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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Follow me..." He'd lead her up to the roof by climbing the set of metal stairs that were somewhat steep but not a sheer drop or straight-up line. As soon as they reached the roof Norman flicked out a cigarette and lit it, placing it in his mouth and taking a small puff of it; he'd nod off towards the building opposite the one they had taken residence in. On the roof of it there was a large wooden cross stood up perfectly - and nailed and tied to it was none other than the body of a man. They'd heard no screams during the night, nor any construction work, so all of this must have been done while they were out on runs. "Seriously... you wake up, get covered in dead-juice, force yourself to have a cold shower, come up here for a breather and see that great big fuckin' eyesore." He complains as he motions off towards the all so lovely display item that was obviously put up during the night by the priest. "I'm bettin' the sick bastard put this up there when we were all sleepin'. I didn't see anythin' when I was up here last night." He says to her, taking another drag of his cigarette followed by taking a deep breath, placing both of his hands on his hips while he continued to stare off at the crucified individual. (@firejay1

Til' Death Do Us Part (Gabriel Halloran RP)

Gabriel was all well and happy now that the knew the people in the Sheriff's Department had found his lovely little attraction opposite their home. He didn't want them gone, he just wanted certain people - or a certain person - from the group. As much as he was enjoying his early-morning wedding service, the wedded couple that'd he'd managed to pick up didn't share the same emotions when they were strapped to two chairs beside each other.

"So... are you going to help me get one of them, or not? It is your mission from God to help me do so..." He smirked at them both, a scab of a wound cracking on his lower lip as he gave off his distinct grin. After the conflict with Norman the other day he decided to keep his distant. Norman was defensive over the people around him.

"You're a sick, sick man! We'll never help you! I hope you burn in hell you scum!" The man yelled at him, tears forming in his eyes. Gabriel shakes his head and stands up from his seat, walking over to the table in the opposite corner of the room and picking up his signature iron dagger and walking back to them - he made the effort to turn so they were looking at each other.

"Til' death do you part..." He muttered quietly, they both looked at him with stares of horror and confusion. "I now pronounce you husband and wife... you may now kiss the bride." He says as he quickly slashes the woman's throat with the knife; leaning her chair towards instantly towards the man and shoving her face into his own; the man coughs and cries as the blood pours down his body - this was Gabriel's twisted way of making newly-weds 'kiss', it seemed. He pushed the chair back after several seconds and allowed it to fall to the floor, the woman's blood slowly draining; the man would be in nothing but sobs.

"I'll kill you--.. I'll kill you for what you've done!" He cried out, closing his eyes after looking down at the body - Gabriel shook his head and softly side while he walked to his behind, pulling his head back by his hair and placing the blade of the dagger against his jugular.

"No, my son... I'm afraid you won't." He said in a dark tone as he quickly drove the knife across the man's throat as well, followed by pushing the chair back and watching the man drop to the ground. He'd walk out of the room and leave them both there, smiling to himself as he knelt himself down in front of the altar.
Conner woke up rather early that day, a bit odd considering he was beginning to prefer being wrapped up in the nice warm blankets for as long as possible. But he felt like something needed to be done, but first he'd have some coffee or tea, which ever one he grabbed. So, after quickly grabbing one or the other, it was tea, he began to set everything up to make it. 'Thank god for plumbing, and electricity, and gas burning stoves, and...' he thought quietly to himself, listing off most if not all the things they had. But he quickly began to smell something awful, and defiding to see what it was, peeked out the window. The area a few feat away fromthe door was covered in quickly drying blood. They might have lost someone last night, or someone died right outside. Hoping for the latter, he continues making the tea, he'll ask about it later.
Elizabeth had gone much colder and quieter as the days had past, after what had happened with the Nathan and the gun shop owner; she quickly resorted to locking herself up in her room, not bothering to come out unless needed. Too be frank, everything that had happened was putting a strain on her. Recently she had been feeling much more drained and she didn't know why, she just hoped it wasn't anything too bad.

She was thankful for when she had been told that she would be staying back and keeping watch over the station on the third day, she had gotten a lot skinnier and much paler but no one questioned why since after she helped them with the mattresses she quickly retired to her room and ignored and attempts to see if she was alright.


Current Day (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth yawned a bit as she slowly woke up around 6 am, she laid under her covers and thought for a moment if she should get up and get some tea but decided against it since she really didn't feel like getting up or having to see anyone. She then curled up tighter under her blankets and shivered as she felt the harsher winds that somehow managed to get into her room. She wanted to comfort Nate and Norman, but she didn't know how anymore with everything that's happened and she felt more like a nuisance then any actual help since Norman would either be too busy or Nate would just brush her off. Elizabeth was thinking about leaving and maybe trying to find her sister when she heard a knock on the door. (@DrTrollinski) (@firejay1) (@Beowulf)


Current Day (Annie)

Annie yawned as she woke up from her nap, she rubbed her eyes as she looked over at Hunter who was currently driving, they had been on the road and off the road several times in the past few days, they didn't make any more unnecessary stops unless completely necessary since their last stop at the Amusement Park nearly got them killed. Annie still felt like it was her fault, and mulled over what had happened many time in her mind and all the different scenarios that could have happened, they kept her up on hours ends sometimes because some of the scenarios terrified her, she wasn't going to admit anytime soon, but she had gotten close to Hunter and cared about him which scared her a bit. At the beginning of all this, they were merely just two people who were stuck together but made the best of it... Now... Well she shook her head before coming up with the conclusion of that as she looked ahead. "So how much longer until we reach New Hampshire?" she said while playing with the ends of her hair. (@Huntrey)


Current Day (Brie)

Brianna had been travelling with Bellamy, Tess, Skylar and Noah since they had left Orlando, they were making some pretty good time considering they were on foot and were considered easy prey to the walkers and runners, but that was their mistake before they were killed again by their team. Brianna had to say she was quite impressed with how quick Bellamy had learned to use her dagger along with one of her pistols. They had just stopped in Pennsylvania since it was the midpoint between Orlando and New Hampshire, she just hoped that they didn't stay here for long, she had a bad feeling about this place and didn't want to find out. (@32sillylight32) (@Vaila)
Elizabeth would hear the sound of someone pacing up and down the hallway outside her room - the pacing is slow, though. It's not quick and doesn't give off a dangerous or aggressive aura. In fact, the speed of it actually makes it sound quite desperate. @Soul OMU
Hunter wasn't one to dwell on the past, but in these past ten days something has come back to haunt him. Annie and him had been slowly making their way up to New Hampshire, stopping only a few times to relieve themselves and take an opportunity that couldn't be passed. They didn't need anything badly, but knowing they were headed for a place that people were likely to be, extra everything was a nice precaution. After those few stops and gruesome hours on the highway, they were now on the outskirts.

"We are now on the outskirts, but we still have a little ways to the other side of town." He looked at her, his eyes looking a bit tired with the bags forming. In that split second of viewing her, he became saddened, knowing that their time together was dwindling. Soon it would be them and other people, or just the two of them and the grief of killing those people. Either way he didn't know how much longer he could grieve his own loss with her here.
Elizabeth looked up at her door and sighed softly. "Whoever it is... can you please go..." she said slightly raising her voice so they could hear. "Unless... you needed me for something..." she muttered and ran a hand through her messy hair, having not showered in a long time. (@DrTrollinski )


Annie smiled a bit. "That's good to know... Do you want me to drive while you sleep at our next stop?" she said while looking ahead but glancing at him. "Besides you look like you could use the rest." she said while blowing at her bangs slightly so that they were out of her eyes. (@Huntrey)
The footsteps would gradually get slower and stop outside her door. Nathan slowly pushes the door open and stands in the door way, looking at her with wide and pleading eyes - it's like he's trapped; he tries saying something but he just... can't. (@Soul OMU)
He'd merely bow his head and walk inside, shutting the door and then sliding down it to sit on the floor with his back to it; he takes a long and shaky deep breath while he closes his eyes. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter tried to crack a smile, but the exhaustion was coming on too strong, along with his mentality to her being tested. "You drive my pride and joy? Maybe in another ten days." He gave a chuckle, but it formed into a cough. It was just from a dry throat hopefully, "Reach behind me and grab a water bottle.".
Conner heard a quiet conversation, but didn't really care, he was just to tired. The tea was done, or close to it, however. 'I need this.' he thought to himself as he took a sip of the bitter tea. He could add sugar, make it sweet, but he disn't want to waste it. Besides, bitter tea woke you up better.
Elizabeth watches him slightly with tired eyes. "Nathan...?" she said softly while looking at him. "...Did something happen?... Take your time." she said softly while sighing slightly. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie looked slightly worried but said nothing and reached behind his seat to grab a water bottle for him, handing it to him once she sits up right again. "Here you go.." she said after he took the bottle and sat back in her seat, still sitting with her legs under her. (@Huntrey)
He'd frantically shake his head and apply both of his hands to the top of his head, pulling on his hair slightly while he took another deep and devastated sigh, his legs and arms shaking in the slightest. The sun was barely up outside seeing as it was 4am, but they still had a little bit of light. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter pulled over the road to a gas station, putting the truck in park. With his hands off the wheel, he began to drink the water, crushing the bottle as it was void of substance. "Ok... Hop on over here." Hunter patter to his seat as he moved close to the door. "You can steer, but I'm controlling the speed.".
Elizabeth stayed in her bed, wanting to go over to him but not moving because she had distanced herself from the others. She sat and waited, waiting for him to work up what he wanted to say since he had been the one outside her door and wanted to see her. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie looked at him in surprise but slide over into the driver seat with him, since she didn't take up much space since she was quite small. "Alright... This is going to be interesting..." she said while lightly putting her hands on the wheel. (@Huntrey)
".. I can't do it anymore--.." He spluttered suddenly in a whimper, giving a quick and quiet sob as he only bowed his head even lower. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter put his right leg under her body, lifting her up off the seat a bit as she got seated on his thigh. Putting his foot on the brake, he reached in front of her to change gears into drive, only four wheel drive. "Don't ruin my baby ok? Here we go." He let his foot off the brake and lightly on the gas.
Elizabeth watching him, gripping the blankets tightly. "Can't do what anymore Nathan...?" she said while looking at him, her hazel eyes not holding their usual glimmer. (@DrTrollinski )


Annie blinked in surprise at the sudden movement but nodded. "I won't... Promise." she said softly as she started to steer the truck with ease, while also being careful not to move around too much. (@Huntrey)
".. I killed someone--.." He burst out into tears. "I stabbed that man! I just stabbed him and I--.. I-- I killed him!" He sobbed, instantly covering his face with both of his hands. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth's face fell a bit as she realized he had been putting up the cold front all this time... just to hide his own fear and terror, she sighed softly before whistling slightly to get his attention and patted the bed next to her. "Come here..." she said softly, while looking at the young boy. (@DrTrollinski)
He crawled along the floor on all fours and collapsed onto the mattress beside her, setting his head and eye-line down on her right leg where he continued to sob and cry to her, his whole body shaking. ".. every night--.. I--.. I see it... I see the blood--.. and I see everyone else--.. they all see me as some--.. some sort of fucking psycho..." He bawled, giving that surprising use of profanity in his sentence. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth lightly ran a hand through his hair as she tried to soothe him. "I guess they just weren't expecting such a thing from you... No one was really prepared for what you did.. But if you hadn't... I don't think we would be in such as great shape as we are now... Times are tough on everyone... This whole thing... it changes people... and not usually for the better... not with all that's happened..." she said softly while slightly moving him up closer to her so she could hold him. "...Your not a monster Nate... Far from it... Many people have done much worse then you..." she said softly while holding him. (@DrTrollinski)
"I know--.. I just... it just happened because--.. I was sick of bein' the one who was the weakest... I've been taken up at gun point like that before... and--.. I just don't want it to happen again..." He sniffles. ".. now everyone's scared of me, though... Norman hardly talks to me because all I've been doin' is fighting with him..." He says in a murmur, sighing quietly thereafter. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth held him close and sighed softly. "Oh Nathan... " she said softly while stroking his hair slightly. "I'm not scared of you... I just haven't really... been feeling up to my prime... I just didn't want to worry you or Norman..." she said quietly. "If you'd like... I can try to talk to him for you if you'd like...?" she said softly while looking down at him. (@DrTrollinski)
"I--.. I... maybe later, Ell... he's in a bad mood right now and I think it'd be best if we left him to d0--.. whatever it is he's doing for a while." He stated with a curt nod, sniffling and then wiping his eyes; he looks up and glances around the room for a few moments, and then down at the mattress they were sitting on - it was one of the new mattresses they'd got on the loot run during the week. It was a damn sight more comfy than the last one she had. "What are we gonna' do now... ?" He asked hesitantly. (@Soul OMU)

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