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Futuristic Brain Burger

((The return of Hunter! A newly formed man with no newly formed CS chart!))

Hunter had spent the last hour or so sitting in the cab of the truck, his mind cluttered by the sounds of walkers groaning for him. They were all on his side of the truck, at least ten if not more, but that wasn't one of his concerns. Not only had Hunter just given a man ammo, he had let him just walk off with it, without anything in return. Also in the same matter of today a girl and guy had used his trucks noise as bait so they could escape into the school. And within the confines of this revolutionizing day, the self proclaimed commando leader had given him orders like he had any rights in this situation. Hunter was enlightened by his generosity and how people are ungrateful, and this made him snap. He had spent all of his time and effort on helping people, but never getting shit in return.

He wasn't a bad guy, oh no, by no ones standards. But he was angry at the way his supplies and his usefulness had been mocked. These people didn't want someone to survive with, they wanted Hunter as a walking supply crate. Alas he needed these people as much as they needed his ammo, so he kept the vehicle off and waited.
When they were finally out of range Norman looked down to her.

"Wait there..." He says in an audible tone. He'd dash downstairs and to the door, quickly unlocking it with a set of keys and opening them up. "Get in. Quick." He says sternly. If she was to enter he'd close the door behind her and lock it again.
Elizabeth glanced towards the way the horde went before quickly getting inside and letting him close the door behind her. "Thank you.." she whispered quietly as she looked him over slightly.
".. You're the first person I seen around here for a long while... well--.. welcome to safety." He mutters quietly to her, inspecting her quickly.
Elizabeth nodded slightly. "Likewise... I've been on the move for awhile... I heard the gun shots last night... So I figured I'd come to see what it was about..." she said and brushed her bangs out of her eyes.
".. I see, I see..." He said, nodding to her. He glanced around and then raised his rifle with one hand and rested it against his shoulder. "What's your name? I'm only here with my little bro - My name's Norman."
"Elizabeth... alright..." He nodded a few times, cracking a half-smile. "Well, aside from the welcome I better show you around... first thing I'll let you know, the department relies on an emergency power and water supply that's put there for emergency situations or power outages. All the usual stuff - that's what my brother told me anyway." He explains, he then glances past her and out the front door for a moment. "So, that means, we have working toilets and hot showers, which I personally haven't had the luck of enjoyin' yet, but hey, I've been busy. Whereabouts you travel from, anyway? Born and raised in New Hampshire or somewhere else?" He asked, brushing down the upper part of his jacket with one hand.
Elizabeth wrinkles her nose a bit and smiles a bit. "Alright, and thanks for the welcome and saying my behind back there." she said while looking around and listening to him explain things. "I originally came from Illinois, and was going to be studying down here before the outbreak happen and lost contact with my sister..." she said and sighed softly.
"Sister, eh? How old's she?" He asks. "Walk with me." He said, turning on one heel and awaiting the response to his first question; he'd lead her out of the lobby and towards the stairs of the building that lead up to the second floor.
Elizabeth jogged to catch up since he started walking without her before catching up and walking along side him. "She's 11... She was suppose to be with my parents when this all happened... But... I found them as zombies when I went to Illinois... She wasn't there... I know it's stupid clinging onto the hope she's alive... But I can't help but hope... it's the one thing we still have in this warn down world..."
"Yeah, you bet it is. Me and my bro lost my ma' at the start of all this - dad died about a month after he was born, so he didn't have to go through any of this shit. Regardless, we're gettin' by--.." He'd walk her around to the whole hallway that contained all of the offices. "These are the bedrooms, I'm guessing. All aside from the dispatcher room that has the radio I use to try and reach others." He says, spreading an arm out in front of him to signal the location of all the offices - there's easily over a dozen of them. "It's quite a coincidence... my bro's only recently turned eleven - he had his birthday in the middle of all this, though... how old are you?" He asked her, turning to face her once again.
Elizabeth ran a hand through her hair and whistled softly as she looked around. "Wow... Nice and to answer your question, I'm 20." she said while looking at him again.
"Twenty-three here. At least we're both able-bodied people, so that should make survivin' a little easier." He muttered, smiling for a moment before turning around and leading her off towards the armory. Upon reaching the room that the armory is kept within, she see that the gate everything is hidden behind is locked. "Here's the armory. We found it like this, and it's where I got my rifle - ain't nothin' special, and it ain't my favorite, but it's decent enough; we've got enough weapons to arm a group of ten, and enough ammo to give to a small army, so we should be alright for now. I've got rules set down on weapons here, but I'll explain that later." He said to her, he lead her downstairs once again, and they could have sworn for a moment that they'd seen someone standing at the door, but as soon as they looked up he was gone - Norman looked up with his rifle at the ready, taking a shaky deep breath.

"Tell me it's not my eyes playing tricks on me." Norman muttered under his breath, looking down the sight of his rifle.
Elizabeth blinked as she looked at him and then at the door. "I... Don't know, what did you see Norman..." she said, getting slightly defensive and edgy since he had his rifle.

Annie glanced around the corner as she noticed the zombies were so focused on the driver side of the armed truck that she had enough time to pick the lock and slid into the passenger seat and looked at who the driver was and closed and locked the door as well. "Sorry for just busting in here but I needed some safety! I promise I'll pay you back, please.." she said while panting a bit.
"I'm tellin' you right now I saw a guy standin' right-fuckin'-there..." He nods towards the door and shakes his head thereafter. "At least... if he's out there, we're in here locked up tight. We're fine..." He adds, taking a deep breath as he lowered the rifle. ".. keep an eye out and follow me." He said, he lead her around to the rooms that were downstairs - nothing special. He lead her over to the far back where the doors to the restrooms and shower rooms were. ".. got ya' bathrooms and your showers here - you're free to do whatever, whenever, just don't shower too long - we don't want to use up all the water just yet." He said, he then took her to one door that lead down into the basement. "Shooting range right down here. Try not to use this too often."
Elizabeth followed him slowly and nodded slightly, knowing that in times like this, anything seemed possible and things like these could make a person lose it slightly... Norman didn't seem like the kind of person so far to be easily frightened but... zombies were kinda crazy and impossible.
".. I'm sorry I'm so jumpy today--.. me and my brother decided to take it like the good old days and stay up all night..." He said, chuckling softly thereafter.
Hunter turned to see a woman breaking through his passenger side and attracting even more zombies. "What the fuck!" He pulled out his glock and aimed it at the woman, ready to blow her brains out and feed the zombies. His mind clicked though when she said she would pay him back. Slipping his gun in the holster he just looked at her, very confused by this statement. "What do you mean you'll pay me back?".
Elizabeth sighed softly and smiled a bit. "It's fine... we all have our days..." she said softly while walking with him, "It's something me and my sister would do, mostly because she'd want me to tell her stories or braid her hair.."

Annie didn't even seem to flinch when he pulled a gun on her, knowing she caught his interest she continued. "You just look like the kind of guy who gives but get nothing in return. Plus I did just bring these zombies here and broke into your car. So I do kinda owe you for letting me stay so far and for not blowing my brains out with your gun."
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Ten Minutes

Thats all it took. It took Logan ten minutes to kill off the entire horde of the undead. Once the swarm had finally broken into the room he had taken many of them down right off the bat. Yet, he had to circle the gym, putting distance between himself and the horde before turning and taking his shots then continuing to move. After the time had passed, Logan looked about at the gym, the floor littered with the bodies of the undead, arrows piercing their skulls. Logan moved into the supply closest and dragged out the other three barrels of arrows and the extra quivers. He resolved to come back to retrieve these items of supplies. He placed his bow onto his back.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth sighed softly and smiled a bit. "It's fine... we all have our days..." she said softly while walking with him, "It's something me and my sister would do, mostly because she'd want me to tell her stories or braid her hair.."
Annie didn't even seem to flinch when he pulled a gun on her, knowing she caught his interest she continued. "You just look like the kind of guy who gives but get nothing in return. Plus I did just bring these zombies here and broke into your car. So I do kinda owe you for letting me stay so far and for now blowing my brains out with your gun."

"Yeah... I was tellin' my brother all our old stories last night. Good times." He smiled before leading her upstairs yet again; he opened the door to one of the offices and stepped aside. "Nathan! Get up! We got a visitor!" He shouted at a boy with medium-length blond-brown hair who was sleeping in a sleeping bag on the floor. This must have been his younger brother he was telling her about.

Nathan slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, his hair messy from where he had been sleeping. He looked up at Elizabeth for a moment and then gave a shy, tired smile. ".. oh--.. hi." He mutters quietly.
Hunter seemed to study her, almost confused by her. "You must not by real. No one has offered me anything since before all this madness.". Hunter rubbed his head, pushing back his hair with the sweat that had built up. "Well, either way you don't seem to have much to offer, maybe just for offering is enough.".
Elizabeth smiles a bit and gives a small laugh. "I'm sure..." she said before turning her attention to Nathan. "Hello." she said softly and give a bit of a wave.

Brianna looked around as she noticed the truck and all the zombies and blinked, realizing there were probably people in there and then noticed all the cars in front of the school and decided to head towards the school to see if there was anyone alive there.

Annie rolled her eyes and flicked him in the forehead. "I am real, cuz i am here right now and what makes you don't think I have much to offer." she said heatedly, looking annoyed.
Norman looked down at Nathan and smiled, taking a deep breath. "This here's Nathan - my younger brother. Nathan, this is Elizabeth."

"Nice to meet you, Elizabeth." Nathan says shyly as he stands up from his sleeping bag, stretching his back and arms with a yawn.

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