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Futuristic Brain Burger

Annie laughed a bit as he elbowed her. "Well... I never knew my parents, I grew up in an orphanage and was basically a trouble maker and was never in one house long before being sent back to the orphanage, when I reached the age 15, i left the orphanage and grew up on the streets, doing odd jobs and found one... helping out at a garage and learning to be a mechanic." she said softly.
Belinda's eyes widened in surprise. "New Hampshire? What do you think you're doing in Florida if you're looking for someone in new Hampshire?" She looked around them. The truck fired up and left just as she was about to approach. It left with a loud roar. "Idiots." She muttered. "Here, let me take you inside. There are others there, though no Elizabeth." She ushered the little girl inside, fully intending to leave as soon as the girl was safe with the others.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Hunter turned serious, not wanting to say anything to offend her. "Well... I don't know why anyone would want to get rid of you, despite the obsession with my truck." He gave a laugh, but it faded as he looked at her. "I'm sorry that you had a sorry childhood.".
Brianna looked up at her and took her arm as she followed her back to where the others. "...Please don't go... I don't want to be alone with people I don't know by name..." she said softly and looked a bit scared.

Annie shrugged slightly and sighed. "I don't know either... but hey I don't just have an obsession with the truck... Plus what's your story? And what's in the past, is in the past." she said softly.
"I lived a good life, my parents were both in the armed forces so I was always at a distance with them. Besides being neglected a bit, I lived good." He gave a smile, but he didn't like talking about his life. It was in the past, like she said, and he wanted it to stay that way.
firejay1 said:
"We're perfectly sa-"
Clay grabbed the radio and replied roughly, "If we weren't safe do you think we would be responding all calmly? What do you want, mister whatever your name is?"

"Clay!" She exclaimed in disapproval.

"Hmph." Was all he replied. Asha giggled quietly at them.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
"I want to help you. That's all I've wanted to do for... anyone, really. How old are you? Can you get here by car?" He asked, perching on the edge of his seat. (@Soul OMU)
Annie smiled a bit. "Sounds nice...Having a family..." she said and shook her head before looking out the window. "It must of been nice.." she said while thinking about it and shaking her head. "Matt was nice, he gave me a roof over my head and didn't mind that I had no education... I just wish he didn't die when he did... Even thought I knew he would.."

Elizabeth nodded slightly. "Alright Nate... I'll be back." she said softly and ruffled his hair before going to find Norman in the radio room as she called it.
Had she been that obvious about planning to leave? Belinda sighed. She had, now that she thought about it. Age opened the door, revealing the three adults and the boy called Bellamy. "Don't worry. You're safe. At least, as safe as you can be. That's noah, that's tessa, that's Skylar, and that boy over there, he looks about your age. His name's Bellamy. See? Now you know their names." She added silently to herself that the girl didn't know HER name. "You'll be just fine." She said, soothingly. @Soul OMU

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Brianna said nothing but continued to look up at her. "You don't know that... They might not even survive..." she said softly and only so that she could hear her.
When she walked in Norman would take his finger off the transmit button and look up, taking a deep breath before cracking a half-smile. In his eyes she could almost see how desperate he was - despite his happy expression his eyes gave it all away. He looked so depressed and small, so weak and a frail - it wasn't hard to tell that he was just putting on a happy mask for the benefit of those around him. 
"Hello again, Elizabeth... how you settlin' in?" He asks her, his fake smile sticking. He holds the transmitter tightly in his hand while awaiting a response from the girl on the other end of the line.
"Well, past family doesn't matter anymore, so I'm not as lucky as I used to be." This was in a cold and wavering tone, seemingly thought out. Hunter avoided contact with the girl, trying to focus on the road.
Bellamy was staring at his feet, wondering if there was anything fun to do here when he heard his name being said. He looked over at Skylar and blinked, noticing the new person around his age. Jumping up from his place on the floor, he walked over to them slowly.

Tessa was watching her brother closely, not wanting to take an eye off of him for even a moment. With Zombies so close, she was on high alert and it would stay that way until he was completely safe.

((I'm so sorry that I seem to fade in and out.... I'm having issues with Alerts but if you tag me I should get them))
"If you wanted to help us you could've started by not shouting. And we don't need your h-urk."

Annoyed, Tony had kicked Clay right in the chest, snatching the radio out of the air before it could smash onto the floor. "I'm really sorry about that. That's Clayton. No, none of us can drive, but Clay's right. We are doing fine. We live in a tree house, and none of the zombies have even come close to catching us. Thank you for your concern though." Neither of them had mentioned their age. They didn't want to be underestimated or patronized. "Is there anything else you need?"

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Annie shrugs. "Maybe so.. But I guess...if you want you can consider this.. kinda like a family since we will be travelling together.." she said softly.

Brianna glanced from Belinda then at Bellamy, not really moving from Belinda's side, looking slightly nervous but cautious.
".. it's not a problem..." He said, looking up at Elizabeth while he spoke to them. "It was an offer, that's all... there's a few of us staying at a Sheriff's Department like I said... we've got a lot of food, water, plenty of space--.. not only that, but the department's runnin' off a private power and water reserve for emergencies, and all that. I mean, if you don't want to come join us here that's fine... no one's makin' ya' do that, but the offer's still there if you're ever interested... stay safe out there." Norman muttered before placing the transmitter down and slamming his head down on the desk, taking a shaky deep breath. He doesn't seem to care what sort of impression he's setting on Elizabeth right now - the depressed eyes and fake smile was just the start - right now he looks pretty damn destroyed. (@Soul OMU)
DrTrollinski said:
When she walked in Norman would take his finger off the transmit button and look up, taking a deep breath before cracking a half-smile. In his eyes she could almost see how desperate he was - despite his happy expression his eyes gave it all away. He looked so depressed and small, so weak and a frail - it wasn't hard to tell that he was just putting on a happy mask for the benefit of those around him. 
"Hello again, Elizabeth... how you settlin' in?" He asks her, his fake smile sticking. He holds the transmitter tightly in his hand while awaiting a response from the girl on the other end of the line.
Elizabeth walked over to him before wrapping her arms around him slightly in a brief hug. "Look... just know... I'm here now to help if you ever need it Norman... As far as I know... I'm not going anywhere yet... not when Nathan seems to need a bit of a woman figure in his life... and you need someone to support you and help you in your tough times... everyone has them..."
He doesn't hold back. He turns and hugs her and buries his eyeline in one of her shoulders. He starts off sobbing in merely quiet and sudden exhales, but it soon goes on to be full-on crying. The cries he gives off shows how much despair he's in, how lonely he is, and generally how powerless he is. He can barely talk through his crying, but manages to blurt out a sentence.

"I'm so--.. so-- so useless... just look at me!" He sobbed, holding onto her tightly. "I'm no good--.. no good to anyone... not my brother, not you, and not anyone else in this fuckin' world!" He bawled in addition, the tears flowing down his cheeks and onto Eli's shoulder. (@Soul OMU)
"Wait!" Asha said, asking the man to stop. "I want to go!"

"Asha?" Both o them turned tto look at him.

"I want to ikimashou!" With a little UGH, Clay sat down, knowing Ash would win. Asha always got what he wanted.
Hunter did a double take at the words, "You want to be family with me? Like a brother and sister? Or a mother and father?" He chuckled, but a blush came through. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, just slipped out.".
Elizabeth closes her eyes as she holds him. "Shhh... Shh... It's okay Norman..." she said softly while putting a hand on the back of his head slightly and rocked him slightly as she did with Nathan, knowing that i would take much longer to calm him down since he had been holding back and keeping it all pent up. "Hey... You've been keeping Nathan safe all this time... You saved me from those zombies when they would have found me... and I am... so grateful... so so grateful Norman..."

Annie laughed softly and threw her head back a bit. "It's alright, but it doesn't have to be like that kind of family. More like we watch eachothers back and we don't keep anything from the others... we have to be honest... Okay?" she said while looking at him.
Bellamy was staring at his feet, wondering if there was anything fun to do here when he heard his name being said. He looked over at Skylar and blinked, noticing the new person around his age. Jumping up from his place on the floor, he walked over to them slowly.

Tessa was watching her brother closely, not wanting to take an eye off of him for even a moment. With Zombies so close, she was on high alert and it would stay that way until he was completely safe.


While everyone was sleeping or doing there stuff, Skylar had started fixing a bit the place for the night. Her brother was sleeping in a corner for now, mostly because she forced him to and she simply made covers bed for them but there was enough for at least a few kids. Skylar saw Belinda bring in someone new and was happy to see a new kid but getting worried. They were a lot of people and mostly children. That wasn't exactly ideal. She slowly walked up to the little red head, '' Hi! My name is Skylar, you can call me Sky if you want.'' she said smiling nicely.
Brianna fixed her back pack while looking at her. "I'm Brianna... Brie too much... And quite frankly i saw that look... i'm not useless since i got here on my own... plus i have my own guns and a dagger." she said calmly.
"I try... I really do it's just--.. just so hard..." He said softly, sniffling a few times. He heard a little voice shout a 'wait' over the radio and he reached over and fumbled his hand around until he grasped it - he wasn't looking what he was doing as he was too busy sobbing on Eli's shoulder and hugging her tightly with his free arm. He pulled himself together in the slightest so that he could speak to the person on the radio again. ".. someone told me to wait?" He asks in a shaky voice after holding down he transmitter button; his voice would easily tell them that he was upset about... hell, something.
Hunter gave a sigh of relief before speaking again, "Well, I like the sound of that." He reached his hand over for her, "Shake on it Annie.".
Annie smiled a bit in amusement and took his hand. "I am Hunts." she said and gave him a coy look. "I mean we could totally be a mother and father if you wanted." she said in amusement.

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