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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter had finished the zombies quite quickly, rounding the corner to see Annie. "All done Ann, find anything good?". He climbed into the back and holstered his weapon,
((We'll call it evening time, in that case))

After a while Norman went back to the roof, and he'd been sitting there all day. He was suspicious but unsure about something that had gone on today, and he was prepared with every single angle covered with a high-powered rifle and a very sneaky eye. Nathan would come up and lie down beside him.

"Norman... what are you doing up here? You've been here all afternoon..."

"We're expecting three kids to arrive here shortly, trust me..." He said in a monotone voice - his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he'd gone insane, but Nathan couldn't help but question it.

"How do you know they're kids? And how do you know there's three?"

"One of them wanted to come here, he was the youngest - couldn't have been older than four or five judging by his voice; second one was a cocky little prick, maybe around your age, I'm not sure. The one that was talkin' to me wasn't all that bad but she had her down-sides. A poor voice disguise ain't gonna' work on me, Nate. You know that."

"Where are they travelling from?" He asked out of curiosity, peering out over the edge of the small line of bricks and onto the streets below.

"Pennsylvania." He replied boldly.

"Norman... that's miles away - if they're kids they're not going to be driving. It'll take 'em a day at least to walk here."

"Oh, Nate. You don't understand - they've got a little kid with 'em - when you were that age you could barely walk for an hour straight without throwing a tantrum because you were tired. You honestly think they're going to walk up about four states with some brat, and have him be okay with it? Yeah. Okay. They were mocking me and lying to me, and--.. and I know it!" He said, yelling slightly at the end of his rant; Nathan put a hand on his shoulder for a moment and shook his head.

"Norman... they can't be lying..."

"They wouldn't tell me their age. They're lying. No doubt. Any of 'em pull anythin' on this place and they're gettin' a hole in their head..."

"Just trust them, Norman... please... for me?" He begged quietly, Norman frowned for a minute and then grunted.

"Fine... I will. Early or not early, I'm giving them a chance - but I'm not moving from this roof. I've got the chairs set up, we'll have a nice little chat and hopefully sort out our differences." He stated with a curt nod, Nathan smiled for a moment and leaned over, hugging Norman with one arm - it was clear right there that the more rational one was Nathan, and at the current time, the whole apocalypse was getting to his head a little - but as the sun went down he had the upper hand over anyone or anything that approached the station. There were only three directions to the south of the station that people could approach from, all straight roads, and none of them had any chance of cover apart from the odd few abandoned cars - it was how he spotted Elizabeth so easily. Maybe he was being paranoid, but when Nathan thought about the argument Norman had presented he realized it was more than possible, but he did his best to brush it off.
Annie nods as she pulls out some none expired junk food and then some actual food that won't go bad. "Yeah. How'd it go with the Z's? She asked while stand up straight.
Nathan quickly went back up to the roof after a few minutes and went to Norman's side again. "If they're lying, what are they doing, exactly?" He asked out of panic.

"One - They've either got someone with 'em doing the driving that I don't know about. Two - they're at the other side of this city and not in Pennsylvania. Or Three - they're planning... something! I don't know, Nate! Go inside, please?" He ordered, Nathan sighed and went back inside.
"I didn't get bit, sorry to bring the bad news so the truck is still mine." He gave a smile and walked over, taking a bag of chips from her hand. Hunter then picked himself up into one of the crates, beginning to eat.
Elizabeth quietly sipping her tea as she sat in her "room" currently just thinking about her sister and everything that's happened and if she okay and where she might be. She sighed as her mind was buzzing but wasn't hurting. 

Huntrey said:
"I didn't get bit, sorry to bring the bad news so the truck is still mine." He gave a smile and walked over, taking a bag of chips from her hand. Hunter then picked himself up into one of the crates, beginning to eat.
Annie laughed softly and nudged him slightly. "Oh shush you! I would have lost a very good partner then." She said while keeping an eye out while he looked.
After leaving the roof, Nathan checked in on Elizabeth who had posed as the only sort of motherly figure or older sister to him since this whole thing began. He peeked his head inside and ran his eyes across her, smiling for a moment.

"Hey..." He said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He looked happy to see her but also looked quite concerned.
".. Norman's worried about something... he said there's some kids arriving. He doesn't trust them... what are we gonna' do if... you know? He was right?" He walked over and sat down beside her. "I mean, all of our stuff's locked up tight, but... he's just actin' weird."
Hunter nudged back, "Too bad we are just partners in travel, been so long since I've had a hug." He gave a chuckle, but it was quite obvious it was very saddening.
Elizabeth sighed softly while taking a sip of her tea. "I don't know... If we can't trust them... They have to go.., because technically he found this place first... And I wouldn't be surprised.., many people.., have ghosts or skeletons in the closet of their past... Which might be why he's acting... Odd." (@DrTrollinski )

Annie blinked and looked at him. "A hug huh? I've heard of them and seen one of them but never had one..." She said while keeping an eye out. (@Huntrey)
"That's the thing, though... I mean... Norman's got problems, but--.. he's going crazy, Elizabeth..." He mutters sadly. "He's tryin' to keep us all together, and I think if anyone tries to change that... he--.. I don't know..." He shakes his head and then wipes his face with both of hands, sighing once again.
Elizabeth puts an arm around Nathan and tucks him up by her side. "Then i guess I'll just have to make sure he doesn't go crazy... I'll be his... And your anchor." She said and gave him a smile.
"Oh please, you are joking right?" He rolled his eyes and snickered, but when he saw her face his softened. Hunter jumped down from the crate and wrapped his arms around Annie, "This is a hug, except the chips wouldn't be spilling.".
"We need it... you should help him lead things, or something... he's just--.. he's doing too much - he hasn't slept for like... almost two days now. I'm just worried about him, that's all." He says, hugging her in response.
Annie blinked in surprise as he pulled her into him and slowly put her arms around his waist since she was obviously much shorter then him. "Oh...it's... Nice." She said softly while slightly leaning against him. (@Huntrey )

Elizabeth hugging him with one arm while holding her glass of tea in the other. "I...I'll try Nathan... If you want I can go and try to talk to him right now if you want?" She asked softly while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski )
".. if you think you can help him... do it--.. he's snapping. I only saw him like this once before and I was like... six at the time... he tried hitting my mom and then he walked out... he was gone for a few days - don't let that happen now. Please." He begs, his eyes slowly filling with tears. ".. he's on the roof."
Elizabeth looked down at him and it broke her heart a little to see Nathan like this, she wouldn't tell anyone but he already somehow managed to find a place in her heart. She sighed a bit and put her mug down. "Alright, I'll go talk to him. Stay here if you want." She said before letting go and heading up to the roof where Norman was. "Norman? She said softly.
He'd be watching over the edge of the roof, scanning the surrounding areas. ".. I know they're coming, Elizabeth... I just know it."
Elizabeth sat down beside him. "The kids or the Z's Norman? Cuz they're coming could mean many things... Look... Nate's really worried about you... I... I'm worried too... Especially since I've noticed that your a bit jumpy... And that you obviously haven't slept in days... Please... Just go and rest this once... I'll keep watch. If I see anything bad I'll let you know... Promise." She said softly while putting a gentle hand on his.
"Come on you, I need a nap so you can join me up in the front." Hunter broke the hug, a grin painting his face. He left the back and went up to his seat, locking the door as to deter anybody. He then waited for her to come back, taking his large ACU jacket and covering himself.
Annie smiled a bit and got in on the passenger seat and locked her door as well before glancing at him. "Alright have a nice nap." She said while settling in her seat, keeping an eye out.
Some tears would escape his blood-shot eyes. ".. I'm not having some kids talk to me like that - they're evil... they lied to me..." He'd bow his head. ".. I don't like liars, Elizabeth... they're gonna' kill me, and then they'll kill you and then they'll kill Nathan, and that'll be it..." He said weakly, removing one hand from the rifle while he linked it with her own. (@Soul OMU)
"Ah, before I do." Hunter took the key from the ignition, placing it in his pants. "Just so you don't try to run off with me asleep.". He then gave her a nod for her to come closer, waving the extra jacket space.

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