him about the outside world.

"Is there any specific book you want Kamryn, or will you walk around to find something you are interested?" Jo said genuinly wondering what type of book Kamryn liked to read, there wasnt much variety in the school, some if not most books were forbidden to Krayas fro having dangerous information, but Jo still enjoyed researching on different topics a lot. She was getting excited waiting for Kamryn to answer, thinking of what books she(Jo) would read today. She had done some volunteer work in the library several times so she spent a lot of time there time to time, seeing if any book would reveal interesting secrets.
Yammat glared at Mac. That was just cruel, but Kamryn's reaction was funny. Yammat chuckled at her blushing; she was so cute at that moment. When she and Jo left for the library, he turned to Mac and asked, "You are DETERMINED for the S.S. Yamrn to set sail, aren't you?" Yammat couldn't help but smirk. Mac's plan seemed to be gradually, emphasis on 'gradually', working. That mad genius! Yammat looked up and thought, 'I would LOVE to go up against this guy in Betrayal at House On The Hill.' He shook his head and checked if he had to sniffing himself. With a phew, Yammat turned to Mac and chuckled. "Speaking of things in water, I smell like dead fish. I best go shower. See yeah." Yammat got out of his chair, but didn't walk for a few seconds. During the pause, he blushed a bit and turned to Mac. "Oh...and uhhh....thanks." Obviously referring to Kamryn. He turned away and make a quick jog for the showers. Upon arival, he made a quick inspection, to see if no one else was around. "Yes...! Empty."
Darekk stared at the book page for about a minute before realizing he didn't knew what it talked about, he couldn't focus on reading, there were too many thoughts in his head, he couldn't even decide on what thought to focus, one moment he was thinking about this Paradign thing, and next he would be thinking about the new people he met, or maybe even at improving his sword skills, he started thinking a couple of times about bad dreams and his past but he stopped himself before that thought could become dangerous "Well, I guess I can't read like this, so might as well go train" Darekk thought

Just when he was about to close his book and get off to train somewhere else he saw Jo waving at him, she was with that girl he had seen earlier "How was her name....ah, right, Kamryn" he thought a little ashamed of his bad memory, he waved back with a smile, closed the book and walked towards them to say hello

"Hey Jo, cute pajamas" he said with a laugh "Sup Kamryn" he said while looking at her, she looked really pale what made him curious and kind of worried....why was he worrying? He barely knew her, but she seemed like a nice girl and he wouldn't want her to be sick "Uh, Kamryn, are you ok? you seem kind of pale" He said
Mac clapped Yammat on the back before he left. "I got your back buddy," Then he finished his food. Now he could start his studying for the escape again, so he went to his room, locked the door, and got out his map sketches and animal diagrams. He was feeling closer and closer to escaping each day. He just hoped nobody barged in on him.
"I'm fine... why do people keep asking me if I'm like not fine? I'm fine... really guys. No seriously..." Kamryn said, in a manner that didn't even convince herself. She shook her head. "Books I want to read... I think... yeah, I'm um going to go uh... hunt down a book. Or something. I uh... bye." Kamryn said before turning and heading toward the fantasy section so that the redness of her face wouldn't give her away absolutely. She allowed herself to wonder for a minute about going back and talking to Yammat but no... she kept to her word... she wanted to find a book, anyways. Her eyes began skimming titles, waiting for something to jump out at her. They really didn't have much in the Fantasy Section but they didn't really have much in any section that was really creative and open minded. Kamryn was beginning to wonder if that was because the scientists here were afraid of them getting ideas or if it was more along the lines of what she had thought earlier- there weren't as many 'creative' books as there was factual.
Jo felt a bit of agression from Kamryn, she wasnt entirely sure what was going on in her head but, she wasnt about to hunt her down to ask her. Whatever it was, it was obvious she would keep replying she was fine. She turned around and smiled at Darekk, he seemed to be leaving.

-" ..Dont mind her Dar, Im thinking maybe something from the cafeteria got her feeling sick.." Jo didnt entirely believe that anymore, given her lack of trust for people, she had doubts on the back of her head about what kind of person Kamryn really was. Jo thought maybe it was smart to take care of the words she speaked to everyone else, afterall they were still plotting to get out.....But then again, without anyone knowing, she also had some secrets behind her; some of which not even Darekk would know about. It was all about hiding for her, there was, afterall, a reason she tried so hard to train everyday. But some secrets must never leave the mouth of its owner...
"It's okay, I shouldn't have said anything anyways, I mean, I don't know her that much" Darekk said while looking at Jo, she looked cute in her bunny pajamas, he stared at her for an awkard moment while his mind wandered, when he realized what he was doing he looked away a little ashamed, he liked it when she smiled.

She had been acting strangely that day, he thought it was because of all that had happened that day but what if it wasn't?, it wasn't easy talking with Jo, if he asked the wrong questions she would shut herself and he would have silence for an answer, still, he wanted to know if she was alright so he just decided to ask directly "So....are you okay? you've been acting strange all day" He said with a shy look
Jo pasued for a bit for that question. "Im as fine as I can be after a day like this, of course I'd act different, this whole situation scares me so much Im afraid that if I think about it too much I'll just stop breathing..." She felt like it was nice to have someone like Darekk to worry about her but she still measured her words even with him. Though she knew he was a relyable person, afterall he had been there for her from the beggining... She wished she could be more honest to him sometimes, but she didnt even trust herself... She felt like adding something else to that answer but she decided to just go on with her research. "Im going to go get some books before the library closes" she said rapidly.

She stood on the tip of her toes and ruffled his hair. "I'll be just fine" she said, she smiled shortly and started walking throught the halls of the library, straight to the guard librarian. She looked around to see if she could spot Kamryn but diher didnt see her around, she probably headed to other way. She went to the guard that already knew her and handed her a book. "Thank you" she said as she walked away to find a table to start reading..
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Yammat washed himself while singing a beautiful baritone. "I'm siiiiiiingin' in the rain. I'm siiiingin' in the rain! What a glooooorious feeeling! I'm haaaaappy agaaaain..." He dried himself off while humming the rest of the tune.He went back to his room and put on his Pj's: just a long sleve black shirt with checkered green and grey pants, the his beanie was still with him. He looked at his book collection to see what he could read. "Blinding Knife, Psychology, Mythology, Zombie Survival Guide...I read all these. Y'know what? I wonder if they have The Broken Eye?" He scratched his hair and went to the library. O his way, people looked at him like he was some demon, or a new breed of human hatred. He didn't care. To him, they were just mindless sheep, being taken to a slaughter house. can't spell slaughter without laughter! Yammat chuckled at that thought and pressed onward to the library. He opened the doors and walked up to the counter, forcing himself not to notice anyone. "Where's your fantasy section?" The clerk pointed to a wall with your typical wooden bookcase. Her voice was high pitched and perky, as opposed to Yammat's low and smooth voice. "Right there. The books are organized by the author's LAST NAME." Yammat gave a thankful bow and headed toward the direction the clerk pointed. He looked for the author's name when he saw Kamryn. Yammat decided to leave her be. It'd be awkward at this point. "Brent Weeks. Brent Weeks. Brent Weeks....nope. not here." He turned around and pulled out his sketchbook. "I'll improvise..." , he whispered. At that point, Yammat knew how he could pay his friends back: he would draw a layout of the place. He's been around most of it, so it should be no problem. He quickly got to sketching the layout and looked for weak spots. Yammat whispered, "Best chance is the field where I lost it, provided the place has been condemned..."
Darekk stared at Jo as she walked away "Those pajamas...wait, is that a bunny tai..." He thought, then he snapped and quickly looked away, his face was bright red, what was he doing? why did he stared, so he walked out of the library thought about training his mental powers while he walked, he was trying to learn how to read minds from people who were unaware of his presence so they wouldn't resist him trying to do it, though he waited until there was not much people near, after all, too many minds made it way harder, and it was already exhausting with just one or two.

He started looking for minds when he was near his room, and there it was, that strange feeling that meant someone was near, well...more than someone, someone's thoughts, so he decided to focus on that mind and trying to read it, he felt bad for invading other people's privacy but he needed to train, as soon as he started he inmediately felt his strength being drained quickly, so he focused and started hearing "...Escape routs, this won't work, need more....." He managed to hear before his power faded and he was left depleted on the hall, he stumbled but managed to stay on his feet, he couldn't faint after hearing that, after all, as soon as he started reading that mind he knew who that was, it was that guy he had met earlier, Mac, he needed to know more about what he was planning to do, after all, he had been considering all day if trying to escape would do any good

So he walked to his room's door and stood there for a second "Damn, I shouldn't be doing this, I definitely should not be doing this" He thought as he knocked the door
Mac was contemplating escape routes, but he needed more time. During his thoughts, he felt something tugging at his brain. It was very light, and he hadn't noticed it at first until it started slipping into the pull of his Paradign. It was then that the tugging lost energy and disappeared, but Mac was left struggling to pull away from his Paradign self. What had made it so easy that was so hard before? Suddenly there was a knock on the door, helping Mac out of the struggle. Mac was relieved, then frightened again. There was someone at the door! It could be a guard, anyone! He hurriedly stuffed his maps and things into any hole he could find, then opened the door, still smoothing his close out. "There's nothing of importance here s… Darekk? W-what do you need?"
Kamryn was beginning to regret leaving them so abruptly... she had just mended things with Jo and then she just took off? But... well she was beginning to feel humiliated that she was being punished and that she was reacting so obviously... she just wanted to get away for a moment to think. She hadn't actually been planning on getting a book but she did need something to read and she was here now. A book at the bottom had caught her eye after moving from fantasy to sci-fi and pulling it out showed a pair of feet. Curious as to who else could be in the library at the moment Kamryn attempted to sneak a book out that was closer to eye level.

"Yammat?" She whispered in surprised before ducking down beneath the books, cheeks red. What if he saw her? She honestly didn't want to seem like she had been spying on him. That could go wrong in so many different ways... He might begin to find her creepy or something and not want to talk to her anymore.

Wondering what he was up to, nonetheless, Kamryn attempted to plan a way to bump in to him without seeming obvious...
Mac opened the door while looking first scared, then suspicious, and he said"There's nothing of importance here s… Darekk? W-what do you need?"

Darekk took a dep breath, and started saying"So...Uhm...Hi, I think we should talk"

But that didn't cut it, he had "heard" him planning on escaping, which was something that in here could be treated as a major crime, no one ever questioned their living there, not out loud at least, that was the deal, shut your mouth and you'll be safe

Since he saw Mac wasn't answering he said "Can I go in? We shouldn't talk out here about this"
Darekk tried to enter Mac's room, but Mac put his arm in front of the door with an uninviting look on his face. He hated to do this to Darekk, because he seemed like such a nice guy, but he couldn't let Darekk know about his escape plans, even if he would agree. Unless… was Darekk a mental?! Mac needed to be more careful about these things. Finally Mac took his hand from the door. Perhaps he just wanted to talk. "Sorry, I'm just a little jumpy right now, I almost slipped into Paradign again. So… what did you need buddy?"
As Darekk tried to enter the room Mac blocked the way with his arm, he really didn't want to talk about it outside but Mac was leaving no choice, he definitely had to talk about that with him, after all, he had some escape thoughts of his own, but he needed help, more than that, he needed someone to convince him that the right thing was to escape

But he couldn't let Mac know, he had put up a tough guy act and try to get all the information he could before giving his own, so he stared at Mac and said coldly "Mac, I know, and believe me, that's not something you want to talk here, after all, thoughts like that are not well received among the guards"
Shit, Darekk knows, thought Mac as he grabbed his friend by the collar and pulled him into the room. Mac leaned his head out the door and took a quick glance in both directions before slamming his door shut. Then Mac turned to Darekk, getting right into his face and backing him up against a wall. "You tell ANYONE and I'll… I'll tear your throat out… or something. You got that?!"

Mac's face trembled slightly as he said this. He really hated doing this to Darekk. The kid didn't seem to be having the best time as it was, and he was only making it worse. Which he hated doing. But it there was one thing about Mac that you did not mess with, it was his escape plans. He felt it was his moral obligation to do this to help the others. Any interference or knowledge of it could ruin all his work.
Mac grabbed him and pulled him into the room, then he made him back up and threatened him, who did this kid thinks he.... "Okay Darekk, calm down, he's just scared that you'll tell the guards, he's not a bad person" he thought while taking a deep breath, but still, he was close to losing it but he had to stay calm, after all he needed that information desesperately

Still, he couldn't show weakness if he wanted the info, so he pushed Mac back so he could have some breathing space and glared at him "First of all, tell me everything, I'll decide what to do after I know it" He said while trying to keep his anger under control, even though he was trying to avoid stating a fight, if Mac attacked him he wouldn't be able to stay calm anymore
Darekk tried to push Mac away. At first, Mac was going to push him back into the wall, but then he decided against it. The least he could do was give the kid a little room to breath. He had already made his point. Then Darekk spoke.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. I have to reveal all my hard work to you, and then you'll decide what to do? Do you take me for a fool Darekk? I would like to trust you, but the way you said that makes me wonder. If you're going to rat on me, then just do it, but don't waste my time giving me false hope."
Darekk stood silently as he spoke, he recognized the anger and frustration on Mac's words, after all, he had his bitter moments as well, so he took a deep breath and decided he would have to speak the truth in order to gain Mac's trust

"Ok, first of all, I'm not going to rat on you, you're a fool for even considering it, and I do know you're thinking on escaping, making plans" He said while looking at Mac

"Do you think you're the only one who thinks about escaping? I've thought about it as well, after all, there's got to be more than this, this can't be it" He said, and he truely believed what he was saying, this couldn't be all, just endless training, guards looking at them like freaks, tasteless goo every day, and what for? He had to find something better, for him, for all the krayas.....and for Jo, he owed her that much, besides, he couldn't explain why but he wanted her to be happy

"Though, this doesn't mean I'm helping you on escaping, not yet at least, for me to help we need to talk to Jo first, I'm not going anywhere without her" He said while blushing a little

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