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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter backed the truck all the way through the gates, honking the horn all the while. She wasn't wrong, for plenty of zombies had been locked in when it happened. Soon they were swarming from the park, maybe twenty to thirty still remained here. "Stay in the cab." His voice was stern, taking his sergeant's appeal to the next level. Hunter loaded the magazine for the SCAR, "I have handled this many before, just takes some time.". With that he opened his door and ran out to the gate, closing it and putting his back to it.
Elizabeth currently sitting on her lumpy mattress that she had gotten during one of her runs, she held her tea in both hands as she tries to calm her nerves. She didn't want to admit it, but she was terrified. 

Huntrey said:
Hunter backed the truck all the way through the gates, honking the horn all the while. She wasn't wrong, for plenty of zombies had been locked in when it happened. Soon they were swarming from the park, maybe twenty to thirty still remained here. "Stay in the cab." His voice was stern, taking his sergeant's appeal to the next level. Hunter loaded the magazine for the SCAR, "I have handled this many before, just takes some time.". With that he opened his door and ran out to the gate, closing it and putting his back to it.
Annie looked at him slightly, worry in her eyes but not saying it. "Okay... I will..." she said softly as she sat in the front, looking out the window, watching worriedly.
Clay moaned. "Oh damn, we're screwed."

"God-person.. mitaidesune." Ash said thoughtfully.

Tony nodded in agreement. "Those were definitely bible lines."
"Not the whole time. Only when it's needed - relax. We'll figure this out. We just need to stay calm - the guy seems to be watching our every move regardless of whether or not we're using a radio. From now on radios are off-limits unless absolutely necessary... we can't afford to let this guy know any more than what he already does... I'd go up to the roof and scope it out some more, but I don't exactly want to come back down smellin' like badly burnt pork..." He mutters quietly, looking back out the window - there was only a few stray members of the walking dead heading towards the fire, but there wasn't nowhere near as many as they originally thought there'd be. (@Soul OMU)
"He might be situated in the church, judging from the traps and his words. That means he's right next door. He might have something set up to target anyone on the roof. Be careful." Tony said. @DrTrollinski
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Hunter then aimed his gun at the first zombie near him, walking towards Annie's side of the car, for it had less zombies. After a couple bullets he began to run, still firing, but not as effectively. Weaving his way around the zombies and shooting the ones he couldn't, he made it to the ticket stand. Killing the zombie in the booth, he set up his firing line.
Elizabeth sitting on her mattress and glances up slightly, fear in her eyes before it vanished swiftly and became calm and neutral. "Hey Nate... Yeah I'm fine... Why wouldn't I be?" she said while holding her tea and sipping it slightly, shaking but has gotten it under control. (@DrTrollinski)

Annie watching from the truck, wishing she could help but knowing he was doing what he could to protect her, it touched her heart slightly that he wanted to keep her out of this, but she already was in this. They both were. (@Huntrey)
".. I don't know... Norman just said you were kinda' freaked by the whole--.. burning bodies thing." He said simply as he walked inside and shut the door behind him, sighing softly as he leaned up against it. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth held her mug of tea slightly tighter then before. "That... as well as the fact that this man can get in this building any time he wants since you brother has seen him in here..." she said as she shook slightly and pulled her body closer to herself. (@DrTrollinski)
".. he was talkin' about it in there. He said he's only seen him outside the door. Not inside... I'm sure they'll figure somethin' out." He says as he walks over and sits down beside her, taking a deep breath. "It's okay... we're here to look after each other, remember? As long as we do that, I'm pretty sure the guy isn't going to be hurtin' any of us." He says reassuringly. (@Soul OMU)
Soon Hunter couldn't be seen in the booth, walkers enveloping his position. Bullets were still being fired precisely, only entering the skulls of the zombies.
Elizabeth held her tea as she sat beside him. "I know... But I... If he knows about my sister... he might try to kill her if we contact her when she gets close..." she said softly, her voice shaking. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie bit her lip as she tried to see him, but couldnt, she knew he was okay because zombies were still falling. She jumped nearly as some runners slammed into the side of the truck, startling her. (@Huntrey)
Hunter couldn't hear the runners, focusing only on the walkers in front of him. Soon there was only a few that remained, which he began to handle with his pistol.
"Jesus... you're right... okay--.. we just need to watch each other's backs and keep an eye out. I want you to watch from this window for anythin' strange - I'll get Conner to keep watch from one of the back rooms in case he tries to sneak up on our flank... and I'll figure something out... I'll probably go downstairs and watch out of the window there. And for the record - that WAS a bible quote. My father was a typical old Christian guy who thought he knew everythin'. That quote... it's talkin' about 'how Jesus created us from the dust' and so on, and then goes on to say that when we die, we go back to that said 'dust'. So that can mean two things - he's either threatening us, or just trying to scare us... maybe both." He muttered quietly to them, glancing back out of the window occasionally.

((Sorry for the delay, @firejay1. My notifications for you are screwed at some points :/ ))
Annie looked nervous as they slammed against the truck, rocking it slightly while she held onto her seat. Hoping Hunter would come back soon she tried not to focus on the runners but on trying to find Hunter.
".. you know Norman would never let that happen, Ell." He says to her - he got his own abbreviation of her name now. 'Ell'. No one else had said that so far, but Nathan thought it sounded alright. "When I was younger and whenever I'd fall over, he'd run to me as if I'd broke my neck - I'm sure if he's the sort of guy that acts like that, he's the sort of guy that ain't gonna' let some creep get his hands on your sister." He said to her. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiled through her tears a bit. "I know... It's just...I've never been this scared before... for so many people..." she said softly while running a hand through her hair and held her hand there while she sipped her tea slightly, calming down while talking to Nathan. (DrTrollinski)
Soon the walkers were dispatched, Hunter putting his glock away only for a moment. Seeing Annie in trouble made him almost jump out to face the runners, but instead he crouched down. Finally he made a sign at Ann, almost as if he was pumping a shotgun and shooting the walker.
".. I was scared too, Ell... it ended up jus' bein' me and Norman together after we... y'know... lost our mom. Norman's pretty scared, too... I can just tell." He gave a slightly humored smile. "He's worried about all of us... I'll promise you now, if he says he's gonna' do something - he'll do it. He won't hold back, and he doesn't lie either." He says while patting her once on her shoulder. "He'll take care of it." He said confidently, nodding once at her. (@Soul OMU)
Annie looked at him slightly and looked around for the said shot gun and found it before pulling it up, she shook slightly as the truck rocked harder this time nearly sending her flying into the driver window. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth smiled a bit as she listened to him, sipping her tea slightly as she put an arm around him and to bring him into an one armed hug. "I know he will... He's pretty great isn't he?" she said with a bit of a smile. (@DrTrollinski)
"The hell does it matter where it came from?" Clay snorted, before practically pushing Norman out the door. He closed it behind him sharply, then turned back to the other two. In case anyone was listening through the door or a left over radio or bug, he leaned close to them and whispered. Tony had already removed her radio, pulled out its batteries and placed it on the table. "Ash, close the curtains and go watch the window." Anyone shooting towards the window would have a harder time with a target as small as the top of a head and a little pair of very sharp eyes. "Tony, what do you think about this?"

"I just told him what I think about it. It's your turn for the smart ideas."

"We either wait here to die like rats or the creepy guy comes in to get us while the grown-ups are away. He skinned the bodies - knifework. Human skin isn't as easily peeled off as animal skin, but we can't get any closer, so there's no way to tell if he's good with a gun. If he survived the zombies this long, he can probably at least use one passably. It's hard to get by with just knives. Where would he have gotten the traps, too? It's not something you find everyday. We obviously don't trust these guys, but it'll be harder if they don't trust us at all, so we can't go out of here, working against that guy's direct orders. In the meantime, we train, and stick together. No matter what."

Tony nodded, then gave a little smile. "No matter what. Ohana means family. Family means-"

"No one gets left behind." Clay agreed. This was the three of theirs little saying together, their secret, because Clay would never be caught dead quoting a Lilo & Stitch line.
With the shotgun in her hand, Hunter then raised his glock. He knew they would swarm him, knowing that he was easier to get to. The booth was chest high with a window as the only way in. They were fast and could probably vault their way in the big slot, but that didn't matter. Hunter began to shoot them, only managing to hit one in the head as they were moving.
Elizabeth smiled a bit and let go of him slightly to finish her tea. "When he's doing making sure everything is locked up, can you tell him to come here. I need to tell him something." she said while putting her mug down. 

Huntrey said:
With the shotgun in her hand, Hunter then raised his glock. He knew they would swarm him, knowing that he was easier to get to. The booth was chest high with a window as the only way in. They were fast and could probably vault their way in the big slot, but that didn't matter. Hunter began to shoot them, only managing to hit one in the head as they were moving.
Annie's eyes widened slightly as she saw what he was doing but quickly brought the window down so she could shoot the zombies since they no longer had their focus on her but on Hunter instead, she just hoped nothing happened to him. (@Huntrey)

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