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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Oh please, doubt a wild child like yourself would be into a military man." He gave a chuckle, but a blush was showing he didn't mind the idea. It would be a good connection considering how opposite they were, but that still wasn't likely. She was bound to leave him at some point, for one thing or another. He knew this ride was only til she saw something better then him.
Annie laughed softly and smiled. "You wouldn't know that since i don't see myself as a wild child. Anyways how far are we going?" she said in amusement while looking at him.
Hunter gulped, "New Hampshire, is where the big military base, but there is a smaller one around here that would work fine.". He looked down at his map in his lap, military base highlighted.
He'd quickly wipe his eyes followed by sniffling a couple of times more; he'd move away from Elizabeth and squeeze her hand for a moment, looking up at her with a faint smile.

"Thank you." He whispers, the transmitter still in his hand for when he next needed to communicate with the persons in Pennsylvania.
Hunter turned a bit to admire her in sleep, but shook his shoulder lightly. "Make your choice beautiful, stay here or New Hampshire.". He hadn't called a girl beautiful since his first love and it came as a surprise when he said it.
Elizabeth smiled softly while holding his hand a bit and squeezing it back. "Your welcome..." she whispered before making sure he was okay and heading out, stopping slightly at the door before going to her "room".

Annie huffed softly as she looked at him a bit tiredly. "Anywhere is fine... as long as your there..." she said softly before falling back asleep, her head resting on his shoulder.
Nathan would look up at her as she walked in, a slightly concerned look on his face. "Is he okay...?" He asks quietly, standing up from the desk.
(Super quick recap please.)

Conner saw the town in the distance, much to his relief. His ass was starting to hurt from sitting to long. "Hey, kid, I see the town. Make sure nothing surprises me." And with that, he floored it into town, looking for the right police station.
(well there are new characters, Elizabeth was in New Hamphire and had heard gun shots, went to so who or what it was and went to to the department. She's with Norman and Nathan now. While the others are all in Orlando.)
".. thanks, Elizabeth... I hope he does - it'd be nice to see him happy again... I remember, every weekend we used to watch movies together... back when I was like... eight or nine, I think... he was happier then. After that he just seemed... different, you know?" He says to her. (@Soul OMU)


((RECAP: Elizabeth has arrived in the current time that you've been gone. Crazy priest guy's had an introduction which I can send to you if needed; Norman's been communicating with some kids, and he's just essentially had a mental breakdown. All good.))

"Kid? Heh, alright. I'll hop up out onto the roof again and take a look around with my rifle. Tell me when you see the Sheriff's Department, pal. Can't miss it." He said to him; followed by that he grabbed his hand-held radio and scoped rifle and made a dash for the roof, lying down on top of it and peering over the edge while in a prone position. "I'm on the roof. What vehicle you drivin'? I wanna' make sure I know what I'm lookin' for." He asked, peering down the scope and holding the rifle with one hand. (@Beowulf)
"Is he crying?" Clay asked in disgust. "Nooo way. We are not going with some crybaby man." His voice was audible over the radio.

"Shut up, dweeb." Antoinette said, smacking him. "Oh hey, sorry... again. Looks like..." She heaved a great sigh. "Looks like the youngest wants us to join you guys. But first, ONE RULE: You're not allowed to underestimate us. We're strong enough not to get all sentimental and cry. Restate your location, and we'll make our way over there. ON FOOT. Don't call again. We'll call you when we think we're close."

Asha grinned, knowing he was getting what he wanted. She turned away from the radio, looking to Ash. "And you are not allowed to complain when the going gets tough, Mister." The little boy just nodded and laughed to himself. Tony sent a sharp glance to Clay. "You, too, Clay."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure whatever." He said, flapping his hand at her to continue doing whatever it was she was doing.

Tony grabbed some paper and a pencil. "Okay, Mr... Crag was it? Send us the deets."


Belinda reassured Brianna, "I know you're capable. I'm sure Sky knows it, too. Just... try to get along, alright?" She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent another sigh from coming out. She looked straight at Noah (@32sillylight32 ). "The coast is clear and I'm headed out."
Hunter kissed her head gently, then continued to drive on out of Orlando's main city, heading to the Naval Air Warfare Center. It wasn't too far away, but enough to put some distance between the annoying pricks.
Brianna sighed softly while looking at Belinda. "But why are you going?" she asked softly. (@firejay1)

Annie sleeping quietly against him, knees brought close to her as she sat on her seat while leaning against him, her bangs falling in her eyes. (@Huntrey)
firejay1 said:
"Is he crying?" Clay asked in disgust. "Nooo way. We are not going with some crybaby man." His voice was audible over the radio.
"Shut up, dweeb." Antoinette said, smacking him. "Oh hey, sorry... again. Looks like..." She heaved a great sigh. "Looks like the youngest wants us to join you guys. But first, ONE RULE: You're not allowed to underestimate us. We're strong enough not to get all sentimental and cry. Restate your location, and we'll make our way over there. ON FOOT. Don't call again. We'll call you when we think we're close."

Asha grinned, knowing he was getting what he wanted. She turned away from the radio, looking to Ash. "And you are not allowed to complain when the going gets tough, Mister." The little boy just nodded and laughed to himself. Tony sent a sharp glance to Clay. "You, too, Clay."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure whatever." He said, flapping his hand at her to continue doing whatever it was she was doing.

Tony grabbed some paper and a pencil. "Okay, Mr... Crag was it? Send us the deets."


Belinda reassured Brianna, "I know you're capable. I'm sure Sky knows it, too. Just... try to get along, alright?" She bit the inside of her cheek to prevent another sigh from coming out. She looked straight at Noah (@32sillylight32 ). "The coast is clear and I'm headed out."
"There's no such thing as underestimation. I ask the same in return. Cheshire County Sheriff's Department. New Hampshire." He said sternly, his voice now more of a stern and somewhat irritated one, but he still seemed somewhat friendly despite that. (@firejay1
"We also have our own set of rules... they keep people safe. We work together, we come out on top - it's all for one, or one for all - and right now, in times like this? We need whoever we can get - I'll explain further when you arrive here - there's been some hordes nearby, so let me know when you're close and I'll do some scoutin' for you." He added. (@firejay1)
"From the looks of it, the only one moving. I'm in an old truck, bright blue, a wooden bed full of goodies." Conner replied. 'There you are.' Conner thought to himself when he eventually found the building. "I can see the building, hope nothing to nasty followed me, but brace for the worst."
He knew for one that it was going to take them a long time to get here on foot, especially from Pennsylvania. They were looking at a day of non-stop walking if they wanted to get here ASAP - oh well, he had faith that they'd call him if it got too tough to pull off. Right now, he just smiled in thought as he looked down the scope of his rifle once again, holding the radio up to his mouth while glancing the radio around the surrounding streets.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, this is NC to a Mister Conner - I roger your message and I'm keepin' an eye out for ya' - there was a horde 'round here not too long back, but they've drifted on now. Me, my brother, and our newest friend will gladly help you unpack all that stuff of yours, but first lets get you to safety, eh?" He said down the radio, a relieved smile on his face. (@Beowulf)
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Clay chortled at the guy's tone, "Oh, he's back to being a tough guy. Nah. We got our own scouting methods, don't bother us."

Scribbling the words down, Tony shot Clay an annoyed glare. "Would you shut up? Thanks. I got it. Like I said, don't call again. Thanks for the tip." She turned off the radio and dragged out a big map. Off to New Hampshire they went. "Pack up, boys. This is the last time we visit the old tree house."

Clay just chuckled. "I'm always packed."

Tony rolled her eyes, as she began doing the actual practical packing of food and the like. "Yeah, full of s***."


Belinda looked at the younger girl with a smile. "I'm going.. nowhere. I just wander. I'm not good with groups, that's all. Don't worry about me, Brianna."
Brianna looking at her before digging into her bag and pulling out a hand made bracelet. "Then take this... please... Cuz if anything happens... and we find your... you... i'll know.." she said softly and hugging her slightly.
Nathan looked to Elizabeth and nodded. "Yeah... maybe one day we can... I'm sure we could, I mean... this place has got power, so... maybe one day." He repeated, smiling at her and then burying himself in thought. (@Soul OMU)
Belinda stared at the gift in surprise. "Uhm... Thank you." The plain affection made her uncomfortable, and she was ready to race out of there, full throttle. She extricated herself from the little girl's hug and took the bracelet gingerly, putting it around her wrist. "Maybe I'll see you in New Hampshire." With a grin, she leaned towards Brianna, and said, "Maybe you can teach that kid over there what it means to fight, huh?" She pointed over her shoulder at Bellamy. She stood and looked up at Noah. "Take care of Brianna, alright?" (@32sillylight32 )
Elizabeth smiled and laughed softly, hasn't laughed in a long time. "That's good to know..." she said softly.

Brianna smiled a bit and laughed a bit. "Maybe.. Good luck..." she said softly while putting her bag on.

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