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Futuristic Brain Burger

Logan had exhausted his quiver of arrows and now he had to find an alternative route out. He looked back at the horde beneath him. Half of the original horde remained alive in their dead sort of way. He looked around for any source of escape, he moved to the other side of the building where there were significantly less stragglers roaming around. An idea formed in his head and Logan smiled slightly at the thought of it. He placed his bow onto his back and prepared himself. Then dashing forward he jumped off the roof.

He fell rapidly but his aim had been true for he landed on one of the walker's head's. The walker was slammed into the ground, its head exploding on impact. Logan tumbled forward, rolling several feet before coming back to standing. He looked at the corpse of the walker he had landed on.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced."

He said, before moving forward. Without realizing it, he was headed in the general direction of where the red head had gone before him.
Noah and Skylar were at the car garage making sure no walker were there. Unfortunately, a hoard of zombies seemed to arrive towards there direction. They hoped no one was coming because that place was certainly going to be overrun soon. Noah immediately went the wheels and Skylar sat on the passenger seat slamming the door behind. What the hell? Did that guy fail or what? Noah thought as he immediately speeded on the street. It seemed like the city was quiet until he saw Logan there. He then realized that it was more like the city getting a horde of zombies making there way out. '' Skylar get on the back and open the door while I run this baby.'' he said hoping that Logan would react fast enough. The engine roaring, Skylar went for the back and made sure to open the door only once he looked back '' Come on!'' she said as she looked at the zombies coming there way. Noah slowed down a bit but was still going fast.
Logan dashed forward and dove, barely making it into the door but still managing it. He looked back at the horde behind them, and sighed.

"There are more survivors in this city, some red headed woman is running around here. She seemed to have a problem with basic instruction but other then her I am not sure if there are any more survivors. There may very well be."
Conner heard a car approaching, and cocked his gun. Seeing it pass, he relaxes a little. Then he heard them. A small horde of zeds, at least, shambling their way in his direction. Holding his breath, he aims the mmg at about head height, then prays none of them will notice him.
Noah looked at the rear mirror but immediately looked at the boy pointing a gun at him. Noah didn't even make a move to stop. They couldn't afford it and he kind of hoped that this fellow would get the hint. '' We just passed one and he did not have red hair.'' he said. Skylar looked at Logan, he did not seemed to be bitten but she wasn't sure. '' The garage was overrun. We couldn't stay there but not too far, Noah saw a school when we walked in the city and it didn't seem to have many walkers there.'' she trailed off slightly holding her gun, '' Be honest, were you bitten?''
Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out an unfired pistol bullet. He held it up for Noah to see and said,

"If I am ever bitten, I am going to lodge this into my skull. Better to die as me rather then live as one of them. No, I was not bitten, they hardly got close enough to bite me. If I had been bitten, I would have shot myself already."
Right as he thought he was in the clear, he knocked over something that caused a lot of noise. Cursing loudly, he aims at the first zed that started to turn around, and opened fire. Quickly riddling all the zeds in the front row with holes, Conner backed up all the time. He wanted to waste as little of his mmg ammo as possible, so he quickly ran for it, back to his bike and cycling back to his house. 'Alright, M-16 for the win.' he thought as he grabbed the gun and his backpack before heading back out to the cit, in search of that elusive meeting.
Noah snickered, '' I would of done the same thing,'' he said casually as he slowly made his entrance to the front of the school. He wasn't speeding anymore and he was lucky the gates were open. Unfortunately, there was still a few zombies around. He looked at rear view mirror,'' Skylar, make sure that the silencer is well plugged and Logan, I trust that you know how to use a gun right Commando?'' he said with a wink to she him that he gained a bit more respect towards him.
Logan drew his silenced pistol from its holster.

"I guess you're about to find out now aren't you?"

Logan replied, sliding back the top of the gun to check for jams before getting it prepared to shoot.
Hunter had took his time to prepare himself at the car, not trusting this group he wanted to make sure he could fight back. A plate of kevlar was now slipped into vest, barely noticeable, but was able to stop small arms. Now his guns packed in their holsters, he readied himself in the driver seat. As he barreled through the abandoned cars and the few stragglers, he noticed the garage was empty. He went further into the town and saw the muscle car pulled into a school. Taking his time he maneuvered the vehicle in the gates, putting the zombies in between them.
Steven sighed as he dragged his feet down the deserted road. His rusty blood-stained machete hanged before his back and his backpack seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in the heat of the sun. Thick sweat drolled off Steven as he shambled towards the unknown. Towards a new town.

The bulidings started to shape in the distance, telling Steven that he is close to a town. Praying to himself to make it there, Steven stumbled on. There he saw the most blessed view of all. A bycicle. ''Thank you God'' he spoke as he took the bike and started pedalling for the town. Reaching the city, he peddaled in blindly, looking for a buliding to set as base.
"Really?" Tessa said, straightening up as her thoughts drifted into forming a plan. If there were others it meant that there would be more protection for Bellamy. Of course if the group was too big it would attract too much attention from the Zombies, but at least she'd feel safer. She turned to Clary, who was looking up at her in interest. "What do you think?" Tessa asked Clary.

Clary shrugged, her eyebrows knitting together as she thought about the different tactical angles they could approach this new information. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a look, even if we don't join them. And return here," she said as she stood and brushed off her jeans.

Bellamy was watching from the desk, eating crisps slowly. He was considering getting a few more packets and stuffing them into his backpack before they left, but he knew his sister wouldn't approve. Edging out of the room, he placed several packets in his bag and zipped it shut, walking slowly back into the room so Tessa wouldn't notice. She didn't like it when he wandered off.
'Now where might they be meeting?' Conner thought to himself as he cycled silently into town. 'Might as well grab some supplies while I'm looking.' he continued his train of thought as he passed by several stores that might have the seeds in them. After finding some tomato and some kind of squash seeds, Conner eventually found the cluster of vehicles at the school. Thinking that that wasn't suspicious at all, he gets off his bike a fair distance away and takes out his M-16. There were a few zeds in the way, but a quick sprint would get him by. But it seemed that the owners of the vehicles were still there. So, sitting tight, he waits for them to take care of the zeds before introducing himself.
Belinda nodded. She stood and opened the door, then slammed it shut sharply. There were zeds running everywhere, infesting the place. Well, it was go now or wait until they were well and truly trapped. Without waiting for the other three, she threw the door open and began running full tilt through wherever it seemed the zombie crowd lessened, stabbing an ugly path through the ones that got in her way. Somehow, she and the three others made it to a school, which oddly enough had attracted the least zombies. The four of them managed to slip through the gates, where it seemed other survivors had already gathered.


Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Tessa, Bellamy and Clary all followed behind Belinda quickly, not wanting to waste anytime before being around other humans. As they slipped into the school gates, they wondered why it had attracted so little attention if such a crowd was gathered here. Clary had her gun out, aiming at anything that moved as she hurried quickly, not wanting to be out in the open for longer than she needed to.

Squeezing Bellamy's shoulder, Tessa held her gun shakily in her other hand. She'd only shot it once before when a zombie was after Bellamy but even holding it made her nervous. She knew this wasn't a good thing considering her need to protect herself and her little brother.

Bellamy turned, hearing a noise, but he didn't stop. He knew that if he did, his sister would practically drag him into the building but as he heard a car draw closer he couldn't help but be curious. Zombie's didn't drive.... did they?
Pedalling his bike, Steven approached what seemed like an abandoned school. Tsch. Of course it was abandoned, he thought. What wasn't these days? With all the walkers roaming arround, people didn't stay put in one place. They always traveled in groups, or formed communities. Well, not him. He was a loner. Or was he? That was all about to change...

Entering the buliding, Steven glanced around at the empty hallways. He entered through the back entrance, so no zeds we're here for now. Approaching one door, he stumbled across a tray of old sandwiches. Meaning to fullfill his hunger, he started gulping on them when he heard noise above. Glancing up at the ceiling, he let the sandwhich down, pulled his sidearm out then began to slowly ascend the stairs.
Once they reached the school, Belinda saw that poor sap and his buddies had also congregated here. There must be a reason the walkers were avoiding it, very few had followed the four of them here. She didn't bother saying goodbye to the three she'd led here, just pointed at the other survivors and shoved her way into the building. She quickly checked the whole building for zombies, before making her way up to the second storey, where she almost bumped into (stopped herself from stabbing) another man. Great, another survivor. She watched him, warily, pulling back.


Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Startled by the woman's sudden appeareance, Steven almost pressed the trigger, but redressed himself as he saw she wasn't a zombie. Eyeing her carefully, he spoke in a low voice. ''I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just here to get loot. That's it'' he spoke as he slowly descended his weapon. The woman was a friendly, he hoped. Otherwise, he'll get stabbed in the back or something.

''What's with all the ruckus?'' he asked still standing back.
'Looks like the show is about to start.' Conner thought to himself at seeing all the people arrive at the school. 'Well, now's a good a time as any.' he continued before showing himself to the group. He was honestly a bit surprised that no one had seen him.
"Apparently this is a safe zone. Guess we all came to the same place for the same reason." She said, guarded. "Who're you?"

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
''My name is Steven Miller'' Steve spoke as he shook his head, mimicking a ''hello''. ''I'm just an ordinary guy who scours towns, grabbing all he can and moving to the next. I've got a life on the run. I never really stay put in one place'' he spoke grinning. ''How about you? Got a name?''
"Nah, not really. I'm just your average little snake lady. My methodology is much the same as yours though, unlike the groupies gathering together in the parking lot. There's a zed coming up behind you, by the way." She said casually. There was, but it was closer to him, rather he deal with it than her.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Turning around, Steven slashed the walker, puncturing his head multiple times. Pulling out the machete from the creature's rotten skull, he wiped it off then tucket his machete back into it's scabbard. Glancing at her, he spoke.

''What's up on the second floor? Any good loot I might feast in?''

((Gotta go. Be back tomorrow))
Logan took a deep breath, focusing his mind on the task at hand. Before Noah had even stopped the car, he opened the door and dove out of it. He rolled once and came to his feet. His vision narrowing on the his targets, in this case the heads of the Walkers. All he saw clearly were their heads, everything else turned fuzzy. He took three shots, each bullet dropping a zombie. One came up behind him and without even hesitating, Logan drew his knife and jammed it into the walker's skull. He had not stabbed it deep enough into its skull so after a bit of a stumble the walker kept on coming. Logan jumped up and kicked the hilt of the knife, the blade burrowed into it's skull farther and the walker dropped.

Logan withdrew his knife and turned taking three more shots in rapid succession. He was quickly getting to the point to where he did not even seem to aim anymore. Each shot he fired meant the death of another walker.
Belinda looked at him with her eyebrows just slightly raised. The two of them seemed a lot in common, both in lifestyle and killing method, despite the gun clearly visible on his hip. Leaning against the wall casually, she shrugged at his question. "Not much. It's a school, what do you expect? Anything to be found is in the cafeteria. Unless you prefer old chalk over old salads - I'm not judging." Hearing the sound of quiet firing, she looked out the window. "Oh, if it isn't Poor Sap. He's a really good shot."
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