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Futuristic Brain Burger

The time finally hit seven o'clock in the morning. Just like the old days. It was a blast from the past for the both of them, for sure - it brought back memories that were equally happy as they were sad. Nathan had only had a couple of hours sleep during the night but he still looked more tired than Norman did - his tired eyes seemed to struggle to stay open, but Norman could tell that despite the fact that he'd stayed up all night, he was a lot happier and relaxed than usual.

"Norman... I've gotta' ask you a question... it ain't nice, but... what was it like growin' up without a dad?" He asked hesitantly, Norman remained silent and took a deep breath of sadness; he looked up at Nathan after a few moments and shrugged.

".. I grew up most my life without him... it was when I was gettin' to be a teenager that I lost him - you know, I was going through... changes. I'm guessin' you know what I'm talking about, and you're startin' to go through the same, right?" He replied, Nathan gulped quiet as his face went slightly red, but then gave a quick nod alongside no words. "Right... but... without a dad there I didn't have anyone to talk to about all of that... I mean, I couldn't talk to mom about it because that just would have felt weird."

"So... it--.. it was like... like being stuck with something?" Nathan questioned, Norman thought to himself and then looked up at him, giving a few soft nods.

"Yeah, I guess you could call it that... It's why I took so much care of you when you were younger--.. I didn't want you growin' up to end up livin' like I did, so there you go." He replied, shrugging to Nathan while a frown slowly formed on his face; Nathan looked at him for a moment and then made an unpredicted move. He crawled over to Norman's sleeping bag and sat beside him, quickly embracing him by coiling both of his arms around his body - there was nothing like a bit of brotherly love to brighten up a time when there were crazies going about and trying to eat you. Norman slowly moved one arm around him in response.

"It's not your fault, Norman..." He said quietly, and at that moment Norman felt his heart crack in two - it may have been the words he'd been waiting to here for so many years, or maybe he just didn't believe them - neither of them knew, but Norman then leaned over and fully hugged him, his head on his shoulder.

"Thanks, Nate..." He choked, he cleared his throat after that and took a deep breath. ".. I'm sorry I'm such a dick to you most the time..." He said before giving a faint chuckle.

"It's cool, bro... it's cool."

Norman looked down at his watch and took sigh before moving a hand to Nathan's head and ruffling his medium-length blond-brown hair; he then pulled away from him and stretched his arms and his back, letting out a yawn while doing so. ".. it's gone seven o'clock - we pulled it off, man. Now get a couple of hours sleep and then I'll wake you to do some stuff."

Nathan thought for a moment, but then nodded. "Yeah, sure..." He muttered as he crawled back to his own sleeping bag and tucked himself into it. "See you in a while, Norman... are you gonna' be staying in here?"

"No... I'll be making some radio calls to see if I can find anyone... just sleep for a while, alright? You'll be fine. We're all locked up - there's plenty of other offices and parts of the building to explore yet, so we'll take another look around when I wake you up." He said, Nathan nodded before lying back fully and closing his eyes; Norman made his way out of the office and went downstairs to not only brew himself up another cup of coffee, but to also also see if the dispatcher room was anywhere on the first floor. When he walked by the main door he caught something in the corner of his eye - his heart stopped as he quickly spun around and glanced outside. The sun was shining, the streets were quiet, and there was no one at the door like he originally thought - must have been a trick of his tiredness. He made himself the cup of coffee and then took another look around - just down the hallway from where Nathan was sleeping he found the dispatcher room. For a small town, the good old fashioned transmission radio served a perfect purpose; there were a few computers on the desk around the radio, but nothing more. It was time to get everything started up to try and contact some people - if he could figure out how to do that first, of course.
Bellamy did as she asked quickly, finding a large rope and a few tables. He could see Tessa now which made him feel more relaxed, but there were zombies in the building and he knew it. (@32sillylight32 sorry for the short reply.... I didn't know what to put)
The radio finally started up - with a sudden flinch as he heard the distant screams and roars of the sprinting undead he cowered down slightly more, making sure he was out of sight from the window. He picked up the transmitter and held the button on the side down while speaking clearly into it, hesitating before doing so. ".. this is Norman Craig... I'm transmitting from the Cheshire County Sheriff's Department... is anyone there?" He says, waiting for thirty seconds thereafter - any walkie-talkies and car police radios would have a chance of receiving the radio messages. He just hoped that there was going to be other people nearby.
Belinda recognized the boy and the lady from before: Tessa, or something like that. She couldn't bring up the boy's name in her mind. "Looks like we're trapped in a zombie mob together... again." She said, giving Tessa a quick, cynical smile.

She then turned to the other two, whom she didn't recognize. "Sorry for the harsh greeting, earlier." She said to the man. "But you know how it is, in these times." The redhead was still flipping the knife in her hand. "You have any idea how we're going to get out of here, or are we just waiting for the storm to pass?"
"I repeat, this is Norman Craig callin' from the Cheshire County Sheriff's Department in New Hampshire, is anyone there?!" He shouts down the radio, yet awaiting another response; he hears the screams of the running infected getting closer. There's bound to be a horde passing by at some point soon; he was just hoping that they wouldn't find him and Nathan here.
Noah stood up seeing Bellamy trying to push tables and he helped him. He would be nice for now with all of them for the sole reason that he is not intending to go anywhere else but here tonight. He needed sleep or he will just be zombie food. '' It's fine don't worry.. and I'm staying here for today. Pretty much all of the exits are blocked by zombies...Hopefully Logan and the other boys find a way around and survive.'' he said.

He was a bit of an ass with guys but that is pretty simple why. Just a week after the outbreak, a group of guys they had just met were being friendly but at once Noah turned his back, they tried rapping Skylar. Luckily, she knew how to defend herself and Noah got there just in time, but it still marked him. More than Skylar probably since he killed at least 2 of them. With the help of Skylar, he secured the door. 
( @ModernRanger :) you havent replied xD )
Conner was beginning to fall asleep when he heard it, a faint static crackle. He almost would have ignored it if it wasn't for one thing, he hadn't heard that crackle in months. Rushing from his post on the second floor, he runs to his bedroom where he kept his radio. It was one of those old trucker ones that you'd find in a semi. It wasn't just some freak static of a dead cop accidently hitting the right button, but an actual one with words. He could only understand every other word, but it was enough. "I hear you. This is Conner McKinley. Repeat your location."
Logan ran down the hallways of the school, a horde of zombies right behind him. He was forced to avoid obstacles as he ran, jumping over tipped over desks and sliding under long tables. The obstacles slowed down the horde but did not stop them entirely. As he ran he searched for a method of escape or perhaps a way to kill the horde. He just needed to think of something but he'd have to do it soon.
"Uh..." Conner says as he adjusts the frequency to try and clear it up. "Repeat, this is Conner McKinley. I am in (insert town name) Florida. Your not to clear down here and I'm having trouble hearing you."
"You NEED to get to us. We have FOOD AND WATER, and a safe place. You get that?!" He yelled, gripping the radio transmitter tighter. "We've got power as well!" He adds on. (@Beowulf
"NEW HAMPSHIRE. CHESHIRE COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT." He says slowly, word after word to make it easier to understand.
"Well s**t, I got that here to." he said. Then he thought about it. He was running out of food, and it would take a while for the plants to grow. He might actually bene fit from going there. "Alright, I'm coming. But I need some time to pack up. If you need to hold out, do it for as long as you can." And with that, he began to pack for the trip to Bew hampshire. He stayed as close to the radio as he could, running to get things if he had to. Once his guns, seeds, and other basic supplies were packed, he hurried into the garage. He didn't like to use his truck, but he had it for the just in case. Remembering the radio, he runs up, grabs it, and puts it on his dash board. "Alright, I'm on my way."
"Roger dodger, buddy... it's just me and my younger bro here - the door's locked - the jouney's gonna' take you most the day but we're safe - station's got emergency power supply and water supply. Let us know when you're here and I'll unlock the door for ya'." He mutters, smiling in excitement before placing the transmitter back down on the hook. He kicked his legs up onto the desk and placed his hands behind his head, leaning back in the chair for a moment.
"Alright. I'll radio in when I'm close. Might need some help unloading." He was already nearing the town, and blew right by it. He had a place to be, and this town was drying up. Sonner or later, there would be nothing left but empty buildings and rottind food.
"Be careful when you get here - we've got some runners goin' around nearby... you ran into any runners so far?" He asked out of concern, running through the dispatcher's desk in search of anything interesting.
"Nope. I might have seen one from a distance, but just thought it was another survivor considering it was being chased by a little group of zeds. But let me guess, these guys run at ya." Conner replied, on the road headed in the right direction.
"Oh yeah... vicious little bastards, too. They're hard to kill if you're tryin' to smack or stab 'em. I used my knife on one last night, took some force. The slower ones eat 'em once they're dead for some reason, it's weird. Just keep an eye out for 'em, because if they get hold of you - you're done for." He states, still rummaging through the drawers of the desk - he finds a half-drunk bottle of whiskey and smiles while he pulls it out and sets it down on the desk. (@Beowulf)
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"You win some you lose some. Might want to keep one in a cage if the normal zeds like them so much. Guessin' they make about the same amount of noise. You might not be able to sleep, but it's a hell lot better then turning or dying."
".. me and my brother have lost a lot of people... I feel you, man... lost our mom at the start of all this shit - I'm doin' what I can to look after him. Have all my life. We just need more people or we don't have a chance - hopefully you arriving's gonna' be the start of somethin' big, eh?" He muttered, cracking a faint smile after speaking.
"Funny you should say that. The town I just ledt had someone trying to get a group together. Looked like he was in the military before this. And the other person, not sure if he did join the group or not, was definitly in the military. He was driving a military grade truck full of ammo. He was a nice guy, gave me some rounds."
".. I'll be tryin' the radio at some point again. Perhaps we'll get in contact with him, too..." He paused and thought to himself for a minute, taking a deep breath. "So... Conner... when you get here I'm gonna' lay down some rules that's goin' down here, but don't worry, they're fair - it's just to make sure no one tries to screw each other over. Right now I think the best thing we can get is alliance." He states, wiping his forehead with his free hand followed by scratching his beard. He looked over his shoulder to glance out the window - there was still no horde, which only made him worry more for whenever Conner was going to arrive. He had to get himself prepared; if he could get himself a hand-held radio from somewhere, maybe he could set himself up on the roof with one of the sniper rifles to provide as overwatch for whenever he arrived. (@Beowulf)
((We needs to get a radio so we can get in contact!! :D ))

"So settling in comfortably is the only choice we got, huh? Who's Logan? Heck, who're you?" She asked the man and the woman with him, brusquely.
"How you mean? I understand the rules. Share what we find and a personal rule of mine. If I get bit, put a bullet into me as soon as you can. But an alliance? Like make friends with other groups?" Conner said into the radio. He's seen a few zeds walking around in the streets and had driven around them. How far could it possibly be? The sun was just starting to go down and there was still nothing in sight but the road, some trees, and the occasional road kill, zed and other.

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