Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Mac noticed another Kraya get carried into the infirmary, but then escorted out almost as quickly by the guards. The guards had kicked down the doors. Mac didn't like that. Why did they need to use aggression to collect an unconscious kid? "I'm sorry, I'll be back to see how you're doing," said Mac to Zoey. He stalked the guards down the hall, noticing there was another Kraya with them. Something's very fishy about this, he thought, Hmm, fish. I haven't had lunch yet. Lunch can wait. Finally Mac had had enough. They weren't handling this kid with care. So he slipped in front of the guards and intercepted their path. They attempted to pass him, but he stood his ground. "What's going on here? This Kraya obviously needs medical attention, not guards."

The doctor came running out of the infirmary. "Don't touch my specimen! He's unlocked the Paradign! It exists!" Mac was confused, the doctor said that the Paradign might never show again. Why was he so worried? What was going on?
(OOC: Sorry, ive missed a few pages :( Ill try and catch up in a big post)

The girl seemed to have been knocked unconscious over the tussle with the flag. Zak probably would have just left her there if it wasn't for the huge burst of darkness that crashed through his surroundings. Zak was close enough to the beam to get launched off his feet again, but he gets up in time to see the huge wave of darkness that was enveloping the area. Without really thinking, he rushes back to the unconscious girl and heaves her onto her shoulder, glad that she wasn't too heavy. He noticed Kamryn try talking to Yammat to calm him down, but he wasn't going to wait around to find out, he rushes out of there as quickly as possible.

Zak didn't sustain any serious injuries, only a bunch of small cuts and bruises, but he still had an unconscious person on his shoulder so he goes straight to the infirmary. Finding her a bed, he has a quick look around, noticing Jo talking with someone and the Chameleon who had a spasm in the opposite corner being examined. He was too exhausted to talk to anyone, even though the room was full of people he wanted to talk to, so he simply leaves to go into a shower room to clean himself up, departing long before Kamryn or Yammat arrive.

He wasn't quite sure what to make of what happened today, he thinks while having his shower, it seemed that Yammat had absolutely lost himself in his power, was that another affect of Troy's class? He had no idea, but he wondered if other people had the potential to be as destructive as Yammat. Though he wasn't sure he wanted to have anything to do with him anymore, he overheard some guards earlier talking about how a few of the students had been killed due to his outburst, did he really want someone like that on his fragile escape mission?

Billions of questions and not as many answers buzzed through Zak's head, he was happy he was allowed to collect his thoughts alone while the others recuperated from their injuries.
The guards looked at Michael with interest. "You'll be wanting to come with us, as well." One grunted to Michael quietly. When the doctor began to protest the guards stared him down. "Your specimen will be fine. We just need 'im and Yammat to talk to Dr. Troy for a bit."

The doctor looked a little confused but it appeared that Dr. Troy was above his ranking so he grudgingly acquiesced. He attempted to ask permission to come along as well but the guards shook their heads. "We'll bring 'im back to you when Troy is done with 'im."

Kamryn looked between a Kraya she didn't know and the guards. Paradign? She could have sworn she had heard that word before... perhaps she had read about it? But she couldn't remember what it meant... it seemed pretty serious, though. At that moment Troy came out to greet them, throwing Kamryn farther off balance.

Troy waved his hands at the Doctor who, after glowering just a bit, stalked back into the infirmiry. Troy then gently gripped Michael's shoulder and began to lead him toward Troy's office while the guards followed behind with Yammat and Kamryn followed behind them, curious to see if she could sneak in as well.

"Calm down, Yammat. Why I am here isn't important... what we need to focus on is why you, and a couple of your friends are here. You seem to have unlocked a secret nature within Krayas that we tend to refer to as 'Paradign.' We would just like to better understand what you were feeling and since the other scientists aren't as skilled in the subject it was up to me to speak to you."

Troy was calm and collected. He grabbed a chair for Michael and Kamryn (who he had apparently allowed in on whim...) before going back to where Yammat sat, double checking to make sure his wound was properly bandaged.

(If there are any problems with any of this I am not against editing, this is just the best I could figure out at the moment :) )
When Troy approached and put a hand on Mac's shoulder, he ripped it away and gave Troy a glare. Then, realizing Troy did not hold the same hostility toward them as the guards did, he conceded and followed the teacher. Then the teacher was off talking about Paradign again. Now there were more that had unlocked it? Was this some sort of joke? Troy was asking for their feelings during the incident. So Mac began, "What did I feel? I was unconscious, stuck in a void where I had no control. Then suddenly there was a rush of energy and my entire purpose was fulfilled. I felt like a god. No one should have that power. What do you hope to gain from this, a new monster of war? No, return us to normal society before we become too much to handle. You endanger everyone with this experiment. What makes you so qualified anyway? Paradign was just a theory until now."
Yammat laid back and waited his turn to speak. When he got his turn, he adjusted his beanie. "Well..there's a hormone in the brain that's released when one is really mad and/or sad. If too much of it is released, I go berserk. In short, just get me really, REALLY pissed." Yammat gestured to Mr. Shapeshifter. "Back to what Shapeshifter's saying, what do you hope to accomplish by knowing this?" Yammat lowered his face in shame. "I mean, I felt like...not a god....more like a monster. A beast that destroyed everything in my path." Yammat wanted to ask how Troy knew his name, but that would be a stupid question. He turned to Kamryn, then immediately back to Troy.
Kamryn remained silent, looking at her fellow Krayas with interest. She hadn't unlocked this Paradign thing so... she had nothing to add to it.

Troy glanced at her a moment but didn't really say much. His attention was mainly on Michael and Yammat.

"Why this information is important is to better understand, Krayas, of course." Troy said smoothly, smiling kindly at them. "Considering it can be a bit dangerous we also need to learn how it's activated so we can help you keep control of it so that you don't accidentally kill people like what happened today with Yammat.... and so that you don't come close to dying yourself, like what happened to you, Michael."

Kamryn met Yammat's gaze the brief moment he looked at her and wondered how terrifying it must have been to have no control. She looked away in the end, the idea terrifying her. And... he had actually killed someone? She knew he could be dangerous but... she had never really known one Kraya to go berserk enough to kill another. She side glanced at the other Kraya, 'Michael' as Troy called him. It had made him feel like a god... that in a way scared Kamryn as well. When you had that much power what stopped you from doing whatever you liked?

"So you both claim to have gone into a kind of void like state... Did it feel like you still had control at all? I know you(speaking to Yammat) mentioned going berserk but did you have no inkling of control? And you(speaking to Michael) say you felt immense power but could you do anything with it?"

Yammat looked away. He didn't want to talk about it. He hated going to the Paradign state...or at least, that's what they called it. Nonetheless, if he wants to get out of here, he best comply. "No control. I lose consciousness, and I only hear one voice before going out cold; Kill everything. At that point, my brain probably registers everything as hostile. That must be why I don't recognize anyone. I think they're threats."
"Excuse me, Troy, I don't think you understand. I was in the void before the transformation to Paradign. I was saved by the Paradign, and yes, for that brief moment, I felt I had control over myself. You're saying that these powers are so dangerous. Then stop teaching people how to use them. We don't need these powers. I've learned to survive without them. But every time you pull one of these stupid activities out of your butt, there's always chaos. So why don't you just stop?"
"Who ever said we are teaching you how to use the Paradign?" Troy asked, charming smile in place still. He glanced between the two Paradign users calmly, looking as casual as if he were conversing with old friends instead of two possibly dangerous Krayas. "If you hadn't noticed, Michael, Yammat's powers are extremely dangerous. It lead to several deaths and could do so again."

Troy paused a moment, rubbing at his chin thoughtfully.
"So you say that you had to go into the void before being able to access the Paradign, that's an interesting piece of information... especially since it seems to differ so from Yammat's."

Troy's smile became slightly bitter as Michael's tone hit a nerve. Troy never appreciated when he was spoken to in such a condescending manner- as if someone else knew more than he. In the end, though, Troy's regular smile came back while fixing Michael with a hard stare.
"Oh, my friend, you are so simple minded. You do not see the forest for the trees. The activities themselves are not stupid- they are basic training on learning how to work as a team as well as realizing to tell who you can trust and who you cannot. Such a thing is extremely important if you ever chose to learn from it. "

Troy turned away from Michael, focusing on Yammat once more.
"So it would seem your Paradign is more of a survival instinct, a last ditch effort to save you from danger. It leaves me wondering if that is truly your Paradign or not. Of course it could be, there's no doubting the possibility... but there might be something more to it. Is it proven fact that it takes emotion for you to use your powers? Or is that what you've been led to believe?"
Yammat grew uneasy at Michel's scolding. "Michel. Stop. First off, it's rude to act that way towards authority. Second, you're being to loud. At least to someone who just recovered from a concussion." Yammat smiled at Troy and shrugged. "Maybe it's different to each person. As for if I'm sure that my power is Paradign? Not so sure."
Mac was surprised at the outburst of the boy next to him. But he was right. "Eh, I apologize. I can see that you just want to talk about it Troy. Just the way the guards were handling him (Yammat) put me on edge. I really don't like it when people are mistreated. Oh, and please stop calling me Michael, the name's Mac, got it?"
Troy's smile widened, gaze appraising on Yammat and Michael. "Mac? I understand. I will refer to you as that if that's what you truly wish. And yes, the guards can be a bit rough but they do lack a bit in intelligence and I assure you, any Kraya that is brought to me is in good hands honestly."

Troy shook his head.
"Back to business. Yammat, your mental classes (subjects like English/Math/etc) will be shortened so they can add in an anger management class. Something to help control your emotions so that you won't lose control like that again. You will not be punished for what happened since it is not your fault but you will also be kept away from other Krayas from now on- except in the case of classes. But you will no longer partake in any activities with other Krayas that include you using your abilities."

It had seemed as if Troy had forgotten all about Kamryn's presence until he turned to her and said:
"And you... keep working hard."

Kamryn looked up at him sheepishly. All this information about Paradigns was making her head swim... the idea of being able to unlock something deeper within one's self... and that it could potentially be a monster or a god... was frankly terrifying. She wondered what would happen to her... or if she even had a Paradign. Deciding to inquire Kamryn asked: "Professor... do all Krayas have a Paradign?"

"In theory, yes, but since Mac and Yammat are the first things that can be called proof... we can't say anything for certain."
Yammat nodded, he greatly disagreed with it, considering he wanted good grades. He glanced at Kamryn for a quick second and then Mac, now back to Troy. "And for combat training? I'd rather keep my skills honed, sir." For some reason, looking at Kamryn reminded him of his sketchbook, it was probably the vampire he drew. It did look like Kamryn. Yammat blushed a bit, then shook his head. "Oh and uuuhhh...sir? Have you by any chance seen a black, hardback sketchbook?" Yammat turned to one of the guards who was starring at him with hostility. Instinctively, he stared back at the guard. The guard widened his eyes. The sign of accepting a stare off challenge.
"Hold on a second, isn't cutting him off from other Kraya punishment in itself? This isn't a jail. The best way to treat anger issues is with kindness and laughter, not with isolation. You may think I'm just a student sir, but I've done a fair share of studying in my free time."
"Studying does not make up for experience, my young friend." Troy said softly. "Until we can be sure that Yammat can truly control himself, it's for the best of everyone else if he's kept away from them. Sometimes you must sacrifice the one for the many... Yammat killed at least 6 Krayas today and injured several others. Unlike you, we are unwilling to take the chance of him injuring or killing any others."

Troy refrained from snapping at Mac. Taking a deep breath, he smiled.
"Mac, you may go. I'm sure the Doctor has more he'd like to speak to you about and I've gotten all information I need from you at them moment." Troy said, deciding that the best way to deal with this is to remove the problem. "Kamryn, you may accompany him, if you would."

Troy turned back to Yammat. The others had been dismissed and were expected to leave.
"You will, of course, still work on your abilities but you will be assigned a personal instructor." Troy replied. "As for the notebook, I have not heard anything of one but I'll inquire next chance I get."
Mac stood up reluctantly and began to leave, then in the doorway, he turned around and said, "Hey, I understand why you're want to keep him isolated, and we don't want to endanger others. But, tell you what, I'll come and visit him when I can. I could care less if he tries to kill me. I want out of this place anyway. The other's will be safe, but I won't have a fellow Kraya being cut off because of something he doesn't mean to do. I know I'm being bold about it, sir, and I don't want to cause you any more trouble, but I won't take no for an answer on this one."
Yammat couldn't help but smile at Mac's kindness. He flushed and looked down at his legs. He was reacting the same way a kid would if his parents vouched for them. Truth was, he didn't need anger management. He wasn't that easy to get mad, but you couldn't blame him for getting mad when his arm was set on fire. "Th-thank you Mac..." Yammat stood up and stretched. "Oh yeah. I guess I DO owe you an apology for getting you involved. Sorry, Kamryn."
Kamryn looked up at him in surprise, before glancing away. "I just followed... I didn't have to." Kamryn mumbled, her face heating up. "I'll visit you, too, Yammat. Honest. I bet Zak will, too! I don't know about Jo... though..." Kamryn's voice trailed off... she had been ready to say Jo would too but... with the last thing she had heard from the girl she wasn't so sure. She followed Mac out the door.

It looked like Troy dearly wanted to roll his eyes but he just smiled and gestured them out. "If you choose to risk your lives, you may... we are just protecting the majority of the Krayas. I agree with you, Mac, isolation isn't the best way to cope with anger so the institute thanks you for laying your life on the line.

"Yammat, it seems like... you have fairly decent friends." Troy said in bemusement after a moment.

Mac exited the room, smiling at the thought of being called a fairly decent friend. He barely knew the kid. Then he looked back to the girl that was with them. "I don't know if I caught your name. Carmen, was it? Troy never asked about your transformation, did he?" Mac extended a hand, hoping he hadn't botched her name.
Yammat admired Kamryn's figure as she left, the quickly shifted his sights to Troy before she could notice. His eyes were relaxed. He gave a thankful smile. "Yes sir..." He looked down a bit. "Pretty good friends..." Were they, though? How could he be certain? They all agreed to escape. Perhaps that's all Yammat meant to them. "Actually, I can't complain. Short classes, alone time, more combat training. A good deal."
"It's uh... Kamryn, actually... but that's pretty close." Kamryn replied, giggling. She accepted the hand, attempting to show a firm grip. "I... I didn't have a transformation. Not yet, anyways. It's why I asked if all Krayas could. I was just in the area when Yammat went nuts and wanted to make sure he was ok... and I'm a bit of a brown noser, sticking my nose in places that it 'doesn't belong." Kamryn admitted at the last... why not, after all? "So you're Mac... I uh... didn't catch what Class you are? I'm Mental." Kamryn suddenly burst into giggles again, realizing how that must have sounded. "Not that I'm ... insane or anything. I'm in the class of Mental Krayas. I can make people see illusions."

"It's not really a bad deal and other Krayas will be allowed to see you, if they wish." Troy agreed, nodding. "So here's the question that I didn't want the others around to hear- for your benefit and mind. Do you feel any remorse for what you've done? And a follow up question. You sound unhappy that you are a 'monster' but... Is it possible that you will ever be able to truly control the darkness?"
Mac smiled at the comment Kamryn made of herself. "Don't worry, I'm a bit of a brown noser myself. Well, when I get out that is. Of course you're not insane, in fact, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. I'm a Chameleon, by the way. The doc says that's why it was so easy for me to find my Paradign. Could my transformation have had something to do with Yammat's outburst? I can't believe it was just coincidence that we both found it at relatively the same time. What do you think?"
Yammat raised an eyebrow at Troy's question. "Eh?" Remorse? Of course he felt remorse, still was quite a rush. As for's his power. Why wouldn't he be able to he control it? "Ummm....yeah I felt bad. Terrible. Although, it was always quite a rush. Fighting in general, but I feel the rush while asleep. Control? Yeah, of course I can control my power. It's my power isn't it?" Yammat was personally offended. He understood Troy's doubt, but he could at least have SOME faith. He hummed a little tune and created musical notes from darkness.
Jo picked her food and saw as Darekk ordered a double portion for himself "Bleh, I suppose bland tasteless goo is so appealing one just HAS to get a double" she murmured. As they arrived to the table she felt uneasy.

"I dont think I'll get much sleep tonight, I never do but I just..I have a lot in my head.." She said "how ironic that Im saying that to a Mental class" Jo picked a table near a window, thinking about what she'd do to pass the night, she spaced out a bit, thinking about nothing really. She looked around, no one from before seemed to be there.... "Dar, access my memories and remember the faces that Im thinking about, might come in handy if you run into them.." Jo focused on the faces of Zak, Kamryn and Yammat. She coudlnt picture Mr.Ted or whatever his name was, she never saw him properly in class since her eyes were glued to the floor.

She wanted to learn more about what he was talking about. The idea of putting a foot outside of the school scared her but, if there was more to being a Kraya than being a weapon, she wanted to learn about it. About where people go when they graduate, about the rumors about experiments and the history of the school. She decided that night to go for a little "night walking" later that day.
Kamryn looked thoughtful. "Coincidences are possible... but you make a good point, it would seem like they were linked. But... did you know what was going on with Yammat? Did he know what was going on with you?" Kamryn inquired as she glanced at Mac. "Thanks for having faith in my intelligence, by the way. It means a lot that you don't think I'm that kind of mental." Kamryn added, laughing good naturedly. "So... about the Paradign... do you think you could access it again if given time?"

Troy looked thoughtful at Yammat's answer, rubbing his chin as he thought. The world definitely wasn't black and white... there were a lot of gray areas... so he accepted Yammat's answer. "Yammat, there is no need to be offended by my question." Troy added, noticing the Kraya's expression. "I am not a Kraya and so don't fully understand how the power works... in some cases power is manifestation that the person cannot control once it is created. I just wanted to make sure that wasn't the case for you."

(OOC: Sorry guys, internet went out for whatever reason... like it was out for everybody and it really sucked :P )

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