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Futuristic Brain Burger

Norman went downstairs with his rifle after leaving the room and went into the room that was supposedly meant to serve as a lounge for employees, but merely had a couple of benches in there and a tiny 20-year-old TV in there - either the Cheshire County Sheriff's Office didn't have a high budget, or their employees were too busy or dedicated to spend too much time in there. Regardless, he pushed one bench up towards the window and then set his head and rifle down on the window ledge, peering off into the distance for anything suspicious.

"Sure I can..." He said to her while he stood up and wandered out of the room. He went downstairs and searched around for Norman for a while, eventually finding him sat in the apparent 'lounge' area. "Norman. Ell wants to speak to you upstairs..." He said to him, Norman sighed and left the rifle on the window ledge.

"Alright... come and keep watch with this rifle and I'll go talk to her. You know how to hold it and all that?" He asked him, Nathan rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yes, Norman. I do. I've seen you usin' it enough to last me a life-time. I've got it, don't worry." He said with a quiet laugh, Norman forced a smile at him as he stood up and walked out of the room, rustling his hair with his hand as he went by; he slowly climbed the stairs and went into Elizabeth's room, peering down at her for a moment.

"Hey, Ellie... you doin' alright?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
The four other runners all looked towards him as the bullet entered different parts of their bodies. With one of them down they began to run towards him, giving up on the woman in the truck. Hunter took another out as they ran towards him, but soon they both vaulted into the window. Only one made it through, taking Hunter down out of Annie's view. The other ran back to the truck, going to get a running start again.
Elizabeth smiled a bit. "Thank you Nate..." she said softly as she waited for Norman, it wasn't long before Norman came to her room. "Hey Norm... I'm fine now.." she said softly as she hugged her knees. "I just... needed a bit of time... I also wanted to tell you something..." she said softly and patted the spot next to her. (@DrTrollinski

Huntrey said:
The four other runners all looked towards him as the bullet entered different parts of their bodies. With one of them down they began to run towards him, giving up on the woman in the truck. Hunter took another out as they ran towards him, but soon they both vaulted into the window. Only one made it through, taking Hunter down out of Annie's view. The other ran back to the truck, going to get a running start again.
Annie screamed a bit in surprise when she lost sight of Hunter but kept shooting at the runners who decided to come at her in the truck again. "Please be okay...Please be okay..." she kept whispering while shooting. (@Huntrey)
Norman would give a half-smile and scratch his short beard as he walks over and sits on the mattress beside her, tucking his legs up somewhat close and leaning forward, resting his forearms atop his knees. "Good... I understand you got a little scared by all that--.. I promise I'm gonna' keep you all safe if it's the last thing I do." He muttered to her, before checking to make sure that the door was shut. Which it was.
Annie's bullet rang out, destroying the last runner out there. The park was cleared, nothing that was alive or not alive was coming anymore. The gate was crowded with zombies, but they couldn't get in. Hunter could be heard grunting along with the runner, both fighting. The runner had managed to get on top of Hunter, Hunter had a control of its arms, but only his legs controlled whether the zombie could bite him. He was beginning to falter at its sheer strength.
Elizabeth smiles a bit while hugging her knees. "I know... Nate and I have faith in you." she said softly while leaning towards him to rest against him slightly. "I'm glad your here with me..." she said softly. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie quickly got out of the truck and rushed over to the ticket book before shooting the runner in the back of the head while making sure to miss Hunter, instantly killing the runner as it dropped on Hunter. (@Huntrey)
Hunter yelled, but it quickly turned to a grunt as the runner landed on him. Showing off his muscles, he pushed the zombie to the side, sighing in relief. He didn't get up, but sat there breathing heavily.
".. right back at you, Ellie... I see every person here as family... over the next couple of weeks I'm gonna' try and get more involved with them... hopefully make a few more friends. I'm gonna' try and get a bit closer to Nathan as well... I can see how much he's... changed, I guess." He said quietly, taking a soft deep breath. He moved one arm around her and pulled her close to him, chuckling softly while he thought to himself about something - he'd seem to be suddenly quite excited and happy, which was a rather sudden and questionable emotion. (@Soul OMU)
Annie panted softly, shaking slightly as she looked at him to make sure he wasn't bit before looking at the zombies behind the gate. "So... is this how we have fun at an amusement park?" she asked while offering him a hand. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth smiled a bit and curled against him slightly, resting her head against him. "Well he is a growing boy... Of course he's going to change..." she said softly while looking up at him slightly, her pale hazel eyes shining slightly in the faint light. (@DrTrolliski)
"He is, but that don't mean we can't help him along the way." He smiles at her and leans back against the wall with his arm still around her body; he reaches up with his free hand and quickly rubs his hair for a few moments. ".. we'll see if we can contact your sister at some point soon... just as soon as this fucker in the church is out of our hair." He muttered to her. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she leans against him. "lright... That's fine by me..." she said as she lightly reached up and stroked his cheek slightly with her fingers slightly while looking up at him. (@DrTrollinski)
"Where would I be if you didn't come along, Ellie?" He says quietly to her, peering down at her and looking into her eyes while giving a faint smile. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter took her hand, shock still in his eyes as he hopped over the booth. Once on the other side, he stood there, holding her hand. He was still breathing heavily, but other then the shock he was fine.
Elizabeth smiled a bit while looking up at him, lightly stroking his cheek with her fingers. "I don't know... But i'm glad I'm here now... and here I'll stay..." she said softly. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie holding his hand, looking at him and vaulting into his arms. "Oh my god... Your okay..." she said softly while holding onto him. (@Huntrey)
"Heh, well we ain't goin' nowhere, so you better not think about leavin' us just yet." He laughs as he uses the arm that's wrapped around her body to pull her down into a laying position on the mattress. They'd both be laying on their sides, face-to-face with each other. He chuckles for a few moments more while he looks into her hazel eyes. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter stood there momentarily, sizing up the situation. He wrapped his arms around her, letting his head fall onto her shoulder. "No... More.... Amusement parks..." His joking tone making its way back into his voice through the pants.
Elizabeth smiled a bit as she stared into his eyes. "I'm not planning on going anywhere... Norm..." she said softly while looking at him, this was nice, being able to be close like this with him. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie holding onto him tightly, shaking slightly before laughing softly. "Alright... No more amusement parks..." she said softly while pulling back to look at him. (@Huntrey)
"We're just here now... it's so quiet... so peaceful - it's a nice change, isn't it?" He says to her, his face inching slightly closer to her own. (@Soul OMU)
He slowly pushed his lips against hers, breaking the tension and giving her a passionate kiss. He closes his eyes while it goes on for around ten seconds before opening his eyes and slowly pulling away, taking a deep breath and chuckling in slight amazement while looking at her.

".. I love you, Ellie..." He whispers, grinning slightly. (@Soul OMU)
".. I'm gonna' keep you say until the day I die... I swear by it." He moves one arm over her and sets his head down on the mattress, taking a deep breath. (@Soul OMU)

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