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Futuristic Brain Burger

Elizabeth sighed softly while running a hand through her mess called hair. "Well... First things first... I need a shower... then i guess i'll go to the kitchen to finally have something to eat... actually i'll probably have some tea." she said softly with a small smile and got up slightly, a faint glimmer shined in her eyes again slightly. "I'll meet you in the kitchen okay?" she said while headed to the door with some fresh clothes. (@DrTrollinski)
"Because you're one of the only people who hasn't lost their head yet, or isn't so pent up on paranoia that they won't prioritize. We know the priest did this, and the way the creepy bastard was lookin' at you all made it obvious that he's interested in gettin' hold of at least one of ya' - this is just a threat. But there's a message behind it, I bet--.." He paused while he took a quick puff on his cigarette. "In the bible Jesus came back from the dead after bein' crucified-slash-defeated by whoever the hell it was - the other day, I scared the guy off. He was defeated, so he's comin' back, comprende?" He said, shaking his head.

"I don't know, Tony... but this is goin' on long enough... he's gonna' keep up at this. Shit, how do you know that ain't gonna' be one of US up on a cross come Monday morning?" He asked, bouncing his shoulders lightly. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter didn't think anything of the movement, but her surprise at it nearly made him curse himself. She was so much like her, always so stubborn, but always so shy. "You can drive to the police station (that is where they are all at?) on the other side of town.". He hit the gas a little more, wanting to see a smile on her face.
Elizabeth showering, relaxing slightly as she felt the warm water against her skin as she scrubbed and cleaned herself. Once she was done, she dried her hair with a towel and redressed herself with clean clothes and made her way to the kitchen where she saw Connor sitting making some tea. "Mind if I use some of the hot water?" she asked while getting out two cups and a tea bag for herself, earl grey for herself. (@Beowulf) (@DrTrollinski )


Annie nodded as she continued to steer/drive the truck down towards the Sheriff Department, keeping an eye out for any hordes. "What happens if we come across any hordes Hunt?" she asked while looking ahead but glancing at the alleys and dead bodies. (@Huntrey)
Tony looked up at him, one eyebrow raised. She was more surprised by his reaction than by the cross. "I don't know." She shrugged. "But I wasn't even sure we were going to last the month when this whole started. Why worry about evils you can't do anything about, when there are equally dangerous evils we can fight out there? Anyways, getting it over with was what we wanted from the very beginning, but you said to wait, so we did. If you're tired of waiting, make a plan." She gave a funny little shrug of her shoulders, as if to say "wasn't this all obvious from the beginning?" and walked back to her room, slipping inside.

Clay was up, sitting cross-legged on his part of the mattress. "So, what was it?" He asked seriously. She told him. He chuckled to himself. "Sick, man. I should get him to be my interior designer."

"I think Norman wants to make a plan against the priest, Clay, this is serious."

He rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Finally. Took him long enough. We've been ready forever." It was said, grimly, though. "Alright, I'm getting some breakfast. Bring Ash, would you?" She nodded and the two of them went out. 
"Help your self." Conner said before stifeling a yawn. It was to early for him, especially sense he tossed and turned all last night with finishing the details on an idea. People and zeds could easily get in, and doors, walls, and windows could only do so much.
Elizabeth gave him a nod and walked over and poured herself some hot water and put her earl grey tea bag in to soak as she sat down at the table. "Finally... God it's been a long time since i've had tea... 10 days I believe..." she said while sipping it and looking towards Nathan as he walked in. "Hey Nate." (@Beowulf) (@DrTrollinski)
Norman would have shook his head, tossed his cigarette of the roof in annoyance and followed her back inside and back to the room; he'd wait outside for them to exit and would walk behind them.

"Breakfast at four-thirty in the morning. Something I thought I'd never have to go through - and Clay, you may be right - we may have been ready 'forever', but at the same time this guy's just as much of a danger to us as we are to him - there's no way of knowing if he has friends, guns, you name it - why? Because he sits in that damn church all day, and seems to know whenever we've gone to sleep before he does his work. There's one last thing I want you and Tony to help me with - this should have been done durin' the week, but we got a bit caught up and you all put a lot of work in, so I gave you a break. We might be able to do it today - I'll explain over breakfast." He said to him while keeping up with their pace, taking a deep breath. "Seriously, someone needs to throw a handle at this guy so he can get a grip." He added on after a few seconds, giving a faint grin after shooting that poor but someone well thought-out joke. (@Soul OMU)
"Morning." he managed to get out. He'll just wait on getting their opinion on his plan until they were all a bit more awake. "Hey, any of you two know why there's a bunch of blood right outside the door?" They might not know either, but it was worth a shot.
Hunter gave a tired chuckle, "Then you will get to see just how much horse power this baby has.". He wasn't watching the road, but letting his foot keep a slow steady pace as he closed his eyes.
Norman would presumably walk in with the three kids at around the time he was mid-sentence. "Yeah. That's somethin' for ya' - that blood was all over me not too long ago. I'll explain in a moment..." He says before walking over and dragging three chairs from the corner of the room and over to Clay, Tony, and Asha. He'd set them in front of them and allow them to do what they please with them. Norman would walk over and sit down opposite Nathan, peering around for a moment in an awkward silence. (@firejay1) (@Beowulf)
'Might as well do it while they're all here.' Conner thought. "Hey guys, I was thinking last night. Things can get right up to us when we don't have people on over watch. I was thinkin' we build a wall around. It'll be loud, but in the end it'll keep most zeds out rather easy."
((The "would" grammar again. Woah, how'd Norman hear them in a closed-door room? Sneeeaaaaky.))

Tony was holding Ash in her arms, looking over her shoulder sleepily at Norman. Tony and Clay both stared at him with a "what's wrong with this guy?" look when he made the very bad joke about getting a grip, but then waited for him to continue, as Tony sat down, Ash still in her arms, and let Clay get the food. She looked over at Nathan and smiled. "Good morning, Nathan. You feeling okay, today?" She was possibly the only person who still treated him without wariness, because she'd gone through that stage at some point, too. So had Clay, but he was always wary of people, and hadn't let Ash stay around Nathan alone. After issuing a quick greeting to Connor, she looked up at Norman. "So, you going to tell us the big secret now?" (@DrTrollinski)
Huntrey said:
Hunter gave a tired chuckle, "Then you will get to see just how much horse power this baby has.". He wasn't watching the road, but letting his foot keep a slow steady pace as he closed his eyes.
Annie smiles a bit while looking ahead, driving/steering the truck as they started to go faster, laughing softly as they got closer and closer to the building. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth blinked at the news Nathan told them. "Really...? How interesting... But... if we have that much fuel it's also a danger.. if someone lights our... Nevermind..." she said while sipping her tea, letting the kitchen fall back into silence. (@DrTrollinski) (@Beowulf) (@firejay1)
((Because Norman's an intrusive little tyke, that's how ;) In all seriousness I thought the door was open but whatever, what happened happened.))

"I'm feeling much better, thank you..." Nathan gave a slow nod and uneasy smile, but his eyes didn't look anywhere near as psychotic as they had been over the past few days.

"Oh yeah. I'll tell you the big secret." He stood up and took a load of cereal bars from the cupboard before setting them down in the center of the table. "Best I can offer right now." He muttered before sitting back down, leaning onto the table slightly. "First off. There's one thing out of all the cool stuff we've had - that's medicine. We've got basic crap, in all honestly. Bathroom medkits and over-the-counter Tylenol. With winter comin' up we need proper medicine, antibiotics, and all the good stuff. Let's see..." He'd glance over the three of them for a moment before looking at Asha, a half-smile on his face. "Now. We're gonna' get EVERYTHING we need at a hospital, but--.. Ash. You're a smart kid - what do you think the danger of goin' into a hospital is right now?" He asked him as he picked up a cereal bar and opened it up, taking a bite while awaiting his answer. (@firejay1)
Tony's grin grew wide at Nathan's response, and she gave him a thumbs up. Ash looked up at Norman with wide eyes, yawning and furrowing his brow as he thought. He wanted to prove himself. "Uhm.... God-man ga ittete... soshite, there are zombies, and a hospital has ooi rooms, so it's easy for anyone to kakurete... and then, we don't shitteru where the medicine is!"

Tony looked up at them. "I got most of it, but do you guys need a translation?"

Clay just muttered, "If you get him to quit it, you wouldn't have to ask that, would you?" She gave him a quick glare that promised a whack or two later, but for now, she was holding Ash and didn't have hands free.
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"Hit me. Translate." Norman said, he gave 'good job' sort of wink at Ash and then looked back up to Tony for a moment, followed by looking over at Nathan for a split-second when he noticed his change in mood. With the raise of one of his eyebrows he quickly looks back to Tony, listening to her translation.
Elizabeth sipped her tea, not looking at anyone, to be honest; she hadn't been her best and she had lost quite a bit of weight in the past ten days, her clothes hung off her frame quite loosely. "I would say good morning... but in all honestly it obviously hasn't..." she said while swirling her tea a bit around in her cup. (@DrTrollinski) (@Beowulf) (@firejay1)
Tony just gave him a look. "For someone who's been around him a lot the past few days, I thought it'd be obvious. Ash said, there's the priest, and there are zombies around. A hospital has a lot of rooms, so it's easy for someone to hide, and we don't even know where the medicine is. He's got a point, those are all big problems. I'm guessing you've got a plan to deal with that?" She shifted Ash a little in a motherly fashion, as Clay set down her and Ash's portion of breakfast, before sitting down himself.

Clay looked at Elizabeth without sympathy. "What happened to you?" That was when Tony punched him. She'd actually been shifting Ash to get her right hand free. 
@Soul OMU
He sighed and applied his hands to his face, slowly rubbing it with a deep breath. "Good job, Ash..." He said, "I was givin' him some involvement, Tony--.. whatever. How about this everyone." He quickly looks up and glances around them all. "Nathan... you researched all this stuff before--.. where would they keep medicine and general supplies?" He asks, Nathan looks up for a moment and gives a soft sigh.

"Most general supplies and excess stuff would most likely be on the first floor nearby the elevator so it can be moved to a certain floor if needed. They'll be medicine on every floor, but your best bet would be to check the storage on the first floor first - there may be a lot of zeds, but you need to think about the fact that when people didn't know what this outbreak did, they would have moved the sick into isolation, of which is separated from the rest of the hospital, commonly on the top floor. As soon as one person turned in the emergency room, anyone alive would have sprung and made a run for it instead of staying around to get chewed up." He said confidently as he lied back in his chair, sighing softly once again.

"Well there we go. We'll do that today when we get the chance - before that, though... there's something I want to cover. I woke up this morning at four o'clock, like always, and I decided to go down into our newly-constructed gym and take a look on the streets, when all of a sudden, surprise surprise, I saw something I'd never seen before." He went on, biting into his cereal bar and swallowing it. "I saw somethin' that looked like a runner, but... instead of hands it had the bones of its forearms, all sharp and fancy, etcetera, etcetera. This thing walked up to me, and when it was about five feet away it lunged at me, obviously lookin' to stab me with those sharp little bones of his. I shot it, all well and good, and I was standin' over it - its chest blew up and covered me in the most foul-smellin' stuff I've ever smelt in my life. Now. I don't know where the hell that thing came from, but all its teeth were broken, so I'm guessin' it chewed away the hands and sharpened the bones itself - anyone else have any theories?" He asked, glancing around slowly. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth's eyes widened as she heard the description, she had seen one of them before when she had been back in Illinois. "Oh god... No...no no no no..." she said and got up swiftly before heading back to her room and closing herself into it, shaking slightly, not wanting to talk about this since her father had become one of those things but she had recognized him and almost got killed for hesitating. (@DrTrollinski) (@firejay1) (@Beowulf)
Norman would watch her walk out in slight concern, sighing thereafter. ".. Nathan... you know the drill..." He said quietly. He was too tied up in planning with everyone else to divert attention elsewhere. Nathan nodded with a soft sigh and stood up, whispering a brief goodbye to the five of them as he went past. He went upstairs and knocked on Elizabeth's door. (@Soul OMU)

Norman looked back to Tony.
Elizabeth shaked fiercely as she leaned against her door, trying to hold back her fear and pain. "Please... just go... I-I need to be alone Nate..." she said softly as she clenched her hands tightly and bit her lip to keep from crying out. Wishing that this thing, didn't exist but it did and she couldn't escape the pain it brought especially when it had her dad's face. (@DrTrollinski)

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