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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Hey! I said to look at my muscles, not my ass!" He steamed at her, but after a moment he laughed. With his flaunting over he then walked over to the back of this truck, hopping in and searching for his clothes box.
Annie laughed softly and covered her mouth as she sat back in her seat. "Don't worry I got a good look at your muscles too." she said while wearing a bit of a smile and blushing slightly.
"Home, sweet home, huh?" Tony snapped her arm out, slamming Clay's jaw shut with an awkward clack. "Ow..."

"Are there any others, here?" She asked, all business. "How long have you been hiding out here, and what provisions are you living on?"
After slipping on some basketball shorts and a tee, he was finally dressed. Closing the tail gate, he walked back over to the cab and got in. "So, check the map and see how far we are from the base.".
"Slow down... we've got everything we need... we have three others here - my eleven-year-old brother, a woman by the name of Elizabeth, and a guy by the name of Conner. The guy who was covering our asses from the roof--.." He'd lead them upstairs and to one of the free offices. He'd already got everything ready - three chairs at one side, and one on the other. He closed the office door over once they all entered and then took a seat, motioning one hand off towards the three chairs. "We'll talk for a while, and then we'll get you something to eat and drink if you need it - we're living off canned foods, dried foods, and one lot of water, thankfully." He muttered to them. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth quietly quickly moved back to the stairs and headed downstairs, her rifle on her back. (@firejay1) (@DrTrollinski)

Annie took the map from him and started looking over the map. "Well if we're here and we're heading there... we still have quite aways to go..." she said while looking at the map. (@Huntrey)
Not one of the kids moved, seeing the three chairs all out and prepared for them. Asha grabbed Antoinette's arm and whispered nervously, "Ette-neesan. Why are there isu's here?" (Isu = seat)

Tony's right hand tensed, though she didn't make an actual move to grab up her kitchen scissors. "I don't know." She stared levelly at Norman. "Why did you prepare... seats for us?" Clay did have his hand on his knife. The way it was set up made it look as though they were about to be interrogated, and none of them liked that. "Is there something you need to discuss with us, sir?" She asked, in tense politeness.
"I'll keep an eye on these gentelmen, and ladies." Conner told Elizabeth as she left. He saw the others enter, but that didn't mean the horde wasn't a threat anymore.
"Well... yeah, there is. Relax, I'm not going to be askin' you to hand over your weapons or tell me what intentions you have - I just want to chat, alright? I just got this ready so we could talk, and I've reorganized an office for you if you plan to stay." He gave off a genuine smile as he set his rifle down against the table beside him and then slowly pulled out his sidearm, flicking the safety on and then placing it on the desk in front of him. "Don't worry. I don't mean you no harm. None of us do." He added, leaning back in a fairly relaxed manner. (@firejay1)
"Of course, Elizabeth... of course... I had no doubt that they'd make it to us. They're very able, clearly." He smiled at her and then at them while waiting for them to hopefully take a seat. (@Soul OMU) (@firejay1)
"Oh, you don't?" Clay said skeptically.

"Clay, shut up." Antoinette said, sharply. "Alright mister, we don't want you to harm us, either. You know our rule. What's yours?" She looked up at the new woman without surprise. Not much startled them anymore. She sat, and with a click of his tongue, Clay did the same. Ash sat next to her, still gripping her arm tightly.
Elizabeth sipping her tea. "I had no doubt mostly since you seemed to have a radio and seemed quite sure of yourselves. Plus if people your age can survive, then there is no reason to doubt. Especially since my sister is around your age and out there." she said while going to the microwave to get out the other plate of pancakes with chocolate sauce. (@DrTrollinski) (@firejay1)
Norman would faintly smile at Ash upon noticing his nervousness. "Nothin' to be afraid of, buddy. I promise." He said, winking at him quickly. He straightened himself out and looked across them all, nodding a few times. "Before I go on I'd like to say I'm very impressed, yet not surprised. You all definitely know what you're doing - I'll give you that much. I can't deny I wasn't sore when I realized that you didn't trust me, but that's to be expected in this world now." He muttered to them all; he took a deep breath and glanced up at Elizabeth.

"We have more then one rule. Seeing as we're growing, I think they're suitable. I'll give them all to you... Rule one - we share everything aside from personal weapons - what you've got on you now is yours, what's mine is mine. If anyone steals from you, let me know. That means if you find food and ammo when we go out on runs, we put that into the stockpile - in terms of ammo, you can keep as much as you need with you, but you make sure there's enough to go around."

"Rule two - you remain honest. Honesty's important nowadays, and honest is all I've been with you so far - if you stay, honesty's an important aspect to making sure we don't set off any bombshells."

"Rule three - no one is the 'boss'. I may lead the group we have here, but no one is boss of anyone. We are only bosses of ourselves - as a leader I merely make sure that people are happy - I guess you can say I take the weight when it's needed. But I cannot order you to run into a line of gunfire or anything like that. We don't like trying to use people or screw people over to make them do stuff in our favor - none of us are like that."

"Rule four - We all know something similar to this, you kill when you need to - if it means keeping you and the group safe, then don't hold back. It's you or them. One for all, or all for one. We'll keep it that way for now - if we all stick together on that rule, things should go fine."

"Rule five - Do not kill needlessly. A bit contradicting, but if you see someone and they don't shoot, that doesn't give you authorization to shoot them. It's hard to trust people, but we're survivors - not murderers."

"Rule six - Any recruiting and long-talks, I'd prefer them to be left to me - I'd rather take a bullet than have it happen to one of you, so that's just the danger I've decided to adopt. If I'm not around and you meet someone looking to join, just hit me up on the radio and I'll swing by, but if you're certain that someone's trustworthy and worth having, let them in and wait for me to meet them."

"Rule seven - Respect. We respect each other, which is somethin' we've learned while communicating, and half the reason we're sittin' here now - I chose to respect what you said, I had faith in your ability, and here you are - you respected me by waiting for me at the place where I told you to wait - all a big circle."

"Finally, this is a rule you've put in - do not underestimate each other. If they say they're capable, accept that and let them get on with it. You only need to intervene if what they intend to do is a complete suicide mission, though... Now, in relation to everything I've said, I understand that because you've been travelling together most of these rules are probably similar to you, and I want to point out that I have the biggest amount of respect for the capabilities and bravery you've already shown - you trusted me to come and find you at the school, you made your way here alone without assistance - hell, you're probably some of the most capable people I've met so far." He pauses for a moment while he looks across the three of them. "If you don't want to share your ages, that's fine. You've already shown that you're the equivalent of adults, so for the time you're around, I'm going to be respectful enough to treat you like them." He said, nodding a few times to them all. (@firejay1)
Tony nodded at him, but Clay put one hand on the table. "Last rule, Nondisclosure." He used the fancy word he'd picked up from a foster family with a lawyer dad. "We'll be honest with you, but we're not telling you everything, you alright with that?"
DrTrollinski said:
Norman would faintly smile at Ash upon noticing his nervousness. "Nothin' to be afraid of, buddy. I promise." He said, winking at him quickly. He straightened himself out and looked across them all, nodding a few times. "Before I go on I'd like to say I'm very impressed, yet not surprised. You all definitely know what you're doing - I'll give you that much. I can't deny I wasn't sore when I realized that you didn't trust me, but that's to be expected in this world now." He muttered to them all; he took a deep breath and glanced up at Elizabeth.
"We have more then one rule. Seeing as we're growing, I think they're suitable. I'll give them all to you... Rule one - we share everything aside from personal weapons - what you've got on you now is yours, what's mine is mine. If anyone steals from you, let me know. That means if you find food and ammo when we go out on runs, we put that into the stockpile - in terms of ammo, you can keep as much as you need with you, but you make sure there's enough to go around."

"Rule two - you remain honest. Honesty's important nowadays, and honest is all I've been with you so far - if you stay, honesty's an important aspect to making sure we don't set off any bombshells."

"Rule three - no one is the 'boss'. I may lead the group we have here, but no one is boss of anyone. We are only bosses of ourselves - as a leader I merely make sure that people are happy - I guess you can say I take the weight when it's needed. But I cannot order you to run into a line of gunfire or anything like that. We don't like trying to use people or screw people over to make them do stuff in our favor - none of us are like that."

"Rule four - We all know something similar to this, you kill when you need to - if it means keeping you and the group safe, then don't hold back. It's you or them. One for all, or all for one. We'll keep it that way for now - if we all stick together on that rule, things should go fine."

"Rule five - Do not kill needlessly. A bit contradicting, but if you see someone and they don't shoot, that doesn't give you authorization to shoot them. It's hard to trust people, but we're survivors - not murderers."

"Rule six - Any recruiting and long-talks, I'd prefer them to be left to me - I'd rather take a bullet than have it happen to one of you, so that's just the danger I've decided to adopt. If I'm not around and you meet someone looking to join, just hit me up on the radio and I'll swing by, but if you're certain that someone's trustworthy and worth having, let them in and wait for me to meet them."

"Rule seven - Respect. We respect each other, which is somethin' we've learned while communicating, and half the reason we're sittin' here now - I chose to respect what you said, I had faith in your ability, and here you are - you respected me by waiting for me at the place where I told you to wait - all a big circle."

"Finally, this is a rule you've put in - do not underestimate each other. If they say they're capable, accept that and let them get on with it. You only need to intervene if what they intend to do is a complete suicide mission, though... Now, in relation to everything I've said, I understand that because you've been travelling together most of these rules are probably similar to you, and I want to point out that I have the biggest amount of respect for the capabilities and bravery you've already shown - you trusted me to come and find you at the school, you made your way here alone without assistance - hell, you're probably some of the most capable people I've met so far." He pauses for a moment while he looks across the three of them. "If you don't want to share your ages, that's fine. You've already shown that you're the equivalent of adults, so for the time you're around, I'm going to be respectful enough to treat you like them." He said, nodding a few times to them all. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth sipped her tea as she put the plate of pancakes down by her, currently looking at Norman before looking over the kids and looking at their state, nodding slightly at their clothes and their weapons, thinking deeply. "So long as we know you won't slit our throats in the middle of the night." she said and gave a grim smile. (@firejay1) (@DrTrollinski)
"My friend, there's no such thing as telling someone everything. If we did that, I think the world would have ended a long time ago," He smiled simply at them. "That's fine by me. Fine by all of us. Now that we're clear on that - we're all here, locked up safe, more 'used to each other', if you will... what are your names?" He asks calmly. (@firejay1)
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Tessa sat down in the corner of the room and pulled her hairbrush out of her bag. Letting her hair down she brushed it slowly, enjoying the safety in numbers as she took some time for herself for once. Pulling her long dark hair up into a ponytail, she put her brush back into her hair and looked around at the people. Standing up she began to walk across the room, only stopping when someone bumped into her.
"It's quite alright," she said softly, smiling at Brianna as she shuffled nervously. "I'm Tessa by the way," she said with a small shrug.
He looked away from them for a moment and up at Elizabeth; he'd inspect the plate and cup for a moment and smile. "What's that you got there, Ellie?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)

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