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Futuristic Brain Burger

Once they had decided on a course of action, the three of them left the room. Ash left his post at the window. He couldn't very well stand there for the rest of eternity, could he? They began exploring the station. Knowing it was likely not safe anymore, they traveled as a group. That was when they bumped into the guy. Opening a random door, they came upon the one they hadn't met, cleaning a large gun. Guards up, in case it was the shady creeper, Tony coughed loudly. "Excuse me."
Hunter looked down to her, his eyes still wide from what he saw. "Good.. good. God I'm lucky you are here." He pulled her into another embrace, this time Hunter flexing to pull her tight, trying to stop her shaking.
firejay1 said:
Once they had decided on a course of action, the three of them left the room. Ash left his post at the window. He couldn't very well stand there for the rest of eternity, could he? They began exploring the station. Knowing it was likely not safe anymore, they traveled as a group. That was when they bumped into the guy. Opening a random door, they came upon the one they hadn't met, cleaning a large gun. Guards up, in case it was the shady creeper, Tony coughed loudly. "Excuse me."
(Might want to tag him.)
firejay1 said:
Once they had decided on a course of action, the three of them left the room. Ash left his post at the window. He couldn't very well stand there for the rest of eternity, could he? They began exploring the station. Knowing it was likely not safe anymore, they traveled as a group. That was when they bumped into the guy. Opening a random door, they came upon the one they hadn't met, cleaning a large gun. Guards up, in case it was the shady creeper, Tony coughed loudly. "Excuse me."
I hate tagging people... I keep forgetting....
He'd wait there for her to fall asleep. Once she's drifted off he slowly rises up, allowing her head to rest on the mattress. He pulls his jacket off of his upper body and then places it down over her body; he walks out and then makes his way downstairs and goes even further to the basement area. He goes into the shooting range and stares down the range, smiling to himself.

"Should make for good practice for everyone during the week..." He muttered to himself while glancing around, thinking about how much ammo they were going to need and who would be practising with what gun; interesting stuff. There was other things he wanted to do before they even thought about shooting guns at paper targets. They needed to prepare for the winter as it was right around the corner.
Huntrey said:
Hunter looked down to her, his eyes still wide from what he saw. "Good.. good. God I'm lucky you are here." He pulled her into another embrace, this time Hunter flexing to pull her tight, trying to stop her shaking.
Annie blinked in surprised and blushed slightly as her face hit his chest slightly and put her arms around him against as he pulled her back into another hug, not realizing she was shaking until she stopped shaking in his arms. "...I'm lucky you're here too." she said softly. (@Huntrey)

(your welcome. xD ) 

DrTrollinski said:
He'd wait there for her to fall asleep. Once she's drifted off he slowly rises up, allowing her head to rest on the mattress. He pulls his jacket off of his upper body and then places it down over her body; he walks out and then makes his way downstairs and goes even further to the basement area. He goes into the shooting range and stares down the range, smiling to himself.
"Should make for good practice for everyone during the week..." He muttered to himself while glancing around, thinking about how much ammo they were going to need and who would be practising with what gun; interesting stuff. There was other things he wanted to do before they even thought about shooting guns at paper targets. They needed to prepare for the winter as it was right around the corner.
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she held onto the jacket slightly while sleeping quietly on her mattress, rolling over slightly while cuddling with his jacket a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
He held her close for some time, but realized what he was doing now was for him and not for the shock, he let go. "Sorry, for the long hug. Just an accident." He rubbed the back of his head, avoiding her gaze.
Annie looked up at him. "It's fine Hunter... I don't mind, remember I needed practice with my hugs if you recall?" she said and smiled a bit in amusement to break the tension.
In the sudden instant that he realized that they had more to do than he first imagined he quickly made his way upstairs and went to the front desk - he dug through every drawer of the receptionist's desk until he found an unused sharpie and a pad of A4 paper. He instantly began writing out the plans for the coming weeks - this would keep everyone in shape and on their toes, and in the end, life would be a lot sweeter than it is now. The first part of the plan was for preparation.

((I'll start writing up the time-skip details on a word document so it's ready to post. I'll RP here still, don't worry :) ))
Hunter gave a chuckle, "Yes yes, I remember." He gave a smile and began to walk back to the truck. "Now you didn't want to see the rest of this place right?".
"When this is all over I'll take you back here, but for now I think it is time to rest." He entered the driver seat, closing his door and locking it. Hunter placed the keys in his pants again, but out of habit, not defense.
"We have the rest of our lives to do it... However short they may be." Hunter put the glock on his lap, then tried to fall asleep.

Conner looked up when he heard the voice. He had been cleaning his pride and joy, the M240 G medium machine gun. "Guessin' you the new ones. How csn I help you?" 
(@firejay1 )
"Uh... Hi." Tony said, awkwardly. "I'm Antoinette, this is Clay, and this is Ash. Who're you? Are you the guy who was watching out for us on the roof?"
"The one and only. Names Conner, Conner McKinley." he replied to the uncomfortable looking children. Perhaps they just weren't used to talking to other people.

(Goin to bed, g'night.)

I'm currently in the process of writing all the details for what's going on in New Hampshire, as that seems to be where everyone's going, at least. You can feel free to write your character's progression over the time skip of ten days once I've got it posted (This is just so there's no confusion before I post it) Thanks!))

((I've put a lot of effort into this - hope it was all worth it. Feel free to create your own character posts now that this story-setter has been put up. I've written everything logically with the deterioration and/or development of any characters I own, with that came the interactions they'd have with others which can be read below.))

In the ten days that went by a lot went on. They met no new survivors, but their group remained strong and more reinforced. On the first day Norman refused to let them be scared into submission by a man in a Church. He left Conner behind while the rest of them went out on a loot run – Norman, Nathan, Elizabeth, Tony, Clay, and Asha. It was a safe enough plan as the man in the church had not given them any trouble overnight. Luckily, right around the corner there was the parking lot where all of the Sheriff’s Department vehicles were kept – they weren’t all there, and a car wasn’t the safest idea, but it was the quickest way to get in and out of the someplace, and also allowed them some more storage space for any loot.

The first day was tough, but it was nothing compared to what they were going to be facing. At least by working together, Nathan and the newcomers got to spend more time together and also managed to show each other what they were capable of – this would have hopefully resulted in more trust being gained on both parties. The first day resulted in warm clothes and jackets, as well bigger blankets and pillows for winter and general usage. Already under Norman’s pushy ways, they’d got some of the most vital things – and looking at the list Norman had made of what they had left to do, they were going to have to double-time it in order to get everything done. That was day one, and they finished up with a meal that was actually cooked and resulted in the day being rather uplifted in general. To finish off the night, Norman would have taken everyone down to the shooting range to see if they knew what they were doing. Everyone was on-cue except Asha and Tony, and although he expected this from people their age, he knew that the shaky aim could end up with them getting bitten or shot by someone else if they couldn’t control it properly – he’d have to do something with them tomorrow to hopefully make him get a little better at it.


The second day was just as successful as it was unsuccessful. Three duffel bags and a gun store – little did they know that someone was actually holding the place down; midway through their looting of high-powered weaponry a horrifying experience happened. The owner, an overweight and angry redneck man, took Nathan around the neck and held him with a gun to his head. With Norman being the priority speaker as well as Nathan’s brother, it was up to him to make sure that they weren’t going to be burying Nathan the next day.

“Now, now, buddy! You gotta’ calm down, alright? Just put the gun down!” He yelled at him, the man shook his head and pressed the gun harder against the side of his head.

“You’re gonna’ get the hell outta’ my store, or I’m gonna’ be shootin’ him to kingdom come!” He yelled back in fury, Norman instructed everyone to lower their guns and he slowly raised his hands, his pistol held tightly in his right hand.

“Tell you what… just let him go, and we’ll leave, okay? We’ll put your guns back…” He quickly turned to them all and forced them to put the bags on the ground. “And we’ll be gone, alright?”

The man stared at him for a moment and then sighed, lowering his gun while he slowly released Nathan – before anyone could react, Nathan pressed the switch on a small item he withdrew from his pocket and sent a small stainless steel blade out of it – he turned and sunk it into the flesh of the man’s stomach – as gory as it was, and as much Asha may have already seen something like this, Norman still ushered him behind Tony so that he didn’t have to witness it on such an extreme level. It just wasn’t fair if he did. Not in Norman’s eyes, at least – after the man dropped to the ground Nathan sat on top of him and continuously drove the blade into his chest, sending splatters of blood up into the air every time he pulled it back. That’s when everyone knew that Nathan had changed in the most horrible and cold kind of way. It took Norman to run up to him and pull him away to stop him, and even when he did, Nathan didn’t cry. He didn’t speak. He didn’t react. He just sat there while the rest of the guns and ammo were gathered up by everyone and piled into the car. In the car journey he remained covered in blood, not saying a word to anyone who spoke to him. He sat there wide-eyed. All day and all night for the whole amount of remaining hours that were left until the next day started – but before all of that happened, when they got back, Norman left Nathan alone for a while and took Asha and Tony to the shooting range where he would have helped them stabilize their shooting more – this may have brought the three closer together, especially seeing as they didn’t have a father figure in their lives at the current time. For the first day, they didn’t make much progress and learning took time, but at least things with the three of them had hopefully become a little smoother.

Weapons Gained:

- 3x M4A1 Assault Rifles.

- 5x 92FS Beretta Pistols.

- 4x 12 Gauge Pump-Action shotguns.

- 2x Savage Mk 12 Hunting Rifles.

- 3x Heckler and Koch MP5 Sub-machineguns.

Attachments Gained:

- Silencer attachments for the looted rifles and the ones back at the station. (Personal)

- Silencer attachments for the handguns they discovered as well as for the ones they have back at the station. (Personal)

- Flashlight attachments for the shotguns both found and at home.

- Different types of sights for the automatic rifles both at home and the ones that were found.


The third day required Norman to be up at 4am, and everyone else to be up at around 6am (He didn’t wake Asha up, only Clay and Tony). It was going to be a heavy-lifting job done by only the three of them while Asha, Conner, and Ellie stayed at the station and held the ground with their newly found firepower. They went to the nearest furniture superstore in a vehicle that Norman had went out and found at 4am without telling anyone. A moving company truck – there was enough space in the back for everything they were going to need – in this case, it was going to be comfort items – they wanted to get every mattress that was available there. First thing was first, they had to work together to clear out the store and the surrounding area of Zeds so that it was safe for them to load the truck up – once this was done, they spent two long and gruelling hours picking up double mattresses and single mattresses – more than they needed, in fact, but Norman wanted to be ready in case any other survivors came by. Their job was far from over, and despite them all sharing a low-five as a way of saying ‘good job’ to each other, the hardest part had just arrived. The truck was backed up to the main door of the building while Conner provided sniper cover from above in case of any Zeds. Thankfully there were no hordes around for the past few days; they now had to carry these mattresses upstairs, but they had the help of Elizabeth this time. Once they were all hauled upstairs they were finally allowed to settle down and have some breakfast. Norman tried a different approach this time with Clay, as he’d realized his previous ones hadn’t been working – he countered his humour and annoyance with similar humour and made the effort to actually try and have a joke around with him now and again – at least this way he could hopefully become more friendly with him alone, but he had no idea how he was going to get closer to Tony in any other ways. Regardless, for the second day he helped Asha and her out in the shooting range again. They obviously already knew the basics, but Norman had a few tricks up his sleeve to make their jobs easier.


Day four. Things were fine. They went and raided a supermarket that was nearby – surprisingly, there was quite a lot of canned food and bottled water left – whoever tried looting it in the first place must have been the last, and that showed how much of a little amount of survivors there were in this town after it all went down. It was almost like a party – there were sodas, beers, whiskeys, wines, lots of water, canned fish, canned beef, canned chicken, ham, corned beef, pork and beans, baked beans, canned vegetables, fruit, deserts. It was potentially the most uplifting thing they’d come across in their few days of looting. And in the storage room there was empty boxes they could put it all in, as well as a couple of boxes of twinkies which was great, seeing as they were long-lasting and delicious.

Day four ended the way the other days Norman had intended them to end – the shooting range with Asha and Tony and anyone else if they wanted to join him, the reviewing and storing of everything they’d looted, and finally, settling down for an evening meal after the long day’s work. Hopefully at meal time they shared friendly conversations now that they’d been working together for quite a while.


Day five, six and seven were spent at the Department – people were hitting the shooting range and generally chilling out after a week of hard work. Norman did his usual stuff – checked the inventory, checked the weapons, did some scouting on the roof and occasionally checked up on everyone to see how they were doing – Asha and Tony had done enough shooting training for now, so he left them both to chill for the day. He congratulated everyone on all their hard work and went around shaking hands or giving high-fives and all the good stuff. It was the following day that took a turn.

All but their regular marksman went out on a loot run to a nearby health and fitness equipment store, as well as a hardware store to pick up some tools – it was all loaded into the back of the truck they’d used the other day, but when they got back and reversed it up to the door, standing in the center of the road a mere ten feet up from the church was the creepy-looking priest, standing there in pristine condition with his hands behind his back; he stares at them with a mere grin but Norman finally decided he’d had enough. He’d halt everyone behind him and walk up, standing a couple of feet away from the person who had been harassing them so much.

“What in the goddamn hell do you want?” He said to him, trying to contain his sheer fury as he clenches his fists.

“What do you think I want, Mister Craig?” He says clearly. Norman would shut his eyes for a moment but would then open them again; when he does, he sees the priest peering off towards Nathan, Tony, Asha, and Clay. He quickly reaches up and delivers a fierce slap to the side of his face, sending his sight away from the four.

“You take your eyes off them!” He snarled, the priest’s grin merely grew wider.

“You cannot delay the inevitable, Mister Craig.” He said in a dark tone. Norman would shake his head a few times and walk around in a small circle, chuckling aloud in anger. He whipped out his AMT Hardballer sidearm and aimed it directly between the eyes of the priest, taking an angered sigh.

“You’re gonna’ back off right now… Or I’m gonna’ cover the street in your blood and brains, buddy…” He said, the priest said nothing. Norman snaps and flips the gun over, forcing it into the man’s hand and then using his own hand to raise his arm – at this time, the gun’s against Norman’s head. “Go on. You kill me and you leave ‘em alone! DO IT!” He screams in his face, sending particles of saliva onto his skin, the priest drops the gun to his feet.

“No, Mister Craig.”

“You know what happens when people fuck with my family?” He says quickly – strange, he referred to the group as family now – while he brought a fist forward and struck him in the jaw; sending him to the ground. “You die… or get very close to it…” He leaned over and picked the gun up. “Now… I’m gonna’ give you one last chance to get the hell out of here and never trouble me or them again.” He muttered, the priest kept his grin as the blood ran down his chin but also nodded, he walked off towards the church. “Remember! STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!” He roars at him before spinning on one heel and walking past everyone. He’d help them all unload the gear and tools, but would then disappear to the dispatcher’s office to sit in the peace and quiet.

Day nine swung around. The usual happened, but there was no sign of the priest whatsoever.

((I’ll write day ten shortly. That’ll be RP’ed when everyone’s ready and hopefully available to RP after the events that I’ve listed above! :) Hope you like it.))

My character's post can be found below. This is where the RP will continue on from:

As the weather of New Hampshire slowly changed; they were going to be appreciating the blankets and clothes that Norman had taken them out to get. There was a bitter nip to the air on this particular morning, but that wasn't all that was knew - Norman was up at five in the morning, as always. He sat down in the old lounge area that he'd only yesterday turned into a gym area with all of the equipment they'd managed to loot - he sat himself down on one of the benches there and peered off out the window, frowning for a moment when he laid his eyes upon... whatever it was that was walking down the street towards the Sheriff's Department. He frowned for a moment and then quickly wiped his eyes, squinting more harshly to get a look at what it was.

".. what the hell...?" He whispered to himself before standing up and quickly making his way upstairs. He went to the armory that was now stacked full of so many guns and so much ammo that they could give a select amount of guns and ammo away to another group and still have plenty left over for themselves. He took a 92FS Beretta pistol and speedily attached a silencer to it; he then went and retrieved the set of keys from his office and then made his way downstairs, quickly unlocking the door and slowly opening it up, the gun at the ready as he checked every angle and alleyway that could hold a potential threat.

When he stared upon the newest creation, sent straight from hell in a hand-basket, he couldn't help but think 'Just end my life now.' - how much longer was this sort of stuff going to go on for? First the runners, and now this? Just what the hell was that thing? It had no eyes but it still walked its way towards Norman - the funny thing was, it was built up of rotting flesh and what appeared to be one hell of a lot of muscle - it may have just been a one-off, but it had no hands and walked like any tough-guy human - in replacement of its hands were the bones of its forearms - they were sharpened, though. What, was this the cavalry of the dead, or something?

Norman sighed in disbelief as he raised the gun, the barrel in-line with this crazy looking thing. It held its arms up, almost as if it was offering him a brawl of some sort. It kept the qualities of a runner, though. The skin still looked intact despite being rotten, but any usual runner would have started, you know... running by now. It was only when it was about five feet away when it snarled and exposed its broken teeth that it lunged towards him in a dash, the sharpened bones pointed towards him - Norman quickly squeezed the trigger with a gasp and sent a bullet into its head, dropping it to the ground like a sack of rocks - the blood slowly poured out all over the road, and Norman carefully walked up and rolled it over with his foot, getting a good look at it for a moment.

"Mmm... ugly bastard, ain't ya'?" He muttered - the chest of the newest find suddenly glows a vibrant red before exploding. The first martyr of the newest undead - it caked Norman in foul-smelling blood which only caused him to gag; he ran back inside, locked the doors, and then got straight into the shower room and stripped off all of his clothes. He didn't care. Hot or cold he needed to get the blood off him; he turned the cold faucet on and sent the cold water raining down on top of him, sighing as it ran down his body - he did his best to scrub the blood away from himself, and he was thankful that he'd got rid of it all. Once he'd gotten out the shower he stepped out, butt-naked, to see the one and only Nathan standing there and looking at him.

".. you okay, Norman...?" He asked, frowning as he quickly ran his eyes up his shivering and naked body. Norman held his arms out by his side and shook his head.

"No, Nathan... believe it or not, I'm not alright." He said in a low tone and very sarcastic manner. "Will you go back to bed, please?!" He yelled, Nathan sighed and shook his head.

"Am I not allowed to use the bathroom anymore?" He said, a spark of annoyance in his voice - ever since he'd stabbed the gun store owner he'd never been the same. Norman grunted, clearly very agitated as he walked over and picked up a towel from the long bench in the center of the room, wrapping it around his body as he walked off to Nathan, gently slapping him on the side of the head.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some sorta' god damn animal, you ungrateful little leech. Do what you need to do and go back to bed, for Christ sakes... it's four in the morning..." He said, picking up his bloody clothes and gun and carrying them out of the room. He went upstairs to the dispatcher's office where he occasionally slept and slipped on some fresh clothes; he heard Nathan return to his room, and then took the liberty of checking on everyone - he finalized his search by checking the room with the three kids beside the radio room. Once he was happy that everyone was safe, he made his way up to the roof and froze instantly.

"Oh... shit..." He muttered in horror as he stared across to the building at the other side of the street; he made his way back down into the building and quietly entered the room with Asha, Clay, and Tony. He went to Tony's side, who'd be asleep on a comfy mattress thanks to the previous orders of himself. He'd reach forward and gently shake her side, whispering to her to avoid waking anyone else up - after a late night on the night before, the whispers weren't awaking anyone else in the room. ".. Tony... you need to get up--.. something's happened." He whispered to her, still shaking her shoulder.
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The past few days had been a flurry of constant activity. On top of going out on raids every day, Tony had been learning how to shoot properly. Asha was improving much more quickly than her, becoming a better shot every day, but this gun business really wasn't for her. She got in a couple good shots, but never anything stellar. The night before, they'd stayed up late practicing shooting and discussing the next day's plans, so she was exhausted and had fallen asleep promptly, but, as always, uneasily. The whispers jerked her into consciousness, and she bolted upright, only managing to prevent herself from hyperventilating by a month's worth of practice at not doing anything too loudly. Seeing what looked like a shadowy mass before her, she fumbled for her kitchen scissors and had almost succeeded in grabbing them, when she realized it was just Norman, and dropped her arm. That was one secret she still hadn't revealed to the rest of them.

The three of them had decided rather entishly that the adults were probably not going to kill or take advantage of them, but especially after seeing the sudden change in the nice boy named Nathan, they weren't about to completely trust them yet. All three of them had tricks up their sleeves for if something bad should happen, even little Ash. The adults had said that Ash could come along from the first raid, much to all of their surprise, and Ash's considerable delight. Tony had been secretly displeased, but Clay had wanted Ash to come out on raids for the experience for a couple weeks now. They hadn't earlier, simply because it was true that they couldn't leave their base unguarded.

That, coupled with the change in Norman's attitude, had brought Clay to accept Norman as "cool enough, even if he is a crybaby man," but he always sat in during their little shooting practices, watching his little family improve, and refusing to leave their side, just as they'd said. When the priest had shown up and eyeballed the four kids, Clay had instantly moved to cover Tony and Ash from the man's stare. The concern he'd felt had immediately been swallowed up by the thought "who the hell are you calling your family?" distracting him from the real issue at hand, but he had not stopped thinking about the priest's bizarre interest in them ever since they'd made it back to the office. The minute the sound of Tony's panicked gasps vibrated his eardrums and sent a signal to his brain, his eyes snapped open, though he made no move and kept his breathing level. She often woke up like this, and usually he'd crawl over to her and give her a hug until she calmed down, but this time it was different. She was moving, shuffling awkwardly. His hand crept to his knife, but the sound of her clothing rustling in her haste and fear stopped, and she seemed to calm. He waited and listened.

Despite Norman's best efforts, Ash had watched without flinching as Nathan stabbed a man ruthlessly to death. He'd flinched the first week, while watching everyone he knew die in one horrible way after another, and he'd flinched the second week when Tony had slammed her pair of scissors deep into the eyeball of an adult who'd put a gun to his head, but after that he'd stopped flinching altogether. The little boy would probably never flinch at anything again for as long as he lived - even if "as long as he lived" wasn't past the year. As a matter of fact, he'd thought being able to go on raids had been exciting, and was very pleased with himself as he saw his aim improving vastly. He knew he'd been right about wanting to come to the man with the honest, sad voice. The older boy, Nathan, though unsettled him. He didn't understand why or how anyone could change that much. More importantly, Tony was worried about him. In his childish way, he didn't like it when Tony was worried, and wanted it to stop, even though he didn't know why. Even as he slumbered fitfully, unaware of Tony's movements a few feet away, his little brow crinkled in concern. "Don't shinpai...." He mumbled in his sleep.

Antoinette looked up at Norman with a sleepy frown. "What's the matter? What's going on?"


Belinda made it into New Hampshire without any problems. Well, without too many problems would be a more accurate description. The walkers had been an expected and unsurprising piece of life at this point, as had her extremely odd and unusual sleeping schedule. The dwindling number of trees had equated to the dwindling number of hours a day she successfully managed to sleep without a zed interruption, but life was tough, boohoo.

No, that had not been the problem. The problem had been these new zombies. These screaming, running variety still couldn't climb, thank every power in existence for that, but they were a nuisance for a girl without a gun. For one thing, they were faster: killing them was harder. For another, they made so much sound that they attracted every walker within a mile. Twice, she had almost gotten caught in another zombie horde. Once, she'd almost gotten bitten by a runner.

But here she was, safe and sound, in New Hampshire. And... completely lost as to what to do next. The girl had said her sister had gone to a college in New Hampshire. New Hampshire was an ENTIRE STATE. Unless she scoured every city for refugees, she'd never find the girl's sister. And anyways, what did she care about Brianna? Except she did care. She didn't want to, but that didn't change much. She wracked her brain for any major colleges in New Hampshire, any starting point. The redhead regretted not paying closer attention to the flood of college junk mail she'd gotten last year, when college junk mail was the biggest worry on her mind. A city name floated into mind. Concord. Maybe that was a good start? Concord, Concord, where was Concord?

Sitting against a wall, partially hidden by a fire escape, Belinda consulted a map of New Hampshire she'd oddly enough found in a "rest stop" near by. She'd been traveling parallel to a big freeway she'd eventually identified as 91. If she kept following that, she'd find a street labeled 9 and could follow that one all the way to Concord. It was a start. The map made no mention about the county she'd be bordering as she followed 91, nor the fact that she'd be cutting through the heart of it by travelling along 9. She had no idea that she was headed straight towards the person she was looking for, or that a short, 6 hours later, she might be meeting them.
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"I need you and you alone to come with me." He took a deep breath as he glanced over his shoulder, taking a deep breath while wiping his face a little. ".. some bad stuff's gone down. Trust me... I only need you for a few minutes, but--.. you need to see this." He whispered while slowly rising to his feet, briefly patting himself down and finding nothing that a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. ".. it's just upstairs, but don't freak out - something needs to be done. Pronto." He murmured quietly, looking off towards the door. ".. I'll wait outside..." He muttered softly, exiting the room and standing outside the open door, leaning against the wall beside it with a sigh. (@firejay1)
Tony rose with a quick nod of understanding, glancing at Ash and Clay just momentarily. They'd promised to stick together, but this sounded urgent, so she quickly grabbed her gun and bow and arrows from her bedside. "I know you're awake." She hissed at Clay, as soon as Norman was out of the room.

He nodded without looking at her and whispered back. "Go. I'll protect Ash, and if you don't return in ten minutes, we'll both come to get you. Ten minutes, understand?"

She indicated she had heard and left the room. For some reason the adults all assumed she was the leader. Tony looked at Norman. "Alright, what is it? Show me."

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