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Futuristic Brain Burger

Clary walked off, moving away from the groups of people. She gave a quick nod to Tessa, signifying that they would be okay here for now before walking towards the empty halls. She'd never felt right sitting around and doing nothing, and it had only gotten worse since the outbreak. "Well if it isn't nobody," she said, noticing Belinda. "You know you never did give us your name," she said with a raised eyebrow before looking at the man she was with, her gun in her hands.

Meanwhile, Tessa was guiding Bellamy towards the crowds with a gun in her hand. She wasn't planning to shoot anyone, as she held it down by her side with the safety on, but it felt good to at least have it in her hand.

"Are we going to stay here?" Bellamy asked in a whispered voice, looking up at his sister. Tessa shrugged in reply.

"We should wait until Clary gets back then decide," Tessa said.

"What if she doesn't come back?" he asked.

"Then I guess we're on our own."
Logan fell back as a walker caught ahold of the front of his shirt. Gripping the walker in turn Logan managed to lodge his foot between himself and the walker so that as he fell backwards he was able to push off the walker with his foot and send it flying over him. The walker crashed into another walker, sending both of them to the ground. Logan stood and looked around the clearing, looking for his next target.
Belinda turned away from the window to look back at the girl named Clary. "'Hey you!' is what I'm most used to, but if you insist on knowing, my name is Belinda. What're you doing up here without the other two, anyways?"
Conner didn't have to do a thing, for a guy came out with a silenced pistol and killed them all. "You the guy that was screaming about a meeting and blowing stuff up?"
Logan reloaded his pistol and put it in his holster, He turned to look at the guy who was questioning him,

"I was the one spreading the message and yes I did in a way cause the explosion but I was in no way, shape or form screaming. Have you come to answer my message?"
"Potatoes pototoes." Conner replied, shrugging. Lowering his M-16, he looks at the guy. "Alright, what do you want?"
"We aren't exactly friends," she said with a shrug. "I can't just sit around and play nice like they do. I need to be doing something," Clary finished as she turned to look out the window as a strand of blond hair fell down from her ponytail onto her face. It was something she was fairly used to but she still found it irritating. Pushing it back with her free hand as her other held the gun securely in her hand, she wondered if it was the right thing to stay here or not.
"All this lone wolf stuff, it is all nice and fun but what it isn't is smart. We need to put aside our differences and band together, learn to survive together instead of trying to hold out on our owns. I offer you the choice of traveling with us and standing a chance to survive or to go on your own and most surely die. The choice is yours."
Belinda's eyes were cold, but her lips were smiling, as she leaned against the window sill, crossed her arms and met the eyes of the other girl. "Restless when you're always on the move? Funny, running away from zombies day after day has been more excitement than I ever wanted to deal with, but I agree with you about the playing nice part. I don't think any of us have a choice about getting out of here until the zombie horde lessens a bit, but if you don't want to get stuck with the groupies, I suggest you stay away from Poor Sap." She pointed out the window behind her with her thumb. "He's trying to build his own little survivor's club."
"Sticking together has been a bit hard as of late. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are a lot of people with guns and a dwindling food supply. And as for moving on, I ain't leaving my house. I could survive the apocalypse in that. In fact, I have. So, if what you say is true and you do want to start a little survivalist group, then I suggest we stay at my house." 'Wow, I'll actually have guests for once.' Conner thought as he waited for the man to reply. A bit odd considering the circumstances, but that's what made him tick a little.
"Poor sap?" Clary asked, wrinkling her nose as she watched to where he'd gestured. "What does he think he's going to do? Make some kind of colony?" She frowned at the thought of the amount of zombies that that kind of project would attract and tried to resist shuddering.

Tessa was on the outskirts of the group, feeling shy and awkward. She couldn't understand why she felt so jumpy and assumed that Clary had rubbed off on her. Shaking her head, she turned to look at Bellamy as she tucked her glasses into her backpack. She could see just fine without them, they were mostly for reading but she'd had a headache and they usually relieved the stress from between her eyes. Bellamy was a little way away from his sister, trading a packet of crisps for some gummy bears with another kid around the age of 16. He didn't really like gummy bears all that much but he figured 'why not?'
"It is not my position to make decisions for the group overall. If this group comes together then I leave it to them to vote on how we go about this. I can't make their choices for them. If they say yes then it shall be their choice but that doesn't mean we can stay here for much longer. As you say, food supplies are dwindling."
"Got that covered. I got some seeds while coming here. The plan is to have these grown before we run out of chips and non-moldy hamburger." Conner replied. He didn't much care if they decided to stay with him or not, that just mean he'd get more food. But that military truck certainly caught his eye. It might have some ammo for his guns.
"Yup, Poor Sap. I upgrade him to Pretty Boy when he throws me bodily across gaping chasms, triple headshots a cave troll with his bow and arrows, and skates off a falling olephant's trunk minus the skateboard." Belinda said, leaning her head back and looking down at the people below. "I think he's got something about 'safety in numbers,' but it really wouldn't surprise me if he was trying to build a colony. Look, there he goes now."
Clary watched him carefully, assessing his movements. She tried not to take everything she heard at face value, preferring to gather her own information but he certainly looked like someone who was capable of such thoughts. She imagined that he'd get on well with Tessa, knowing that she indeed felt safer in a large group. It was the reason why she'd stayed with the pair so long. There had been something about Tessa and Bellamy that had made you want to help them. Shaking her head slowly, she turned and looked away from the window before deciding to continue to scout the corridors. "I'm going to keep looking around," she said simply before moving to look around.
"Sure, but I don't think you'll find much around here." After a moment's consideration, Belinda also left the spot she was in and found her way to the school's roof. Roofs were usually zombie-free, and she'd always liked heights and the thrill of being on the edge, even before she'd looked around herself and found her life in shambles. The sun beat down meanly even as the wind swept her warmth away with it. She sat with her legs dangling over the lip and looked down at the world below her. The zeds seemed to be avoiding the school, oddly enough. While hundreds wandered around in the rest of the city, the school grounds themselves had very few. It felt like they'd almost been herded together, but she ignored that chilling thought and just allowed herself to enjoy the weather.
Bellamy moved back over to his sister and offered her the packet of sweets. Tessa blinked and took them with a small smile, thanking her younger brother with a hug.

"Can we go and look around?" Bellamy asked quietly. "I'm not sure about some of these people," he continued just as quietly so he wouldn't be overheard.

"Sure, but not too far. We don't want to get lost or run into any zombies,"
she said as she stood and stashed the packet in her pocket. Gripping the gun, they began to wander the halls. Tessa spotted Logan out of the window and watched him curiously as Bellamy tried to drag him down the hall. "Tess. Teresa you there?" he asked, waving his hand in front of her face. Tessa blinked and turned to him.

"What?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You phased out," he said frowning.
(I finally jump back in! Sorry guys btw :P I was really busy )

After pretty much killing all of the zombies on the way to the school, Skylar and Noah ran inside the building but they couldn't look back for Logan since Skylar's somewhat didn't work anymore. Noah immediately slammed the door on the two zombies not wanting to waste his ammos anymore on them. He wondered why this door was even open. There was probably no one alive if this was open since Zombies could walk in.

''Skylar, get me that broken pipe over there please.'' Noah asked as he pointed towards the floor a few meters away. Skylar immediately nodded as she ran for it and grabbed it still aware of her surroundings. Noah then blocked the door just enough for the two zombies not to barge in. '' That should be good for now.'' he said with a sight as he walked next to his sister with his machete in his hand.

They walked through the hallway tiredly, they were officially warned out at this point since they walked kilometers since this morning. They needed a place to settle in, safe and good enough for the both. Skylar frowned to the floor, looking worried, '' Noah..Why did you leave him out there? Why did you have to drag me and not bring him when that zombie jumped on him.'' she said a bit frustrated. Noah looked at her and simply shrugged not really caring about anyone else but them, '' Listen, my goal is to make sure you survive...That we survive. That guy, we just met him today and he knows his stuff. So i trust that he can manage himself with one zombie. That thing either killed him or he managed to save himself. When I looked through the window, I think he managed to run in the building anyway so don't worry. We will probably end up meeting sometime soo-'' as he said that while turning, he ended up bumping into something little and somewhat human. Noah with wide eyes immediately looked at the kid on the floor with his machete ready to slam at him but he held back as he saw a scared look and another young lady.

(@Vaila )
"You make your choice, I will not do anything further to alter your choice. Now if you'll excuse me."

Logan ran towards the school building, moving to the nearest window he braced himself on it and began climbing the building. Just as he got a good height off the ground, walkers surrounded the ground beneath him.

"I guess up is the only way to go now."

Logan mumbled, continuing to climb. It was not long before he pulled himself onto the roof of the school.
Belinda pulled herself away from the edge sharply as a pair of hands appeared on another edge of the building. Swearing, she stood and grabbed her knife. When she saw who it was, however, she relaxed. "Don't scare me like that, Poor Sap." She said with a puff of breath, sheathing her knife. "Why'd you climb up here like that instead of just, I don't know, going through the doors?" Her tone was joking, masking the fear she was feeling the aftereffects of. If zeds could climb up the sides of buildings now, it would be harder than ever to survive.
They walked through the hallway tiredly, they were officially warned out at this point since they walked kilometers since this morning. They needed a place to settle in, safe and good enough for the both. Skylar frowned to the floor, looking worried, '' Noah..Why did you leave him out there? Why did you have to drag me and not bring him when that zombie jumped on him.'' she said a bit frustrated. Noah looked at her and simply shrugged not really caring about anyone else but them, '' Listen, my goal is to make sure you survive...That we survive. That guy, we just met him today and he knows his stuff. So i trust that he can manage himself with one zombie. That thing either killed him or he managed to save himself. When I looked through the window, I think he managed to run in the building anyway so don't worry. We will probably end up meeting sometime soo-'' as he said that while turning, he ended up bumping into something little and somewhat human. Noah with wide eyes immediately looked at the kid on the floor with his machete ready to slam at him but he held back as he saw a scared look and another young lady.


Tessa said, gripping her gun as she stared at the boy.... man who had knocked over her bother. "Watch where your going," she said, bending down to help her brother up. "Are you alright Bellamy?" she asked softly and he nodded, resisting her help as he stood.

"I'm fine,"
he mumbled, embarrassed after being knocked over. His eyes glanced from the machete to Noah and back. "Cool! Is that a machete?" he asked, clearly not noticing that Noah had been about to slam it at him. "Can I hold it?" he said stepping forward, but Tessa put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"No Bellamy,"
she said quietly. "Come on, we should get back to the others," she said, glancing up at the pair as she pushed a strand of dark brown hair behind her ear.
Skylar looked up at the girl. She honestly was about to stop her brother since she knew from the start that it was a human but he had enough humanity left in his heart. She didn't understand why her brother had become like that. He never talked about what happened back at the military base where her father and Noah worked but it was obviously why her brother was getting heartless by the second. She looked up at the girl, she was really pretty yet very thin. She wondered how she could of survived with so little advantage. Skylar wasn't like her brother and she definitely did not feel anything bad from this girl. '' Hi...We're sorry about this... It's just that we haven't seen..many survivors since today for some reason.'' she said actually in a cheerful way and very happy to finally meet a girl after so long.

Noah looked down at the little boy. He couldn't believe that he actually was about to lash at him but it was just out of instinct. If he hadn't seen the innocence in his eyes, he would of been gone by now. Feeling slightly guilty, he didn't talk or anything but simply glanced at the boy. Maybe he could forgive himself if he let the kiddo play with his machete. He could see the curiosity in his eyes and he couldnt bring himself to refuse. He slowly bent himself as he handed him the machete.
Tessa watched Bellamy cautiously out of the corner of her eye. "Err... It's alright I guess. No harm no foul right?" she said nervously, scratching the back of her neck. "I'm Teresa by the way. Tessa for short," she said looking from the girl to the boy and then at her brother. "And this is my younger brother, Bellamy."

Bellamy was too consumed by the machete to notice what his sister was talking about to the other girl. He had a wide grin on his face as he held it, examining it closely as he tried to commit the moment and the feel of the weapon to memory. "This is so awesome," he said beaming happily. "All Tessa lets me have is a pocket knife and a taser," he said with a shrug and Tessa frowned.

"Like I'm going to give a twelve year old a gun," she commented, raising an eyebrow at her brother.

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