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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Yeah... I'll come along." He said, smiling at her. Once they left he ran his eyes over some of the weapons that were on the rack in the armory cabinets, and such. He smiled as he peered over some of them, but the one that always caught his eye was the good-old-fashioned 12 gauge pump-action shotgun. He played around with a minute until he figured out how to load the shells into the loading chamber. He cocked the gun and inspected it with a grin. "Awesome." He whispered to himself, he carried it out of the room and locked the armory up with the key Norman had given him, he then made his way down to the shooting range with the others, holding the shotgun across his chest. (@firejay1
He walks forward to one of the shooting booths and looks down the range at the hung up paper target. He smiles to himself, and then inspects the shotgun once again.

Six hours later

After spending some time in the range, Tony had rolled Ash back into bed and fallen asleep holding the little boy like he was a teddy bear. Clay had stayed with them the whole time, practicing his own shooting a bit, but not really needing to. Finally, around lunchtime, he'd woken them up, and they'd gone down to eat with Nathan, still not knowing where Conner, Norman, or Elizabeth was. (@Soul OMU)


Belinda was passing through Cheshire County, unsettled by the lack of general movement in the area, just as she hit the center of the city Keane, however, she was caught by the priest. (@DrTrollinski I don't know his methods, so I'm not supplying the "how" part to this)
Stewart walks down one of the sidewalks of somewhere, he wasn't really good with keeping a location on a map. As he walks he hears gunfire coming from a gun shop, he readies his rifle as he creeps towards the gun store. When he gets up to it he peers in through the door, all he saw was an empty shop,

"I need to get in there." He mutters to himself, he walks around the shop and finds a small window that he could probably squeeze through. He looks around and finds a trashcan, Stewart slides it up to the window and slowly opens it. He examines inside the store and eventually starts climbing in. When he gets 3/4 the way in, he falls onto the floor inside.
While she walked down the city street a sudden cloud of smoke would rise up in front of her. There'd be no undead around, but that was one thing that suddenly happened out of nowhere. She could have heard small rocks of some kind hitting the ground before her; while she was busy being startled by the first cloud, a second one would pop up behind her. As she turns around to face that one, the open area on her right was engulfed by smoke, and then the same happened on her left. There was dead silence. She could hear no one around her - not until it was too late, at least. She felt a soft and wet material come down over her face while the feeling of a strong and muscular arm caught her by the neck - the material would smell very acidic and would make her feel dazed incredibly quickly. She falls unconscious to the sound of a man giving an evil and perverse laugh.


"So that's what happens when you try and shoot a shotgun, I guess. You nearly dislocate your shoulder and get smacked up the head by the recoil." He said to the three of them while they sat around the table eating their lunch; he gave a faint laugh as he rubbed his forehead with one hand. It was a lesson learned that a 12 gauge shotgun wasn't the most suitable weapon for people their age. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth thought for a moment before taking her cup of tea and cup of coffee up in her hands as she starts walking upstairs, figuring that would be probably were Norman would be since that's where he was always.
The woman laughed as she started crying with all her might. '' HE KILLED MY FAMILY! ALL OF THEM!'' she said as she fell to her knees, '' I have no one now... No one...'' she said slowly lifting the gun to her head as she cried harder and suddenly pulled the trigger making her brain explode inside. She fell to the ground like a log, like she never lived before.
Elizabeth walked up and settled down beside him quietly before breaking the silence. "Hey..." She said softly while sipping her tea and putting the coffee down.
".. afternoon." Norman muttered quietly to her, watching the streets like a hawk from above. He removes one hand from the gun and reaches down to the coffee, picking it up and taking a quick sip. ".. thank you." He adds, smiling slightly. (@Soul OMU)
Tessa ran forward and put her hand on Noah's shoulder. "Are you ok?" she asked, wide eyed as her hair blew in the wind. "When Skylar made it back to the car we thought the worst..." 
"Yeah," Clay responded with a laugh, "I would've warned you, but it was funny watching you try." He failed at dodging as Antoinette's fist landed squarely on top of his head, leaving him with a mild headache.

Ash was eating happily, quietly, if a bit groggily, and didn't respond.


When Belinda opened her eyes, she was tied down to a chair, sitting in.. what looked like a very dusty church. She looked around her, refusing to make a sound despite her blinding headache. Her knives were, as expected, gone from her belt. (@DrTrollinski)
"How are you holdin' up, Ellie...? You've looked kinda' sick recently... you've lost weight, you've been more quiet - is somethin' on your mind?" He asks her in a soft tone, keeping his eye staring into the scope of the rifle. (@Soul OMU)
Noah was completely in daze the light blazed him(is it morning or something?). His vision only deciphering a brunette shooking. He couldn't know if it was a zombie or a human but he struggled. He didn't want to die. Groaning he lightly pushed the person away as he tried pushing himself away but he only felt dizzier '' Sky..lar?'' he asked confused as he lost consciousness.
Stewart stands and dusts himself off, he creeps around and starts scavenging the gunshop. He loots the shop for as much ammo as possible, which he takes in quite a haul. He then unlocks the gun shop's door from the inside and walks out, a sound fills the air, it was a loud moaning,

"Freakin heck." He says out loud before darting off.
Skylar looked at her and forgot her pain in the shoulder as she moved forward hitting it on the seat. ''Shit...'' she said in pain as she winced. ''Put your hands..in front of you face..DOn't want to contaminate everyone.'' she said nicely as she rummaged through her rucksack trying to ignore all of this. Noah would come back. She's sure of it. She pulled out antibiotics and hesitated. She didn't know the doses that she was suppose to give this little girl. '' Hum...Take this..Drink water too..'' she said as she took out the last drops of water she had in a plastic bottle
Tessa caught him with a groan. "Clary, you grab those, I'll take him," she said as she wrapped an arm around his waist and held him tight against her body. He was quite a bit taller than she was and a lot larger and she struggled but there was nothing she could do as she half carried, half dragged him back to the car. Clary grabbed the items and hurried with them back to the car, throwing them in the boot as she looked at the occupants. "What's wrong with her?" Clary asked Bellamy who looked up with a worried expression.

"I think she's sick," he said. "She's burning up."

(@Soul OMU) (@32sillylight32 )
Stewart glances behind himself to see a horde of walkers, they shambled over each other, trying to catch up to Stewart, but he knew that wouldn't happen. He darts through the city, sticking to back alleys, he eventually finds himself held up in an apartment building across from what appears to be a police station. He leans against a wall and rests.
Norman would pause and look down at the street. Seeing as Gabriel was carrying an unconscious woman in broad daylight, there wasn't exactly much he could hide with. He looked down upon him in horror, but didn't say anything to Elizabeth and allowed her to continue speaking with him. ".. I--.. I always notice changes, honey..." He said calmly, gulping slightly as he watched Gabriel walk into the church with the woman. (@Soul OMU)


"Serves me right for takin' guns we ain't supposed to use..." He said, looking at Clay and chuckling, but laughing slightly more when Tony's fist landed atop his head. (@firejay1)


"Mmmm..." A raspy voice emitted from behind her - the walls around her were covered in red crosses that were painted in blood - the smell of the room was stomach turning, and two rotting bodies sat in the corner of the room with their throats slit. A man and a woman. She'd feel a cold and rough hand go down the side of her arm. She could try and scream, but her mouth was sealed by duct-tape for the time-being. It was a living nightmare. Despite the smell, she needed to make sure that she didn't vomit, or she'd drown in it. (@firejay1)
Clary nodded and ran back to help Tessa carry Noah, and the two made it back with him quickly. They placed him in the front seat awkwardly as Tessa tried to wake him up. "I don't know what happened. He just collapsed on me..... we need to get to the safehouse," she said frowning as she lifted his eyelids up. "Are you guys going to be ok until we get there?" she asked the others quietly. (@Soul OMU )
((Stop it with the "would" sentences, DrTrollinski! They drive me nuts!))

"You put it back, right?" Tony confirmed, trying not to sound too naggy as she ate. "Sorry we kind of dashed out of the range. What'd you do while we slept?"


Belinda didn't scream, didn't even look confused or frightened. The smell bothered her a bit, but her upchuck reflex had stopped working after getting doused in zombie blood again and again. She just waited for whoever it was to get his business over with, as she got a good look around. Father would've liked this place. She thought with a grim humor. He would've had a moratorium just like this one if he could've gotten away with it. Laughter came bubbling out of the back of her throat and out her nose. (@DrTrollinski)
Stewart looks out the broken window and spies on the police station across the street, there might be survivors there, better yet, there might be guns there. He looks over at the staircase he barricaded with a couch,

"You wanna piece of me, rot bags?" He chuckles at his own remark. Stewart climbs out of one of the windows, onto the fire escape, he then climbs up to the roof. He pulls out a pair of small binoculars from his backpack and proceeds to scan for any movement.
"Yeah, I put it back." He said, "Norman would be pretty vexed if he found out I used that, so if we could keep that quiet, I'd appreciate it." He smiles at them all. "While you slept I read, found some old books lying around the Department, so I was readin' for quite a while." He said quietly.


"It's funny... so very, very funny... you're the first one I've had that laughed about my deeds..." Gabriel muttered to her, briefly playing with her hair with one of his hands while using his free one to tear the duct-tape away from her face. "What is it you find so humorous about this house of God, child?" He asked her in a whisper, his vile-smelling breath penetrating her nostrils.


Norman spotted the man peering across from a rooftop opposite them - the Department had the higher ground, and the man wouldn't be able to see him from here; he lined up the sights on the man's forehead and took a deep breath, gently beginning to squeeze the trigger but then pulling away, sighing to himself. "I need to speak to the others, Elizabeth... not only that, crawl back in - there's a man watching us from a roof opposite." He whispered before making a crawl to the door that lead into the building. He slowly made his way down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

"I really do hate to alarm everyone on such a wonderful afternoon, but--.. I'm afraid Mister Magic's just dragged a woman into his church." He said sternly, his rifle held by his chest. (@Xeno238, @Soul OMU)

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