Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

It was...weird for Darekk being in such a friendly enviroment, though it didn't felt wrong, he could actually get used to it, after Kamryn left he walked behind Yammat towards the cafeteria, he felt awkard being silent so he thought he might start a conversation, he hardly knew them anyways so he didn't really know what to talk about, he said the most clever thing that came to his mind " So.....sup? "

"Yeah...that was reeaally interesting"
He thought while feeling even more awkard than before, so he kept walking silently
Zak wished he could stay in the showers forever, away from his tasks and problems, but his stomach reminded him that he couldn't. Sadly, he turns off the heated blast of water from the shower and changes into some new clothes. After checking move of his body was covered up, he walks outside to head to the mess hall. Only a short moment after taking a seat near the door, he hears Kamryn and Yammat talking with some he others didn't quite recognise. When Yammat and a few unknown people enter with him, he quickly tries to wave his arms around to get their attention before gesturing to the empty seats around him.
Kamryn felt a rush of loneliness as the others continued on but it was her own fault... if she could learn how to focus better than she wouldn't be having this problem right now. Maybe this would teach her how to control her powers even when her mind was distracting. She smiled but shook her head at Mac's offer to bring her something. Deciding it may be best to go clean up and then head to bed early or something Kamryn headed towards the Girl's locker rooms where maybe she could figure out what to do with her time while in the shower.
Mac looked back to Kamryn, concerned. Was something wrong? It was probably nothing. He wanted to go up and keep her company still, but she probably just had a lot of work to do. It would be best to let her be. Then Darekk said 'so… sup'. Mac hadn't been expecting that, so he had to think for a second. Then he raised his hand in a high five gesture and said, "Yeah, sup man?" He noticed someone else waving at them. Was he waving at them? Well, there was always a way to find out. He ran up to the guy putting his hand up again and asking, "Sup man?" Mac tended to get excited about little things like this sometimes. He found it helped people open up more. He didn't want people to feel left out.
As Jo finished changing into her bunny pajamas and picking up her stuff . She heard a noise comming from the entrance. "Hmm, its still too soon for people to be heading here...isnt it? How long was I under the shower?" she thought

She headed outside without giving it too much relevance until she had to stop abruptly, it was Kamryn. She wasnt sure if it was the best of ideas to say anything, she didnt feel like having a confrontantion on her bunny pajamas, those were her favourites. "!...Im in my bunny pajamas" she thought, her face blushed so red it was almost glowing. Most of the times she didnt even care but somehow now she felt really embarrased.

-"Ah...I...Im sorry when I left you at the game, a Kraya named Mac was having some serious trouble and I went there and tried to save powers, I had used them so much I just fainted afterwards.. -She wasnt sure what to say at all. She knew when she left they were talking about a very touchy subject. -"I know I..the reply I gave you...I know I may seem mean sometimes Kamryn but, deep inside Im just...-Jo sighed- Im just a scared little girl in her bunny pajamas, too scared to go out there.

Jo started getting teary eyes, she hated the feeling of being stared like that, so she just stormed out of the shower room and headed to her room. There was more to it that what she had said...but she couldnt possibly tell anyone about it. About the outside world, about the school....It was all blurred memories with a feeling of painful nostalgia. Once again she had been too scared to face the situation. "Hiding is what a Chamaleon is good at after all" she thought to herself in anger, not to Kamryn, or the situation, but to herself.
Kamryn was shocked at the sudden confrontation. Her heart ached at seeing Jo... just the idea that Jo would so readily turn her into the guards hurt. But then she looked so teary eyed and unsure and Kamryn found herself sympathizing instead of feeling hurt. She was ready to reply when Jo suddenly turned and ran from the room, leaving Kamryn alone once more... she had strangely gotten used to dragging the girl around and seeing her so suddenly brought back the sweep of loneliness. Feeling absolutely miserable Kamryn stepped into the shower, wondering if her eyes were burning to try and lessen the pain her heart was feeling. She was sure she would be 'crying' if it weren't for the shower water washing away her tears. Her shower wasn't long- she wasn't big on showers after all.

After changing into her regular pajamas of soft pants and a baggy shirt Kamryn began to hunt down Jo's room. Not many Krayas were around at the moment so it wasn't extremely difficult to find her. Well... she hoped it was her, anyway. Kamryn had found a wrong room twice already but three times the charm. Wrapping her knuckles on the door Kamryn called through the door. "Jo, if you have the time I'd really like to talk to you. You're my friend and I don't like the negative feelings that are between us... so... Please? Can we talk about this?"
Darekk saw a new guy waving at them, he recognized him from Jo's memories as well, he looked like he had just came back from a long bath and he was gesturing at some empty seats, however, he decided to get some food before sitting down, so he walked towards the bar and grabbed some goo, then went towards the table, sat down, and started to eat quietly, he didn't really liked talking while eating but he didn't want to ignored the guy that had already arrived, so he looked at him and said "Hey, I'm Darekk"
For a moment Zak didn't quite recognize the Kraya's face who had come up to try and high-five him, but if he was with Yammat, then he supposed he was at least friendly, and so returns the high-five with a successful WHACK. Another Kraya came over with a plate of goo before introducing himself. "Hey, I'm Darekk", Zak felt as though he should know the name, but it didn't particularly ring a bell. "Hi Darekk, I'm Zak" he said with a smile. Looking back to the other Kraya he had given a high-five to, he realised he had seen him before. "Hey, your that Chameleon who tried taking my flags!" he lets off a little laugh before continuing, completely oblivious to the Paragdin incidents. "No hard feelings, right?" Zak says as he remembers how he tried to yank him off while he was still a mouse.
Mac hops up and grabs a lunch quick also. Then he comes back to the table as the new kid asks him something, "Hard feelings? Nah, it's all part of the game. I just don't practice that much. I had my own problems out there. I'm Mac by the way. What's your name?"
Jo was startled by a someone knocking in her door, whenever that happened it was Darekk or a guard telling her to get out. She felt so confused.

"Kamryn? ..." she thought "Why is she here...after all the things I've said to her, all the times I've pushed her away....Why does she wants to be with me anymore?....I cant believe she thinks of me as a friend.." Jo tried to keep her tears from her eyes.

"Kamryn... you know, I abuse my powers, a lot. I hardly ever sleep and I never talk to anyone. Im always debating who I really am, Im a mess, I even threaten you..........There are some things I do, and somethings I know about this school, secrets beyond anything we've learned here." Jo paused for a while, she stood up her bed and opened the door to Kamryn "I think we could be friends but, dont ask me to go outside, Im too scared, I wish I had the strenght to tell you why.... which is why..when Troy mentioned the outside having human and Kraya parents..I.. -Jo stopped talking, she felt a not in her throat that wouldnt let her finish that phrase - I know you are curious about it.........If you really want to know more before you go venturing outside..find a Kraya named Darekk, he'll know who you are.." Jo stopped and looked at Kamryn, the whole concept of them being friends still buzzed her head. She envied her somehow, in how much energy she had... she used her powers to camouflage her tears.
Darekk ate quietly while watching Zak and Mac talking about a flag game, great, more things he had missed for being sick, one of these days they would free every kraya and he wouldn't be there because he was sick, before spacing out in thoughts about his bad luck and health he focused on eating, tasteless goo or not, it filled his stomach and it was more than enough, he was pretty sure Jo would've mock him for eating that much "I wonder what happened after she left, she was acting weird " he thought as he ate the last part of his food

"So..... you guys think we'll get some free time after this? I really want to go out for a run" Dar said
"Zak" He says to Mac with a returning smile. "Nice to meet you though, Mac", he says before turning to Darrek curiously "Why do you want to go out for a run, Darrek?" He had no idea that Darrek had troublesome health issues and so wasn't in the activities that day, but he was a little cautious about going to run with him, they had only met a few minutes before, and he didn't even know what class he was, he could be a Mental that could read his mind and tell the guards about his escape plan with Kamryn for all he knew, so he tries to play it safe.
"I accept you as you are, Jo... that's what friends do. Even though you seem to see a lot of your bad points I see a lot of your good points... like your compassion and your determination to continue on even when you're exhausted. I heard about what you did for Mac and that took real courage, Jo... you risked your life to help him. And I will never make you do anything you don't want to do." Kamryn replied, relief washing over her when the door opened and Jo responded to what Kamryn had said.

"I understand a little better on why you said your threats and why you were angry and I forgive you, Jo. I won't lie, I'd still like to know... But I will talk to Darekk first. I believe I just met him... so I know how to find him later. I won't bother you anymore if you need to get to sleep." Kamryn finished, trying to give Jo a smile. The girl seemed sad and Kamryn wanted to give her a hug but was worried that was crossing a line.
" To be honest, I just want some time alone and I need some exercise" Darekk said, wasn't it normal that someone wanted to go out for a run? though, what could he consider normal? he lived in lockdown with either people with strange powers, guards or teachers, he wasn't exactly an expert on "normal"

He was getting tired of being with people, it wasn't nearly as bad as he had thought but he needed some time by himself, to think about what had happened that day, it was interesting knowing new people but it was also dangerous, trusting people.....he wasn't a fan of that, so it was probably time to back up and go somewhere else

" So anyways, I think I'll go ahead and get some exercise outside before heading for the showers, have a good night guys" He said, then he stood up, left the cafeteria and headed outside, guards didn't even bothered on asking where he was headed, they were used to him going to run outside and even if he tried escaping they knew he wouldn't get far

He stood outside, it was raining, "Good"He thought, and so, he started to run letting the water wash away his fears and thoughts
Jo just kind of stopped thinking about everything for a moment and hugged Kamryn, she was shorter than her, and she still felt embarrased of her pajamas but she just did it without giving it much thought. She felt a weird sensation, she was still crying but she felt warmer. After all she was still pretty young. She clenched on Kamryn for a bit till her tears stopped. She felt a bit shy for hugging her just like that. She wished to tell her everything, but she was still too scared. It was always her fears that kept her hiding herself and her feelings. But until ow she only had one person to talk to, and he was mostly sick. She rubbed her face and wiped her tears away. she got startled at the sound of rain starting to pour.

She looked at Kamryn with her puffy eyes, not only from the usual lack of sleep but now from all the crying. "I dont really....sleep that much, but I'll just head down to the library while its open" She realized she hadnt let go of Kamryn's pajama, her hand was still holding her. She released it and blushed a bit more.
Kamryn was shocked when Jo hugged her but a strong sense of feeling washed over her... She was hesitant at first but before long Kamryn wrapped her arms around Jo and even though the girl was distressed there was a kind of happiness for Kamryn that Jo had confided in her. Understanding what tears felt like Kamryn remained still, returning Jo's hug until she pulled away. She noticed Jo's flinch when the rain began to come down but she herself felt calmed by the beautiful sounds that the rain splashes made.

"Do you want me to come with? I'm not really ready to sleep, either."
Kamryn said at Jo's words. She hadn't noticed the grip Jo had had on her pajamas until she was letting go and a flush of red had come to her cheeks. Wrapping a friendly arm around Jo's shoulders Kamryn smiled down at her. "I really love your pajamas by the way. They're really, very cute."
Jo giggled "Yeah, they are my favourite" she said as she looked at her outfit.

"Ah..well if you'd like to come to the library, I woudlnt mind but....I do like my silent time in there, Its always so calm its perfect to read and research..." Jo said with a hesitant face, she would like if Kamryn came along but she always got so into her readings and reasearches that she wasnt sure how much of a good company she would be, plus she was scared that if they talked to much in the library the guards would get angry. She still planned on doing her "night walk", that wasnt something Jo particulary felt like sharing. She felt so new to the whole friendship. Darekk usually went with her to some places but she knew they both liked silence...Kamryn was, different.
"If your'e worried about me disrupting you, I promise I'll be quiet once we get there. I'm sure I won't be very talkative once I find something to read, anyway. If you prefer I don't accompany you, though, in the case that 'silent time' means 'alone time', just say so. I can just head to bed now." Kamryn said, keeping her tone light to show that if Jo didn't want her around it wouldn't hurt her feelings "I can kind of go back and forth depending on the situation... like, I can be really chatty like right now because I really don't like silence... but I get pretty quiet when my mind is focused or the person I'm with doesn't like a lot of chatter." Kamryn added in, a genuine smile in place as she looked down at Jo.
After a while of running Darekk stopped near the woods and sat down under a tree, he was shivering and his clothing was drenched in water, now that he was calm he thought about talking to Jo for a while after getting a shower, he wanted to share his thoughts, but he didn't thought she would like to talk this late, so he stayed for a while under the tree under the cold was too much for him to handle, he came back to the building trying not to shiver too much so the guards wouldn't take him to the infirmary, he hated when they did that, so he went through them and headed for the showers, the hot water would probably make him feel better

Once he got to the showers he got in as fast as he could now shivering uncontrolably and let the hot water run, at first when the water hit him he felt like he was freezing inside and burning outside, when he got used to the water he felt way better, he stayed there for a while, enjoying the shower while thinking about what he would do now, he felt too tired to practice with his sword so he would probably go and get a book from the library and then read in his room before sleeping

With that thought in his mind, he turned off the water and got dressed with a plain black T-Shirt and some sweat pants he grabbed from his locker, and got out of the showers, then he walked to the library and towards the librarian, she already knew him so he didn't had much trouble asking for a book, he smiled and said " Give me the best book you have"
Jo smiled at Kamryn "I think it would be more fun being quiet and focus together...." She noticed how Kamryn was looking donw on her, it bothered her a bit. "If only that tasteless goo had some nutritional value maybe I would grow a few inches..damn it all" Jo thought to herself. "By the way, where are the others? you were in the showers pretty early, did something happen? She asked Kamryn softly.
Kamryn nodded appreciatively at being allowed to come along but couldn't help but giggle a little about Jo growing taller. "You know they say that the most beautiful blossoms bloom the latest, right? Well I'm sure you'll hit your growth spurt and who knows, you may end up taller than all of us!" Kamryn said but her expression fell as she was reminded of having to leave the others and how she was still pretty hungry- but she dare not go against the order of the teacher. She deserved this, after all... she deserved punishment for not being able to focus. "They went to eat." She said shortly. She refused to lie to Jo- even something as trivial as adding 'I didn't because I wasn't hungry.' Neither did she want to admit her failure earlier today and her punishment as a result so she left it at that, hoping her voice didn't sound too clipped and cold.
Mac pointed at Darekk with two fingers in a sort of 'catch ya later' gesture. Then he turned back to the table and looked to Yammat saying, "So, Yammat, I couldn't help but notice how you were staring at Kamryn before. Why don't you ask her out?"

((OOC: Am I the only one wondering why they're eating lunch and then saying goodnight?))
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"hmm, maybe its just me but you look a bit pale, I wondered if anything had happened...its probably just me though, crying always plays tricks in your eyes" Jo said to Kamryn softly, she rubbed her eyes. She didnt want to think about her height,it didnt particulary bother her but she knew by 17 there werent much chances of having a suddent strech. She shook her head for spacing out again. "Hey, we'll avoid the rain easier if we pass through the cafeteria hall, it would be bad if we had to shower again..." Jo said, she didnt really enjoy rain, and she was scared of storms and thunders... she wanted to stay under a roof the whole time.

As they got to the cafeteria Jo spotted Mac and Yammat talking, she didnt care anymore about her pajamas. She smiled and waved at them as they approached them. She wasnt sure if Kamryn would slike to stop and talk to them, or she had even noticed, Jo kept thinking she looked a bit pale and wondered if maybe she had eaten something bad...

((OOC : bwahahaha Im bringing her to Yammat, the ship must go on!! ))
Yammat's face flushed to a deep crimson at Mac's suggestion. "W-w-what...? WHAT...?'s a GOOD reason, believe's just..." Ask Kamyrn out!? Has Mac completely lost it? He is a chameleon, but anyone could go insane. Yammat couldn't ask Kamryn. He doesn't have a chance. On top of that, they barely knew each other. All Kamryn has is that Yammat' an artistic madman, who's basically the Hulk made of darkness. All Yammat had of her, was that she was a talkative, kind, cheerful woman, who had a taste for knowledge and going inside people's subconscious. He turned to Zak, pleading he could change the subject.
"If you don't try you only rule yourself out. To be honest, she does seem to be pretty awesome, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone else asked her… but, I can tell when I've hit a sour subject, so I'll drop it. Sorry." Mac saw Jo and Kamryn walking into the cafeteria. He winced at the thought of them coming over right now. He hoped Yammat saw before he said anything else. Why was Kamryn here? Mac nudged Yammat, trying to get his attention.

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