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Futuristic Brain Burger

Norman looked off at her for a moment and sighed. "I'm not here to question your past or whether or not there's been other people that have or have tried taking advantage of you, but I'll tell you right now - we won't. We'll put our trust into you if you can trust us - we're together in this, or we're not. It's as simple as that. But regardless, you'll meet my brother soon enough. Very nice to meet you all, and it's nice to have you here as well... trust me... if you can get from Pennsylvania to here by yourselves, I'm pretty sure we're all going to make a good team..." He smiled for a moment while he picked up his AMT Hardballer pistol and tucked it into his pants, sighing for a moment."

"And another thing - none of have 'vicious tendencies' - the only time we get vicious is if someone tries to harm our own. You're our people, we're yours - anyone tries to harm you, they won't be walking away from it. That's the only 'vicious side' that we have..." He paused for a moment and then looked to Ash, smiling softly. "So you're six, eh, big guy? Alright, that's great..." He looked up to Clay and Tony. "I'm gonna' assume you've been takin' good care of him - in fact, I can tell you have just by lookin' at him. How old are both of you?" He asked quietly.
Vaila said:
"I know what that's like," Tessa said softly. "I can't imagine being separated from Bellamy. I'm so sorry. Do you have any idea where she'd be or go?" (@Soul OMU )
Brianna nodded. "She would be in New Hampshire... That's where she was going to college.. It's probably where she still might be..." she said softly while twirling the end of the braid around her finger. (@Vaila)
He'd look up at Elizabeth for a moment, holding one hand up and smiling. "I'm sure they won't... they probably thought the same thing about us, Ellie... if we wanted to, we could have shot them before they'd even seen us - we didn't. They could have shot me when I went to meet them alone, hell, they could have put a blade in my back - they didn't. I'm sure if there was anyone here who contradicted the rule of 'do not kill needlessly' that they'd speak out so we could figure out an understanding..." He stated simply, leaning back in his chair in the slightest. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth sighed softly and running a hand through her hair. "Still... You can't ever be so sure... I had my roommate almost slit my throat in the middle of the night when all this started... I... ended up killing her because if not she would have killed me since she had been bit..." she said softly while looking rather distressed. (@DrTrollinski)
"We give people chances. We're all here because we know. What. We're. Doing. A man came into a store me and my brother were in before we came here - he aimed a gun at him, I was right around the corner. He was going to steal everythin' we had and possibly shoot Nathan - I made a choice, and I stabbed the guy because it PROTECTED. US. As long as we work in harmony, respect and understand each other..." He'd look away from everyone and glance around the room before running his eyes across all of the other people in the room while speaking. "And as long as we don't screw each other over, try and kill each other, try and steal from each other - you name it. As long as it doesn't happen, we'll bring life back to a normal state." He lectured, staring around the room. ".. I'll call my brother up here and he'll show you around. Doors are locked for a reason, by the way - I have the keys to 'em, so if you need anything from any of the rooms come and find me and I'll sort it out for you." He added. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth sighed softly and rubbed her arm. "As normal as life can be with the walking dead lumbering around trying to sniff us out at every turn..." she said while leaning against the counter. (@DrTrollinski) (@firejay1)

(( Sorry JAY! xD ))
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"Thought you said you weren't going to ask that." Clay sassed back at Norman. Giving Elizabeth a skeptical look, he said, "What the heck do we want to do that for? Adults are supposedly "not liabilities"" He hand-motioned the quotation marks. "If you guys are as useful as you say, having you around means less work for us." He put his feet up on the table and leaned back.

Antoinette rolled her eyes. "What he means to say is we know we're trustworthy. We're not sure yet if you are, but there's no point in us killing you, and we definitely wouldn't have bothered leaving our place to go all the way to here just to kill you. I hope we make a good team, but that's dependent on whether you trust us enough not to act as if we're lost children looking for our mommies." She smiled at the compliment. "I think we've been taking great care of him, but he's big enough to take care of himself, too." Ash grinned, making a finger-gun and going bang-bang, like he sometimes liked to do. She ruffled his hair affectionately, before looking back at them. "You tell me your age and I'll tell you mine." Clay made a blah-blah-blah face behind her back as Norman went on about some "you don't kill us, we don't kill you" thing. Neither of them talked about the car. It wasn't technically hot-wired... kind of impossible to do that in this day and age, but that was one thing they weren't telling the adults about. 
((YOU GUYS POST STINKING FAST. Can't even post one response without having to edit it because you've added four more posts.))
Tessa nodded and scratched her left palm slowly. "Have you met my brother yet?" she asked softly. "I'm sure he'd love to meet someone around his age, how old are you anyway?"
Brianna shook her head. "No I haven't... I'm 11." she said softly.


Elizabeth crossed her arms as she watched them. "And we won't treat you like lost children. Since you're obviously not." she said while leaning against the counter. "also we might need to make a run out soon for warmer clothes and more food since we have more people. I'll volunteer to go." she muttered while pushing off the counter.
"None of us are children any more. I'm twenty-three, Elizabeth is twenty-one, my brother is eleven - as for Conner--.. I'm not sure, haven't had the chance to ask as it's been pretty chaotic around here today. I have no doubts that he can take care of himself, I never denied that - but the way things go here is we respect each other. No matter what," He'd move his eyes off to Clay for a split second. "And with the call Elizabeth just made, we do need stuff for the winter. Hell, we need to get beds for the offices as well - you're welcome to come along on the journey - Asha's free to stay here or come along, his choice, but I think if we went out on a run together we can work together and get more... 'settled'." He said to them.

((Made a mistake there, Soul. Nate's eleven.)) (@Soul OMU)
"Well, I'm 14, Clay's 13, and Ash is 6, like he said." Tony said, with a smile. "Speaking of which, you can just call me Tony. Ash calls me Ette-neesan, in case that every confuses you. I look forward to meeting Nate." Pulling her bag off, she began pulling out the crackers, jam, peanut butter, and pickled foods they'd brought with them. "We brought some food of our own, same with blankets and the like."
Elizabeth heads down the hall. "I'm going to go to the roof and scope out where the hordes are and if it's safe to make the trip now to see if we can get warmer clothes." she said as she headed up to the roof.
"Ah well, the base can't be too far out of the city." He then patted himself down and sighed, reaching into his pants to grab the keys. "Maybe another hour or two.". Hunter cranked up the engine and began the drive, hoping they wouldn't have any complications. "Might even be other people. It is pretty well known.".
Hunter took his hands off the wheel, reaching behind him to grab his SCAR and placing it near the door. "Just in cause there is people there, are you a good shot?". He had a couple odd and end weapons in the back, so taking a base didn't seem very far fetched.
"Okay. You're free to keep that food with you - share it if you want, but we have plenty here, so you can keep hold of your own stuff until we go on a run." He said with a warm smile; his face became slightly more sincere as he turned towards the door and took a deep breath. "NATHAN! Get up here, bro!" He yelled, Nathan would soon come charging through the door; he'd run his eyes across the three of them and crack a half-smile.

"Hi." He says simply.

"Guys, meet my brother - Nathan. Nathan, meet Antoinette, Asha, and Clay. You can call Antoinette 'Tony', she said." He said to him while moving his hand across, signalling who was who. "Give them the tour, Nathan... show 'em everythin'." He said to him. Nathan would nod and open up the office door and look at the three of them all.

"Alright, follow me and I'll show you what we've got." He said in a friendly manner. "Nice to meet you all, by the way."
Annie nodded slightly. "I'm not bad." she said while looking out the window, thinking about how it might be when they get there. "So an hour or two? she said. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth currently up on the roof, scoping out the hordes and the fastest way to get to a place with clothes. (@DrTrollinski)
"Woah, man. Would you stop it with the yelling? We've had to live in relative silence for long enough that that kind of noise really stabs through the brain." He gave a quick nod of acknowledgment at Nathan. "Hey, nice to meet you too, bro."

"Nice to meet you, too, Nathan, thanks for showing us around." Tony said with a grin. Ash stayed glued to Tony's side as Nathan showed them around.
"Yea, just a little longer you have to spend with me." Hunter nudged her a bit as he turned around an abandoned car. "But, I don't think staying in this car too long will be good for our relationship. So look and see if there anything nearby worth checking.".
Annie said nothing at his comment. "I will..." she said softly while staring off ahead, trying to figure out if he had some sort of hiding meaning to his words. Did he not like her company? Is that why he wanted to get rid of her so quickly? were some of the thoughts as they drove on. (@Huntrey)
Nathan would show them around the building, starting off by going downstairs. He'd make a point of saying that the station runs off a private reserve of water and power for times of emergencies, so they were going to be able to live off that for a while. He showed them where the working shower-rooms and restrooms were, and then went on to show them where the kitchen was with a working fridge, coffee machine, and microwave; the tour goes on and he takes them upstairs where he shows them the armory - numerous firearms and ammo, as well as kevlar vests and one singular SWAT suit - everything is locked behind a metal cage.

Finally, he'd show them the stockpile which is also currently locked, and by looking through the window they'd see that there's enough food and drink for them all to live off of for quite a while. On the final part of the tour he took them to the one office that was beside the dispatcher's room (He made point that Norman was the only one who used the dispatcher room. When they go into the office room they can see that the desk has been shoved into the far corner of the room, alongside the chair that accompanied it - the office itself was slightly bigger than most of the other ones, and there was plenty of space for them all to sleep - there was also some bedsheets hung up at the windows that could serve as curtains if they ever wanted the privacy. On the desk there's a small note of paper; on it the following words would be written.

'Hope the room's alright for you - Norm.' Quite a kind motion by Norman at the end of the day; Nathan walked in and looked around for a moment.

"This is the room he told me to show you - he said this one was yours. I don't know why, to be honest - this is your room, and if it ever needs locking I'm pretty sure Norman has a spare key but I don't know. Hope you like it, n'all." Nathan smiled. (@Soul OMU)
He gave a confused look before returning to the road. After a few minutes he cleared his throat and turned to her, "Find anything?". She was awfully moody as it seemed, "Any tourist attractions on the way?".
Annie shook her head. "Not yet... I mean there are some things but they aren't that important... Plus tourist attractions? Really? Don't you think they would be one of the most populated areas full of Z's?" she said while looking at the map, not looking at him. (@Huntrey)

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