Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Mac listened to what Darekk had to say. As he was listening, he sat in his black office chair and rubbed his chin. Darekk seemed to be telling the truth. He didn't really have much to lose at this point anyway. "Alright Darekk. Let's get a few things straight first. One, I'm not a fool. Somebody has to figure this out, otherwise this trend will continue from generation to generation, and I can't let that happen. Secondly, I completely agree that there's more to this world and more to this school. Of course we wouldn't be going without Jo, or Kamryn, or any of those guys. So, if you want to stick around and see what I'm doing, then pull up a chair. There's soda in the fridge if you want it. Otherwise, leave me to my work."

Mac picked up a pair of glasses from his desk. They were rectangle shaped with no rims or fancy designs. Then he pulled his diagram of the school out of the trash and did his best to press it flat again. Why did you crumple it Mac? he scolded himself. Then he leaned back and looked at Darekk again, "So what's your decision?"
He was a little surprised by Mac's attitude, but he decided he could trust him, at least while they had common interests, so he took a chair, sat down and stared at the school's map he had, it was crumpled and it wasn't what he would call an artwork, but it would serve their purpose

" Ok so, what are your plans so far, escape routes?diversions? got anything thought about that? I mean, something that could get our asses out of here safely?" He asked

He had a couple of ideas on his own but he would have to think them through before talking about thoe with someone, after all, he wasn't sure if they were even possible
Mac pulled a pencil out of a cup on his desk and went to answering Darekk's question. "Well, the safest way isn't pretty, but it would work. There is a ventilation shaft near the ceiling of the west wing girls bathroom, large enough to fit a person. Don't ask me how I figured that out. Anyway… this shaft leads to the main air circulation and filtration units. From there, we should be able to kick or cut open the vent. We should end up in the forbidden maintenance sector. I've been down there many times and have recorded the work shifts," The whole while, Mac was pointing at different places with the pencil. Now he pulled a book down from a shelf above his desk and opened it halfway to reveal time slots. "From the maintenance sector, we can reach the main sewage line that leads us underneath the borders and out into the real world. There are a few other routes I'm working on, but this seems the most plausible as of yet. What do you think?" Mac leaned back in his chair again and chewed on the eraser of his pencil, waiting for a response.
Darekk watched and listened patiently while Mac described his plan, there was a lot to think about it, how would they know when the bathroom would be empty, more than that, what if there was a delay, just a small delay on the work shifts, they also had to be sure of knowing their way into the sewage, they would need accurate maps and a way to know the shifts of the guards surrounding the facilities, and that was only on escaping, if they succeeded they would need a lot more

" seems good, but it's also risky, we need more info, some maps, gear, everything we can have" He said while looking at the map once more.

Then, he had a crazy idea, he could get the information, his power would help him, but still, it was still weak and he could lose control of it, he would've to train a lot in order to be able to use it, for a second he doubted about telling it to Mac, but hell, if he was telling him things this far, might as well tell everything to him

"To be honest, I have no idea how could we get most of the things, but there's one thing I can help with....or at least try to, information"He said "You see, I can read minds, but it's not as simple as that, I can only read minds of those who allow me to do it or who are not aware that I'm trying, if someone tries to oppose me, then I won't be able to do it" Darekk said, and then he shut up waiting for a response
Mac rubbed his chin again, thinking. "That's actually perfect. Before I had planned to rig up a string system, and we would have someone at each of the intervals, tugging on the string when it was safe to go. If you're up to it. I'd like to have you at the last transition with me, that way we can make sure everyone gets out safely and there won't be string in the visible area. Yeah, it still needs some tweaking, but that's a solid plan. Now we need to figure out who's on board. I'm thinking for the first time through, we should only take a small group to make sure it works. So, do you want to break the news to Jo?"
Darekk heard as Mac explained his plan, he wasn't still sure about it, but hell, it was all they had so far so it better work out "Well, I guess it's all we can do for now, so if you excuse me I'll go and tell Jo about this, she's going to freak out..." He said

He left Mac's room and walked towards the library, he had a thousand different thoughts in his head, but he set those aside because the task he had ahead of himself was a really hard one, and if he wanted it to succeed he had to do his best effor

As soon as he walked inside the library he saw her with several books around her, when he saw his bunny pajamas he remembered the bunny tail and started blushing again
"Focus! this is not the time!" he thought, so he walked towards her, and whispered at her ear "We need to talk, now" then he grabbed her and dragged her out of the library and several feet further away into an empty hall
Jo was very focus on her research, trying to find connection to the first Krayas recorded in history, as well as real history of the outside human world. She knew everything in class was just lies, she could always tell. She always assumed it was for Krayas not to try and escape but obviously that had not work quite well, at least in the last few days. She was finishing another book when suddendly someone grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the table. She was completly startled and her heart started racing, when she looked up she saw it was Darekk.

"Look I know we are friends and all, but you cant just interupt me like that, you almost have me a heart attack!....What is it? We have to go to our beds soon.." she said as she calmed herself down. He looked pretty serious, she wondered if maybe he had talked to Kamryn, she had gotten so distracted about her studies that she didnt even looked for her or knew if she was still at the library.
Mac waved goodbye to Darekk. Then he sat staring at the ceiling for a while, wiggling his pencil. Now that he had told someone, there was no turning back. He was glad that he shared it. Mac took off his glasses, switched off his lamp, and plopped on his half made bed. He was completely asleep in a few moments. However, he had forgotten to clean up and to lock the door.
"So...we really need to talk, but please don't freak out" He said, and anyways, he knew she would freak out either, after all, that was her greatest fear since he remembered knowing her....then again, he couldn't remember when and how they met but he dropped it since only thinking about it made his head hurt

"See..I was walking towards my room earlier practicing my mind reading and I overheard Mac thinking on....escaping, so I went there and confronted him, we talked and he explained his plan" Darekk's heart was racing as he said that, he had to convince her of escaping, they had to escape

"It's a good plan, we talked about it and chances are we should be able to escape if everything goes as it should" He said while looking at Jo with pleading eyes
Jo's hear skipped a bit as Darekk was talking, she dropped the book she was holding. She could hear her own pulse racing, almost as if her heart was about to burst out of her chest. So many negative feelings started gathering in her head; she started trembling in fear and tears invaded her eyes. There were so many things she wanted to scream and shout, but her mouth could bearly open. Jo did the only thing she knew how to at moments like that. Hide, hide her sadness with anger. She took one long deep breath.

- know?, when Troy said we all came from the outside, it didnt surprise just bothered me that he would tell that to the other kids. I bet you would've felt the same way..if you remembered how we met. - Jo knew what could happen to Darekk if she continued talking, but she wasnt thinking clearly at all, so she continued.. -But you were forced to forgot, by long nights of experiments, you forgot slowly more and more. I stayed by your side that time, so that you wouldnt forget me... I soon learnt I couldnt tell anyone I remembered, not even you! - Jo pushed Darekk away -I have been protecting you all this time because I owe you my life, and now you want to go OUT?! - Jo couldnt keep her tears in and started sobbing, she paused and looked at him with nothing but rage. -You are not the same boy that saved me and brought me here safe....stay away from me.
As soon as she pronounced those words he felt hurt, as if something sharp had broken inside him, he may had just lost the only friend he had, the only person he truely cared about.

But at the same time something bigger happened, as soon as he heard her talking about forgetting, about experiments, images started flashing in his head, " a muddy street", "a small girl crying on it", "protecting the little girl", living on from that day", all those images flooded his head until one made him understand everything " a guy in a guard suit, grabbing the two kids against their will and taking them away" "countless experimentes on him, pain, so much pain".

And all those things came with a splitting headache which made him feel like his head was being cut in half, he stumbled and crashed against the wall, but he couldn't care less, all he knew is that now he remembered, he understood, and the anger was like nothing before now...
Jo looked at Darekk on the floor, she called some guards to take him to the infirmary, but she didnt acompany him there. She was still to blinded by the eanger, she vanished and started running to the boys' dorms, she was still blaming one more person on her head...

She turned into an ant to check the rooms until she found Mac's, she slipped in and turned back to normal and vanished again. Mac seemed deeply tired. Jo glared at him with anger but knew she couldnt hurt him, she looked around the room and spotted all the things on his table and around it. It seemed like all the stuff related to the escape, she took everything and noticed the door unlocked, she figured hat way he could asume it was anyone, a a guard, a teacher or a student. She exited in complete silence and hid the things where no one would find it. She cried all night in her bed, filled with both anger and deep sadness..
Mac thought he heard a noise in his room, but he was so tired that it didn't shake him from sleep. He simply rolled over on his bed and went deeper into sleep. However, about an hour later, he heard the noise of his door opening again. He opened his eyes and looked to his desk… it was empty. Mac's heart began to race as a large being approached him in the darkness. It was a guard. The guard grabbed Mac's arms, picked him up, and threw him against a wall. The guard was strong. Mac tried to crawl up, still disorientated from sleep. Then the guard grabbed his collar, for he hadn't changed into pajamas, and tossed him out the door. Mac's head bashed into a locker. He cried out as sharp pain pulsed through his brain. The guard started dragging him down the hall. "There are some people who wish to speak to you." said the guard as he laughed menacingly. Mac simply tried to stand up straight, but the guard must have thought he was trying to escape because Mac was kicked into a locker again. He yelled as a crack resonated from his shoulder. Then there was black. 
Mac awoke in a large room with the sun shining brightly through a gigantic window. The room was painted grey, and there were four people sitting in front of him. These people were the Principle, Troy, the Doctor, and one other staff member that Mac couldn't remember. They were sitting behind a large wooden table, kind of like the ones typical of reality court tv. Mac was feeling queazy. There was a cast on his left shoulder that had obviously been a rushed job. He was pale and sweating. It felt like he had contracted some sort of horrible disease, yet he was probably just rundown. He was sweating and shivering uncontrollably. Man am I in bad shape, he thought. Dammit! Darekk ratted me out. When I get my hands on him… Then the principle spoke.

"Michael, Michael. Don't you know that you can't hide anything from us? We try to give you privacy within your own rooms, and this is how you repay us? We can't have thoughts of escape rolling around, because that would undermine the entire structure we have here." He threw Mac's crumpled map on the floor. "Now please tell me you're done with this tomfoolery and we can go back to normal."

By now, Mac was livid. "Finished? I'm not finished. I'll always fight the system until I'm allowed to make my own choice and am given the truth! Nobody's resisted you thus far. But let me tell you. You're only human. Only human!" Mac felt a new fire building up inside of him, even though he felt like crap on the outside. "You can try and hurt me. Lock me away! You'll never be able to stop me from escaping. I don't do this for myself, I do this for my peers. Not because its easy, it's not. But I do it because it's right. I can't have this continuing generation after generation. Kraya continually being subjected to this. It's that word nobody likes to here." Mac changes to a whisper, "Discrimination…"

With a point of the finger, the principle said, "Do as he says, lock him up. Have fun trying to shift with that broken collarbone. Make him an example for others thinking of escape."

Mac was yanked out of the chair and dragged again. He tried to protest, but he couldn't do much because his arm was still in pain. He was being tugged down a hall. He could try to turn Paradign, but he didn't think it was the time. Most of the students were asleep, but there were a few roaming the halls that saw the spectacle. Mac couldn't make out any faces though.

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Jo woke up after a couple of hours, she washed her face in the bathroom and picked a cute outfit to wear, she wasnt thinking much at all, she wasnt happy or sad or angry. She just felt emotionless. She changed slowly, her eyes hurt and felt puffy. Jo had so many things through her head on the night, she just ended up blocking everything. She put on a military lolita outfit she had and a fake smile.

She was walking towards the caferia until she heard some chattering comming from the boy's dorm. She changed into an average looking boy and started walking through the halls. She started walking faster and faster pushing people away, to the point where she was almost running by the time she got to the center of the whole situation. It was Mac. There were black suited guards and the principal was there. Jo didnt say anything, she just stared in the crowd.....They found the stuff, it was the only explanation, Darekk was in the infirmary and no one else would rat him out. Jo tried to convince herself this was not her fault, he left the door open after all... The principal said this should be a lesson for people attempting to escape, then he made eye contact with Jo, she felt startled and turned around and went to the cafeteria to eat alone. She wasnt sure about visiting Darekk at the infirmary later that day. Or really talking to anyone, she just felt sick for thinking about how the last day ended...

She wondered if Troy would be their teacher again today, he probably alredy knew about the situation with Mac. "I wonder if he knows its his fault.." she thought, it made her really curious how someone like him would react to that, or if he wouldnt mention it. She barely ate and went to class, she stopped in a corner to change back to her usual form; she was the first one to get there. She sat down on her desk and started reading her notes from the library...
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The next day,Darekk woke up at the infirmary, his head still throbbing and confused, then, he remember what had happened last night "My memories....they had stolen it, they will pay" He thought as anger filled him, he had gotten a huge part of his life stolen from him, but now he remembered everything again, how his parents had abandoned him when he was just six years old, when he found a little girl crying on the street, how he decided to take care of her and protect her, how they lived until...yeah, until the guards came, and took them here.

Here they had made countless experiments with him, they had experimented how electricity would affect his brain functioning being a mental, and in the process, they had erased every memory he had, he remembered how after those experiments the only one there was Jo, a scared little girl that tried to took care of him.

He got off the room and ignored the doctor's warnings about not leaving, he had to find Mac, talk with him, let him know what he remembered, and then.....then talk with Jo, he still felt hurt about how she had treated him last night, but now he had his memories he understood it, it had been hard for them being out there when they were just kids, but it was better than being controled by guys that won't even feel remorse for torturing little kids.

As soon as he got to the cafeteria, where Mac was supposed to be at this hour taking breakfast, he noticed something was wrong, everyone was quiet and he couldn't see Mac anywhere, so he decided to try and read the mind of any of the guys there, he chose a guard that seemed to be distracted, so he made contact with his mind and started listening "That little kraya kid, stupid for thinking on escaping, now he'll be in lockdown until worse things are planned for him" Was all he managed to listen before losing grip on his powers, he understood something had gone terribly wrong when he was unconscious, he stormed out of the cafeteria looking for clues or something that would tell him what to do next, he saw a teacher in the distance and went straight to him, blinded by his anger he could do anything right now to find out what had happened, and overall, to make something that would hurt some guards and the facility managers.
Mac struggled to gain some sort of control but he was being dragged and kicked down the hall. He barely had a chance to breath. Finally, a guard made a mistake, pausing to throw a punch at Mac's face. This is where Mac finally gained enough control to gain a stance of power. Finally, his extensive private martial arts training would pay off. As the punch neared, he grabbed the man's arm and spun, using his back to flip the man on the ground. He yelled out again as another shot of pain went up his arm. That was it, Mac couldn't handle it anymore. He would morph into the one thing he didn't have to concentrate on… the Paradign. Mac threw his consciousness into the void, yelling out the unique call of his Paradign again. The sprinklers went off in the school as his fire burned brightly. A guard had thrown a chair at him, knocking Mac through the cafeteria door, ripping off a part of the frame. Mac turned to run. He was getting out, if it was the last thing he did. He had to prove to people that it could be done, give them hope, a reason to follow in his footsteps. Otherwise he'd just be looked at as a crazy lunatic.
When he was aproaching the teacher he heard a loud noise and after that the sprinklers went off, so he ran to where he had heard it while scanning the place with his powers, he ran as fast as he could and after a few seconds he felt Mac's mind, so he run towards it and saw him in the distance, he was being chased by two guards

"Damn it Mac! what happened!?" He thought as he ran faster to help him, when he was close to the guards one heard him and turned around to face him, but he was slow and the slippery floor made it hard for the guard to stop, he used his speed to dodge and punch him full speed in the stomach, then he catched the second guard while he was running and hit him on the back, causing him to fall and hit his head with the floor

Then he managed to grab Mac by the shirt and make him stop, he resisted but he managed to get him under control "Damn it Mac! stop struggling! I'm trying to help you here, what on earth happened to you!?" Darekk said with an urging look, he could heard more guards aproaching and he knew they didn't had much time
Mac fell on top of someone in the lunch room. He bolted back up noticing he had stuffed the kid's face in porridge and set him on fire. Mac reached out to help put the fire out, but only made it worse, since he was the fire. Mac staggered out of the room and tried to run from some more guards. He felt his energy diminishing as the sprinklers fought to extinguish his fire. Then somebody grabbed him. It was Darekk. Mac cast a look of sheer anger. He opened his mouth, which was now a beak and let out a menacing cry. The call of the eagle pierced the area, chopping into the squeal of a dolphin, and lowering into the roar of a tiger. Darekk had betrayed him. He reached to tear Darekk's throat out like he had said he would. But he didn't have the heart to see it through. Mac slipped out of his Paradign state, collapsing to his knees. Tears were in his eyes. He felt defeated. Almost all his energy was gone and he felt like everyone was against him. Was it so wrong to want freedom?
Mac fell to his knees after making some animal sounds, Darekk could hear the guards closer so he grabbed Mac and ran before any guard could catch up with them, there was a cleaning room in the right so he ran and got inside it, he could hear the guards closing by and looking for them, he stood there quietly listening and when the guard's noise got weaker and finally disappeared he sat in the floor and relaxed

He look at Mac and asked him directly "What happened? how did they discovered you?
Jo heard loud noises comming from the cafeteria, she knew Mac wouldnt just go calmly with the guards. Struggles in the school werent an unusual thing, but now it was for an unusual reason. She didnt care much about going and see what was going on. She was writing some conclusions in her notebook, when the speaker phones on the classroom turned on.

-"Student Joey Hudson, please present yourself at the principal's office."

She had never been called to the principal's office before. There were rumors in the school that the principals had eyes and ears everywhere in the school, some said he was really a powerful Kraya, others say he was the human creator of the Krayas. After all, no one even knew how old the school was...

Jo started feeling her heart race agai, but she kept her fears on the inside. She organized her stuff and putted everything back into her backpack and excused herself from the class room. She passes trought the entrance of the cafeteria but avoided looking inside, there were still guards walking around and they didnt look quite happy... She heard the chattering from other students trying to guess who this Joey Hudson guy was; luckily for her not many people knew her, and not many people knew her real name. She kept walkign throught the halls until getting to the big door of the principal, there where two guards in the door.

-"Uhm, excuse me?, the principal called for me....Joey Hudson.." she didnt dare to look up at them.

-"You think the principal is a clown girl, stop joking and go back to class" one of the guards said with an intimidating voice.

-Let her in- said a deep voice behind the door, calm and smooth but somehow scary at the same time.

Jo walked inside, uncertain on what to expect...
Yammat heard a commotion outside. He picked up his sketchbook and went to see the cause. He couldn't find any guards, but found a sad Mac and an angry/worried Darekk. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but they bolted for some odd reason. was odd, until he heard guards showing up. He turned to face them with a lie and death...mostly death. "What's the matter, officers?" The guard up in the front gave a stern reply. "We have orders to capture Michel! You seen 'im any where?" Yammat looked around and gave a confused look at the guards, if he was gonna lie, he had to do it right. "Who? Sir, I don't even know what they look like." A guard on the right side held up what appeared to be Mac's class photo. Those well supplied bastards. Yammat closely inspected the picture and shook his head. "Nope. Never before." A guard in the back whispered something to the front guy. It must've been that Yammat actually knew Mac, because the guard in front narrowed his eyes at Yammat . "You do know him, you lyin' maggot!" Yammat bolted and scurried down the halls until he lost them. "Phew...that was close..." Yammat ran off to find Mac. He stopped at at a room where he heard Mac, and Darekk's voice. Yammat knocked and decided to call for Darekk, considering calling Mac would to risky. "Yammat speaking! You there Darekk?"
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Kamryn was so confused by everything that happened that day that she had given up and gone to bed in the end instead of working up the courage to speak to Yammat. She ended up sleeping alright but getting up was different today... There was something off about the atmosphere and then she heard the whisperings from the other Krayas about Mac and some other trouble making Krayas. Figuring that it was the boys in trouble she went in search for Jo, needing to find out what was really going on... and if Jo didn't know then maybe they could find out together. Besides, the Chameleon would be useful if something sneaky needed to be done.
Darekk heard the speakers of the school turn on and a girly voice say "Student Joey Hudson, please present yourself at the principal's office."

What on earth had Jo did in order for the principal to call for her, he felt the need of helping her but the memory of the last night made him think it twice, what if she hated him now?....besides, he had to take care of Mac who was half unconscious on the floor, but still...he felt like he had to go and help her, the principal... his memory was still blurry but he knew he wasn't a good guy at all

If he had been a little more lost in his thoughts he would have heard Yammat from the other side of the door calling his name, he opened the door and dragged him in, then he close it quickly "Yammat! where have you been all morning!? " He whispered, but as soon as he finished that sentence his two thoughts connected and he had a crazy idea

"Anyways, that's not important, I....I need you to take care of Mac, I have to go and do something" He said with a serious look in his eyes 
Darekk left the room and bolted towards the principal's office, he saw the office door right in time to see Jo going inside, anger washed his mind, he wanted revenge for all the experiments, and for his memories, besides, he couldn't let Jo go in there, the principal was dangerous, he knew it, so he ran towards the guards, he was going to take her out of there, after all, he needed to say that he was sorry, all those years without his memories...he didn't knew how things had been for her.

So he ran and attacked the first guard, managing to catch him off guard and connecting a punch right to his face, three more guards came "Great, a 4v1, bring it on" He said defiantly, the guards attacked him at the first time and he knew he was done, this guys were different than the other guards, they were faster, and had better abilities, they beated him up so hard he couldn't stay still, it was difficult to breath and he was sure he had a broken rib or two, maybe a finger, and he was bleeding in his forehead and several other places, when the guards made sure he was completely defeated they started talking between them about what to do with him until one of the guards, probably the one in command said "We'll ask the principal, and see what are his orders"

So they took him into the office and on front of the principal and Jo, she had a confused and scared look, but more than that he couldn't say, the edge of his vision was blurry, but he couldn't lose his consciusness, not yet at least
Hearing that the principle wanted Jo sent a jolt of terror going through Kamryn's heart and she headed for the Principle's office. She wondered what the principle could want with her... or what was going on in general. It felt good in a way to run... even if it was down hallways she knew- to run for the adrenaline rush, for a reason... instead of because she had been told to. The lack of having dinner affected her, but minimally. It didn't really register until Kamryn had to slow down and just breath for a moment, afraid of passing out or falling over the the sudden light headed feeling rushing through her.

Pulling herself together she continued on in time to see Darekk attacking guards. Assuming that Jo was in some kind of danger Kamryn was ready to follow his lead when another three guards came in to view. They moved fast... and they targeted Darekk's weak spots -or seemed to- because he was down so fast that Kamryn didn't even have time to blink. She watched as they began dragging him into the office as well and began to panic. Mac was gone... (out of reach gone, not dead... she hoped) and Jo and Darekk were now in trouble as well. Who was left to turn to? Zak and Yammat.

Kamryn began to search for them, terror pumping through her blood at the possibilities of what might happen to her friends. Tears were stinging at her eyes again but she pushed it aside- she would not panic. She couldn't... her friends might be depending on her. Hoping she'd come across Zak or Yammat soon, Kamryn began her search, starting with the most obvious places and working her way back (afraid that there might be a chance that Zak and Yammat were in trouble as well).
Jo entered the ofice and silently close the door before her. She wasnt sure if it was just her being stressed or if she was actully feeling pressure on the room. She bowed down to the principal. Somehow hoping this would be a short conversation, she stayed stoop up.

-"I heard you called for me...sir....? " Jo said in a low voice.

But even before the principal could open his mouth a pair of guards walked in with Darekk, completly beaten up. Jo looked at him in fear, She dropped her bags and fell on her knees, she didnt say a word but started checking his condition, checking he was still breathing, that he wasnt chocking on his own blood... She looked back at the principal, like expecting for him to do something. He had no emotion on his face, at all.

-"Gentleman, would you mind explaining why you barged into my office like that?.." - He said getting up from his chair.

-"Sir, this boy wanted to enter your office by force, we stopped him!" - Said one of them while the other one noded.

-" As is your Job. That still doesnt explain whay you barged in? Is my english not clean enough?" - He said when he arrived to where they were, and after telling them that face to face he crouched to see the boy. He grabbed his face in a rather nasty way, and turned him sides. Finally releasing his head, that just sinked back down to the ground.

-"Get him out of here" - He said in monotone, as he offered Jo a hand to stand up with a big smile. She stood up on her own.

-"Sir I think I should go with him..! -she said grabbing her things getting ready to run out the door. But the principal slamed his hand into the door closing it inmediatly, still with a smile on his face.

-"He'll be fine, I give you my word" - He said calmly. -"Now please, take a seat.." - He insisted while pointing at the chair in front of his desk. Jo looked at him with fear, she felt like having trouble breathing. She looked back at the door.

-"Do you promise me he'll be ok?" she said trying to act firm but she felt her body trembling. The principal let our a smirk looking at her.

-"Sure I promise" he said shaking his head as he pointed again the chair with his palm, as if it was some classy invitation.

Jo sat down and hoped the principal's word was worth something....

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