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Futuristic Brain Burger

Logan jumped onto a car as he ran, jumping in there air he spun around and fired two shots at the horde of zombies before turning back around and continuing to run from the horde. He dashed down an alleyway and continued to run, still shouting his message to any and all survivors within earshot. Yet the horde seemed to grow bigger as he ran.
Belinda saw this as her chance. Two of the company went back the other way, while the man headed the direction she had come making as much noise as possible. She could get away from the other humans and walkers without getting shot if she went the same direction as the car, but significantly behind.

The redhead was about to carry this out when she looked behind her at the man who seemed to be sacrificing himself for the rest of them. It was only a moment's pause, but her father's face floated to the forefront of her mind, looking down at her coldly. "That's right, let him die." She pressed her lips together into a tight line. She didn't have a choice, she told herself. She turned to go again and found her choice taken away from her. The zombies the noise had attracted were now blocking her way. Herded by the crowd, so to speak, with her escape blocked on all sides, she raced after the man. This was it. This was the day she was going to die, all because her father's image has stopped her. She should've guessed he would get her killed some day. But if she was going anyways, she was going to extend her time as long as she could.
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Sighing as he entered the deserted gym, Steven started to think about the old days. When everything was good. Before everything went to shit. He was a coach here. Teaching teenagers and people how to do basketball. There was a huge blackboard where he would catalouge their scores. The blackboard now instead scored the number of days he had survived in this hellish world. The basketball hoop was now a zombie-head carrier and the walls we're filled with blood, and the floor with supplies he gathered.

He lived here on his own. Everyday the same routine. Go out for supplies, come in, train, barricade the doors, keep the walkers out. His town was a little one, so he didn't get as many living people roaming around here. But he was happy about that. It was almost as if he'd made a life here.

Stepping outside the gym, he sat on his favourite bench and pulled a soda. Slowly drinking it, he sighed as he watched the mindless zombies roaming around the streets.
Logan looked over as a red headed girl came up alongside him. By the way she was moving she obviously wasn't one of the walkers. Continuing to run Logan said,

"You don't follow directions very well. Besides, you may have doomed us. I can slip away a lot easier without having to worry about someone else. With you here, I have more to worry about and I am more likely to get caught. You really ought to split off at some point."
Belinda somehow found herself running with the man who'd caused this whole mess in the first place. When he talked to her about getting caught and splitting off, she replied scathingly, "Who told you that it-" chop off the arms, aim for the brain, don't get bitten "-was my brilliant idea to get-" the next word came out as a grunt of effort as she ducked to the side and rammed one of the walkers too close for comfort "-stuck in a zombie mob, someone else was interested in creating? Do you see anywhere else I could possibly go at this point?" It was true, the mob was joining them from all sides, and some had even come to block them off in front of them. They were barely holding them off. "Don't worry about me." stab, shove, duck, keep moving "If I'm going to die today, I'd rather do it without some poor sap sacrificing himself for me first."
"A sap or someone willing to do what it takes to help others survive. Do not speak of me when you do not know me. Now, there is a fire escape up on the building ahead on your left. If you use that car as a spring board you should be able to jump to it. Allow me to handle the horde in a similar manner. Just get to the garage and I'll meet you all back there."
What garage? she wondered to herself, but he was giving her a way out, so she took it. "In this time, helping others survive is being a sap. Sap works for you. Thank you, sap. See you later." She probably wouldn't see him again, but he thought she was going to some garage. Belinda's heart rate accelerated as she looked to the car. She'd never tried a stunt like this before. She ran up over the car, jumped sharply and just barely grabbed onto the edge of the fire escape. She managed to haul herself over the lip and make it though the building and out to freedom. She felt filthy, covered in gore and sweat, but she was alive, and that was more than she had expected to be. She owed "Sap" a debt now.
Logan did not hesitate to watch her go, he kept running. He dashed around a street corner and continued running. He reached down into his pocket as he ran, pulling out two grenades. He was disappointed that he was not going to be able to save them but he needed to survive. He was not ready to die yet. He pulled the pins on them and flicked off the spoon. Dropping them behind him he continued to run, he glanced over his shoulder to see where they had landed,

"Uh oh....."

He thought, because the grenades had rolled under a parked semi truck, right near the gas station. He doubled his speed and dove over a car just as the grenades blew. The shrapnel ignited the gas tank of the truck doubling the explosion. The shockwave sending Logan flying even farther, he rolled across a car and fell to the ground coughing.
Conner heard all of the madness, and pedaled as fast as he could in the opposite direction. Yes, he might go to this meeting, probably bring the mmg. But at that moment, he doubted that any zeds didn't here that boom and the gunshots.
Belinda heard the explosion, felt the ripple in the air from behind her that told her it was close by. It was probably that self sacrifice guy. Her father's face again, and he was grinning this time, sliding a knife across a terrified woman's arm. "No no no." She thought angrily to herself. "I can't let my conscience get away from me now." If he was hurt, though, he'd be fodder for whatever zeds had survived. "Damn it." She said out loud, before running in the direction of the explosion.

When she reached it, what was left of the truck was a giant ball of flaming, wrecked metal, and no moving zombies were in sight. This meant "Poor Sap" had a chance. Over the crackle, she barely heard the coughing. Finding him several seconds later, Belinda dragged him upright. "This is your idea of getting away? You really need to practice robbing a store some time." A miniature explosion from some left over gas that hadn't ignited before, cracked through the air. They needed to get out before more walkers came. She couldn't exactly carry his hulking carcass out of the way, so she tried just slinging his arm over her shoulder and half carrying, half dragging him into the nearest building. She looked around it wildly, to find no one. For now. The girl pushed him into the nearest corner, hoping he'd recover enough to be able to fend for himself, so she could get out of here.

After locking all the entrances, she patted him on the face. "Hey. You alive or what?" She wouldn't wait for more than a minute. They were both just going to die if she stayed trying to protect an unconscious person.
Logan wiped the blood off of his forehead where a piece of debris seemed to have cut him. He looked at the girl and said,

"I am fine, I thought I told you to leave me and save yourself."

He stood up, stretching his body and walked to the door. He peered out of it and seeing the number of walkers outside the door decided to close it. He looked about the room and said,

"Find the way to the roof, we are going to have to pick off what we can then move when we are the least at risk."

He began walking about the room trying to find stairs or a ladder.
Conner soon arrived back at his house. Putting everything where it was supposed to go, he then grabbed his mmg. It was to big to fit a backpack on with it, so he just had pocket space for scavanged materials. He only put one drum on it to, wanting to use as little ammo as possible. Finally, he got back on the bike, and pedaled to the "meeting" spot, wanting to set up ina good spot for the just in case.
"That was my plan too, until you blew up half the block and yourself with it." She muttered before joining him in his search.
Finishing his soda, Steven stood up and looked around. It was quiet. Too quiet. On hot days like this, the silence was unbearable. You could literally fall asleep, where you stand. The moans of the zombies didn't quite help either. Damp, slow noises that drived you crazy. ''Screw it'' Steven spoke as he suddenly stood up and stormed into the gym. Grabbing a backpack he stuffed it with everything necessary for a road. Yep, it was that time for him again.

Every month, he would change his location. Every month he would change the silence of a town for the layout of another. It was part of his usual routine. He was a man of the roads. And he is going to stay on the roads. Closing the door of the gym behind him, Steven dressed himself in thick clothes then started to walk towards the unknown. Towards another town, another gym. Another life....

((I'm having him go up in one of the towns you're in guys. He's gotta interact ;D ))
((Yup. I was going to have Belinda run into him, but then "Poor Sap" whose actual name I've completely forgotten had to go and blow hisself up.))

"I found the stairs." Belinda returned to the man and told him softly, so as not to attract the attention of whatever else might be out there. She'd also found a walker, which was bad news, but she'd dispatched it quickly and quietly. They made their way onto the roof, miraculously without encountering anymore. She didn't really know why she was following his plan, because she couldn't pick off any zombies from the roof with just her knives. Perhaps it was just to indulge him. "Now what?" She asked, looking over the edge.
((Damn I've forgotten who my characters are.... hang on....))

Tessa searched the final room and locked the door, finally putting her gun down and sitting with her back against the wall as she tried to relax. That was until Bellamy came in and looked at her with a weird expression. "Hey Tess? Do you have a couple of quarters? I'm hungry and they're got Lays!"

Tessa dug around in her pocket, searching for the coins she needed but Clary was already moving across the room with her rifle in hand. Using the but of the gun, she smashed in the glass window of the vending machine and returned with a packet of Lays in hand. She threw it to Bellamy, who just stared at her like he'd witnessed the best thing he'd ever seen. Looking up at Clary who was a whole 8 inches taller than he was, he grinned an awkward crooked smile and thanked her with a hug. Clary stiffened, not used to the human contact and patted his back awkwardly before prying him off and going to sit by Tessa.

"How long do you think we'll be able to stay here?" Tessa asked as she watched her brother tear into the packet of crisps like he'd just found the most delicious thing in the universe.

Clary shrugged. "A few days at most I'd think," she said as she pulled an orange out of her bag and began to peel it.

What they didn't know was that two streets away were a large group of zombies, attacking another group just like themselves.
Logan peered over the edge then over at the building next to the one they were on. He saw that the gap was too large one someone to jump across....unassisted. Grabbing the girl, he pulled her quickly towards the edge of the building and threw her across the gap to the other building. Then looking at her from where he stood he said,

"You run, you let me handle the walkers. Again, just to make it clear to you. I am much better at slipping away from my enemies when I do so on my own. So, I need you to move on. Carry on my message if you can but do not concern yourself with the walkers."

Logan pulled his bow from his back, putting the shotgun in its place. Taking aiming Logan began shooting arrows into the midst of the horde. Scoring head shot after head shot and initially killing the horde one by one.
Belinda bit back a scream as he suddenly hurled her to the other roof. "Yeah, a brilliance you showed when you blew up the truck, pretty boy." She said as she picked herself up, somehow still in one piece, but he probably couldn't hear her over the wind and distance. As he began displaying his excellent aim, she ran, jumping over the first few roofs, and then racing down to street level. She began killing a couple of the straggler walkers who hadn't made it to the sound of the explosion.

Making her way into the next building over, she slammed through a door, startling two women and a young boy. She ducked towards the first girl and her knife was halfway on its way to her temple, before she realized they were just ordinary people. The red haired girl froze, managing to stay the momentum of her combat knife just in time.

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Clary jumped to her feet and aimed her gun at Belinda's head while Tessa scrambled to hers. Looking up at the girl she froze and her eyes widened. "You're human," Tessa blurted out as she readjusted her glasses.

Clary didn't lower her gun but instead eased off the trigger. "Who are you and what do you want?" she asked gruffly, angry at being disturbed.

Bellamy hid beneath one of the desks as he knew he was supposed to, pulling out his tazer and clutching it in his hands. He desperately wanted to get out and fight but the girl who had entered was only a human.

Belinda was breathing hard from adrenaline and exertion. Slowly, she withdrew, acutely aware that one of the women was pointing a gun straight at her. She eyed them distrustfully, as she backed away to the door. "I'm nobody. Sorry, I just thought you were zombies. I just want to get out of here in peace."
Clary lowered the gun but didn't put it away as she returned to her seat on the floor, picking her orange back up and eating a section.

"Well then," Tessa said with a frown. "I'm Tessa, that's my brother Bellamy and our.... acquaintance Clary. There's another door towards the front of the building but it locks after you shut it. If you go out you won't be able to get back in," she said with a shrug before walking over to the desk and stealing a crisp from her brothers packet.

"Hey!" Bellamy whined, snatching the packet away as Tessa grinned innocently.
Belinda kept her eyes on them, and twisted the knob behind her, "Thanks. You guys think this building is safe to hide out in, though?" There was more than one room. She could hide out and catch some sleep, maybe.
"We scouted and secured it before settlin in," Clary said in her dry accent as she picked apart another piece of orange.

"You're more than welcome to sleep in here with us, we were planning on taking shifts anyway to make sure that we don't get attacked," Tessa continued, ignoring Clary's bored voice. She knew that Clary wouldn't like it, but as far as Tessa was concerned the more people they had watching out for their group the safer Bellamy was.
Belinda thought carefully. She was trying to make a decision, when she remembered Poor Sap's message. "Oh, wait. There was supposed to be a garage somewhere in this town. Po- I mean, some guy told me about it, saying survivors should gather there. Something about people surviving better if they band together. Guess that includes you guys." For not having spoken to anyone in some time, she was sure chatty now that she was running into people left and right.
And Conner was at the garage, or wherever the meeting place was at. He looked around the place, there were some pretty nice cars in there. But he needed to be smart, and so he set up in a spot that would be a clear view from any one entering the building, but safe from anyone with a scope and loves killing people.

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