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Futuristic Brain Burger

"On it." Conner replied before repositioning to the East side. He probably wouldn't be to accurate at this range without a sight, but he could still keep an eye on them.
"Wow... that's... that's something." Nathan said, attempting to hold back his excitement that came with seeing home-made pancakes for the first time in so long. He instantly begins tucking into it, and after the first bite he looks back up and smiles. "It's great... you're good at cooking." He says, nodding at her. (@Soul OMU)

(I think you tagged the wrong person in your last post xD )
( oh crap. xD Thanks. )

Elizabeth smiled a bit as she sat down with her cup of tea. "Thank you. I had to learn to cook for myself so i'm glad they are paying off." she said and ran a hand through her hair.
Clay grinned at Tony, when the man said "give me a wave." She turned off the radio, looked him straight in the eye and said, "No. Absolutely not. The thump will attract zombies."

"Please." He wheedled her. "It won't attract any more than the sound of our voices..."

She facepalmed. "Fine, but if you trip and fall and swear really loud, I swear I'm going to kill you before the zombies even get to us, got it?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." He gave her a cheesy grin and a little thumbs up. She knelt, her palms cupped on top of one knee. He gave a short little run, springboarded off her hands and waved wildly in the direction of the sheriff's office, before managing to land two feet on the ground. She picked up the radio again.

"Are you coming to pick us up, or are we making it to your place?" Worst come to worst, they could handle a mob or two.
Hunter finally woke up, stretching his arms out to the side and yawning. One arm hit the window and another felt Annie's waist, moving up onto her face before Hunter finally registered what he was doing. "Ahh! Oh.... It's just you." He had nearly thrown the jacket out of the truck, backing up into the other side of the cab. He then reeled back into his seat, rubbing his eyes from the sandman's sleep. "Good morning.".
Annie laughed softly in amusement. "What were you expecting someone else?" she said as she stretched out her legs a bit as she looked around. "Morning. We had some company earlier but I dealt with it." she said while running a hand through her hair and brushing her bangs out of her grey-green eyes.
"Pancakes are my favorite. I remember on the weekends when I was younger, Norman always used to make pancakes. Every morning. I mean, they had lumps of flour in 'em and all that, and in general they weren't all that great, but... it was just our thing." He smiled and shrugged, continuing to eat. (@Soul OMU)


"Nice moves over there. Good team-work, and all." He chuckled softly down the radio while he raised one hand up and waved back at them. ".. I'll come and meet you, we'll have safer navigation that way - born and raised here. I know a way that'll help us avoid the horde. A lot of 'em are runners, too. We get mixed up with them and we're all done for. Just try and stay out of sight and I'll make my way down - I'll let you know when I'm close." He muttered quietly. He released the button on the radio and then slowly moved into a crouching position. ".. Conner. Keep watch on the horde and call me if anythin' changes." He says. (@Beowulf)

He proceeds to leave the Sheriff's Department via and old metal door right at the back of it. ".. I'm leavin' the station now, guys. Stay put and I'll be there in a few minutes..." He said quietly, doing his best to sneak around the back of the buildings; he treads carefully along the back of the church, physically pressed against the back of the building - there's something on the lawn that he doesn't notice, but luckily it doesn't affect him; he continues going along the back of all the buildings that consisted of businesses or companies, whereas others were houses - everything but the church was surprisingly locked up tight. He came around the back of the fence, and it was a short cross over a one-way street for him to end up in the same location as them. ".. alright--.. the horde was last seen drifting this way. I'm a short distance from you now - how are you all holding up?" He asks, whispering into his radio while sitting in the shadows behind a fence that sat behind a house just across from them. (@firejay1)
Hunter feigned a surprised face, "You took care of some walkers without me, what a surprise." He then opened the door of the truck, jumping down just out of view of Ann. With his legs straight again, Hunter take off his clothes, for that was routine for him. Blushing slightly he turned around, "Don't look out here." Then finished removing his pants, throwing them in the cab.
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she drank her tea. "Well that's good to know.. they're Brie's favorite too... she liked strawberries on hers thought." she said while tying her hair. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie laughed and looked forward. "It's veeeeeery hard not too since I kinda wanna see all that muscle that I'm keeping around." she said, but doing as he said and not looking out where he was. (@Huntrey)
"We're fine." Exasperation leaked into Tony's mostly calm voice. "We see you, so get over here. Any zeds around? Where's the horde?"
"Yeah... strawberries are pretty good--.. maybe next summer we'll be able to grow strawberries here - maybe Brie will be here with us, too." He said optimistically with a smile while he finished off his pancake. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiles a bit but sighs. "Yeah.. Maybe." she said softly while running a hand through her long ginger hair to get out any knots. "I think I'm going to go look out on the roof again okay? I'll be back in a bit." she said while ruffling his hair before heading upstairs with her tea and her rifle. (@DrTrollinski)
"Hurry it u get them clear. Those zeds seem to know where you are. I'll not fire until I have to. Give me the word when your around them." Conner whispered into the radio, slowly pivoting on the spot to keep the horde in sight. The runners had their nose in the air, as if they could smell something.
He'd slowly advance, pulling out his knife as he approached a nearby abandoned car that was only a short distance from them - what looked like a body in the driver's seat quickly reached out through the broken window and tried grabbing him. The blade of the Damascus Steel Bowie Knife was quickly sent into the side of its skull, silencing it immediately. He wiped the blood off on the body's clothes and then tucked the knife back into his belt, his rifle held up against his chest while he approached the three children.

"That's the problem... aside from them being everywhere, the horde is in the direction we're heading, but I've found a route that'll get us there safely, providing we're quiet." He said to them all in an almost whisper; he inspected them all for a minute and then glanced off towards the horde that was just up the street and was just passing by the front of the Sheriff's Department at this point. Norman kept faith that Conner would have them covered if things went sour. "Okay... we'll do the meet-and-greet when we get back, but for now - I'm Norman Craig. You all ready to get going?" He asked them, continuously checking behind himself and also behind them. (@firejay1)
"Go ahead and take a gander then, might even spot my tattoos." Hunter gave a laugh at the invitation, for he knew she wouldn't take it. He had many tattoos, a flag on his right shoulder, his family crest on the left, and a panther painted on his back.
"Just don't show yourself. Lie down and just tell me what they're doing - they won't attack you as you're on high ground. They haven't seen me yet or they'd be runnin' right at us." He whispered quietly into the radio. (@Beowulf)
Elizabeth sat down by Connor, looking out over the streets, noting how the horde had gotten much bigger from when she was upstairs earlier. "Morning." she said briefly to Connor while looking around, noticing the runners sniffing around and heading towards the school. (@DrTrollinski) (@Beowulf )


Annie smiled a bit in amusement and bit the inside of her cheek. "You keep acting like that and I might just look." she said while turning slightly to look out the window at his backside since he had turned away from her earlier. "mmm. Got a nice ass I must admit." she said while biting her lip a bit. (@Huntrey)
"Okay, sure. Thanks for the pancake." He said with a smile, nodding at her as she left the room. (@Soul OMU)
"They might not ssee you. But it sure as hell looks like they can smell you. I'll drop a few runners, that'll be q nice distraction, just in case." he whispered his plan back before acknowledging Elizabeth with a faint nod.
Elizabeth settled down noting that some of the runners seemed to looking towards where they were as well and laid down. "Some of the runners might of noticed us..." she said softly while holding her rifle.
"Been ready for ages, man." Clay said, obnoxiously. "It was you who took so long getting here." (@DrTrollinski)


Belinda stabbed one zombie, then twisted sharply to kick another down, stabbing it to make sure it was dead. There were lots in this area, she'd just barely been getting by by hiding out in abandoned buildings and running through during the less-inhabited times. Places that didn't have many to begin with, she went through without stopping. It was tiring to live like this, nor did she know why she was heading north as if her life depended on it. She scowled to herself, looking at the bracelet the little girl had given to her, which was slung onto her belt. She knew why she was going, she just didn't know why she was doing it for some little girl she'd abandoned with others. She didn't know yet there were another nine days to go before she'd even make it to New Hampshire, much less start wandering around an entire state just to look for someone whose face she'd never seen before.
"Alright. Don't shoot at them. Then they'll know we are here. If you bave to shoot, aim for a runner. Zeds will swarm it and let us pick slthem off." Conner said. The first to Norman, the rest to Elizabeth. He really didn't like how the runners were sniffing the air and moving around, almost as if they were waiting.
"Now, now. I was trying to sort of... you know, not get killed?" He replied, shaking his head for a moment. "Stick close. We'll make our way back up past the back of the houses and buildings, we should get back just fine like that, we'll stay out of sight, too." He murmured; he lead them off back in the direction they came from and ended up going back along the back wall of all the houses, checking every corner as they went by it. The horde advanced greatly since they were last at the school, and was now half-way down to the school - they hadn't noticed the four of them just yet, thankfully. Norman lead them across the back of the church, but when they walked across the center of it he stuck one arm out in front of them all to stop them walking - he may have just saved one of them from losing a foot. He looked down at the ground and took a deep breath.

"Jesus... beartraps?" He muttered - on the ground in the center of the lawn were five rusted bear-traps, all ready for a catch. It was craziness. One of the children may have sworn that they saw someone standing at the back window of the church for only a split-second, but if they were to look there there wouldn't be anything. Eventually they'd be back at Sheriff's Department; he'd quietly unlock the back door and escort them inside, shutting the door and locking it again. "Here we are." (@firejay1)

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