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Futuristic Brain Burger

Tessa reloaded her gun quickly and shot another in the head. She hated how the sound of the gunfire echoed and it made her shiver. "Hey, do you want your gun back?" she asked the boy whose name she had not gotten as he approached the other one. She didn't have time to reload again, so instead she simply flipped it over and used it at a club. Hitting it hard it stumbled back and she used it' moment of distraction to reload. She hated wasting bullets but she didn't have much of a choice. If they got through her they might make it to Bellamy and she wouldn't allow that.


Bellamy squeezed her hand lightly and ran. He didn't normally hold hands, not even with his sister, but there was something about the urgency of the situation that called for a chance to overlook it.
Noah slightly laughed and grabbed his gun. '' Come on let's go Tessa. We have no chance of saving this wing for now.'' he simply said walking in the direction his sister left. '' Come on!'' he said hurriedly wanting to be by her side right this moment after his life flashing through his mind. He almost died right that moment if it wasn't for this girl. He was grateful but his mind was somewhere else.


Skylar finally walked in the gym and looked around. (I forgot how you described it O_O )
((Big? Crowded?))

Tessa followed after him quickly, catching up to him and hurrying by his side. "You're welcome," she said softly, almost shyly. She was anxious to get back to Bellamy but being around another adult gave her a certain peace of mind that she didn't have around her brother.


Bellamy looked up at her and frowned. "Do you think they're going to be ok?" he asked, worrying for his sister.
Noah finally turned in the hallway to get to the gymnasium and looked at her, '' Welcomed for what?'' he asked not understanding why she said that. He was tired and would normally collapse but the very few adrenaline left in him was pushing him to find his sister as fast as possible.


Skylar flashed a smile at him. It wasn't exactly fake and was mostly to comfort him and her. '' Yeah! I'm sure they are.. Noah is with them and he is the best at surviving this stuff.'' she said confidently but inside insecurities were eating her. She knew how little they slept and hoped to god he would come back. She looked at the big gym. A few windows on the top, the floor made of wood and two basket ball basket hanging from the high ceiling. There was a chalkboard on one of the corner. There was garbage pretty much everywhere and there was a lot of fixing to do. She found a chain next to door and looked at it. This would be useful once they get back to them.
((@Beowulf Sorry man, silly was right, I do have family over so have to balance out the two.))

"Tell me this first, you are here for the teaming up right?" Hunter slung the gun around his shoulder, "I don't have enough ammo to fill up an m240, but I have enough ammo for a clip or two of the M16.". He began putting the 5.56 caliber rounds into a box, glancing up at the man every so often.
"A little is still better then none." Conner replied to the man as he slung his pack around and opened it so he could put the ammo in it. "Yeah, I'm came here for the teaming up. Surviving with others has it's benifts. Guessing you are here for the same reason?"
"I'm here to help, but so far I'm not liking the group especially it's so called leader." He was referring to the commando who thought this thing was a michael bay movie. Yea Hunter was shooting off rounds, but that is because he has enough bullets too. He couldn't stand that smug prick, which is hard to say considering Hunter likes everyone. "I'm First Sergeant Hunter Manchester, but I guess now it is just Hunter.". He stood back up, handing the box to the man.
Norman made his way out of the house at 11pm knowing that his brother was safe and fast asleep behind a locked door. He had to act quickly, but he could use the night as his cloak and his knife as his secrecy on this dark night. The less noise he made, the better - he didn't drive a car to his destination as that would have drawn too much attention; the slower he moved, the safer he felt - the walking dead didn't see him, couldn't hear him, but they could smell him just as easily. As soon as a crowd of five turned towards him he was quick to make a dash over to a nearby house and spring the fence of the back yard - it was a solid plan for sure; within twenty seconds the undead were bashing against the fence in attempt to reach him. He chuckled as he continued his journey onwards.

Five minutes later and he'd reach the police station - it was perfect on first-sight; no windows were broken, no doors were kicked down. It was like heaven on earth. It goes to show how the law still tried to hold authority, even in the most desperate of times. That probably explained why the place was untouched; he did his best to contain his excitement when he thought about all the wonders that would lie on the inside of that building. It was a casual station, but he knew there must have been something - or someone - waiting for him. The first thing he did was head right in through the front door, his knife at the ready, he took a small glance around the dust and dark lobby of the station and waited for a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark. He instantly began regretting his decision to come here at such a late time - there wasn't the rotting smell of flesh in the air, though, so hopefully it'd be a clean run. He made his way further inside, shutting the door behind him while he walked over to the other door that lead into the main part of the building - he was in luck - still no groaning or shuffling of feet. He wandered around for a minute - there was a small staff cafeteria/kitchen just around the corner - it didn't smell to pleasant. The food in the fridge had mostly rotted, and the smell of stale frosting and donuts had covered the whole room - he moved on and went upstairs.

That's when the surprise hit.

He took a turn into one room, a cage door was wide open within it - on the walls there were enough guns to arm a ten-man squad: there was sniper rifles, automatics, sidearms, shotguns, sub-machine guns. There was too much for him all to take with him, but it put the most sincere and humored smile on his face. It was stacked with ammo, and in the corner of the obvious armory there were several kevlar vests and one armored Special Weapons And Tactics outfit. It was a dream come true in a disastrous world, and he knew downstairs there was going to be a shooting range. He figured it was time for a very belated birthday gift for Nathan.
"And I'm Conner McKinley, survivor extrodinare." he said as he took the box and put it in his pack. After a quick thanks, Conner says, "Hey, if you or the commando get a group together, I have a house a bit outside of town. I fortified it and everything. Your welcome to stay there."
Just as Norman returned home, he was about to unlock the door and walk inside when he heard a loud and slightly high-pitched roar from just down the street. He left his key sitting in the lock as he withdrew his knife from his belt and stared off at the source of the noise - he saw a figure quite literally sprinting towards him.

".. what in the world..." He muttered to himself as he backed away from the door, readying himself as the hostile figure came towards him. He became more and more panicked as it revealed its rotting and flesh-covered teeth. Norman slid one foot back across the yard to lower himself, and as soon as the sprinting undead ran into him he curled his arms around his waist and threw him back onto the grass, followed by quickly spinning around and planting his boot on the back of his neck to stop him from rising. He quickly went down and drove the knife upwards into the back of his skull, silencing him instantly - it took more force to get the knife through the bone than it did with the regular, slow-walking undead. It was odd. The bone density wasn't as weak as it was on the others. It worried him more than ever, but not as much as when he looked up in the direction of what it originally came from and saw a whole horde of the slow-moving ones. There were too many for him to handle.

The roar had lead them right to him.

He made a dash for the door of the house and quickly opened it up, dashing inside before closing it over once again. He quietly locked it and sat up against the door, listening as the horde shambled closer and closer with every passing second. He went through to the living room and peaked through the crack in the curtains - they weren't bashing down the door, but instead eating the undead that previously came running. He'd never seen them eat each other before. He sat on the couch and rubbed his face with one hand, utterly terrified on the thought of one of the ferocious sprinters attacking Nathan while he wasn't there. What was the mystery behind them, though? Were they recently infected? Was it due to a different string of DNA within the virus? Maybe it was just because the bodies weren't as damaged as the ones that walked? He didn't know, and personally, he didn't want to.


Sprinter Profile:

Appearance (Something like this):


Traits: Higher ferocity level than regular undead, higher bone density, therefore making them harder to kill with melee weapons, their distinct scream/roar calls other sprinters/walkers nearby, creating a horde in result if there enough of them. They are more aggressive and make far more noise than regular undead, which means they're detected easier but need to be acted upon quickly.

Main dangers (To survivors): Fast, ferocious, near enough deadly, very strong, work as leaders to other undead, harder to kill with melee weapons, unknown origin.

Advantages: Can be used as bait for the walkers - these guys are like a three-course meal to the walkers once killed, the reason behind this is currently unknown. Can be heard easily, so survivors can counter-strike them when given the chance (Providing they don't miss their chance).

((Thought I'd add the above for a little twist for everyone! You can RP the above whenever you see fit. Should make things more interesting for you and it's not a ridiculous change (By that I mean it's not a huge undead that can suck you in with tentacles and tear you to pieces, etc.), hopefully this trigger some more scenarios for character development, and such :) )
((*shivers. Suh-suh-suh-scary. N-no pictures, please. Btw, where are your characters again? Up north from where the others are? ))

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
(( Well, the rest of the characters, we've agreed that they're in Orlando, Florida, whereas mine are in New Hampshire up north. ))
Noah finally turned in the hallway to get to the gymnasium and looked at her, '' Welcomed for what?'' he asked not understanding why she said that. He was tired and would normally collapse but the very few adrenaline left in him was pushing him to find his sister as fast as possible.


Skylar flashed a smile at him. It wasn't exactly fake and was mostly to comfort him and her. '' Yeah! I'm sure they are.. Noah is with them and he is the best at surviving this stuff.'' she said confidently but inside insecurities were eating her. She knew how little they slept and hoped to god he would come back. She looked at the big gym. A few windows on the top, the floor made of wood and two basket ball basket hanging from the high ceiling. There was a chalkboard on one of the corner. There was garbage pretty much everywhere and there was a lot of fixing to do. She found a chain next to door and looked at it. This would be useful once they get back to them.


"For coming back to help," she said softly turning the corner to hurry into the gym. She knew the way they'd come but she didn't say anything else as they walked. She spotted the door to the gym and hurried her pace, eager to see her brother again.


Bellamy frowned and shrugged in response. He was exhausted after the last few days, moving from place to place with very little sleep. In the beginning they'd had a car that he'd been allowed to sleep in but it'd gotten torn into by zombies a few weeks in. Since then he'd been living on a few hours of sleep a night if he was lucky, and Tessa even less.
".. why this late, Norman...?" He asked quietly, rubbing his eyes as he walked alongside his brother and down the street. Norman cracked a faint smile - it was sort of unfair for him to just wake him up like that, but at least it was going to be worth it in the end.

"I've got a surprise for you. Call it a late birthday present, alright?" He replied, hoisting the large hiking backpack further up onto his shoulders in a more secure position. They'd both picked up the bags they'd primarily used and stuffed all of the food and water into it. Norman only said that it was time to say goodbye to the broken family home that they'd been staying in this whole time. Now it was time to move on.

".. what sorta' surprise?"

"A good one." He murmured, they continued walking and also did a bit of light jogging once they ran into more of the walkers, but that didn't stop them from pushing forward; after hopping many a fences and dodging the sharp claws and rotting teeth of the undead they'd finally reached it. The police station. Nathan looked more amazed than Norman had predicted, but he smiled simply at him and lead him inside. The first thing Nathan did was try the light switch, and to Norman's utter surprise - and horror - the lobby light came on straight away. "Holy shit!" He yelled as he flew towards Nathan and flicked the light off, taking a deep breath of relief.

".. what's wrong?" He asked.

"The lights, bro... how the hell do they work? Power's been gone for weeks now..."

"I read about police stations on the internet before... everything happened."

"Oh... right, you wanted to be a cop, didn't ya'?" He said, smiling for a moment to hide his sadness.

"Yeah... but... anyway--.. police stations all have a separate water and power supply for emergencies... or... some of 'em do."

"Really...? That means there's a workin' radio here! We can--.. I don't know, we can get in contact with others!" He said, a spark of excitement lighting up his eyes. "But first, I've gotta' show you something." He added, he then grabbed Nathan by the shoulder and lead him through the dark building and up to the armory. Nathan wasn't overly impressed by all the guns but he was certainly happy about it. They then navigated to the downstairs area of the building that not only had a small jail area, but also the shooting range that he was hoping to find. He took out the second loaded AMT hardballer from inside his jacket and handed it to Nathan. "You're gonna' learn how to shoot."

"I don't know, Norman... I don't really want to..." He said, looking slightly worried as he looked down at the firearm in his hand.

"You've gotta' learn, Nate... think of it as somethin' similar to when you were younger, y'know, I used to teach you stuff all the time, remember?"

"Yeah, but--.. this is different." He said while inspecting the gun again, he looked up at Norman and sighed when he realized that he was giving nothing but pure silence. ".. fine... I'll do it..." He added, the discomfort being obviously displayed in his voice. 'About time he learned to use a gun, kid's dead if he don't.' Norman thought to himself.
Belinda woke suddenly, wiping her eyes as she came back to reality. She'd fallen asleep on the roof, but it had barely been an hour. A banging on the door had woken her. Pressing her ear to the door, she heard the groaning of zombies. From the sound of it, there were several. Swearing, she swung the door open, and stabbed her knife instantly through the first one's skull. Pushing the carcass into its comrades to help make her way, she practically flew down the stairs, over several bodies. She raced through the school, eventually slamming her way into the gym, praying this had a second door to the outside.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Bidding the man, Hunter, a farewell, Conner gets back on his bike and for the last time that day returned home. Not the last as in a horde runs him out, the last as in he's not going back to town. Once he got home, he put everything away and tells himself he'll plant the seeds tomorrow morning. When all that was done, he grabbed a gun, anyone, and sat up on the second floor, watching for any visitors he might have.
"For coming back to help," she said softly turning the corner to hurry into the gym. She knew the way they'd come but she didn't say anything else as they walked. She spotted the door to the gym and hurried her pace, eager to see her brother again.


Bellamy frowned and shrugged in response. He was exhausted after the last few days, moving from place to place with very little sleep. In the beginning they'd had a car that he'd been allowed to sleep in but it'd gotten torn into by zombies a few weeks in. Since then he'd been living on a few hours of sleep a night if he was lucky, and Tessa even less.


oah probably smiled for the first time to her. '' Oh yeah Thanks! '' he said as he finally ran to the door of the gym but froze as he saw a red headed person and grabbed Tessa for her to stop before hurrying into that girl. He pulled out the gun and pointed at her, '' Bitten or Healthy!'' he said hurriedly. He could only see the back of someone and he couldn't be sure if it was a zombie or a human he was talking to. He would shoot if she didn't answer within seconds.


Skylar looked at Bellamy kindly, '' Hey, you can go sleep for now. I'll take guard. Don't worry, they will come.'' she said and as if on cue, she heard her brother scream. She immediately put weight on the door just to make sure no zombies would storm in while her and Bellamy were in.
So used to having to react instantly, Belinda's head snapped around, and she hurled her push dagger towards him. It was a completely incorrect use of the blade, but would sufficiently kill any walker. Still, as soon as her momentum began, her brain processed the fact that he was just a man and she let her hand slip, so that the dagger hit the wall next to the man, instead of actually hitting him. At the same moment, she ducked to the side, in case that gun he was holding fired.
Noah was all eyes when he saw the fast reaction of this lady Obviously no zombie. He didn't hesitate to go get the the knife she had thrown next to him. Strong, fast and precautious. They had no time as he could hear groans and footsteps getting closer. Locking eyes with her, he knew she was no direct threat for now.


Skylar simply heard the knife and the rummaging happen. A bit scared, she peaked from the door and seeing her brother relaxed she simply pushed the door open. '' Come on! Stop staying in front now!'' she said happily as she saw her brother and Tessa alive.
Their eyes met and instantly the understanding that neither was a complete enemy passed between them. Walking over to him, she apologized. "Sorry, you startled me." She snatched her dagger from his hand, eyes flashing to the door as she heard more zombies coming. "You know a safe way out of here, or are we going to have to fight our way through the horde coming?" She didn't bother asking his name or offering hers, keeping her eyes trained on the place the sound was coming from. If zombies were coming, they had to be ready.
After a magazine of bullets from Nathan's gun was emptied into the target that had now reached the back of the shooting range, it slowly made its way back on the ceiling-rail and stopped in front of the booth so that both Nathan and Norman could get a closer look. Three head-shots, four body-shots. Quite impressive for a kid who hadn't ever shot a gun before.

"Not bad, bro... not bad..."

"Thanks..." He said, cracking a faint smile.

"Well... best not use up too much ammo - you can stop there, just remember not to go crazy with the gun, a'ight? And aim for the head with 'em, only use the gun if you really need to."

".. what if it's a person?" He asked - Norman had to keep his whole portrayal of Nathan's innocence from fading away. Hopefully it was just a general question, if so, it was a smart one as well.

"Aim for the head if you're sure you can hit... but you'll want to aim for the stomach or the chest most the time." He said in response, nodding to him. "You can have a look around - I'll look for the big boss of this joint so we can lock the place up." He muttered to him; he patted him on the head and ruffled his hair before turning and scaling the stairs of the police station; he took every turn and hallway he could, searched every room and every office until he found the sheriff's office. When he did he was quick to walk inside, but also quick to consider walking back out - the wall behind the sheriff's chair was pasted in dried brain matter and blood - slumped forward with his head flat on the desk was the sheriff himself. A man maybe in his late thirties or early forties. A revolver sat on the desk in front of his head, and his blood was poured and dried all over the desk - the sloppy exit of a bullet wound scarred the back of his skull. At least he wasn't coming back - Norman walked forward and searched around him, eventually pulling out a crumpled photograph from his opposite hand - a picture of a blonde, pregnant woman. It was too depressing. He took the liberty to - to his disgust - tuck the photo into his shirt pocket followed by searching his pant pockets. He found exactly what he was looking for - a set of keys. He went back down and locked the main door - at least now they were safe.

While Nathan walked around exploring, Norman continued going around, bolting up all the windows and locking any doors that acted as entrances for any unwanted visitors - he saw that the windows had shutters, but there was no need to pull those down right now. It'd been a while since he'd been in a place with so much hope behind it. He could tell it'd made Nathan happy - like he mentioned before, his dream-job was to be a cop, and maybe this place was going to allow the kid to do that for a while.

Next on the list was to get on the radio to try and contact someone else, but that could wait for a little while.
Noah looked behind and curse. He pushed Tessa and Belinda in the gym seeing the chains in her hands. Skylar immediately locked the door and used the chains for safety. '' Bellamy! Get me something to make sure this door doesn't open.'' she shouted autoritarly but still sweet. Noah finally in , he dropped to the floor to tired to move anymore. He looked up at all of them, '' Still alive,'' he said as he grinned like an idiot.

(@Vaila and @firejay1 )
Belinda eyed the chained door, trying to figure out how long it would hold them. Without really thinking about it she responded to the man on the floor. "Pretty surprising for a guy with a hero complex." She flipped her combat knife blade over handle in her hand repeatedly, a nervous habit.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
"So... how you likin' the taste of hot coffee, bro?" Norman muttered to him as he watched Nathan sip the cup of coffee he had prepared for him; he coughed for a moment due to the sudden bitterness, but soon looked up and shrugged.

"It's alright... first hot drink I've had for like... nearly two months, so..." He shrugged again and gave a simple smile, sitting on his sleeping bag opposite Norman. Norman also sat on a sleeping bag a mere two feet away from him, and, of course, also sipped his own coffee occasionally. The room they were sleeping in was one of the offices that didn't have a body in it - the window of the door was faded so that no one could see in, and better yet, the door was locked and they were on the second floor, so all was well. Norman pondered to himself and looked at the floor for a moment, a smile finally lighting up his face. ".. hey, Nate... remember what we used to do each night when you were younger? We kinda' stopped when you were... nine, I think. Except on the weekends." He looked up at him and gave a soft smile.

"Um..." Nathan sipped his coffee before thinking to himself for a moment. ".. I'm not sure..."

"Come ooooon... we started when you were about four, I think..." He hinted, raising one eyebrow.

"I... Oh! You mean the books, right?" He said suddenly, Norman laughed aloud and nodded to him.

"Yeah, the damn books, bro. And the movies, remember? Every damn night I'd come in, sit by your bed, and read you a story. You know what you did? No matter how many times I read the same book, you know what you'd do?" He said, chuckling afterwards while he sipped his coffee. Nathan tilted his eyes up towards the ceiling to think for a moment but then shook his head, smiling.

"No. What did I do?"

"You'd ask me about it... ask me about the characters, the places, the plants, the buildings - everything in the book you'd ask me about. Every time. That's how I knew you were so smart."


"Really really." He agreed, giving a curt nod. A sly grin then went across his face as he sipped his coffee before speaking again. "Then again, sometimes after the story you'd tell me you needed to take a dump and I'd have to come and wipe your ass for you, that was only when you were about four, though." He said, laughing out in his face. Nathan went a shy red and shook his head, but still maintained a smile.

"Norman, please..." He murmured, giving an embarrassed chuckle thereafter. Norman continued laughing but then stopped him.

"On Fridays and Saturdays we'd watch movies together, remember? It went from Disney shit right up to shooting people in the face once you got old enough..." He smiled and watched Nathan nod in agreement. "Remember that one time when you were about... damn... eight? Me and you stayed up all night in my room, watching movies and playing video games?"


"Remember how mom beat my ass for that the next morning when you could barely walk because you were so tired?"

Nathan laughed. "Yeah, I remember. Why?"

"She never let you stay up like that again... how about we do it tonight? Just me and you, up all night like the good old days?" He grinned while gulping down some of his coffee; Nathan paused for a moment but then smiled brightly at him.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." He murmured to himself; that's when the night fully kicked off. The duo sat up late into the night, reminiscing about the past and sharing snacks such as candy bars and twinkies - if there was ever one thing Norman taught Nathan in life, it was to enjoy the little things whenever you got the chance.

((I'll post tomorrow morning when I wake up. I'll RP that's it's morning then as well - I think that's logical as most of you are RP'ing it as late-night, so therefore you can continue your RP and say it was just coming into daylight, or you can continue what you're doing until you've caught up - doesn't bother me at all :) ))
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Belinda eyed the chained door, trying to figure out how long it would hold them. Without really thinking about it she responded to the man on the floor. "Pretty surprising for a guy with a hero complex." She flipped her combat knife blade over handle in her hand repeatedly, a nervous habit.


oah smirked at Belinda, '' Talk about it... I haven't slept for 32 hours and practically walking kilometers the whole day'' he said in a lazy tone as he simply laid on the garbage. '' Urg... This is disgusting.'' he said as he stood up not wanting to pass the day here. It seemed safe for now and they couldn't go anywhere at this point so might as well.

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