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Futuristic Brain Burger

Hunter chuckled, "An amusement park? I doubt any of the rides work. Are you sure?". He then realized she might want to go for some other reason besides reliving her memories as a child.... "We can go though, which exit is it?".
Annie smiled a bit before looking at the map. "The next exit." she said and looked at him. "I'm sure, I just want to see what one looks like.." she said slightly while looking at the road.
Skylar and Noah slowly woke up from their sleep. They didn't realize that there was practically no one to watch over. Noah was the first to stand up and check for his weapons. He sighted in relief as everything seemed to be there. He looked up at Skylar, '' Come on Sky...Let's get going.'' he said kindly as he stretched. It felt good sleeping after so long.
"The bear trap ma--?" He stopped when he realized what Asha was talking about, he removed one hand from his rifle and gently set it down on Asha's head, ruffling his hair for a moment. "You sure are a smart kid, you know that?" He complimented, forcing a smile at the child. "He might just be right... it'd make sense if those aren't Zed bodies either - the bear traps might have just been sittin' there waitin' for some poor guy to run into 'em. Okay... let's think..." He wandered away from Asha and looked out the window, taking a deep breath as he did so. "It ain't far from where we saw the bear traps, either..." He muttered quietly.

"Okay, guys... I need you all to keep an eye out. When we went by the church earlier on, did you see anything or anyone other than the bear traps? Any one at all? Asha? Tony? Clay?" He asked them all, keeping his eyes locked on the pile of burning bodies. (@firejay1)
Ash grinned, pleased with himself. "I know. Clay says that's why they keep me around."

"I thought I saw a man, in the window of the church, but when I looked, there was no one there." Tony volunteered.
He frowned slightly at Asha's comment but then smiled and shook his head with a brief chuckle. "Nice..." He said while chuckling, looking at Clay for a second.

He quickly turned to Tony, one brow raised. "You think you saw someone? Now that's just too damn convenient... I've been 'seeing' someone now and again since we first got here - thought I was going damn crazy. This just ain't right... you're all good at keeping yourselves safe, so I'll give you the responsibility of being our main overwatchers from the department building - you seem to be good scouts when it comes to it, so if we keep an eye out we can nab the guy before he gets close to us... we don't know if he's targeting us or not... any ideas, guys?" He asks them.

"Maybe he's trying to scare us?" Nathan suggested, Norman turned and looked at him for a moment and then looked around the rest of them for either an agreement or a disagreement. (@firejay)
Elizabeth hugging herself slightly while watching from the doorway, thinking about on the time he was showing her around and he said he saw something and she hadn't. She froze slightly at this and thought, if there is a man out there... and he can get in this building without them knowing... he was obviously trying to kill them...
Clay gave a little harrumph, noticing Norman's look. He'd said that as a joke, for cripe's sake. "O' course he's trying to scare us. I'll bet he's trying to get the adults to leave the building, get the weaklings alone." He snorted in disgust.

Tony spoke up. "We're okay scouts, but we don't know the area, and we specialize in staying above the action before getting to it first. That means knowing every rooftop and tree around. How to get up to it, and make sure no one sees you while you're up there. If you want, we'll be happy to watch the building, but everyone should be in the same place, if we're going to do it. In a room with no secret entrances, and only one door, would be great. I'd rather be trapped in a room with a maniac, than be looking behind my back while facing one."
Norman's look that he gave Clay would have been one of humour anyway - he'd depicted it as a joke in the first place. For the most part.

"I don't know... what about the run we were gonna' do? There's no way I'm leavin' any of you alone with this psycho runnin' around - he's good at messin' with us, it looks like. We either sit here and wait for this guy to pop out, or head out on the run and see if he follows... and I hate to say it, Clay... but I think you might be right... he might just be tryin' to get to all of you - and judging by all of that out there? I'd say he's done a pretty good job of taking care of people..." He muttered quietly to them all, peering back out the window. "I personally think that the best thing we could do right now is to stick together, but we can't leave this place alone or he'll get in and wait for us, I bet." He added, walking over and leaning against the desk, shaking his head.

"Anyone else got any bright ideas?" He asked the people who were within earshot. (@Soul OMU)
"Sure, they were pretty beautiful if I remember correctly. Been a while since I even thought about going to see one." Hunter made his turn, barely missing a walker on the road. "Have you never been to one?".
Elizabeth decided to go to the kitchen to get herself some tea to help her calm down a bit from her thoughts. As she was heating up the water, she shivered a bit as if suddenly cold, feeling a dark feeling.


Annie shook her head, watching the road ahead. "No... I never had the money to go to one..." she said while hugging her knees. (@Huntrey)
Clay leaned back against the wall, with a little tsk. Tony spoke, instead. "Of course we're staying here. Even on runs, we don't leave the house alone. We always leave a third party at home. If you've seen him in here before, it tells you something important: he's not going to kill us. Not here. Think about the bear traps. He's going to kill us on his home turf, even if that means taking us OUT of here."
"Lucky for you, money has recently gone out of style." Hunter remarked as they slowly stopped at the gates. It was locked by the looks of it, but that only increased the smile on his face. Hunter never got to show it, but some of the explosives he gained from the base were pretty fun. "You said you are handy right?".
Annie smiles a bit and her eyes glittered at the idea. "I am, you thinking what I am?" she said while looking at the lock, it wouldn't be hard to pick it but she had a feeling they would go much bigger for this. (@Huntrey)
Hunter drove the truck a little farther from the gate, the back facing it. "I have a couple grenades back there. Nothing fancy, but if you can give me a target to shoot that will release the pin then we won't even have to get near the gate.".
".. I never saw him IN here... I saw him on my first night outside the main door but I thought it was a trick of the mind because I was tired. I saw him the second time when Elizabeth arrived and I was showing her around - saw him in the same place. She didn't see him, though... I think one of the most able-bodied people should stay here when we go out - right now, that's me, Elizabeth, and Conner. Seeing as I and Elizabeth are gonna' to be goin' on the runs with people, that leaves one person." He says calmly, curling his dry lips inwards and quickly licking them with his tongue.

".. I think we should just stay here--.. if that guy can kill this many people, I don't think it'd be hard for him to kill one person in here..." Nathan stated, Norman wiped the side of his face with his right hand and took a deep breath.

"Strength in numbers, as they say... maybe the better plan is to wait it out for a while. At least until the fire's gone out - for all we know, the smell of that could attract the dead from miles off - even if we don't run into the guy, we'd be no better off if we got cornered by several hundred of them..." He stated simply, leaning onto the frame of the window. (@firejay1)
Annie nodded and got out of the truck while going around to the back to get at the explosives, once she got them, she walked over to the gate and looked for some scrap metal or something to help her to make a good target. After finishing fixing up the grenade with a target that would trigger the grenade once shot she got back in the truck. "We're ready to go." (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth finished making her tea as she walked back over to where the others were to hear the last part of the conversation. "So we're staying here for a bit?" she said softly while looking quite tired. (@DrTrollinski)
".. until we know exactly what we're dealing with, I'd say that's the best plan we have. For all we know he might have someone helpin' him out, so if there is more than one, it'd be a bad idea to leave one guy behind here." He said to them. "Maybe it's some sort of cult - it wouldn't surprise me in this world." He added on, taking a deep breath as he shook his head and walked away from the window, his rifle propped up and rested against the shoulder of the arm he had it held in. (@Soul OMU, @firejay1)
Tony shook her head. "They target the living, not the dead. I don't think it'll bother them, overmuch. I don't think he killed them all at once either. There aren't enough peopl left for that. He'd have to have collected them. Besides, he won't come in unless someone comes out. Even if we wait, he'll just keep trying to smoke us out, and eventually we'll have to leave. You two might as well go."
Hunter opened his door, his SCAR already aimed towards the gate as he jumped down. "Cover your ears." The only thing she would hear before Hunter pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the scrap metal and sending the pin flying. With that Hunter crouched down behind his door, awaiting the explosion. After eight seconds, give or take a few, it exploded; sending the lock to hell.
Elizabeth sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. "Great... Just Great... cuz we need more problems... that smell is probably going to bring the whole Z population here... Cuz that's how they know... And if we go... arm yourselves obviously. Cuz he might come while we are gone..." she said softly before deciding to go to her room to have some quiet time with her tea. 

Huntrey said:
Hunter opened his door, his SCAR already aimed towards the gate as he jumped down. "Cover your ears." The only thing she would hear before Hunter pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting the scrap metal and sending the pin flying. With that Hunter crouched down behind his door, awaiting the explosion. After eight seconds, give or take a few, it exploded; sending the lock to hell.
Annie covered her ears as he told her, and ducked down lower in her seat. Once she was sure it was done, she slowly looked up and uncurled herself, looking at the now destroyed fence. "There, but now we will obviously have some company." she said with a small smile. (@Huntrey)
Hunter maneuvered back into his seat, closing his door and putting it in reverse. "Well obviously you will stay in the truck as I take care of them." His was soft, but had that aura of mocking sternness. Hunter didn't want her to face anything she didn't have to.
"We're doing the run together or not at all, but you're right. He'll keep trying to draw us out..." He mutters to them, but he falls silent when his hand-held radio attached to his belt begins to crackle and let out the sound of static - it then fades into the sound of a somewhat raspy voice speaking.

"By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken for you are dust, and to dust you shall return..." The voice mutters quietly, Norman would frown and shudder for a moment as the chilling sentence is read out. He quickly flicks the radio off and slams it down onto the desk.

"Damn it! He's been listenin' to our radio messages... Jesus Christ... that means he knows how many of us are here, how many people have arrived, any plans we've been discussing... Oh, how great... Just what the hell are we going to do now?" He says, harshly rubbing his cheeks with the fingers of his free hand. (@firejay1)

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