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Futuristic Brain Burger

"You just looked kinda' sad, that's all." He shrugged and took a deep breath, looking at her for a moment.
Hunter reached behind his seat, pulling a SPAS from a hook on it. "Clear out some of the zombies near my wheels so I can back out then." He then smiled, handing the shotgun to the girl. "And this pretty cool driver can't wait to get this road trip started.
Belinda opened the door, "I'm home." Roland comes staggering out, into the hallway, blood leaking through his fingers as he gripped his right shoulder tightly. "Roland, what happened to you!" She asked, shocked.

"Belinda. You have to get out of here." He waved his hand at her, as if she were a fly that could be easily shooed away. "Zombies. We were just sitting down to dinner and Jack started transforming..." Tears leaked out of his eyes, though whether it was from the memory or the pain in his arm, Belinda didn't know. She moved forward to him.

"Your arm..."

"Get away from me!" He waved his hand and staggered as if he was drunk. "Jack bit me, Belinda!" She stared at him, uncomprehending. "I'm transforming. My muscle's are already weakening. You have to go now!"

"No." She shook her head in stubborn refusal. "I'm not just going to leave you here." The shock was too much for her to even cry.

He gave her a sad smile and let go of his arm, to hold out his hands, palms up, towards her. Without thinking about it, she took them. In a flash, Roland had both her wrists in a death grip and had kneed her hard in the stomach. She coughed, stunned by the pain. Dragging her out to the car, he flung her inside. Someone was already in the driver's seat, an unfamiliar man, but she wasn't paying attention to him. The driver locked the door and began driving. She tried popping the lock, but it was one of those fancy auto-locks and wouldn't open while the car was moving. "NO!! NO ROLAND NO!" She shrieked, watching as Roland's form became smaller and smaller, fading into the distance. She pounded on the glass, and when she could no longer see him, and the screams had turned to quiet sobs, she whispered hoarsely. "I'm never going to forgive you. Never. Even if I'm born into a different life. I'll never forgive you, stupid, stupid Roland."

Belinda woke up crying. She'd had this nightmare every time she'd fallen asleep and always woken up crying, but the tears rolled down her face silently, attracting no attention. Wiping her eyes, she stood and went to peek out a window into the street. The zombies were demolished, except she thought she might've seen some movement in a truck not too far away. More importantly.... there was a child! A little girl, glued quietly to a wall. (@Soul OMU ) With some urgency, she found the door and bolted out. The girl was obviously not a walker, from the way she was holding herself. "What are you doing out here, girl?" She asked, unconsciously letting kindness slip into her voice.


As per her usual pre-sleep activity, Tony fiddled with a little radio she'd picked up in one of the stores. The batteries still worked, and she checked it every night as if hoping there were other people out there trying to contact, or even broadcast a show. Usually there was nothing. Today, however, a voice blared crackling through the speakers, quite suddenly. "... department; can anybody hear me, dammit!?"

She hastily tried responding, as quietly as possible while adding urgency to her voice. "Stop shouting, dude! You'll bring the zombies down on us! Who are you? Where are you? I didn't get your whole message." @DrTrollinski
Norman quickly picked up the transmitter again, smiling excitedly. "Sorry, sorry! My name is Norman. Crag... I'm calling from the Cheshire County Sheriff's Department - who am I speakin' to right now?" He asked, pushing his hair back in amazement with his free hand. (@firejay1)
Brianna looked at her and quickly slipped into the gym. "I came here because I figure this would be one of the stops where people might be... I was hoping to find others because... I'm trying to find my older sister... I have an idea where she might be... but I won't make it on my own obviously..." she said and ran a hand through her hair as she looked very tired. (@firejay1)

Annie grinned and took it and pumped it slightly. "Got it." she said as she started firing into the zombies by the wheels so they could get out of their "parking" spot. (@Huntrey)

Elizabeth gave him a small smile. "I'm sure Nathan... I was.. just thinking about my sister..." she said softly. (@DrTrollinski )
Tony tried responding in her best official grown-up voice, matching his. Sadly, her voice always had and always would be high and girlish. "My name is Antoinette Favre. I'm here with two others. We're in Pennsylvania. Where are you calling from?" The two boys had gathered around her in wonder, startled by the sound.
".. Pennsy--.. Jesus... I'm calling from New Hampshire... a sheriff's department. Are you okay? Are you safe?" He asked quietly, taking a deep breath when he realized that he was most likely speaking to a child or early-teenage girl. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair slightly. "...When this all started, she was with my parents back in Illinois... But I went there... and i found my parents as zombies... but not here... So... my only hope and guess is that she is alive..." she said softly.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair slightly. "...When this all started, she was with my parents back in Illinois... But I went there... and i found my parents as zombies... but not here... So... my only hope and guess is that she is alive..." she said softly.

He remained quiet for a moment but then gave a simple smile. ".. I don't know how to fight... I can hardly shoot a gun, I get scared easy... if I can keep going on this long, I'm sure she can." He said reassuringly, his voice shaking towards the end of his sentence. His eyes lined with tears in the slightest but he managed to keep his smile up. "Anyway... you're smart... I'm sure that she's smart, too... she's probably fine." He gave a curt nod before wiping his eyes with his wrist. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter did the same with his gun, shooting most of the zombies around him. "Alright kiddo, lets get out of here.". He fired up the ignition and back out of the school driveway. After a couple moments, they were rolling out of Orlando through the everglades.
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she hugged him. "Thank you Nathan.. Your right, she'll be fine... Besides i doubt my dad would have let her go on her own without knowing how to shoot."

Annie grinned and pulled the gun back in as she leaned back in her seat. "Kiddo? Seriously?" oh jeez..." she said while rolling the window back up.
".. yeah... It's kinda' like my brother... he tried teaching me how to do stuff like that - he's not doing too good, though. Our dad died when he was about my age... he used to wake up a lot during the night. He woke up a lot more since all of this started - he just says he has nightmares, but he never told me what they were about. I think he's kind of lonely, to be honest." He said to her before shrugging, his arms also hugging her in response. A few moments later the hug would break away. (@Soul OMU) 
Hung Out To Dry

He walked away from the Sheriff’s Department after exposing himself for a mere few seconds. He knew that they had possibly both seen him, but that’s exactly what he wanted. He wanted to play mind-games with them for as long as he could before he made his first move. He brushed off his black robes while he discreetly made his way back to the church that sat a mere twenty feet away from the Sheriff’s Department. He’d been right under Nathan and Norman’s noses, and they didn’t even realize it for this whole time. The church was a hideous sight, easily scaring off any people that tried to trespass. There were bodies strung up in the main hall, all of their skin finely sliced off – the smell was repulsive, but that was something that didn’t concern him at all – it only added to the effect and kept the walking dead at bay while he was busy performing his other satanic deeds.

He walked and made his way downstairs and into a hellish basement area – the walls were all painted red with blood, but there was still one other person in the room with him. The only difference was that the man with him was strapped to a table and had his mouth sealed by duct-tape; he struggled and attempted screaming, but his arms and legs were tied down and the screams were near enough inaudible.

“Oh dear, oh dear…” He muttered in a slightly raspy voice, a sadistic smile slowly stretching across his face while he approached the table and stood over the man, crossing his arms and shaking his head. “You came here looking for help, didn’t you?” He said to him. The man frowned and then quickly nodded, giving a muffled yell. “Well… I’m afraid you came to the wrong place… I would have helped you, but… you refused to help me…” He added before walking over to the table in the opposite corner of the room and picking up a large iron dagger from it, walking back over to the defenceless man who only struggled and gave off more muffled screams as he saw the slightly-rusted blade.

“Mmmmmmnmmmm!” He screamed as the strange man gently glided the tip of the dagger down his chest and stomach, but not with enough force to cut him.

“I wanted your help… I wanted you to kill the man in the Sheriff’s Department. I needed the boy – the Lord can only be so appeased by the bodies of men and women for so long. He hasn’t had a child sent to him yet…” He said, gripping the dagger in his hands and slowly raising it up above his head, the man shook his head furiously as his eyes widened. “You didn’t help me. Is it not your destiny to help the Lord?” He says in an almost playful manner, his eyes widening psychotically.

“Nnmmmmm!” The man screamed.

“By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken for you are dust, and to dust you shall return." He muttered quietly before driving the knife down into the center of the man’s chest; the man gave off a muffled scream as the blade came down, but he was quickly silenced as it cracked through his ribs and pierced his heart. The blood ran quickly down the table and slowly poured into a carved, stone basin at the bottom of it; the man allowed the blood to run until his body was completely empty and the basin was filled. Then he began the skinning process. Another one to his sick collection of strung up victims and survivors.

((I'll write out the character skelly for this crazy guy in a little while.))
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"I say kiddo because it is obvious I'll have to take care of you on this trip." They were barreling down the highway already, heading north for their destination. "So, how do I know you won't just shoot me with that thing and steal the car.".
Elizabeth pats his head. "Well if anything, you won't have to fight hopefully with both me and Norman here now..." she said softly while looking at him. "And it's normal for people to be lonely in these times."

Annie snorts. "Riiiight, anyways I won't do that. Mostly because you seem pretty handy and I could use your muscle to help me get the parts I need to fix this thing up."
"I know it is... I hope I won't have to fight but I don't want to die either..." He muttered, taking a deep breath. "And I know... I get sorta' lonely too, but... Norman was always sort of lonely before all of this - our mom never really... you know... said that much to him. He never went out with friends, he just--.. all he had there was me..." He explained, looking back up at her. (@Soul OMU)
"So you need my muscle to fix it up, and then you'll take it from me." He smiled as they rode down, "I think I have it all figured it out now.".
Elizabeth sighed softly and sat down. "Sometimes it just takes time really... Because i know I was pretty lonely until my sister came along.. She's quite sweet." she said softly and smiled.

Annie laughs softly, has a nice laugh. "I'm sure. But yes your muscle is quite useful." she said and smiled a bit.
Hunter flipped through the radio channels a bit, but coming up with of course, nothing. "I'm sure you will find away to use my muscles to your advantage." He gave a smile, "So, do tell me a little about yourself.".
".. Elizabeth." He says suddenly, shaking his head for a moment and smiling. "Do you think any of this will ever change... you know--.. like... go back to normal?" He asks her, his eyes slightly squinted alongside a small frown on his face. (@Soul OMU)


Norman was too amazed to finally have found someone else on the radio. It gave him the slightest shred of hope. He looked to the bottle of whiskey that sat on the desk - his eyebrow twitched slightly but then he lightly slapped the side of his face with his free hand, quickly shutting his eyes and setting his head down on the desk.

"No.. not now, Norman... Not. Now." He whispers to himself, taking a very gentle sigh as he reached up and carefully slid the bottle behind one of the computers.
Annie smiled a bit while looking at the ceiling. "Well... There isn't much... I lived on the streets most of my life and learned how to build and work with machinery and mechanics." she said while blowing at her bangs.

Elizabeth sighed softly. "I don't know Nathan... We can only hope.. and pray for the best." she said and got up. "I'm going to go check on Norman alright? You can come with or stay here."
"There are a lot of people here, sweetie, but I don't think your sister is here. What's her name? And where are you trying to go?"

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Brianna sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. "Elizabeth... And I think she might be in New Hamphire... That's where she was attending college..." she said softly.
"Come on, more details. This trip isn't going to be a short one, so we need to bond just a bit." He gave a chuckle as he elbowed her softly. He wasn't much for story time, but he wasn't wrong. They needed to be closer if this trip was to succeed.
"We're perfectly sa-"

Clay grabbed the radio and replied roughly, "If we weren't safe do you think we would be responding all calmly? What do you want, mister whatever your name is?"

"Clay!" She exclaimed in disapproval.

"Hmph." Was all he replied. Asha giggled quietly at them.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow

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