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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Yeah. I'll be careful, and if I find your sister, I'll tell her you're safe, and one heck of a girl." Belinda said, grinning and waving as she left.


Asha didn't whine, as Ette-neesan had commanded, but Clay didn't listen to her. "You serious about the on foot thing?"

The martial artist snorted. "You kidding? Nah, I just wanted to give us some extra time to scout out the area, and to make sure he didn't ask any questions when he sees how old we really are." She pulled out a crowbar as they descended the rope ladder and made it to the nearest car. "You know the drill."

Clay cracked his knuckles, pulling out some wires and what looked like the head of a key, a nasty grin on his face. "We'll be there in half a day."

Asha put his hands together quietly. He always liked it when they hijacked a car.
Annie yawned softly as she slowly woke up, noting that they were still in the truck and Hunter looked exhausted, while driving thought she noticed a sign that said the name of the town of where they were going. "Wow.. We're almost there." She said with a bit of a smile.

(@Huntrey )
Ya, you should see me coming down the street. Get your brother to help me with my stuff if you can." Conner replied before pulling up at the station. Turning off the car and hopping out, he grabs the two bags with his guns in them before walking up to the door, tempted to bang kn it to get thier attention.
((Should we go to New Hampshire or just out of Orlando? Cause New Hampshire is a 20 hour drive xD ))

"Hey sleeping beauty." He gave a smile, but kept his eyes on the road. "Almost there, we might have to stop in a bit though.".
((Out of Orlando.))

Annie nodded and rubbed her eye a bit before pulling her hood down. "Alright... Either I'm guessing we need gas or food supplies." She said and stretched a bit.
Norman was on the roof; he got up and dashed down into the building and into the lobby - he was the only one that had the key to the door, and Nathan was quick to come alongside him. Norman unlocked the door quickly and went out with his rifle leaned against his shoulder and gave a half-grin at him, the sort of crazy spark in his eye. Norman appeared friendly enough, though. Nathan was also quite a friendly-looking kid.

"Welcome to paradise." Norman said to him.
Elizabeth raises a brow as the two raced down and pulled on her red flannel shirt and tied her hair back as she stepped out of her "room". "What's going on?" She asked slightly when she noticed the new figure.
"We just need to use the can in the back to fill er up, and then eat some of the food I have in the box." He pulled over to the side of the road, not noticing any zombies if they were nearby. "I'm guessing the sleepy girl wants me to do the work?".
Annie shook her head. "No way. If we're going to do this, we stick together. Cuz if only one of us goes they might not make it back since there are zombies coming this way right now..."
Belinda stared at the gift in surprise. "Uhm... Thank you." The plain affection made her uncomfortable, and she was ready to race out of there, full throttle. She extricated herself from the little girl's hug and took the bracelet gingerly, putting it around her wrist. "Maybe I'll see you in New Hampshire." With a grin, she leaned towards Brianna, and said, "Maybe you can teach that kid over there what it means to fight, huh?" She pointed over her shoulder at Bellamy. She stood and looked up at Noah. "Take care of Brianna, alright?"


oah woke up as he felt someone new was here. He slowly rubbed his eyes as he saw his sister introduce herself to some little girl. He got curious and stood up looking at them and walked towards them. '' Hi, My name is Noah Brianna.'' he said nicely as he bent to her level. He was the most gentle man when it came to children. He then looked at Belinda curious as Skylar started talking to the little girl. '' Are you sure? It's already dawn and there is a hoard not too far that could jump you...Why don't you wait until tomorrow morning to leave? I'm headed north too.'' he said a bit tiredly. Honestly, he mostly wanted her to stay here with them for extra security when he sleeps. The girl seemed trustworthy and there was too many kids for him alone to handle. He couldn't really take care of her.
"Or as close we can get. The rest of the stuff is in the back. Where should I put this?" Had to yell the question as he walked further into the building. His house was paradise to, it was just a bit run down was all.
Hunter sighed at the three zombies maneuvering their way around cars to get to them. "Take the SPAS and go pick out a food you want, I'll go take care of our guest.".
Noah laughed despite being tired, '' Fine then. Hope we get to see each other soon.... Alive please.'' he said as he walked towards the back exit door of the gym. He looked through the window and there was no Zombies in view so it was safe for her. Anyway, it's not like she didn't survive on her own already and he saw how fast she was. He grabbed his machete and looked at her to see if she was ready for him to open the door.
Brianna put her hands in her pockets, sighing slightly as she leaned against the wall. Wondering to herself if this was even a good idea and if she should have went on her own. (@32sillylight32 )

Annie grabbed the SPAS and looked at him. "You sure...?" She asked quietly before getting out of the car slightly. (@Huntrey)
Skylar pulled out her rucksack which had many proteins bar and water. She then grinned as she found her favorite chocolate bar, '' Kit Kats...Want some?'' she asked as she sat next to Brianna. The little girl was adorable and Skylar always wished to have a sister. She broke the four chocolate fingers and gave two to Brianna.
Beowulf said:
"Or as close we can get. The rest of the stuff is in the back. Where should I put this?" Had to yell the question as he walked further into the building. His house was paradise to, it was just a bit run down was all.
"Nathan... show him one of the offices. They're unlocked. Show him the stockpile, too." He said to him. Nathan nodded and then tilted his head backwards towards the building.

"This way... I'll show you where I you can put your stuff." He said shyly; he'd lead Conner up into the building and then up the stairs that sat behind the main lobby of the building; he'd take him along a long hallway and down to the nearest available office. "You can put your stuff in here," He pushed the office door open and stepped aside. "You need to sleep here, too... we don't have beds, but... everyone can have a room. If you put your stuff down here I'll show you were we keep the food, and stuff." He explained to him, nodding. (@Beowulf)
"It is just three, I'll be fine." He opened the door and took out his glock, "The food is in the big wooden crate, MRE's for days, take your pick.". With that Hunter began to take out the zombies, one shot in the head, another, and yet another downed.
Belinda flipped her curly red hair over her shoulders. "Oh please, you think I'm really going to show up un-alive? As long as I steer clear of any more Poor Sap's I'll be fine." She winked at both him and Brianna. "I'll tell you that one when I see you next." With that, she let Noah open the door for her and ran out into the darkness.
"Thanks kid." Conner said after showing him to his room. Getting a bed would be easy enough, break into to a hotel or store and you get your pick. Setting the bags on the table, he unzips one to see if he should be worried about anything, revealing the M240G and semi automatic shot gun that Nathan might catch a glimpse of. At seeing nothing immediatly bad, he quickly zips up the bag and turns back to thr kid before motioning for him to lead the way.

(Going to bed.)
Brianna blinked and took the fingers being offered. "Uhm sure... I... Haven't really had kit Kat before... And good bye..." She said as she watched Belinda leave. (@32sillylight32 )

Annie nodded before quickly darting towards where he told her to go to get some good, as she headed there she made sure to avoid any zombies she saw and waited to make sure it was clear before reaching the place and digging into the crates to find food. (@Huntrey)
((I totally feel like we've been stuck on the same day forever, so next time I post, I'm probably going to skip my characters ahead in time so Belinda's making her way (YES ACTUALLY ON FOOT) towards New Hampshire, though she doesn't know why, and the kids have already made it. Just a heads up!))
He'd show him the following on the rest of the tour:

- The storage room that's stacked full of food as well as canned and bottled drinks. (Locked.)

- The dispatcher's room. (He'd state it's only used by Norman.)

- The staff kitchen which contains the coffee machine, microwave, a fridge (Which is turned off)

- The armory (Locked behind a metal gate)

- The shower-rooms and restrooms.

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