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Futuristic Brain Burger

Tony shrugged, as she watched Nathan and Elizabeth leave, worry in her eyes. "I have no idea, Mister. But you sure have a lot of strange ones here in New Hampshire, dontcha? We never saw anything like that in Pennsylvania." Ash began to fall asleep on her shoulder again. "Do you think the bones can transform people, though?" That was the main point of concern, for her.
"Alright, alright..." Nathan says, holding his hands up to the door. He sighs as he turns and walks away - he goes back to his own room and lies down on his mattress, his head rested on his hands. (@Soul OMU)


He'd pause for a moment. "I don't know... so far I've only seen it happen through bites - with the broken teeth and no hands, what does that mean? It's harder for them to get a hold of their target - the point of the bones must be to kill ya' so it can eat you easy. Now, seein' as it walks up to you like normal human, you can kill 'em quick - but if it comes up behind you, that's a different story, I bet." He said, frowning for a moment at the cereal bar before shifting it aside on the table.

"Now... about the hospital... I want you and Clay with me. We can get in an out quickly - seein' as it's quite literally west of the station over all the buildings, we're close, so we take a cruiser, load it up, bring it back. My scouting's told me that there's no hordes in the area, so it's a lot safer to go now than any other time." He looked down at Asha and took a deep breath, giving a somewhat saddened frown for a moment. "Asha's stayin' here, and that's final. It's too risky to bring him along this time, and not only that, but the poor kid looks drained. He should stay back here and rest if we go out." He said to her, glancing around the kitchen once again. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth hugged her knees as she shook, holding back her soft sobs as she trembled hard. She had went to Illinois first after the zombie outbreak to see if her parents and sister had made it only to find out that her parents had been killed and one had become a monster. A mindless Monster who nearly killed her because of a stupid mistake. "I can't... I-I can't do this again... Not if one of them gets bit by that thing..." she said while shaking and sobbing into hr arms.
Tony shook her head. "It's just a little early. He's alright. Aren't you, Ash?" She said, shaking him a little.

Ash woke up a bit, looked at Tony and smiled. "I'm ready, Ette-neesan." Tony glanced up at Clay for just a second, and the smallest of messages passed between them.

"I don't think I should go." Tony said. "Ash and Clay should go. I mean, think about it. Ash is smaller, and a better shot than me. Zombies don't notice kids as much. And he's more attentive. If a runner's coming, he'll see it first, I'll bet you. You can pick him up and make a run for it." (@DrTrollinski)
Norman slowly smiles and nods for a moment. "Well. That works for me. Seein' as we've got the group's best shooter here..." He said in friendliness as he smiled and nodded off at Asha, and of course, the one and only Clay who's not only a good shot, but can also help lighten the mood when appropriate... I'd say we've got ourselves a plan. Tony can stay here and watch out for everyone and the Department itself, as well as act as a scout - and then... Moi." He said, folding his hands inwards towards himself. "Clay, and Asha - we'll get the stuff off the first floor and we'll be lickedy-split on our way." He said, giving quite a lively smile - over the course of the ten days they may have realized that Norman was much more of a pleasure to be around as opposed to when they first arrived. He TRIED to use humor when it was appropriate, was generally friendly, helped keep things under control, and most of all followed their personal rules. At least he wasn't as depressive as when they first got here - an upside to everything, eh? (@firejay1)
Finally Hunter sat up again, not wanting to have a wreck when they were so close to the objective. The engine was also working on his nerves, so he halted the truck. "We shouldn't be far now, but just in case we aren't alone there we need to be ready.".
Ash giggled. "I wanna lick a banana split!" Tony burst out laughing at the little boy and Clay snorted. The three of them shared a grin before eating quickly. Tony then stood and passed Ash to Clay. As she did so, Clay tapped her shoulder, reminding her quietly that he'd take care of Ash just fine. She didn't have to worry. Tony didn't respond, just smiling at Ash reassuringly. Ash was now fully awake and smiled at Tony.

Clay walked out holding Ash. "You're seriously getting heavy, little man."

Ash just giggled. "No, You're just a yowamushi, Clay." (Weak bug)

"Hey! I know what that means!" Clay said, in mock irritation. In truth, he'd been the one to tell Tony that Ash should go, she should stay. Ohana and all, but essentially, she was holding down the fort. "You ready to go, Norman?" He asked.

Once Tony was done, she put her plates away and began to move towards Elizabeth's room, knocking on the door. "Elizabeth? Are you alright? What's the matter?"
Annie blinked and looked at him. "Alright... So what's the plan Hunt?" she said while brushing her bangs out of her eyes, while wrinkling her nose a bit. (@Huntrey)


Elizabeth's eyes shot up at the door knob. "Huh... Y-Yeah I'm fine... Don't worry about it Tony." she said softly while slowly getting up from the door. "I just... need some time to myself again..." she said softly (@firejay1)
".. I'm ready... before we go I need to grab some stuff. I've got a surprise for you, buddy." He winks at Clay quickly with a smile as he stands up from the table and walks over to them, he quickly pats him on the shoulder and then glances around. "Let's think... if either of you need the bathroom, take this time to go now while you've got the chance. I'm gonna' grab some stuff from upstairs." He says before walking upstairs and unlocking the armory. He went inside and picked up two of the M4A1's with the silencer attachments and a red-dot sight - they also had shoulder straps. He picked up a few magazines of ammo for each one and then picked up two of the kevlar vests, slowly carrying them out of the room. He'd go back downstairs to where he last saw the boys. (I'm not sure whether or not they went to the bathroom or waited there, so just let me know if they'll be there or not and I'll finish my chunk of RP off @firejay1)
"Fill the truck up just in case we have to run, let me dress in my ACU's, and load all the guns." He put his hands on her waist, picking her up lightly and placing her on the other side. "Can't do that with a pretty girl on my laugh.". The words were instinctive, and cause another tinge of pain.
Annie blinked in surprise when she felt his hands on her waist and felt a slight ting of heat in her cheeks as they tinted pink faintly. "Uhm... G-Got it." she said before sliding out of the truck after making sure it was clear before starting to fill up the truck. (@Huntrey)
Seeing the wisdom in Norman's suggestion, Clay and Ash both went bathroom really quickly. When they returned, they found Norman waiting for them, Kevlar vests and M4A1's in his hands. "Woah! Cool, man!" Clay said, happily. He looked down at Ash, though. "Hey Ash, you think you can carry that big thing?"

Ash nodded, wide-eyed. Dutifully, though, he said, "If we're in kiken, I'll drop it. Yakusoku suru." (kiken = danger, yakusoku = promise)

"Good man." Clay said, ruffling his hair roughly. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth said nothing. "That's because I'm absolutely useless and haven't done anything to help this place become better or safer.. And seriously. I'm fine... It's just something from my past that's come back to haunt me..." she said while running her hands through her hair, trying to calm down. (@firejay1)
Annie was filling up the truck as Hunter cursed himself for his actions, the grief pulsating in his heart. He slipped off his old clothes, laying them in a corner in the truck, putting on the military clothes instead.
"Hahah! We'll give the little marksman a chance to shoot one of these bad-boys later on. But for now, little guy..." He crouched down to his level and held out the M4 with both of his hands. "Carry that for Clay, eh?" He muttered, ruffling his hair gently with one hand while he passed one of the kevlar vests of to Clay. "Better slip that on. I ain't worried about stray bullets, but if those ones with the sharp bones come up, better have the armor torn rather than have you get stabbed - I'd get one for Asha, but they're too big and he's faster than us anyway, so it doesn't matter all that much." He said quietly to him. He held his own M4 between his legs while he slipped the kevlar vest on and then looked off towards the door. "Boys... I'm afraid it's time to be totally kick-ass." He grins for a moment as he walks off towards the door, the M4 held by his chest due to the shoulder strap - he unlocks the door and opens it up for the both of them. There's a Sheriff's Department car just outside the door.

"Go hop in the car... I'll lock the place up." He says to them while closing the door over again and locking it tight. He thinks to himself for a few moments and does a mind-check to make sure everything's fine. There's a spare key to the door on the radio room's desk, so if they needed to get out they knew where to look for the key. On that note he went over and climbed into the driver's seat of the cruiser. (@firejay1)
Annie filling up the truck, thinking deeply about what it might be like when they get to the station, sighing softly. She realized that their time together would end shortly and ran her free hand through her hair, her long sleeve cream shirt was a bit dirty but she didn't mind, her hands and jeans might be stained with blood but she didn't care, her combat boots were probably caked with zombie stuff but that didn't matter to her. She probably looked like a scared little girl when in reality she wasn't... well maybe a little. (@Huntrey)
Tony opened the door forcefully, almost kicked it down. "Alright lady, enough with the pity-parties." She sat down on the mattress next to Elizabeth. "You're not absolutely useless. Many of raids wouldn't have been successful without you. Anyways, you've got a sister right? Nathan's age? What's she going to think when you find her? This is no time to panic, and definitely no time to be moping around starving yourself. Get up. We're going down to the gym. You need to get your blood flowing!" She grabbed Elizabeth's hand and began pulling, dragging her out of the room. "Nathan." She called as they got close to his. "We're going down to the gym. You coming?" (@Soul OMU)


Clay and Ash got into the car, all ready to go, Ash sitting on Clay's lap, waiting for their little venture to begin. (@DrTrollinski)
The ACU's weren't pressed in a military fashion, but instead tight on his body, the blood drying on it in many places. The camo could be seen, just a tinge of maroon staining it. He hopped in the back, taking out the extra clips for his guns and loading them. With the clips loaded he placed them in various pouches in his uniform. Then he took out the SPAS and a belt, lined with slots for various types of rounds that were soon filled with military grade slug rounds. His SCAR was by his seat, which he gave a quick clean with a cloth waiting for Ann to finish.
Elizabeth sighed but followed Tony. "I don't know why you care so much about this. Since you don't like us, and by us I mean the adults here but you have good reason too. So why help me?" she muttered in slight annoyance. (@firejay1)


Annie looks at her watch slightly before finishing filling up the tank before slowing the tank stopper and making her way around to the passenger side to get in. "Alright We're all gassed up and ready to go." she said and flashed him a smile. (@Huntrey)
"Oh yeah, I'm coming." Nathan He muttered softly from his room. He was quick to hop up and follow them.


Norman started up the car engine and began a somewhat slow drive to the hospital that was quite literally just down the street and around the corner. On the drive there he kept an eye on the two boys as well as the surrounding streets. There were no walkers, no runners - no signs of life whatsoever. It was almost unnerving...

"You know, Clay, Ash... I never thought I'd say this, but... things are too quiet..." He murmured, keeping the car at a steady pace while advancing down the street. There was only bodies, but no movement. "Might just be me, but I'm tryin' to get head or tail of what's goin' on with that priest fella' as well... I don't know how he pulls off all these tricks on us, but--.. he must be an illusionist or somethin'. Perhaps I'll get him in for my birthday party." He chuckled softly while keeping his foot lightly pressed on the gas pedal. (@Soul OMU)
Antoinette looked straight at Elizabeth, meeting her eyes. "Yeah, there's a good reason I don't like adults. It's what happens when you see someone twice his size and multiple times his weight try to jump an adorable kid you just decided you were going to take care of. Besides, I'm not really helping you, it's just annoying to watch you rocking out in your little pity-party. If I were trying to help you, though, it'd be because of Ash. Can't break down while Ash is around, nor can you break down while you don't know that you're sister's dead. You can break down after that, but until then, she's probably alive, and when you meet again, she's going to need you to be strong." She saw Nathan coming their way and smiled at him. Perfect, they were all together. "Hey, Nathan!" (@Soul OMU @DrTrollinski)

Clay laughed at Norman's joke. It was much like something he'd say. "Maybe we can invite his corpse." Secretly, though, he agreed that the lack of activity was odd, frightening even.

Ash looked around. "Maybe the God-man knows how to tsukau the zombies." (Tsukau = use) Now that was a scary thought Clay really didn't want to pursue. (@DrTrollinski)
Hunter carried the weapons from the back to the front, opening the door with a set of awkward movements. "Good good. Let's go." They were on their way, passing a hospital just beside them. The weapons were laying on the middle seat, SCAR positioned close to Hunter.
Elizabeth sighed softly while following Tony to the gym. "She is quite capable of taking care of herself... And quite frankly, i've seen that thing that Norman described. That thing had been my father when I went to Illinois to see if my family had survive and to find my sister. I hesitated and was almost killed because of a stupid mistake. Those things are what happens when Zombies' have time to evolve..." she said lowly. (@DrTrollinski) (@firejay1)


Annie nodded slightly while looking ahead, thinking slightly as she looked towards the hospital and noticed some movement. "...I think there might be some of the survivors at the hospital... should we stop... or just go to the station?" she said while looking at him. (@Huntrey)
"Hey, Tony... what's going on? We going to be pumping some iron, or something?" He said before chuckling slightly. "I wouldn't object." He said with a grin. (@Soul OMU)


"Yeah, I'd rather have his corpse show up than him, the crazy fool. Come on though, Clay. You see that smack I got in on him out front of the Department? Knocked his jaw to the left a bit, eh? Haha!" He said in slight excitement; he listened to Asha's words and frowned. "Tsukau? What's that mean, kiddo?" He asked softly, keeping his eyes on the road - still no sign of any undead. He kept the car moving at the same pace, still. (@Soul OMU)
"That's why she's probably alive." Tony said with a shrug. "Doesn't mean she'll be okay if you just break down. Look at Ash. He's a better marksman than I am. Mentally, he's adapted better than I have, but he still worries and cries when I do." She grinned at Nathan. "Pumping iron? Nah, how some martial arts sparring? I don't know about adapting, they'd have to be a bit smarter, in my opinion. Probably something about the New Hampshire air making them go gaga." (@Soul OMU)


Clay snorted. "Yup, not bad. It means he thinks maybe priesto here can use the zombies, like, manipulate them." (@DrTrollinski)

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