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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Your call, I don't care. Either one is liable to have survivors." He was now squeezing in between cars, trying to get back on the road.
Elizabeth shook her head. "It can't the New Hampshire air since I saw one of those things in my house in Illinois... They are adapting and this is bad... That means they could adapt after this adaptation... He said it's like a runner... so this thing was a runner at some point is what he said... so it must of been one of the original zombies when all this started... " she said while laying down to start doing some sit ups. (@DrTrollinski ) (@firejay1)


Annie looked forward. "Let's just head to the station..." she said while rubbing her arm slightly while thinking. "If the survivors at the hospital are the same from the ones at the station, they must be doing well..." she said while looking forward. (@Huntrey)
"They're getting smarter, there's no denying that." Nathan said surely. "Martial arts? Heh, alrighty then." He muttered. (@Soul OMU)


"Manipulate 'em, eh? Interesting observation there, pal. You never know - right now, with all the hordes we were nearly hit by, AND on the morning I came to find y'all at the school, wasn't it funny how the horde ignored the church and came straight towards us?" He shivers slightly. "Brrr..." He made shivering noise with his lips to accompany his action. "It's too much of a coincidence... I don't want to think about it..." He said quietly. "I'm gonna' sound like a massive woman right now, but I'm glad I've got you two with me - I tell ya', to hell with comin' out here all alone. It just feels like there's somethin' waitin' to jump out on you, know what I mean?" He said; he turned the corner and advanced down that street a little more until they were outside the hospital. (@firejay1)
"That was a joke, ma'am." Tony said with a skeptical eyebrow. "Oh you looking forward to it?" She asked Nathan with a grin. "Be warned, I've been trained."


Clay gave Norman a little grin. "That's why you're the crybaby man. Tony's got more balls than you. Don't tell her I said that." The last comment was directed to Ash.

Ash smiled, "I'm going to tell Ette-neesan. Yakusoku suru." He giggled at Norman's nervousness and gave a little rawr with his hands in a claw-like shape.
Elizabeth said nothing as she started working out since she might as well build up some muscle. "I'm just going to pretend you two aren't here and about to wrestle." she said while working, letting her thoughts wander as she worked.
".. alright. Trained, eh? That's fine. Teach me some stuff, eh?" He said to her, smiling slightly.


"I have reason to doubt that, Clay, but I ain't gonna' deny it - into the valley of death rode the six-hundred, but whatever. We're here. Both you boys ready or what?" He asked them while scouting around the surrounding area, a slight smile on his face. He still couldn't see any signs of life. (@firejay1)
Elizabeth snorted slightly and shrugged. "I do don't worry but Nate knows nothing of martial arts so it's going to be wrestling to him..." she said while doing sit ups.
"I'm ready!" Ash said, excitedly, hand shooting up, though he spoke quietly. That was another thing he probably wouldn't be able to break for the rest of his life - always be quiet.


Tony stood up straight, hands by her side, and looked Nathan in the eye, smiling. "You ready or what?"
"I was born ready, Tony." He says in a joking manner as he winks at her, hands at his sides.


"Alright... Ash... hand Clay that big gun you got there and we'll head inside..." He said before opening up the car door and stepping out. He'd also walk around and open the car door for them as well. After helping them out he'd stare off towards the entrance of the hospital and take a deep breath. "Ash... you got that little gun of yours with you?" He asked him in a whisper. (@firejay1)
"Yup." Ash whispered back cheerfully, handing Clay the M4A1 after he had hopped off his lap onto the ground. He did have his pea shooter with him, and took it out now, carefully.

"Alright, Norman. What's the plan?" Clay asked him, seriously.


Tony didn't respond with words, instead, she darted forwards and landed a hard punch into his chest, before hopping lightly backwards again, her fists up. She grinned at him. She'd held back, even. "C'mon, then, show me your stuff. You seem awfully confident for an 11-year-old."
(Sorry for not being on. I also won't be on from 230 to whenever I get back home. I would like a recap messaged to me.)
((Not much other then Norman, Ash and Clay are making a run to the hospital for medical supplies. The others are currently in the gym, Connor can join them if you want. Annie and Hunter are almost at the station while the kids in Orlando are about halfway to New Hampshire, about at Pennsylvania. ))

"If you say so." Hunter placed his rifle along his laps as he began to move his truck. He saw the moment of the people heading into the hospital, but followed his orders and continued towards the station.
Annie thinking slightly as they made their way to the station, nothing the odd large body in front of the station made her blink. "What the bloody hell... is that thing...? Thank god it's dead already but still... what..." she said looking confused at the dead creature that Norman had killed this morning then at Hunter. (@Huntrey)
"The plan? We go in, check every angle. Stick together and make sure any immediate dangers are dealt with - we make our way to the storage area which should be on the first floor somewhere--.. and--.. Oh, of course..." He made his way to the back of the cruiser and popped the trunk, pulling out two black duffel bags and tossing one to Clay. He slung the other one over his shoulder and took a deep breath as he peered into the near enough dark hospital. "We get everythin' we can into the bags and get out. Watch each other's backs and we'll be fine..." He says quietly.


Nathan quickly raised his arms and managed to partially block the incoming punch, smiling softly after taking a short sigh. ".. that was a cheap move right there, but that was good. I only ever practised a defensive fighting style, not offensive." He stated simply, moving into a defensive stance to hopefully defend himself against her. (@firejay1)
Hunter saw the body, almost intrigued by it. The thing wasn't covered in flies like most bodies for it almost seemed fresh. Maybe a couple hours, not even half a day ago. "I don't care what it is, as long as I don't have to kill again." As they got closer to the body he rolled down his window, pointing the rifle at the head and shooting it.
Annie said nothing as she flinched at the nasty smell the body was producing. "Gross... Whatever killed it... must of got whatever nasty smell it got after killing it..." she said while pinching her nose slightly, getting a small headache from the smell. (@Huntrey)
"Cheap? You said you were born ready." She said with a little laugh. Tony began to move in, keeping it mainly to punches, since kicks could more easily genuinely hurt people.


They made it easily into the hospital, and again, there were no zombies in sight. It was worrying. Ash kept a sharp eye out for signs of... anyone or anything, really, as Clay and Norman found the medicines and began stuffing them into bags. It was still even as they made it back into the car and began driving back to the sheriff's office....
Once they'd finally located where all of the medicines were stored, they were happy to see that there was no one or nothing was there to trouble them. They got everything for morphine and bandages, to antibiotics and anaesthetics that would without a doubt be helpful in the coming months if anyone got sick. It was only at the exiting part of it all that they ran into trouble. One of the Zeds with the sharp boned arms. With no trouble Norman shot one bullet into the head and dropped it. He continued advancing but then suddenly realized that these were the martyrdoms of the zed army; he quickly swept Asha off the ground and pulled Clay aside and behind a row of chairs that were in the lobby so that they were safe from the blast. The blast of blood covered the seats and the wall behind them, but they were unscathed. Seriously. The stench was the worst part - depending on how strong of a stomach Clay and Asha kept, this stench was unlike anything they would have smelt before - it was quite physically vomit-inducing and left Norman alone gagging for fresh air. He ushered them out the hospital, put the bags in the back of the car and ushered them inside and then got into the car to begin the journey back.

"Let's get the hell outta' here..." He gasped quietly, speeding for a few seconds to get away from the hospital.


He'd do his best to block the punches, occasionally coming in with a quick jab. The idea of he defence was to hopefully wear his opponent down for a while. (@firejay1)
Tessa looked around cautiously, watching for zombies as the two younger of their group stood together. Clary was to her left, scanning as she did and they were both as jumpy as the other, not that Clary would admit such a thing. She still hadn't warmed up any to Tessa or Bellamy, but Tessa found that the simple fact that she came back was enough to earn her friendship. Looking back at Brie and Bellamy, she smiled softly. "You two ok there?" she asked quietly. Bellamy gave her a blank look as if she'd just been speaking jibberish. She thought it was cute that he had his first crush, whether she reciprocated his feelings or not. She doubted that it would even amount to anything, but it was something sweet and happy among the panic and fear. Tessa thought that falling in love was unfortunate, especially right now, but part of her longer for someone to love her.
Brianna nodded silently as she readjusted the strap of her bag, now sporting a simple pony tail today. "Mhm.. We're okay. Just the normal small cuts and blue bruises." she said and smiled a bit as she looked over at Bellamy. "When do you think they'll be back? Also... how much longer until we reach another safe house for the night...?" she asked softly while rubbing her eye since she hadn't slept all that much since their last stop, mostly because of the screams and cries of the zeds kept them up at night. (@Vaila)
Bellamy shrugged as he looked over at his friend, trying not to blush. He got like that everytime she talked to him but he wasn't sure if it was because she was a girl or because he hadn't seen another person his age since the outbreak began. Tessa turned and smiled softly. "Shouldn't be long now," she said trying not to seem nervous. In all honesty, she didn't know how long they would be or how long it would take for them to get to the safe house. (@Soul OMU ))
"You both okay? Asha? Clay?" He asked out of worry, still breathing in deeply after being exposed to the repulsive smell of the bone runner. He soon returned to the steady speed of driving once he'd turned the corner away from the hospital.
Brianna nodded slightly and sighed softly before sitting down by Bellamy. "I hope there alright... They've been gone a long time... ...What if they left us...? And okay... at least... we're... almost... there..." she said softly while yawning a bit, the fatigue was catching to her and quickly as her vision started to go fuzz and she leaned against Bellamy slightly, having fallen asleep due to sleep loss. (@Vaila)

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