Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

As if things couldn't get any worse, Darekk started dragging Mac down the hall. What was this, national drag-a-Mac day? Mac yelped in pain as his shoulder dragged across the floor, doing nasty things to his collarbone. Then Darekk pulled him into a closet and started interrogating him. "How did they discover you?"

Mac cast another angry, yet tear-filled glare at him. "You're the rat!" another shot of pain rattled his body. Mac had more to say, but then Yammat showed up. Yammat was part of it too? Probably just out for vengeance because of Mac's comments concerning Kamryn. Then Darekk left Yammat alone with Mac. Mac was bleeding from multiple scratches, and they stung because of his own sweat. Mac could no longer move his left arm, and he was left on the cold wet floor. Every breath opened a new door of pain. One of his ribs was probably broken. Now he understood what he was fighting for. This is what humans did to his people if they didn't behave. This was the only prize for wanting freedom.
Darekk barely noticed the principal speaking to him, or Jo next to him, then the guards dragged him out again, he tried to resist but his chest flared in pain as he tried to release his arms, the guards barely noticed his attempt to free himself

They dragged him onto another hall and dropped him in the floor "This is as far as I'm planning to drag a filthy Kraya, I don't care if he dies anyways" one of the guards said laughing and then they left

He was losing consciousness, but he couldn't let that happen, not yet, he saw a pair of students walking in the far end of the hall and managed to took what was left of his strength and yelled "Hey! Help!" and then he fainted

The students were surprised when they found an unconscious kraya on the floor but they managed to lift him and get him to the infirmary, where a doctor took care of him and started healing his wounds
Zak wakes naturally and lazily from his bed, rubbing his eyes as he adjusted to the sunlight streaming into his room. He woke like this most mornings, he had almost forgotten about the events of the previous day, and almost ignored a chilling yelp from somewhere outside in the corridors. Almost.

His eyes widen in shock as a little bit as he shakes off the drawl of sleep, quickly stumbling around his room as he dresses himself and goes to explore. Soon, he notices Mac lying on the floor only a short distance away from his room, with a scraping off blood behind him and Yammat looking over him. He was shocked for a moment, but then rushes over to Mac's side. "Yo! Mac, are you O.K? What happened?"

Zak didn't know quite how to react, he hadn't really cared for the safety of other Krayas in the facility before, but ever since meeting Kamryn and Jo and the others... he noticed he had a much warmer attitude. Zak quickly rips off a little of his own clothing to try and stop the blood from Mac's wounds, the newly-torn holes in his clothing showing off a soft greenish glow in his veins, and for once it didn't bother him as much as the situation at hand.

"Can you move? We need to get you to the infirmary, or at least to my room, so you can get patched up." Zak was oblivious to what Mac or Yammat had gone through, and so tries to help his new-found friend in anyway he can.
"Stop, everyone just stop for a moment!" Mac was still trying to catch his breath. As he did so, he felt bubbles in his throat and started coughing up blood. "Shit! Dammit Darekk, you idiot! Aaah! It'll never work now!" Mac coughed again, yelping as it rattled his broken bones. His whole world was spinning.
Kamryn couldn't seem to find anyone anywhere and it was slowly pushing her to panic. She fought to remain calm, attempting to think rationally. Breakfast had started and Kamryn really couldn't just skip that, as much as she wanted to. She tried to eat the viscous mass of porridge as quickly as possible, choking at more than one point. She was up and out of her seat as soon as she had finished eating before realizing that after their outside activities they'd get to have class with Troy.

Kamryn had never skipped a class before but now seemed as good a time as any... if she couldn't find anyone else maybe she could find Troy... maybe he would tell her what was going on. Then again, maybe it would just get her into trouble... but until she could find one of her friends to figure out what's going on Kamryn was in a bit of a fix. She couldn't just go back to her usual day (in some ways she wished that she could).

Instead of filing outside with the rest of the students Kamryn headed toward Troy's office, crossing her fingers that he would be there. She also wondered if whatever was going on with Darekk and Jo had been figured out- she hadn't stuck around to see for fear of getting caught herself. As much as her friends meant to her Kamryn was still motivated to stay out of trouble.
As soon as Mac started coughing blood, Zak figures enough was enough, he wasn't going to wait around while someone choked to death on his own blood. As carefully as he could manage, Zak drags Mac the last precious meters from the floor and into his room, propping him up on the bed so he could get a closer look at him. Rummaging through his things, most of which were severely crushed or pummeled in some way, he pulls out a long tape-roll of Guard-Grade bandages that he had stolen a while back and begins wrapping it around Mac's more serious woulds. Zak didn't have much medical knowledge, but what he did have was alot of stolen supplies, and he could improvise. "Mac...Listen...Stay with me, alright? Can you show me where the pain is most intense?"
Mac coughed again. "Well… that arm your wrapping doesn't have any pain. In fact, I can't feel it at all. My chest feels like it's on fire. I also think I twisted my ankle, and my right elbow has something stuck in it."
Zak worked slowly, even though it was fairly obvious he didn't have much idea what he was doing, he gave it his all. He cuts parts of the bandage and uses it as a sling to hold up Mac's injured arm around his neck. He uses the rest of his tape wrapping his ankle and pretty much his whole leg in a thick bandage to hold the rest of Mac's leg in place before going to examine his elbow. At first, he looks a bit horrified at the sight of the elbow, but then looks Mac straight in the eye "You'll be fine, might just need something for the pain. I'll be right back, don't go wandering around, alright?" Zak says with a half-smile. He knew he didn't steal any drugs during his previous sprees and so knew the only way to stop Mac's pain was to take some drugs from the infirmary. Leaving Mac in Yammat's care, he thinks of running to the infirmary, but he decides to walk there to avoid suspicion.
Mac tried to stop Zak. He didn't need drugs, they would just make his mental functioning worse. But Zak was already gone. "Ugh… Yammat, is there any water?" Whispered Mac.
Crystal walked into the facility escorted by two guards. She had very little memory of what had happened to her before she arrived at the facility though she was sure it had only occurred a few days ago.

I remember two smiling faces and the feeling of happiness. A mother and a father maybe? Suddenly the smiling faces were replaced with cold and threatening faces of strangers. My body went cold, perhaps I was fighting these strangers. But suddenly it was dark. Was I knocked out? What exactly happened to me. Was that all just a dream. The next thing I could remember was sitting in a car with guards traveling to somewhere known as the facility.

She walked as close to the wall as possible to avoid any physical contact with the guards or other students. The guards were taking her to the office of some man named Troy.
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The principal looked at Jo with a smile. She wasnt sure how to act around him at all. There were so many rumors about him, yet how could she ever know which ones were true, she had never spoke to the guy. She was scared to make eye contact with him.

-"Dont worry Joey I wont bite you..." - He said while looking at the papers in his desk. Jo opened her mouth to say something but was quickly interrumpted -That is of course if you promise not to bite me some may say "Dont bite the hand that feeds you", You agree with me..right Joey?- He looked up to her waiting for a response.

-"Right, sir......" She said in a soft voice -"..Did I do something wrong..?" She finally got the courage to ask. The principal chuckled a bit and went back to signing the papers.

-"No Joey, you are not here to be punished, you have done nothing wrong." He said in between small giggles, slowly he calmed himself and while his eyes where still down, after a paused he added -"But some people you may have noticed...." His mood completly changed, there wasnt a glimpse of his smile anymore. With his head still tilted down his eyes glared at Jo. her whole body was trembling. She opened her mouth but the only thing to come out was a small whiper. "Come on Joey, you cant truly believe Im the evil man everyone makes me out to be, Im just protecting Krayas from dangerous ideas... you out of everyone oughta know."

Jo looked down as in shame. "Yes...sir.."

"I knew I had chosen the right kraya to talk to. Now that you've remember your debt, how about we make a deal? "
He put his papers back into a drower and held his hands together, smiling again. Jo wasnt sure all of this was happening, she never thought she'd be in a debt with him, after all she had just seen her directly once before in her life. But that one time, one could even say he saved her and cursed her....

-"A deal....?" She said with both curiousity and doubtfulness.

-"I can give you things you've only dreamt of...... safety for the future....maybe even...a revenge you've been planning in your head for longer time that you can admit. I can guarantee those things, for a quite cheap prize too....Im not forcing you to do anything you dont want Joey, this is entirely your choice..." He said calmly. Jo searched into his eyes, trying to find something, anything at all. If he was being honest, she could gain access to break her biggest fears, confront them and actually win, but she could also go back to her life, try to actually get friends now that she had people willing to be with her.....she just had hear what he had to say...

-"What are the terms?"
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Yammat flew inside thanks to Darekk's dragging. He planted his feet to stop himself. That's when he saw Mac in the worse shpae possible. Cuts, bruses, scratches, and god knows what else covered his body. "Mac...what happened!?" For the second time, Yammat had been frightened. Things seemed to be collapsing all around, Mac was like that, Darekk apparently ratted them out, Zak was doing what he can, Kamryn might stab everyone in the back to, and Jo was sent to the Principle's Office. As for Yammat, he was just standing by, just watching. The least he could do was go get the water Mac had requested. He nods, puts down his sketchbook, and gets a bottle full. He knew hydrogen-peroxide would've been better, but the current inventory doesn't come with advance medical supplies. Instead, he just puts soap on a rag, then pours the water on it. Yammat thought that he could've meant to drink, so he got another bottle. Yammat, hands full, returns to Mac, who both didn't seem much better. He walked to Mac's side, then crouched down. "It won't match the disinfectant properties of hydrogen-peroxide, but this will hurt less." He gently brushed the rag against Mac's cuts. Yammat couldn't help but look at every wound. This happened while Yammat was sitting idly? Yammat began to tear up, and sniff. He didn't say anything. After the wounds were clean, he put the drinking water in Mac's hand. Yammat grabbed his sketchbook, ripped out the escape plan pages, stapled them together, then gave them to Mac. Yammat's voice was stiff from tears. "It's the least I could do..." The plan was simple. Make it to the field part of the facility, find a wall, then scale it. BOOM! Free!
Mac leaned against the bed in the room, his head leaning back limply. Yammat started trying to help. Why was he helping? Whatever the reason, Mac was glad someone finally was on his side, someone wasn't dragging him around. Yammat handed him something. One of Mac's eyes had become swollen, so he had to concentrate hard to see what it was. They were plans to escape. Then he sighed and said, "This kind of plan could never work here when the security is so tight." Mac paused, then said, "Thank God we've created anarchy today. Because this just might work, once I get my strength up. Thank you for helping… when no one else would."
When she arrived at Troy's office she was greeted by a smiling man."Hello My name is Troy Reese but please call me Troy, or Mr. T if you prefer". He said. "You're a little late for our lesson but I'll ask you the same questions as I asked the others to get to know you better. What's your name,and tell me some things that you like doing, maybe a little bit about your special abilities, and anything else you might want to say." "My name is Crystal, I'm an elemental who's main power is the manipulation of ice." She said coldly. "Nice to meet you Crystal. That will be all for today you're feel to explore the facility" Free? she thought as she walked out of Troy's office. This wan't freedom. Though she couldn't remember much of what happened before she arrive at this place she knew that what she had before was freedom and this was nothing like it. Crystal began wandering these new and unfamiliar halls looking completely lost trying to find somewhere where she could just curl up and read a book.
As he walks through the halls on his way to the infirmary, Zak turns a corner a little too sharply and crashes straight into the wandering Crystal. Out of reflex, his arms writhe and bulge as his rocky gauntlets grow to the surface, singeing the sides of his shirt. Almost immediately, he recoils his power and shakes his head. "...Shit, I'm sorry, are you O.K?" he says quickly, he knew he didn't have much time to spare, for Mac's sake, but he couldn't just walk away after he bashed into someone, just incase she did something foolish.
Walking Crystal and Zak bumped into each other. Her eyes got wide at the feeling of physical contact and her body sprung into action. Where they had touched was now cold and covered in ice. She jumped back and tried stopped the ice from continuing to freeze Zak. "...Shit, I'm sorry, are you O.K?" he said. Crystal just stared at him to make sure the ice had stopped. "I'm fine... I think the better question is are you ok." She said still keeping her distance from him.
Yammat nodded, a bit saddened that his plan would've failed under normal circumstances. He gave a smile at Mac's thankfulness. He suddenly remembered Zak's absence, and grew worried again. "Where's Zak? He should be back here." He looked for a shadow to create weapons out of, should worse come to worse. He found a large shadow of a table and used it to make his famous axe-scythe...thingy. He loved the design. It was simple with complex uses. Organized chaos, the best kind. "I'm sorry that the plan would fail otherwise...I'm not good at that kind of stuff..." Yammat sat down by Mac and await Zak's arrival. Mac...Zak....they rhyme! That's not the point. " you know where Kamryn is?" Yammat hadn't seen the whole time since dinner. He grew concerned for everyone at this rate.
Mac smiled and laughed, then his laugh turned into a bout of coughing. "Ugh. Thinking about Kamryn again huh buddy? Well… now that you mention it, she's one of the few people I didn't see yet today." Mac was no longer smiling, this concerned him a little. He hoped Kamryn was alright. Besides, there weren't enough girls around as it was, losing another would make it next to impossible for anyone to find a date. "Maybe we should go looking for her."
Zak wiped off the crusts of ice that covered him from their contact. "Oh, an elemental? I'm fine, but I don't really have time to talk... ive got someone waiting for me, rather urgent" he says rapidly, almost in rambles. He gives Crystal a little head nod before continuing on his way to the infirmary.

Walking through the doors of the infirmary with a loud clang, he immediately searches through one of the over-hanging cupboards, he knew what he was looking for. The doctor tending to Darekk looks up for a moment when he hears Zak rummaging through his supplies. "Hey, what are you doing!". Zak didn't respond, he knew what he needed to take and was quick to stuff a small pillbox into his leggings before heading back out to his room where Mac and Yammat were. The doctor sighs deeply at his attempt to avoid getting robbed, he would probably report the incident later, but for now returns to patching Darekk up.
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Kamryn ducked away from Troy's office when she saw someone else coming... who was that girl? She'd never seen her before? When she came back out of Troy's office a shortwhile later Kamryn wondered if it would be better to try and get information out of Troy or shadow the girl to see who she was and what she was doing there.

In the end it was a decision between curiosity and an attempt to help her friends... but helping her friends could actually make things worse if Kamryn did or said something wrong... It made her head hurt to try and figure this out- it was bad enough to be skipping classes to try and figure out what was going on. She wondered if the teachers even noticed that their students were missing. Kamryn had already double checked on a few to make sure that her friends hadn't just gone to class and she hadn't seen them...

She stood at the door, poised to knock, when she heard a familiar voice coming from just around the corner. 'Zak! Maybe he'll know what's going on!' It had been one of the people she was looking for earlier but really just given up hope on finding them. Backing away from the door Kamryn moved to follow the voices, peeking around the corner to see who Zak was talking to and saw it was that new girl again. Kamryn wondered if maybe she was a new teacher here or something... like Troy... because there was nothing else she could be in Kamryn's mind but... the girl looked a little young.

Having absolutely no idea how to go about announcing herself Kamryn decided to just wait behind the corner and listen. She felt guilty and in a way dirty, as if she was doing something terribly wrong. 'Well, you're listening in on a conversation instead of announcing that you're there. That's sneaky and rude.' Kamryn's thoughts pointed out ever so helpfully. When she saw Zak leaving the girl, however, she shadowed him. Unsure why her instincts were so hell bend on her not being seen she accessed Zak's mind to settle an illusion in front of herself so that hopefully she wouldn't be noticed. She still wasn't very good at that kind of illusion and hoped that Zak wouldn't catch on.

He didn't seem to notice, however, and after he finished with whatever he was doing in the infirmary Kamryn again followed him to find Yammat and Mac. She bit her tongue to keep from letting out a sound- Mac was in terrible shape. It brought tears to her eyes and made her wonder what happened. She was so shocked and confused by what was going on that Kamryn didn't even think about trying to put an illusion in front of her in both Yammat and Mac's minds (not like she could anyway... she still didn't know how to access multiple minds). So in the end Kamryn stood in plain sight for two, just standing their awkwardly... unsure how to react or what to do and slowly having a bit of a breakdown- trying to figure out who could have done such horrible things to Mac.
After her brush in the hall with Zak Crystal decided it would be best if she found a place to stay put in to avoid bumping into another student. While she was walking through the hallway she found a sign pointing to a library. "That's perfect!" She said. She walked to the library, found a book, curled up in a corner and began to read. At least from this spot she could see if anyone was going to approach her and could mental prepare herself to control her powers.
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Yammat looked up to see Kamryn. He gave a welcoming smile. "Speak of the devil, look who it is." He shook his head, realizing that smiling now would be rude. Where'd she been? Kamryn could've told them that she was close by. "Where were you...!?"

((OOC: Sorry if it isn't much. Have to go grocery shopping.))
Darekk woke up at the infirmary with his entire body hurting, the doctor seemed to had bandaged him and healed him as better as he could but he still felt like hell, still, he couldn't stay at the infirmary, what had happened....those guards were on a completely different level, and he was worried about Mac, after all, he had left him half dead with yammat.

"He could use some medicaments from here" Darekk thought, so he silently stood up and took several bandages, disinfectants and antiseptics, everything he saw could be of use and walked as fast as he could to where Mac and Yammat were, his entire body hurt with each step but the doctor had done a good job, he kept watching around the corners for guards but the hall seemed to be empty at the moment, when he arrived he waitd for a second to make sure anyone would see him and got in the cleaning room as fast as he could

Mac was sitting on the floor injured while Kamryn and Yammat seemed to be taking care of him, he had no idea why they were looking at him like he had murdered someone, but he lifted the bag with the medicaments and said "Hey....sorry I took so long, I found some trouble out there, anyways, I brought some medicaments and bandages"
Yammat turned to Darekk's voice, and stared at him with hateful eyes. For as all he knew, it was all Darekk's fault. It's his fault that Mac was like this, and why everything was falling apart. He was infuriated at Darekk. he wanted to scream, but that would mean risking getting the attention of guards. "Hate you..." Yammat muttered under his breath. Yammat took another look at Darekk and noticed the wounds all over him. He didn't take back his words, but now the group had two beaten people to deal with. "Shit...what happened to you?"
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Zak walks down the corridors quickly, a small icy stain on the wall from his previous encounter almost distracted him into walking into a patrol from one of the guards. "This is a really bad corner..." he says under his breathe as the guards continue down the adjacent hall. Zak opens the door and enters before looking outside to see if anyone had seen him come in, satisfied, he closes and locks the door before turning around to see Darekk in his room with Yammat and Mac, and couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Honestly, how you got here before me I'll never know" he says in chuckles. Other than when he rushed around to get some medical supplies, Zak seemed pretty calm about the whole situation as he chucked the pillbox he stole to Mac. "Its just a pain-killer, specially designed for the a Kraya's physiology, just take one or two and you should be fine". He was about to take a seat in one his almost broken chairs when he notices a bunch of stapled papers on Mac's lap. Curious, Zak snatches it up, and the more he reads it, the more a smile grows on his face. "Are you guys serious?"

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