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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter slowed down a bit, "I would love to tell you some jokes, but what do you mean I'm going to drop you off?" He gave her a worried look, his eyes looking at her up and down. "I didn't plan on it. Why did I do something wrong?".
Elizabeth smiles a bit and leans against him slightly, resting her head on his shoulder. "Yeah... it really does and yeah you do." she said softly while looking out over the town. (@DrTrollinski)


Brianna digs into her bag. "I would say how to shoot... but the noise will attract unwanted attention so how about how to use a dagger?" she said while pulling out her dagger from it sheath on her leg. (@Vaila

Huntrey said:
Hunter slowed down a bit, "I would love to tell you some jokes, but what do you mean I'm going to drop you off?" He gave her a worried look, his eyes looking at her up and down. "I didn't plan on it. Why did I do something wrong?".
Annie sighed softly while hugging her knees. "You said earlier that i couldn't get rid of you that easy... why would I want to get rid of you? Your good company... Plus the fact that you said being cooped up in this car isn't good..." she said while closing her eyes, trying to hide her tears. (@Huntrey)
"He taught me to shoot - that only happened when we actually managed to get guns, though... I use a flip-knife and the same handgun he uses. It's not that he doesn't let me fight, I just... I try and stay away from it if it's not needed." He said to her, walking over and sitting on the edge of the desk. "I just... I don't fight a lot - Norman didn't know anythin' about police stations. I had to educate him on all that - I suppose I'm more the brains, and he's more the brawn. That's the most I could say about it, to be honest. I just haven't really been in many situations where I need to fight - a chance I had recently was too dangerous. Had a guy with a gun to my back in a store - Norman nearly took a bullet when he took the guy out, but he's like that, to be honest." He explained. "He tried savin' our mom, too... but--.. he was too late to do that." He said with a soft sigh. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth leaning against him slightly, smiling softly as he ran his hand through her hair and along her back and leaned into it slightly. "I suppose we could... I'm guessing that means we'll leave Connor, Nate and Ash here...?" she says softly while resting comfortably against him, holding his hand. (@DrTrollinski)
"It depends... Ash won't leave Tony's side - if he wants to come along, he can. I ain't gonna' stop him, but I can't be there to watch him the whole time either. I feel kinda' sorry for the kid, to be honest..." He said, using his free hand to gently move his thumb over the top of her hand slowly and repeatedly. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter drove a little further, leaving an tense silence between the two for a minute. He came to a halt in a small part of the highway not littered with cars, putting the truck in park. Hunter then looked to Annie, seemingly hurt. "Annie... I didn't mean it." He sighed, knowing that her past made her susceptible to sadness from phrases that normally wouldn't faze somebody. "I may say some things like that, but that is only to show I'm not some stick in the mud that people make me out to be. Annie, I trusted you enough to let you watch me sleep..... And if that doesn't show I care about you... Then I don't know what will.".
"Sure," he said, nodding as he watched her with the blade. He'd used his sister's before when they'd been attacked on their way to Florida but he'd only stabbed the zombie. (@Soul OMU )
Elizabeth leaning against him slightly, holding his hand slightly, smiling a bit as he ran his thumb along her hand. "Still... I think he'll listen to Tony... Since she seems to be the leader of their group..." she said softly. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie glanced up at him, her eyes slightly filled with tears that didn't fall. "...Okay..." she said softly before quickly going over and hugging him tightly but briefly before sitting back. "I'm sorry for how I acted... I'm just... so use to people tossing me away..." she said softly while playing with the ends of her bangs. (@Huntrey)


Brianna smiled a bit. "There are quite a few things you can do with a dagger. You can throw it, or use it to momentarily stun or disable your enemy such as slicing at the feet to make them stumble before going in and stabbing through the skull or chest... it usually is only best to use a dagger if you keep moving and are facing only a few Z's... you won't beat an entire horde with one but it's handy..." she said while holding the dagger. (@Vaila)
"I'm sorry." Tony said softly. For her, the memory of her parents' crash was still so fresh, but what with the zombie infection, she'd had to be strong. "We're more scavengers than fighters, too. We had our house, and only went out to get food and firewood. Stuff like that. But there's a lot less cover here. I don't know how we're going to do it." She shook her head. "That's why we don't trust adults. They think we're weak, so they target us. Unlike you, we never had an adult protecting us. Adults are more dangerous. You find less kids scheming to stab you in the back, though you just find less kids in general because less of them can survive."

Clay clapped once, loudly. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." He shot her a look that seemed like annoyance, but was actually a warning. Don't say any more. "You got a an MO? For raids and stuff."
Hunter let his arms wrap around her, but she was quickly reeled away. "I don't plan to throw you away, not as long as I can help it.". He put his hand on her arm, a smile on his face accompanying it. With that he took it back and began to drive back done the highway. "We got to practice on your hugging." He said softly after a few moments of driving.
Annie gave a fake gasp of annoyance. "You jerk!" she said and hit his arm slightly, but she wore a bit of a smile on her face to show she was playing around. "But I guess that means you'll have to put your arms around me and hug me more." she said and grinned in amusement.
"Yeah... maybe he will." He replies, holding Ellie close to him. "You coming along as well?" He asks. Before she could respond a black smoke would begin rising into the air from just down the street; a putrid smell of burning meat fills the air as the smoke travels towards the police station. ".. Jesus Christ! What is that?"(@Soul OMU)


"Some adults are dangerous, yeah... I know that--.. but that don't mean they all are. We need to be able to trust people in one place or another if we ever want life to get SOMEWHAT normal again..." He says as he hops up from the desk; he looks over to Clay and takes a deep breath, giving a curt nod a couple of times. "We haven't needed to do any runs since we came here, as other people brought us enough stuff for us to hole up for a while - before that, though... we searched every area to check if it was safe. Once we were sure that everything was cool we'd get everythin' we needed and then clear out of there before we attracted too much attention - did it quietly, too. I'd imagine that's what he'd do now, but I don't know, because there's more of us he'll probably change the plan." He says to him. All was well for a moment, but then a black smoke began rising up into the sky - it was perfectly visible from their angle. Nathan would slowly turn and look out the window, peering out at the black, ominous smoke for a few moments. ".. smoke? I know one thing - that definitely ain't ours." He said quietly, going up closer to the window to look out of it. (@firejay1)
"Christ--.. that smells like burnin' meat--.. Shit--.." He slowly stood up and looked off towards where the smoke was blowing over from - it was just past the church. A horrific sight nonetheless. A pile of skinless bodies was in the center of the road - the smell of gasoline mixed with the smell of meat showed that whoever did this used fuel to burn them. There was no other living person in sight. ".. what in the world..." Norman muttered, coughing in disgust as his eyes began to water. (@Soul OMU )


Nathan would have looked towards the source of the smoke, and a jaw-dropped expression would instantly strike his face.

"Oh, Jesus..." He muttered quietly, backing away from the window and applying both of his hands to the back of his head, sighing. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked them all before nodding towards the window. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth looked nervous and slightly horrified. "Oh god... Someone... skinned those bodies..." she said as she covered her mouth and coughed slightly as the nasty smell and smoke filled her lungs, dropping down slightly onto her knees. (@DrTrollinski)
((Why do you keep writing Nathan's sentences in "would" grammar?))

"What's going on?" Clay asked, sharply, all three of them crowding forwards toward the window. "What in hell..." Tony's response was to close her lips tightly, becoming a thin white line on her face. Asha gasped, his hands on the windowsill, as he saw the bodies...
Hunter reeled from the punch, almost raising his hands in defense, but seeing her smile relaxed him. "I will do that, but seeing as I have to drive, it will have to be later." He gave a smile, but kept his eyes on the road.
((I have no idea. I see what you mean -.- That's got to stop, lol.))

"We need to get inside..." Norman choked as he quickly helped her to his feet and lead her back down into the building, eventually cutting off the smell they were caked with. He takes a few deep breaths of the pure and clean air within the building and shakes his head. "Man, that is fucked up--.. we need to get everyone on-guard..." He said quietly. (@Soul OMU)


".. no way... no way, no way, no way..." Nathan panicked, quickly rubbing his forehead. "How many bodies was that? Ten? Twenty?" He added, clearly quite panicked by it all - Tony may notice why he's not so much of a fighter - he's clearly prone to panic-attacks. "That's not--.. that's not right... that's not right... who did that?!" He said in a quiet yell. (@firejay1)
Bellamy nodded intently, staring at the knife. "Ok," he said simply, pushing his hair back from his face.
Annie smiled a bit in amusement. "Alright, later. I'll make sure that you do pay up on that." she said while looking at the map. "There's an amusement park nearby if you wanna stop." she said with a smile. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth nodded as she coughed harshly and made her way down to where the kids were. "We don't know... but it might be that guy... that Norman keeps seeing when no one else does.." she said softly while looking at Norman. (@DrTrollinski )


Brianna smiled and handed him the dagger. "Trying swinging it around a bit, to get a feel for it." she said while stepping back slightly. (@Vaila)
Clay put a hand on Nathan's shoulder. "Stop that right now, bro. Don't let yourself get shown up by a six-year-old, man. Not cool." He said it as if joking, but his eyes were serious as he looked out into the street, wondering who did it as well. He glanced at Tony. She shook her head almost imperceptibly. There's no way a walker did that. From the surprise Nathan had on his face, it wasn't one of these new "runners" either. A human, then. Clay snorted. "Human beings. Scum of the earth." Pulling his hand away from Nathan's shoulder, he stepped away from the window and went down to the first level.
"Yeah, maybe. But whatever it is it ain't gettin' close." He murmured as he charged into his office and picked up his rifle, quickly cocking it and holding it at his chest. He went towards the room that all the children were in. (@Soul OMU)

".. there's no one else here... there can't be--.. who did it? Because EVERYONE who's with us is in THIS building..." He said, finally calming down a little after hearing Clay's words. He ran his hand over the top of his head and took a deep breath. The smoke coated the sky in a shadow of black while the bodies slowly continued burning, still with no one else in sight. Before anyone else could say anything, surprise surprise - Norman opens the door and inspects them all. He looks towards the window that they were looking out of and sighed.

"I'm guessin' you've seen whatever the hell's going on down there - any of you see anythin' strange aside from the pile out there? No other people, anythin' like that?" He asks quietly, tapping his foot gently on the ground. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth followed him and stayed by the door of the room, thinking while crossing her arms. Still worried about the grotesque of it all and who would do such a thing made her worry that he knew about them and where they were. (@DrTrollinski)
Ash tapped Norman's arm, which was the highest he could reach. "What about the bear trap man?" He asked, brightly.

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