Breaking the Rules [Inactive]

Crystal stared at the strange new kid. "Maybe I should just freeze him now." She thought. "No. We will not be killing anyone. They will all be frozen so they will be no threat to us. We aren't monsters we don't kill" she said coldly. She then looked at Zak. "Well I could freeze most of the guards when I freeze the facility, and I can get any other guards we see on the way. It will only last for about 10 minutes though so we need to be long gone by then. Or ya know we could come up with a distraction of some sort. All I know is we have to act soon."
"Alright no killing then and sneaking in sound fine all I need is the directions and I will so it" kaito said as he looks at them as they gave him a look. In book he read that looks is disgust which he found weird. He reveied what he said about Killin and found nothing wrong with it really. He was generally not understand what reason why they were looking at him like that. He looks into his bag as he knows he has the equipment for this type of job
Jo looked up at the new people as they explained the plan, she felt so tired mentally that she didnt argue much about the plan. She nodded after Zak talked. "Zak has a point about the guards, there's still hundreds of them around the school...." She looked back down at her books. It was good that the new kid offered himself to go get Mac. Even though she knew her abilities in vanishing were her strongest point; she would rather do as little as possible. After all, if she could she would rather have as little to do with the whole escape plan as possible...

As she was going to say something else the speakers in the school turned on and the static sound covered the room. "Joey Hudson, please present yourself at the director's office" Jo almost jumped off her chair. She felt paranoid. This was the worst possible time to be called.

She stood up almost falling down. She grabbed her bags and stood up froxen in front of the crew. "I'll come back as soon as I can.... Im fine with whatever task I have to do" She said with a shaky voice and heavy breathing; storming out of the library. Back to the director's office.
Amalie sat cross legged in the empty room, staring off somewhere. There was something going on.

She got up and left the room, starting to wonder.

She didn't look where she was going, or even stop to see what was around her.

She looked up when she passed a shattered table, but kept walking.

She came to a hallway which was almost empty, but didn't seem to notice.

She chewed a fingernail and stopped on the middle of the hall.

She sat on the ground and lay back. She wasn't sure what to do, where to go. She still didn't know where she was, but after her outburst her panic had dwindled.

With a sigh, she curled up on the floor, listening to the faint chatter in the distance idly.

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Tapatalk~
Darekk heard the part of finding out where Mac was, so he started talking in a low voice "Ok so, about finding out where Mac is, I can read the guards minds, just little parts, or even if I can't find out where he is by the guard's thoughts I can just walk around and try to feel his mind, every mind gives a different feeling so I should be able to find it and maybe even communicate with him"

He stared at everyone looking at how they reacted, the plan was crazy, possible to be done, true, but it still was crazy
"Hmm they had a point there where way to many guards in this place for me to freeze on my own." She thought. She stood there for a little bit thinking. Finally something came to her. " ok how about this me and someone else, preferably with destructive abilities, will head to the opposite end if school from where they are hiding Mac will just start destroying things and making as much noise and chaos as possible so the rest of you can get Mac and escape. Then the two of us will meet you outside somehow." Crystal had faith that she could escape from quickly before the guards arrived hopefully though someone would volunteer to help her.
(If it's okay with you guys, I'm just gonna make Yammat skip ahead until he's at the library with the group)

Yammat just sat as everyone started discussing the plan to free Mac and escape. I have to help, he thought, I can't just sit by while my friends are planning to escape and free Mac. Kuro raised his hand in offering to a plan. "It's a long shot, but we can just start wrecking the place while a few of us go in and save Mac. I'm sure if we cause enough trouble, we can reduce the guards numbers by plenty...if done right."
Amalie could feel people near by. They were, anxious... and... Something else, she couldn't put her finger on. She stood up again, walking almost in a daze, following them.

She could vaguely feel eyes on her, which she ignored. She blinked slowly, her eyes glued on a spot ahead of her, and her tilted her head.

Better bitter butter...

She giggled to herself, a random thought had occurred and she found it very funny.

Breathing in, she felt herself calming down completely, too much maybe. She threw caution to the wind and entered into a room that smelt of mothballs, faintly.

"A library!" She announced. "I haven't seen a book for a while, I wonder if there's a book on..." She trailed off, forgetting her thought.

Someone near her started to whisper.

She flicked her tongue across her lips. They tasted like copper. The blood had started to dry and turn sticky on her skin. On everything she touched she left a smear of blood. She wasn't concerned about this though.

"Someone's being naughty." She decided, before sitting at a table. Was it occupied? She didn't know, but she picked up the closest book and opened it.

It was boring.
Jo got slamed the director's door behind her. This time she was more scared of what the other might be thinking of her right now. She looked at the director with eyes filled with wrath. He was calm sitting on his chair. He welcomed Jo and offered her a sit. She felt frustrated and scared at the same time. She sat down quietly without letting the pricipal off her eyes. She just had this uneasy pressured feeling whenever she saw him.

"This wasnt the best moment to call me here..." She said after an awkward silence. The principal let out a small laugh.

"Wasn't it? Im sorry to hear that, but I just couldn't resist hearing the gossip from a reliable source.." He smiled while saying in a clam tone, almost as he didnt care at all about what he was talking about. Jo almost felt enraged with his attitude, but her fear was getting the best of her to even think clearly. She couldn't stop worrying about whatever was happening in the library.

"...I was doing something that might be of your interest...sir.... Can I maybe pass by here later.." She said with a stiff feeling on her jaw as she spoke. She felt goosebumps all over her spine.

" all means, dont let me stop you in that case..." He said more seriously.

Jo grabbed her stuff after a short bow; as she has heading outside the door she stoped flat. And without really giving much thought about it, she let a thought escape through her. "Why are you doing this" She didnt turn back to see the principal's reaction but she did hear the sound of writing stopping. There was a dangerous silence in the room.

"You are a smart girl Joey, Im sure there is no need for you to ask a question you already know the anwer to."

Jo went back to the library in deep thought.
Zak stares wide-eyed at the new girl who had come and taken a seat at their table. He swore lightly under his breathe, how hard could it be to have a secret plan that not every mind-reading Kraya would want in on? Regardless, he wasn't going to deny people who could help him, but he was having a serious suspicion problem with the new members. "You could say we're doing something naughty, wanna come along?" He tries to come off as friendly, but he ends up sounding resentful. He turns to Crystal before speaking again. "If Darekk can read the guard's minds to find out where Mac is it would remove alot of pressure from anyone needing to do any hacking, so I say we let Darekk do his thing, though how are we going to get through the cell door? Its unlikely that they'll leave it unlocked, so we need someone who can break it down." He felt as though the plan would be finished soon, but he wanted to make sure it was air-tight before he risked his neck for it.
Kaito sat looks over as he could see the girl that just randomly sit by him and was reading a book. He sniffs the air as he looks over to her as he could smell it. The faint scent of blood as the time he spent it was a smell he knew quite famaliar with. He looks over as he gave her a curious glance. He didn't know why but things seem to be gettin interesting as it almost make a small smile comes to his face
Darekk heard as everyone talked, guards, cell blocks and everything else seemed to be important, but somehow he didn't care, he didn't even care when Jo was called to the principal's office, he was deep in his own thoughts, since he had recovered his memories he hadn't really gave much thought to them, but now he started thinking about his past, he had parents once, either they loved him or not he had left them or they had left him, that wasn't important, but what did that make of him? He didn't really had a place he could call home, the facility had always been more of a prison than anything else, sure, he knew a lot of people in there, but could he really trust them? After all that had happened this few days he doubted he could trust anyone

He heard as Zak agreed with leaving the job of finding out Mac's location, so he nodded absently while staring at the table, he took a look around and saw a new girl sitting at the table, "How long ago is she here?" he thought as he realized it didn't even matter, she was there she had heard them and if she didn't told the guards right away she wanted in, or at least he supposed that

"Ok so, I'll find out Mac's location, you guys need anything else from me?" He asked, he wanted to go somewhere quiet to think about everything for a while
Yammat cocked his head at the girl who said that they were doing 'naughty things'. He simply whispered in reply, "If causing anarchy counts as naughty, then yes, but we're not going with that idea for whatever reason. I like it." He was more sad at how they didn't even listen to how his plan would work. It was beautiful. Dan would read the guards minds, Kamryn would work with the inmates head, causing them to go crazy, Yammat would block out the light, Zak could just beat the shit out of any remaining guards, and Jo could open the door and free Mac. The flaw was that the door most likely had a password, or something of the like, that they didn't know.
Kamryn didn't like the way it was phrased. They weren't being... 'naughty'... it wasn't like they were children any longer. But then... she realized in a way they sort of were. It wasn't like they were ever allowed to really make their own decisions. This left her to contemplate in silence while glancing up as the occasional word was spoken. She trusted the others with the plan instead of really taking part in it herself. Wasn't that childish in itself. She also noticed Jo wasn't around... did she know? Was she turning them in? Kamryn couldn't help but flash back to what Jo had said when Kamryn had invited her... but she was there, wasn't she? When they had found Mac?

What if Jo thought that Mac had gotten what he deserved... but... it didn't seem like Jo's kind of behavior. Still... she was a chameleon and even she admitted that she didn't even know who she was at times. Kamryn placed her head in her hands... she was going to have to trust her friends' plans in the end... she'd rather go down with them then be left without them- and anyway she was pretty sure she was in too deep to back out now. Kamryn eyed the new girl- strangely annoyed with her... possibly because of the way she spoke... and maybe also because Kamryn didn't recognize her and it felt like a shortcoming. Because Kamryn hated it when she forgot someone... but she seemed to be doing it more often lately. All these faces she didn't recognize... what was going on? They had to have always been here... all Krayas had always been here. Heaving a sigh Kamryn attempted to tune back into the conversation.
Jo entered the library after trying to calm herself down. She had to relax. She stepped inside just to find herself with way more people there than when she left. She felt extreamly confused almost to the point of panic. She stood in front of the table and looked around at the people she knew. "...Is...everything ok here....?" ;she said. Jo was feeling insecure with more people joining this insane plan. She moved next to Darekk and looked at Kamryn almost hoping someone would explain why it seemed that everytime they talked about escaping, new people were dragged along....

She shook her head trying to forget about the meeting with the director, it was almost like he was haunting her thoughts. She had to focus on the plan for now; even after what he said.... But this was not the time nor the place to think about it so she jsut focused on listening to catch up into how the plan was moving along...
Kamryn noticed when Jo entered the room... and their gazes met a moment. Kamryn had the mind to at least smile and wave as she watched Kamryn take a seat next to Darekk. She wondered if they should change the topic from the escape plan now... she... she hated that she didn't trust Jo but something about her was making Kamryn uneasy. So she ended up speaking up, feeling it was best not to let Jo in on the details to the plan.

"Everything is fine. We were just talking about the flaws that lead Mac to being caught but that's neither here nor there. But... well I was wondering how everyone did in their duels in the group practice. I was a little surprised how quick they were to pit us against one another so soon... but at least it didn't seem like anyone got seriously hurt this time around. Anyone see any Krayas with interesting powers?" Kamryn said, beginning to ramble a bit... hoping that the others in on the escape plan would catch on instead of calling her out on her lie.
Jo felt uncofortable talking around new people. If she wasnt careful she'd start vanishing from there out of fear... She tried only focusing on what Kamryn was saying but the whole situation felt off, as if they werent planning escaping the school at all. Could they really just act normal after that? Was she the only one that realized how scary and dangerous this was? or maybe her conversations with the principal were getting a bigger reaction in her than expected... Jo wasnt sure how to act or how to feel; she wasnt sure about herself and much less about the situation itself. She hold onto Darekk's shirt just to calm herself down. "Ah, I fought a water elemental, it was nothing special, neither of us really wanted to fight....." She wasnt sure about responding that question; her mind was still set in the fact that they were discussing escaping plans...
He sat in silence while listening at the others talk, no one bothered on answering his question, the situation annoyed him more every second that passed, it was too much at the same time and so many people around him were suffocating. Then, he felt as someone grabed his shirt so he turned and saw Jo grabbing it, he felt as if everything was out of place, and his chest felt as if it was bubbling with anger, he did not knew where it come from, he needed to go somewhere else and be alone, he needed breathing space. So he stood away from Jo and unclasped her hand from his shirt, look at everyone bitterly and said "Ok so, if this is over I'll go away, this has no sense anymore if we're not discussing anything important" and then, looking at Jo, he told her "Do you even care?.." Then he walked away not even bothering on seeing anybody's faces and left the library
Brogan was having a rather terrible day. He'd been experienced enough on the streets to avoid the authorities before, but these guys used some questionable methods that he hadn't counted on from cops.

The trial wasn't any better. Watching paint dry probably would have been more fun. They asked him all sorts of ridiculous questions and accused him of lots of different things, only a marginal percentage of which Brogan could actually remember committing.

"Why did you destroy the upholstery department? Were you searching for something?" the judge asked him at one point.

"No, your honor, you see, I have a vendetta against furniture. My family, rest their soul, lost their lives in a freak mattress accident. I've just never been the same since," Brogan had replied, faking a tear-wiping motion. Was this judge for real?

Of course, his sentence wound up being the same anyways. They categorized his abilities, sealed him up in a two-ton plasma restraining sphere and shipped him off to some godforsaken prison to be broken and brainwashed.

"What a joke", he muttered to himself as he was unceremoniously escorted into the building and shoved into the main Kraya chamber.

"Try not to get too excited, Pincushion. You'll be in there long enough to watch the new bloom every spring, ever so slowly," the guard chuckled, sealing the door and walking off.

He turned around in a slow circle and took in his surroundings. It seemed like a standard sort of prison, but it was much roomier and spacious, with separate rooms and hallways, and every door was equipped with special technology that was most likely designed to withstand Kraya abilities to prevent them from escaping in an emergency or something.

Hearing voices nearby, Brogan followed the echoes to a small doorway, beyond which was a library, which was open for the Krayas to access. A small group of Krayas were gathered at a table, speaking in low voices. As he entered, one of them left, walking past him.

"So," he said, addressing the group. "I can't say I've ever seen such a luxurious prison before. If only my arrest could've been this relaxing."
Another new face? Kamryn had had about enough of this. And what was he doing, calling their home a prison. She stood up, glaring at the new comer... usually she wouldn't have been like this but she was stressed out- worried about Mac and worried about how much she could trust Jo... it was beginning to overload in her mind and she wasn't used to this kind of stress so it was dragging down her mood.

Watching Darekk leave also had sent a shot through Kamryn's heart. She wondered if he was alright.. he didn't seem like it. She would have followed after him but a couple things held her back. First of all she didn't know Darekk very well... but then she didn't know any of her friends very well so that was a minor thing stopping her... the major thing was in her current mood she would probably be no help at all.

"I don't know what you're talking about when you're speaking of arrest but we really don't need you here right now." Kamryn said... her voice was negative or rude... at least she didn't think so; she found herself to be pretty cool and collected. "So what do you want?"

(Just in case this needs saying... I don't actually feel this way toward the new character. I'm attempting to write in character and Kamryn seems like she would be pretty stressed out and irritable and she really loves the institute since it's all she's ever known so... )
Jo felt Darekk snapping her hand off him, she felt like time stopped for a second. Since they had met she had barely ever see Darekk so annoyed but, to see him snap at her like that. The knot on her throat was so strong, she felt like it was troublesome to breath. Tears filled her eyes; there was not even a point in tryign to hiding it, Darekk was the only person who had been next to her when she was scared... She felt so heavy for not noticing how he was feeling, just because she was busy thinking about escaping plans.... As the tears ran down her face some kraya came inside the library talking about the school as a prision.

"Tsk" Jo said in frustration. She grabbed her back and looked at the group, she couldnt hold her tears back or her voice from cracking. "Im going to go talk to Darekk" She kept on walking until she was face to face to the kraya that had just entered the library, in any other situation she would've felt enraged at that comment, but right now it was just breaking her heart, she looked up at him, right to his eyes as she could barely see from her tears. "Well I hope you enjoy your stay in this "prision" " She said almost whispering.

She stormed out of the library looking for Darekk, if the group was smart they'd knew it was safer to stop revealing their plans to just everyone who came inside the library. It was cold outside, and she couldn't stop crying.
"What do I want? Hell, no one's asked me that before. I want a lot of things. For one, I want to get out of here, but I doubt that's going to happen, not for a long time, at least. In the meantime, though, I'll settle to know where the hell I am and why I'm here instead of some hellhole hidden away in the middle of nowhere," Brogan said, seemingly dodging around her obvious rudeness.

"Also, I'd like to know when they'll let me eat. Pissing off law enforcers really works up an appetite." 
He raised an eyebrow at the teary-eyed female Kraya that had spoken to him.

"Oh don't worry, I'm gonna have a blast here. I just gotta get used to it, right? I'm sure it's not as bad of a place as it obviously is," he callsd out to the girl as she left.

Sure it was rude, but he had just gotten here and he didn't need to already be getting smartass comments from people.
Zak had enough, he was going about the plan too awkwardly for his liking, and he wasn't about to share his plans with yet another stranger. "Well, I hope that works out for you." He says sinisterly, he usually didn't get worked up about... anything, really, but this time one of his friends had their life on the line, and he honestly felt like he had failed him. He alternates his looks between Kamryn and Crystal, glaring at them directly in the eye. "You freeze, I'll get Darekk to do his thing, and then Kamryn can hide him. I'll break down the door my f&@king self" He talks in his usual vague tone so that only Crystal and Kamryn would understand what he was talking about, but there was a certain anger behind it. With that, he quickly gets up and storms out of the library following Jo to find Darekk.
Even with her own irritation and anger Zak's glare made Kamryn flinch. She nodded at his orders. She worried about Jo and Darekk... and wondered if they were successful with Mac if there was a chance of going back for them but... this needed to go one step at a time. She turned to the newcomer, something telling her that he should be brought along and so against her better judgement she decided to invite him along...

"Look, I don't know who you are... and I don't know why you're talking the way you do... but just incase you've come down with some sort of amnesia I'll give you a rundown. This is our home. We're in the library at the moment. The cafeteria is in that direction," Kamryn pointed towards the proper location. "I'd be prepared though... only nutritious porridge to be found there. If you really want to get out of here you can join us as long as you keep quiet and lend a hand where you can."

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