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Futuristic Brain Burger

((Sorry, but time skipping to morning a day from then.))

Tony had floored the gas until they'd reached new Hampshire. Two miles after they crossed the state lines, though, they'd disembarked the car and began walking. Clay had complained quietly, but Tony had reminded him that they couldn't show up in a car. They'd trekked throughout the night and slept for several hours during the day, before finally nearing the town. They didn't go in, however, giving themselves time to assess the low cover perimeter while making the man wait. They'd found a relatively safe place and slept again during the night, waking as the sun rose.

Tony watched it rise, Clay sitting beside her, as they waited for the tired little Ash to wake up naturally. She didn't look at Clay as she spoke. "Do you think we did the right thing, coming here?"

"Following some kid's whim to another adult? Nope, not at all, but there's no turning back now." She punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Hey!" He protested. "You asked."

She rolled her eyes and muttered, "I always do and you always disappoint me."

Ash woke an hour later and the three of them traipsed into the town, eyes peeled for any signs of the undead. Tony turned on the radio and spoke as quietly as she could while still being audible. "Mr. Crag. We've made it to your Cheshire county, on the southern border. Come in, Mr. Crag, but quietly."

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
(Not much. It's sort of evening time (7pm) and Elizabeth and Norman are on the roof. Nathan would have toured Conner of the shower rooms, restrooms, kitchen, armory, stockpile, etc.)
(Just character stuff. xD So not much. )

Elizabeth held onto his shirt slightly as she sobbed harder, her small frame racking against his as she held on. "I-I know... W-We will..T-Together" she said softly.

-Time skipping-

Elizabeth currently sitting on the roof while keeping watching, noticing the something in the far distance while Norman was down in the radio room.

"So. What's the plan to keep this place a float?" Conner shouted from in his office/room. The last day was a flurry of him making the place a bit more like home. Which involved getting beds, and other things.
Norman picks up the radio and quickly presses the transmitter button. "Readin' you loud and clear, how's it lookin'? You got a clear path up here?" He asks quietly over the radio, rubbing his eyes. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth currently on the roof, noticing a horde nearby which was limbering towards the main street which she had come down the day before, and this horde was much bigger then the one from yesterday.
"I don't know... you'll have to speak to Norman about it later!" Nathan called out from his room, which was just down from Conner's room. (@Beowulf)
"Some roamers, but we've got them covered so far. I'd like to know some direct directions to the sheriff's office before we start taking any zeds down, though." Tony said.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
"Wher is he? I can ask him now." Conner shouted back as he walked to the door of his room. "Something doesn't feel right." he mutteres quietly.
"He's in the radio room talkin' to people, I think!" Nathan called out. "And what doesn't feel right?" He asks in addition. (@Soul OMU)


".. do not engage any of them. There's a huge damn horde that you won't be able to take alone not far from us. We need to devise a safe route for you to take... let's think--.. seein' as you're comin' in from the south, you need to head straight up North through the town to reach us; if you want, I'll come and meet you elsewhere so it's easier to navigate - up to you, guys." He says quietly to them, turning to look out of the window while doing so. (@firejay1)
"Okay, I guess... how're things outside looking?" He asked her, taking a seat at the small table just opposite the kitchen counters. (@Soul OMU)
"It's nothing. Just a feeling in my gut." Conner said as he walked to the radio room. Along the way, he looked out a window and saw a horde gathering. Hurrying, but being careful of not making noise, to the radio room, he sees Norman was in fact there. "We got a horde right outside. I got a big gun that might thin it a bit, but I don't have much for it."
Elizabeth gave him a small smile. "It's... alright... we have some nearby but not outside our door.." she said while waiting for her water to boil. "Did you want anything to eat Nate?" she asked while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski)
Tony turned down the radio for a sec. "Did you hear that, guys, an entire horde."

Clay was scowling. "If it weren't for those adults we could totally take em."

"I know that." She snapped at him, "But fact is, they're still untrustworthy." She looked at him, "what should we do?"

He sighed. "We'll skim the perimeter, till we hit the west most street."

Tony nodded and turned back to the radio. "We're heading west. Are there any landmarks you want us to watch out for, or wait at?"

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
"No... no. We've got some new people arriving - we can't afford to lose the ammo or endanger them. We wait for it to pass, or we fight it when we have no choice." He said quietly in response to Conner, giving a soft sigh. He held the transmitter in his hand, but his voice was not being sent over any radio messages. (@Soul OMU


"Alright... sounds like a plan to me... okay. In the direction you're gonna' be heading, there'll be an abandoned school - go and wait there and tell me when you get there. You can see the Sheriff's building from there, too. I've gotta' keep an eye on the horde in the meantime. If things get too rough let me know, but you've handled yourselves pretty well and I have no doubts that you'll be fine - just gotta' keep the communication flowing..." He muttered down the radio; he then picked up his hand-held radio from the desk and then swiped up his scoped rifle alongside it. He then made his way up to the roof and went prone on top of it, completely hidden due to the darkness of the night and the fact that he had the higher ground; the horde only grew in size as it moved on. Twenty, maybe thirty walking corpses, half of which looked like runners. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth smiled a bit while pouring herself the hot water into two mugs, putting a tea bag in hers and made coffee for Norman. "Well what do you want then Nate?" she said softly while getting out some food from the fridge. (@DrTrollinski)
".. somethin' sweet." He replied simply, leaning back in his chair a little. He glanced around the dimly-lit kitchen and took a deep breath, still somewhat amazed that they still had power here. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth laughed softly as she looked into the fridge to decide what to make and smiled as she grabbed some eggs, milk and flour. "Alright, I think I have something." she said while putting some chocolate in a bowl to melt, while mixing the flour, milk and eggs together to make some batter. (@DrTrollinski)
"Alright, but I'm going to be sitting up top watching it. Are there any sightss compatible with an m-16 here?" Conner asked, waiting only long enough for the answer and possibly the keys to the armory before dashing off to get his m-16.
"We'll be there as fast as possible." She turned off the radio. The three of them looked at each other, then began jogging west. They wanted to outrun any mobs, but if they got caught in one, they better not be too tired to fight - a lesson they'd learned the hard way. They reached the school half an hour later, successfully having escaped whatever horde was coming towards them. All three pressed their backs against the school building, sliding along cautiously. This was obviously not Pennyslvania anymore. They were used to lots of cover everywhere, all the streets were terribly exposed, and while it meant they could see what was coming just as well as the zombies could see them, hiding was a lot harder. "We've made it." Tony whispered through the radio. Peeking past the corner of a building, she saw the sheriff's office, not more than a mile away - probably less. "What now?"
"I've got watch. For now. And I don't think we have any sights for that gun, no. I'd prefer you to be watching the... East side, watch the horde. I'll navigate the newcomers here." He said to him, staring off towards the west side of the town at the school. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiled a bit while mixing the batter before pouring some on the frying pan making sure the fan wasn't on. "Making you pancakes." she said as she sipped her tea while cooking. Once the pancakes were done, she checked on the chocolate and poured some over the pancakes and put them on separate plates, putting one plate in front of Nathan. "Here you go." (@DrTrollinski)

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