Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Mac looked through his one open eye at Darekk. Were there lacerations on his eye, or was Darekk hurt? "What are you doing trying to help you traitor! You deserve to be beat up!" Mac coughed again and started crying.
Darekk watched Mac with a confused look when he told him he was a traitor, what on earth had happened last night for him to believe he had betrayed him? All he could remember from last night was his conversation with Jo and then passing out.

"...What do you mean by traitor? I don't even know what's happening here, all I know is that I lost consciousness yesterday after talking with Jo and I woke up this morning at the infirmary just to find complete chaos and you hurt like this" He said while looking at Mac "Now stay still and Zak, would you grab the things I brought from the infirmary and heal Mac please?" He asked, then he gave Zak the bag and sit down at a corner of the room, closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain. 
" I got beaten up by the principal's guards Yammat, they're too fast and strong, I had no chance against them" He said bitterly
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Jo stormed out of the principal's office, se had grabbed her things in a rush and almost tripped going out the door. She glanced back for a second and as the door was closing she saw the pricipal smiling and waving her goodbye, she felt goosebumps and ran across the halls to get away as fast as possible, she ran as much as she could, but her physical conidtion once agian bretayed her. She stopped at a corner where she almost chocked trying to breathe better. Whatever had just happened in the room should never leave her head. Ever. She was gasping for air when suddendly saw Zak entering a small room. Huh?, she tried to get a grip of her breath as she slowly approached that door, there were still guards roaming the halls, probably looking for Mac.

She leaned againts the door pretending she was looking for some books, and tried to hear what was going on inside. She was surprised when she recongized the voices of Mac and even Darekk. "What on earth....?.." Jo thought to herself. Hoping she wouldnt get killed trying to get inside (After all some of these people were known to be impulsive) She quickly opened the door and steppted inside, being careful to close it behind her. As she was touching the door she made it blend with the rest of the walls so the guards couldnt see it from the outside. Maybe when if they saw that they'd realize she didnt mean to harm them. Still tired from running she tried to undertand the picture in front of her. Yammat and Zak were helping Mac who was pretty beaten up along with Darekk, though he looked way better than when he left the principal's office.

-"...I saw Zak entering, It's dangerous that all of you are just hiding here, I made the door vanish on the outside.... Are you all ok?"
Yammat wiped away Mac's tears. "Easy, your eyes don't need to be anymore swollen. Here drink some more water." He put the drinking water back in Mac's hand. He turned to see Zak happy about the plan he drew out on the paper. "Yes. It may not be good, but with the anarchy, we may have a chance. Although, we're gonna need to get Darekk and Mac patched up and healed." Turned to Darekk, who seemed mad at Yammat for something, did he hear the hate you part? Oh well. "Really? You'll have to save the story for later. Right now, we have more important things to tend to." Yammat's head perked up at thesound of an all too familiar voice. It was Jo! Where had she been!? Everything was going to hell, and she just showed up!? "Jo! Where were you!?" Yammat's voice was a mixture of concern, and absolute rage.
Jo couldnt let go of the door so she stayed where she was. She wished she could go and help Mac so that Darekk wouldnt over do himself. But she didnt know how he felt, last time they talked it didnt end all that well. She felt confused by Yammat's question, and his tone of voice.

-"Ah...didnt you hear the school speakerphones?, the principal call me to his office...." She said looking down. she looked at Mac with a caring smile "Sorry I wasnt early to save you this time...." she turned to look at Darekk with a more concerned look, motherly like "And you shouldnt be outside of the infirmary! , I get that you want to help him but you'll get your wounds open again!"
Yammat shook his head and realized that he could've worded it better. "I'm sorry..." His voice was back in the scream-ish tone. "...what took you so long!?" Jo took forever in the office. Yammat wondered if Jo had a super spooky talk with the principal, but more detailed questions are for later. Medical attention is for now. "Aside from that, you're right, Jo. We have to get to the infirmary, and I should probably calm down." He took a step back and viewed the crowd before him. He glanced at every single one of them. Two were injured, all were exhausted. First things first, "Speaking of calming down, we should all do that." He turned to Jo and gave a commending smile. "I'm honestly amazed as to how calm you are."
"If I had any power to make my time with the principal shorter I would've used it, believe me...." She started thinking about the situation as a whole. She ignored Yammat's comment about her being calm .. "Darekk could go, but if you take Mac to the infirmary they will put him in lockdown." She looked at Mac, suddendly realizing he had a collar neck, forbidding him to use his powers at all. She got a sudden realization. "...Mac, however did they found out..?" She said trying to figure out what he thought about it before telling all of them what was on her head, it wouldnt be good if they wanted to calm down. She grew a long tail, monkey like, to grab on to the door handle so that she could see the collar closer without letting go from the door. After a moment she looked up at all of them with a worried face.

She went back to the door to hear what was going on outside. "... I dont think we are escaping this place any time soon" She said with a knot on her throat. She looked at Mac with teary eyes. "The collar has a tracker" her voice was cracking "Even if all of us tried to fight the guards outside... we'd end up in lockdown, if not dead...And its too late to take the collar off" Jo said with a serious tone, she knew that Yammat and even Zak would consider fighting, and she hoped they could sense the fear on her voice. She had all the possibilites of what they could do next crushing her head. This wasnt a situation where they could just hope for the best... She looked at mac with a pleading face.

"If you turn youself in maybe they wont put us all in lockdown, we'd get punished but not lockdown....please Mac, they wont hurt you if you just go willingly. Im begging you, I dont want to see you guys die.... Look we can get you out of there when we have a more solid plan to escape...Im sure these guys wont let you behind..." She finally said, she was sure of every word she was saying. If they had a more solid plan there were more chances of surviving, right now they were just rushing things since it got out of hand. And the number of guards outside would only get bigger by the second. Most of them had probably tranquilizers and more collars. Krayas without powers were useless... It was the only rational thing to do....
Zak looks at Jo with eyes like daggers. How could she possibly suggest something like this? Zak could hardly believe that after all that has happened the facility would simply reprimand them and then let them roam the facility again, Zak knew from all the times he had been caught the type of punishments he received, and that was already close to torture. He didn't want to wait around to see what sort of sick abuse they would receive for this offense. They had gone too far this time, and he decided now it was all or nothing.

For one, they had to find Kamryn, she said before that she would help and her power to distract the guards would be more than helpful. Just at the thought of her was enough to break the weak illusion she had cast over his mind, and Kamryn stood in the open before him. He was a little shocked at first, but really was pleased to see her, and an almost vicious smile crawls across his face.

Now was the time to reveal the cards in his hand, so to speak. He was taking a big risk by doing this, but he couldn't wait around any longer, he walks over to what looks like a simple cupboard and throws it wide open, revealing a few of his pieces of clothing, he bows down to the bottom of the cupboard and pulls out a false panel which hid a stash of weapons and protective gear that Zak made sure had been 'misplaced' from the guards every so often. Before, it was simply a habit in case of a rainy day, but it was safe to say it was about to pour.

"Don't be a fool, Jo. You can't seriously expect them to let us survive after what we have put together, we are the first Krayas to even think about escape, and they won't let such a dangerous idea run free." he says in a determined tone before stepping aside to show his stash to the others. "We need to make a decision now, or never."
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"They didnt even pretend to kill Mac who is the only one they are sure, wants to escape, I heard the principal when they were taking him in the morning....."Jo sighed, she had said what she needed to say. She didnt gave much importance to it, not after talking to the principal at least....She felt sick thinking about it. She looked up. "Well Mac cant use his powers and he's injured, Darekk received wounds that wont let him move fast without killing him, I cant fight and we are surrounded so Im curious to hear what plans you have to fight our way to get to whatever exit you are thinking of... Plus none of us can dissable the tracker..." She said in a tired voice. She didnt meant to disencourage him but she just wanted to know they were listening to a voice of reason. She leaned her back completly againts the door and continued thinking about plans B, C and D..... She wondered if she was the only one using logic around the situation there, she was the smallest, probably weakest one among them, she knew the equipment wouldnt be enough, it was just for practice after all... She just wanted to know if anyone could think a better plan than just jumping to the mouth of the wolf.. "How did I ended up in this situation" she thought to herself.

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Zak holds up the stapled papers from Yammat's and Mac's plans, and gestures towards his stash. "If any of the guards find any of this stuff, the Kraya its associated with is basically dead meat. I know from experience that they only use the collars as a last resort, how easy would it be to just turn them on now and figure out where we are instead of having the guards aimlessly running around for us?" He waves his pitch black hair away from his eyes as he continues talking. "The tracker has a limited range, if we can escape the radar it doesn't matter if its tracking or not 'cause it'll be useless. But as for Mac and Darekk..."

He scratches the side of his head, if they were going to follow through it was obvious that they would slow them down severely, and they definitely couldn't leave them here because then they will be subject to who knows what. He takes account of what they have: a bunch of injured but super powered Krayas, some Guard gear, and a room thats invisible to anyone outside. "Jo, how long can you make that door blend in?"
"it doesnt matter about the papers if they die Zak. I cant carry them, and if you and Yammat did, no one would fight." She looked at the door, trying to guess what he was thinking. "I can hold enough, of course it just takes a scanner or a map to know we are here... Im guessing even if the door is invisible we have one hour before they know how to get in here" She responded in a serious voice. Then tapped the door twice with 2 of her fingers, thinking to herself. She had to hold her giggles in about the "limited range" of the Traker.... "If only you knew...." she thought to herself. However the reminder about the time did get her fears to rise more. She tried as hard as she could to imagine this whole situation was just a training game. She took big breathes and slided down the door, until she was sitting down. If they used any force method to break inside, chances are she'd die first. She rested her head on top of her knees, hiding her face she started to cry without making any sound. She knew they would notice but for the longest time, she had grown the habit to cry in silence...

((OOC, I swear everytime I type a reply Im thinking of ways to integrate the new character, I just have no idea whatsoever in how to do that. Suggest ideas?, we cant just leave her alone :) ))
Through this whole discussion, Mac was fading in and out of consciousness. Could it be true that this wasn't Darekk's fault? Then who's fault was it. Finally he said. "E-Everyone. Stop fighting. If you all p-promise to build off of my work and not let all of this go to waste, I will turn myself in. All I wanted was freedom, but now I see that was too much to trust anyone with."
Crystal having finished her book got up and walked out of the library to explore this new foreign environment. "Great I'm already bored here" she thought. While roaming through the hallways she heard some muffled conversations had to far off. Who ever they where they seemed to be in a very heated discussion. Her curiosity got the better of her and she began to walk in the direction of the noise. Once she had found where the strange noise was coming from Crystal was shocked. "Hmm there's no door anywhere around here. How odd." She thought. Stilling hearing the muffled noise she put her ear against the wall trying to hear if there was truly anything inside the wall.
Kamryn was rendered a bit speechless and ended up just moving to a corner of the room and hanging out there, no answering or responding- just listening. Seeing Mac so torn up.. and then Darekk coming in and looking horrific as well had stolen Kamryn's voice. The idea of escape... it was so romanticized but they could all get seriously hurt or... well they could even die and Kamryn found herself terrified at the idea. She didn't want to die... she didn't even know how well she could handle serious pain...

So Kamryn just sat and listened, though a lot of what was said didn't really register. In a way Kamryn felt bad but she couldn't explain what she felt so bad about. She was starting to see things from Jo's perspective- trying to escape... it was a bad idea. How could they even consider. Poor Mac... And Darekk. Kamryn's eyes moved to Zak and Jo and Yammat, lingering on each of them... would Kamryn be able to forgive herself if any of them got hurt as well?

But even to Kamryn's eyes it was becoming obvious that they were already deep enough into this that there was no turning back. She stood up, not minding that she had been... well not forgotten but attention hadn't been on her- she had preferred it that way so she could think. "If someone's coming for Mac there's no turning back... right? I mean... we're family so... we can't just leave him. We're just going to have to do our best to get out of here right now... or we all walk away from Mac and forget any of this ever happened." Kamryn said, moving to stand next to Jo.
"Ok there are defiantly people in there" she thought. Finally Crystal found the door and put her hand on the door knob. "It sounds like there are a lot of people in there do I really want to venture in? Well they are talking about leaving this place and though I don't clearly remeber much I remeber feeling free and happy before I was forced here." Crystal thought with her hand still on the door knob trying to decide what she should do.
Darekk heard everyone talking about turning Mac in and how it would be safer, his anger was gone and now he was just tired so he could think logically now, turning themselves in did have logic, after all, it would allow them to prepare a better plan for the escape, heal their wounds and prepare for the next time, they wouldn't be able to escape with two injured who couldn't help fighting or at least running by themselves

He tried to stood up to get everyone's attention but he failed miserably, so from the floor he cleared his throat and started talking " Okay, first of all guys, it is true we are in a bad position right now, we won't be able to execute a escape plan like this, with the guards watching the exits and Mac and me injured, if Mac is sure with turning himself in that gives us time to plan an escape more properly" he said while looking at everyone "So....everyone agrees?"He asked, if they were doing this they had to have everyone's support.
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"We dont have to forget him, we can get him out when we have a better thought pla-AH!"- Jo jumped off the ground when she suddendly felt her body starting to get cold. It was painful. She tried to hold her screams to avoid the guards from noticing. Her instict reaction was to grab the door knob and pull it open as fast as she could, to drag whoever was holding to it on the inside, while also turning them and the whole atmosphere around them, invisible. If it was only one person Zak or Yammat could take care of them. As soon as the girl was in, Jo closed the door shut again and gasped for air as her body warmed back down. She looked at everyone else wondering what they should do with this unwated guest. She didnt look like she meant to attack them though....
Before she could make a decision if she should enter the room or not the door was shoved open and Crystal was pulled into the room. She looked up with wide eyes at everyone in the room but instantly her eyes where drawn to a girl who had ice forming around her body. "She must have been touching the other side of the doorway!" She thought. "I'm very sorry I didn't mean to freeze you" Crystal said quickly making the ice recede quicker from the girl. After all the ice had disappeared she just stood there staring at everyone nervously.
Mac noticed Kamryn and then the other person getting pulled into the room. He coughed in surprise. "Now… now we are seven. The magnificent few who choose to defy this institution." Mac was feeling inspired. "Though it is not easily attained, and only leads to another world where people hate, I chose to be hated in freedom. All of us here in this room. We will be the stewards of Krayan freedom. We will be the figureheads of peaceful, free survival. Some of you are anxious to leave, as am I. But now is not the time. We must fuel a rebellion from the shadows, rise up in flame and freeze the humans in their tracks. We will fight for our respect. But as such, we will also give the same respect we expect to attain. We must work together. Will you be the ambassadors of Krayan freedom? Will you stand as one to defeat this tyranny? Will you work for a result of peace?" Mac sighed, then coughed again. He didn't know where that had come from, but he meant every word.
Jo sighed in relief hearing Mac was understanding the importance of waiting to plan something bigger, she didnt respond anything to the speech, nor did she feel generic about it. If anything it just scared her even more.... She'd never agree to anything like that in the past; but to that point they've all chosen to die in the school or to get killed outside by the humans that hated them. She also waited to see everyone elses reaction. Would these people be able to take an innocent person in their hands and take their lives from them just because they wanted resepct? She shook her head, if there was something she had learn from her researches was never to play god, and undertanding that every war would mean some inocent deaths. She felt sick by thinking of supporting that idea, she sat down again to calm herself down.

"Krayan freedom.." She thought, after talking to the principal, hearing Mac say those words felt like such a big joke, the irony of those who didnt know the bigger picture of things. "Ignorance truly is bliss..."
Darekk saw a new girl in the room who had just been dragged into the room by Jo, but he wasn't sure everything was real anymore, the edge of his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea sitting down" He thought while trying to focus on one thing at a time, so he heard Mac giving an inspirational speech, he couldn't make much of it but he did listened enough to understand they were going along with Jo's plan "Good, maybe now I can rest, I'm so tired...." he muttered while slipping to his right side and falling to the floor

There, barely conscious he started wondering what would happen now, who was this girl, a new kraya?or maybe a traitor, but he didn't cared anymore, all he knew was that he was tired and he wanted to rest....
Tensions were running high in the room, at least it felt like it for Zak, but then suddenly the Kraya he knocked into before was thrown into the room, causing a break in the argument between himself and Jo. Again, Zak couldn't help but let out a laugh as she stood there awkwardly after being discovered. "Fancy seeing you again."

Zak was definitely inspired by Mac's words, as much as he wanted to get everything underway now and didn't want to wait. Though a few things bothered him, Jo seemed to sigh and shake her head whenever anyone relayed their plans of escape, and he didn't know anything about this new girl other than she could control ice. Could she be trusted? He had no idea, but she certainly got dragged into their mess by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Regardless, it seemed as though the general consensus was to allow Mac to take the bullet and allow everyone else more time to prepare, so Zak replaces the false bottom panel on his cupboard, flawlessly covering up the stolen gear, and then proceeds to sit on it, allowing a blank stare across the room. "I guess the only thing left is to either wait for the guards to find us and rest here or go out there now..."
Crystal glanced around the room, it was filled with unfamiliar faces except for one. The boy who had crashed into her earlier was there. He looked at her and let out a laugh. "Fancy seeing you again." He said. Crystal looked at him and couldn't help but smirk. Then one of the others boys, who looked like he had just gotten into a fight, starting talking. After listening to him give a speech about busting out of this place Crystal stood confidently and said "Count me in." She didn't know these people and they didn't know here but even though she was new here Crystal knew that if she wanted to leave this place and regain her memories of the days before she came here she would need to do so in a group.
Mac looked toward the new girl gladly. "Thanks. I hope that I can get to know you someday, my name's Mac. But sadly, I must depart. I'm turning myself in, but I won't have all of you dragged into it. Take off the bandages you gave me please. Hide them. Then bring me out as if you had been trying to capture me. The guards won't know how Darekk got beat up, so he can be leading me out as if he'd won the battle." Mac started to tear up. "Whatever happens next… I want you to know that I'm proud to call you friends. I couldn't have stood up to this without you. Please think of me when you finally escape. Alright… I'm ready."
Darekk head Mac talking about turning himself in, and by his words he thought Mac was trying to say they would escape without him "No way we're leaving Mac behind" he thought.

He stood up with effort and looked at everyone " Mac, we're not leaving you behind, whatever happens after we leave this room I promise, we will escape together" He said while looking at him in the eyes, then he grabbed him and left the room with him, they walked in silence for a while until Darekk spotted some guards, he called them over

"I found the Kraya you were looking for, he put up quite a fight but in the end he lost" He said, he hoped the guards would buy their story without much trouble, they looked at him with a suspicious look but in the end they took Mac and walked away, he didn't even bothered coming back to the cleaning room he just went to his room and collapsed in his bed, he was exhausted

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