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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter was still awaiting in the military truck, his engine cut, but he was making plenty of noise. For every walker he saw he was taking pot shots, safely out of their reach in the truck. Course there were plenty around the vehicle, all trying to lift themself's up with broken limbs and tendons to no avail. Many of the survivors he was supposed to be meeting were no where in sight, all disappearing to the main building, leaving Hunt to defend the cars maybe?

After changing his magazine he decided to stop shooting the walkers, for they were already becoming a dwindling squad. Maybe five or so remained, all crowding his door of the truck. This was not something he wasn't used to, but almost normal now. Opening up a MRE, he settled in to his seat to enjoy his meal. Awaiting his new team to get out of the building.

((Sorry I haven't posted guys, between the update and silly bothering me too much, I hadn't had the time.))
( hahhah Shut up Hunter xD You are the one calling me at 1am when I have school the next day! Grrr )

Skylar smiled, '' I'm Skylar. It's really nice to finally meet a someone after a month of no human interaction.'' she simply said as she leaned her weight on one side. She looked at the young boy next to her as she presented him, '' He's really cute. He honestly reminds me of this thing over there.'' she said glaring at Noah since all he did today is get annoyed by the people. They both had different ideals and always did. Bickering was almost all they did since the first day her father brought him to their house.

Noah looked almost indifferent but he had a small sparkle in his eyes as he looked at Bellamy. One thing about him was that he loved children. He took back the machete and hooked it back to his belt not saying a word. He pulled out a small gun and made sure that the lock button was on to make sure the kid wouldn't shoot himself. '' Look at this. It's even cooler.'' he simply said with his soft voice as he placed the desert eagle in his hand carefully.
Bellamy gripped it in his hand and beamed, excited to be holding a gun. Or at least allowed to hold one. "Woah," he said, grinning up at the man who had handed it to him. "What's it like to shoot it? Or to fight zombies?" he asked enthusiastically. "I've always wanted to but Tessa makes me run and hide. She says it's not safe."

Tessa stiffened. "It's nice to meet you too," she said softly. "Both of you." She glanced from Skylar to Noah and back committing their appearance to memory. It was always good to know people, especially now in times like these.
Noah didn't pay much attention to the girl and smiled hearing the kid ask him questions enthusiastically. '' It's great to shoot in there stupid head.'' he said with a very childish smile that he only gave to people he loved and children like Bellamy. He then glanced at the girl giving a slight nod with a serious look on his face as he looked back at Bellamy. '' Well, your sister is right. Hiding and running is safer. But movement is life and you shouldn't stay stationary.'' he simply said.

Skylar looked at the girl and tapped the girl, '' Chill out. No need to be tensed. Noah was in the army and we managed to survive on are own for a month with little ammos.'' she said confidently. She didn't want them to be on bad terms but they seemed to be on good terms for now. She honestly was very tired but tensed up as she heard the previous door they had locked bang louder. Did they gather around that door?
"Sorry," she said softly, giving a small smile to Skylar. "I guess I'm a little protective," she said softly before jumping as the bang echoed. She gripped her gun and pushed Bellamy behind her. "Please tell me that's not what I think it is," she said firmly, her entire being going into overdrive as her brain screamed to protect Bellamy.

Bellamy peered around his sister at the door, ready to run in case he needed to. He didn't even need to be told. He knew the drill.
"The doors were barricaded and this seemed like more fun."

He replied, then he headed for the roof access door. He opened it slowly, looking to make sure there weren't any walkers around then walked down the stairs. After a bit of walking he ran into Skylar and Noah, along with two other people he did not know. A young woman around his own age and a young boy.
She rolled her eyes and let him go, sitting back on the edge of the roof, though tense this time, fingering her knife again and again.
Noah immediately stood up but forgot to grab the gun from Bellamy's hand and just gripped his Machete his heart pounding. He listened to the pipe falling down and he heard it rolling on the floor until it was visible. It was already too late to do anything as he heard the hungry moans of many zombies walking in. '' Skylar, get those two away now.'' he said coldly and indifferent. He couldn't let the stress overwhelm him.

Skylar immediately listened to her brother. The tone of voice reassured her and she simply looked at both of them, '' Let's go,'' she said hurriedly not wanting to indrans her brother. She trusted him and knew he would come back alive. He would never let himself die and let her alone..never.. that's what she wanted to believe as tears started building in her eyes but swallowed hard to keep them. There was no time for crying but she would never get use to those deadly sounds.
Tessa knew she had to get Bellamy out of there but she didn't dare take her eyes off of the zombies as they hurried away. She had no doubt in her mind, for some unknown reason, that the boys could take care of it but she worried regardless. The last thing they needed was for the human population to dwindle anymore. Wrapping an arm around Bellamy's shoulder, she hurried him out with Skylar at her side.
Logan faced the walker horde that was fast approaching them. Without taking his eyes off the horde he said,

"Noah, you have your sister relying on you. You need to survive for her sack. Go with your sister and that girl and boy. Make sure they stay safe. I have no one relying on me. I am expendable so get moving, let me handle these undead freaks."
Noah raised an eyebrow at Logan, '' And you really think I'm going to trust you with this? Hell no. Not when my sis safety is in game.'' he said confidently as the hoard was now apparent. There was a many of them, more then 10 that's for sure. He had no idea how come they all gathered at that specific place. He simply shrugged as he pulled out his Machete. He then sighted, '' No guns...Oh well. I always prefered using this.'' he simply said as the zombie slowly approached them and him decapitating the first ones dashing at him.

"Happy Birthday, bro." Norman muttered to his younger brother Nathan, whom of which was sat at the dining room table - the dining room was quaint but yet one of the most used rooms in the house - it was slightly small, but there was enough room to make it look fancy as well as have a table with four chairs. After muttering his words he set a large cardboard box down on the table. Nathan slowly glanced up at him and raised an eyebrow, his blond-brown hair swaying loosely at the sides of his head.

"What is it?" He asked. Norman shook his head and motioned his hand off to the box, signalling him to open it - he was hoping that this simple yet rare gift was going to at least make Nathan smile - he hadn't seen that since they lost their mother to the infection. Of course, Nathan tore into the top of the box and peered inside after pulling the box-flaps open; inside was maybe a hundred or more twinkies - tasty, hardly dated, and long-lasting.

".. I know it ain't much, but... now ya' know why I was bustin' my ass every night for the past two weeks." Norman said, giving half a smile down at him; Nathan turned and gave him a quick hug, finally cracking a very soft smile of happiness for the first time in over a month. Norman moved an arm around him in response and took a deep breath of relief - at least now they could share some twinkies and loosen up for the rest of the night. What a hell of a kid's eleventh birthday party. (End of Prologue)


Later into the same month of the Autumn season and they were running out of food sooner than they thought they would - they merely kept held up in their house with any supplies they got - they didn't go out looking for guns, for ammo, or any other weapons - just food and any drinks they could get their hands on. Now that they were running out, Nathan's panic had set in and Norman had been given no choice but to bring him along for a loot run. They ended up inside a small general store just across town, their backpacks empty and slung over their shoulders. They hit the jackpot, aside from the smell of rotting corpses, the place was untouched.

".. Nathan... bag up all the snacks here... I'll check out the drinks." He instructed in a whisper, Nathan nodded and began to scoop all of the chips and candy into the backpack he had with him while his older brother walked around the corner inside the store - Norman went around the corner to find only a few large bottles of water and some cans of soda, but alongside that he found a canned food shelf. There wasn't much there, but there was easily around twenty cans of food stuffs left - their was everything from food with protein, fat and fibre, to sugar and vitamins. He didn't hesitate on scooping it all up into his backpack. It was a danger to come without guns - that became evident sooner than they wanted it to. Sadly, it was Nathan that suffered from this one. While Norman was packing his stuff around the corner, Nathan had his back to the main door while he shoved all of his designated loot into his bag, creating enough noise to muffle Norman's presence in the process.

"Don't move, kid." A voice called angrily from behind him; he instantly dropped the candy bar he had in his hand. He heard a gun click and his legs instantly began shaking - he didn't do so much as look over his shoulder; tears filled his eyes and he just bowed his head. "Get up." The voice ordered, he slowly rose from the ground and naturally raised his hands into the air, sniffling as some tears trickled down his cheeks. Norman had already caught on to what was going on - he gently set his bag down on the ground and pulled out his knife from his belt.

".. don't hurt me..." Nathan begged.

"Shut up!" He snapped, "Drop the bag and turn and face me!" He demanded in addition, Nathan did as he asked and looked at him - he was middle-aged, easily. His face wasn't covered at all. "Walk around behind me, hands where I can see 'em." He said, Nathan walked around behind him and watched him as he leaned over, picking up the bag with his back to the area Norman was in. Norman ran out, but before he could turn and fire the Damascus steel blade was already driven into his upper back three times over, leaving him on the ground to bleed out in a matter of seconds. Norman grabbed the guns that he had - he carried two AMT Hardballer pistols, alongside two magazines of ammo in either of his two pockets plus the ones that were already in the guns.

"Nathan. Quit the crying and grab the shit - we don't have time to stick around." He said coldly, Nathan fought through his sobs and picked up the bag while Norman ran and grabbed the other one - they were quick to leave the now dead body in the store and get back to the safety of their own home as soon as possible.
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Taking the man leaving, and the small group of zeds that were interested, as his sign to leave, he makes his way to the military truck. There were a few scrabbling at the cab, but they seemed occupied. So, silently crawling into the back, Conner begins to look and see if the right ammo for his guns were there. All the while not knowing that there was someome in the cab.
Logan leaned over and picked up a steel pipe that was laying on the floor. He examined it in his hands for a moment or two before braining the first walker that came within reach. He struck three more times at walkers that came within reach before he discarded the pipe. Drawing his knife, he resorted to well aimed strikes to the center of their skulls to destroy their brains. He knew he was going to need a bigger weapon at some point and so he filed the thought away in his mind. For now, he was focused on the task at hand, to kill the walkers that threatened the lives of survivors.
Hunter felt the truck lean jolt at the man climbing up, its suspension going back into place as it settled. He immediately threw the MRE into the passenger seat, taking th SCAR in its place. He then slowly made his way over to the other side, opening the door and kicking away a walker. With it on the ground he slowly creeped around tothe back, hopping up onto the tail gat and glancing around. His gun barrel trailed on the man who was searching through the many boxes. "Can I help you sir?" His voice was commanding, with the tinge of annoyance of him searching through his stuff. The gun was set to full auto, waiting for the man to give him a reason to make him like a graveyard, nothing but holes.
Glancing over in the direction that the voice came from, and couldn't help but look down the barrel of the rather intimadating gun. Slowly, Conner raised his hands. "I just needed some more ammo." he told the man. Maybe if he got close enough he could take a swing and drop the guy.
"Mm, need some bullets to put through my head or the walkers?" His voice had lost the annoyance and was asking sternly, for he needed to know he intention. He lifted his finger slightly, flipping the switch that turns it on and off of safety. It was now in safe, and he lowered it slightly, knowing this guy couldn't hurt him. 
((Give me a little bit to reply beo, I'll be gone for just a few minutes.))
"Walkers? Guess that's what you call them. I would prefer to just put them in theirs, but there are the occasional bandit that wants my s**t" Conner replied. "I need ammo for an M-16, M1911, M240G medium machine gun, and a Enfield."
"Nathan. Look at me." Norman said to him while walking along the street to get back to their house; Nathan kept his head bowed and continued letting out quite sobs prior to the incident at the general store. He'd been crying for the past ten minutes, and even though they hadn't attracted any attention, it wasn't exactly the sort of situation that Norman wanted to be stuck with. Nathan began walking faster as his brother spoke to him - Norman just allowed it and followed him back to the house. When they walked in through the door Nathan merely tossed the bag onto the ground and walked away. "Nathan!" Norman yelled sternly, Nathan stopped immediately and bowed his head; Norman went up to him and lightly nudged his shoulder. "What's up with you, bro?"

".. nothing..." He sniffled as some more tears ran down his cheeks.

"Don't lie to me. I've just saved you from possibly takin' a bullet and you don't even wanna' look at me? What's with that?" He asked, sounding slightly irritated by Nathan's behaviour; Nathan just shrugged it off and shook his head. He bowed it the moment he turned to face Norman.

"I'm just sick of it..." He sobbed, Norman cocked an eyebrow and took a deep breath.

"What'cha' mean?"

"This, Norman... I've just-.. everyone dying and... us not having food and--.. and all the people out there tryin' to hurt us... all of my friends, mom, grandma... they're just all gone..." He bawled, Norman took an angered sigh as a wave of disappointment swept over him - all he had been doing for almost the past two months was making sure Nathan was safe - he felt as if all of it was unappreciated.

"You think I haven't had enough either? You think I didn't say 'I've had enough' when our dad died?!" He exploded at him, turning away and walking back and forth. "Nathan. You are lucky to still be alive right now and you're telling me that you've had enough?! No, Nathan! No!" He screamed, Nathan's crying only increased as he ranted at him.

"I--.. I.." He tried blubbering something in response but he was in too much of a state to do so.

"I went through shit as well, Nathan! I lost my father when I was a little older than you! Do you know how it feels to grow up without someone like that?!" He continued screaming at him, his face red with fury - he was taking it to a personal, family level at this point - his troubled past was finally brought to a head.

"No--.. no, I don't know! Because I had you!" He cried out after a few seconds - it was then that he made the first bit of eye contact with Norman. Norman's angered expression quickly faded and fell into more of a morbid and depressed one. He let his arms hang low at his side while he felt a lump form in his throat. Before he could give him as little as an apology he dashed past him and ran upstairs to his room - Norman could still hear him crying even after he'd slammed the door shut. He was left drowning in a pool of guilt.
Noah had taken out at least 4 zombies before turning to look at Logan. Only 5 were left and he was starting to feel all of the fatigue that he accumulated hit him. He lost balance when one of the zombies jumped on him. he could feel the spit of the zombie drooling down his neck as it bit the air and tried eating Noah. Noah was barely able to push him over, his finger digging in it's rotten flesh. It was disgusting and with the remain strenght that he had, he managed to slam his machete in it's head. It didn't take time before another jumped on him. Noah's adrenaline kicking in, he rolled backwards as the zombie simply crashed on the floor where Noah was laying on a few seconds and with his army boots, Noah kicked the head of the zombie, snapping the bone of it and the head started rolling. 3 left.


Skylar looked at Tessa wiping the previous tears forming and then returned to her content self. '' Where is the group you were talking about?'' she asked dead serious as they continued walking hurridly but still alert. Her AK-47 still in hand, she looked at the gun that was in Bellamy's hand. She immediatly understood that Noah was only fighting with his machete.


Despite all of the luck they'd had in finding the food and drinks, none of it seemed to matter after the clash between the two brothers; Norman sat on the couch in the living room while the sun slowly set in the distance. All he was an oil lantern with no oil, and a box of candles - the candles didn't get lit if it was pitch-black at night; the only problem that came with this was that Nathan had a phobia of the dark, but there was nothing they could do to work around that at the current time. Norman sat there, sharpening the Damascus steel Bowie Knife that had been previously used to stab a hostile man to death - the crusted blood that caked the blade had already been wiped off, thankfully. He got bored as time progressed and eventually sheathed the blade back under his belt and stood up, wandering around the house for a short period of time. Time went on faster than he thought it would - with the time of 10pm finally arriving and him not seeing Nathan since the early evening, he was relieved when Nathan actually came downstairs.

".. Norman..." He muttered anxiously, standing in the doorway of the living room. Norman looked up at him, raising one eyebrow. ".. I'm gonna' go to bed... I'm tired." He said, Norman nodded.

"Alright... come here a minute." He requested, Nathan slowly approached and took a seat on the couch beside him. Norman laid back and slouched himself about, moving one arm across the top of the backrest of the couch and the other over Nathan's shoulders; he let out a sigh and glanced around before pulling him closer to his body, hugging him for a moment; Nathan responded in the same manner but seemed to be more worried - he lightly embraced him. ".. tell me the rules, Nate." He muttered.

".. the door stays locked all night, we both keep a key." He whispered.


"And we don't come out if we hear gunshots, any of the lurkers, or other people - we only come out if we're both ready." He explained near enough fluently; Norman gave a nod and half-smile.

"Good. What if you need to pee?" He asked him, Nathan sighed and bowed his head slightly, clearly somewhat embarrassed by this one particular rule - it was pretty obvious why, in all fairness, but it was the safest thing that Norman could come up with in these desperate times.

"I... you should wait as long as you can, but if you can't wait no longer, you have to go out the back window."

"Good... good... alright. Off you go, bro... sleep well." He said, patting him on his head and ruffling his hair.

".. 'night, Norman." He says as he walks out of the room and scales the stairs once again. Norman still felt guilty for earlier, and there was one thing that he definitely needed to do - make it up to Nathan. He knew the perfect way to do it: there was a police station not too far from where they were holed up - he needed to give it another hour or so and then he could make a move to scope the place out.
"Just down the hall," she said pointing to the door at the other end as she swallowed hard. Tessa ran a hand through her hair nervously and squeezed Bellamy's shoulder. "Take him and go," she said softly, grabbing the gun off of her back and taking the one from Bellamy's hand. "Keep him safe and I'll be back. Your brother wanted you away from that room but he didn't say anything about me," she said before kissing Bellamy's hair and hurrying down the hall back towards the zombies with her gun loaded. As soon as she got through the door, she shot a zombie in between the eyes as it moved to pounce onto Noah.
Noah's hit got weaker and weaker at every hit. One zombie was about to go straight for his neck and he had no more strenght. He wasn't going to give up and pushed the body away making him almost lose balance. He looked through the window, a few zombies were walking this way because of the gun. But they had time to get away. He looked up at the girl who just shot a zombie, it was the girl with a brother. Logan was taking care of the other zombies and he simply jogged tiredly ''Logan, Let's get out of here!'' he said panting no more strength in his arms.


Skylar wanted to protest but she was already gone. She didn't have time to waste and she had a little one now to protect. She gulped as she looked at him and grabbed his hand. '' Come on...Our siblings will get here safe.'' she said trying to comfort both as she said finally running down the hall.
(@Huntrey )

Beowulf said:
"Walkers? Guess that's what you call them. I would prefer to just put them in theirs, but there are the occasional bandit that wants my s**t" Conner replied. "I need ammo for an M-16, M1911, M240G medium machine gun, and a Enfield."

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