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Futuristic Brain Burger

Elizabeth gave her own sort of sad smile. "Well it's not cuz of me.. we haven't really spoken much except when he's giving orders..." she said softly while rubbing the mug lightly with her thumb, staring down into it. (@DrTrollinski)


Brianna yawned slightly as she slowly woke up and rubbed her eye tiredly, still feeling a bit hot but not as bad as before. "Where are we...?" she asked softly while looking around. (@Vaila) (@32sillylight32)
Belinda smiled back at him, not psychotically. "Oh, honey, you're not going to kill me, precisely because you think I'm a servant of the devil. You need one. Sadly, I've been ready to die, and how perfect is this? I die like all the victims of my father, what justice. Now see, look at that. You know I'm happy to die this way, so now you're not going to kill me. Not yet." Her slight grin was perfectly satisfied. "You're going to look for different ways, because you know as well as I, that I can be convinced to do what you want. I'm your best bet. So go on, convince me."


Clay moved smoothly and silently to the right, on complete alert for the priest or any other minion. (@DrTrollinski)
Noah was the first to step out of the vehicle. No walkers in view and he looked through the smoked and covered window to see if they were inside. '' It's clear kids. Come on. Quickly.'' he said softly not wanting to make to much noise especially that the sky was getting darker. 
Skylar stepped out of the vehicle and looked at Brianna, '' Do you feel better with the medication?'' she asked
"He's like that... he's just tryin' to keep everyone safe." Nathan said in unsure defence of Norman. (@Soul OMU)


"You help me get a child, and I won't kill you. It's that simple. You can die right here, right now. Or you can help me." He said to her, slowly dragging the tip of the blade across the surface of her throat, causing her skin to be very lightly cut, but not enough to do any serious damage.


On the left side that Norman was searching he came up to a door that must have lead on into another part of the church. He could hear Gabriel speaking from behind it, though. He quickly raised one hand up at Clay and ushered him to come over to him. If Clay did so, Norman raised one finger to his lips, instructing him to be quiet. He darts a finger off at the door and then leans against it, inviting Clay to do the same so that they can listen in on whatever was going on. (@firejay1)
Tessa jumped out quickly and grabbed as many bags as she could. Bellamy yawned and looked around, blinking the sleep away. "We're here?" he asked slightly confused. He climbed out of the car quickly and followed Noah slowly, grabbing a bag and carrying it.
Elizabeth sighs softly while holding her mug of tea. "I know... it's just... I don't know... stuff..." she said mumbling to herself while taking a sip of her tea. (@DrTrollinski)


Brianna nodded to Skylar. "Mhm... When we get inside can you braid my hair when we get settled in...?" she whispered softly as she got out of the car, following Bellamy's lead by grabbing a bag and heading inside. (@Vaila) (@32sillylight32)
".. it's okay--.. I don't know much about all this either, but I know my brother can keep us safe. If we listen to him and make sure he doesn't do anythin' stupid, we'll be fine... I love him. He's my brother, and all - I'd follow him into a burnin' barn if I had to, but... y'know." His voice becomes slightly more saddened towards the end of his speech - he sighs once again at the end of it. (@Soul OMU)
Belinda rolled her eyes at him and shook her head, pulling her head back just enough that the knife didn't go any deeper with her action. "How sad that you're terrible at negotiating. I'm probably your last chance, but you're too stupid to understand that. Still, I'm interested. Tell me, how exactly are you planning for me to snag one of the kids, Mr. Pedo." She asked, still not afraid, but stalling for time. It would indeed be such justice if she died like this, and she wasn't sure she would mind - a fitting end for a monster - but all the same, she'd try living as long as possible, as always.


Clay followed him and pressed his ear to the door along with Norman, still keeping one eye on his surroundings just in case. It sounded like the lady was in league with the man.... well... maybe. He couldn't be sure. He looked at Norman, trying to figure out what the next plan of action would be. They couldn't speak this close to the lunatic, though. (@DrTrollinski)
"You gain their trust... you get inside and you get access... get the trust of a child... either the one that arrived with Mister Craig, or the youngest one that arrived recently. I don't care how, but you bring one of them to me." He ordered, Norman slowly turns his head and looks at Clay. I'd imagine it would be one of those creepy in-sync moments when they both turn and look at each other at the exact same time. Clay could easily see Norman's anger swell up when the priest was done talking, but he tried to hold back and held one finger up to him.

"We'll keep listening..." Norman whispered ever so quietly, his anger being flaunted more than ever in his voice now. At this point he didn't care if they both died - they were both against his group and family, it seemed. He had no reason to care any more. (@firejay1)
Noah opened the house thanks to his door unlocking skills and stepped inside the dusty wooden chalet kind of place. Basically a room with one living room and disgusting looking washroom and kitchen. He helped Tessa with the baggages as he dropped them near the sofa. '' This should be good for now...''


Skylar smiled as she locked the car/van and walked with the kids inside the chalet before closing the door with the locks. It was pretty cold now since they were nearing the middle of October. '' Yeah! I'll make you any kind of braids.'' she said nicely to Brianna.
"Hey, you need to give me my knives back and untie me. How're you going to get to me if I disobey you and stay with them, anyways?" These were the most important parts. "I won't ask why you want one. I can tell you're sick in the head and don't really need a reason."


Clay put a finger to his lips. If he was too loud, they'd be heard. At least it seemed like the girl didn't like the man, but she certainly wasn't making a point for herself.
Elizabeth sighed softly. "That's... not what I mean... but I know that listening to him and making sure he doesn't get killed is what we do because he's family.." she said softly and looked at him. "I love him too... But honestly... I don't know how much I can take with no real actions..." she said while running a hand through her hair. (@DrTrollinski)


Brianna smiled a bit as she followed with Bellamy and Skylar. "Thank you Skylar..." she said and put down the bag she was carrying. (@Vaila)(@32sillylight32 )
Clary walked in silently and set some of the other bags down by the sofa before exploring.

"It's better than nothing," she said softly, locking the door behind her with the deadbolt. Pushing her hair back from her face she turned to the others and gave them all a weary smile. "I know I should probably stay up but I don't think I'll be functional tomorrow if I don't get even a little sleep," she said letting out a tired sigh.

Bellamy sat down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling, not saying a word or trying to inhale through his nose.(@Soul OMU @32sillylight32 )
"We can't give up, Ell... please don't give up on him... it'd kill him." He said quietly, setting the rifle down and sitting against the wall, peering off at her for a moment. (@Soul OMU)


The priest pauses for a moment as he stares down at her, his eyes widen slightly more as he stares off towards the door that exits the basement. He takes a long breath of the tainted air, but his face lights up with an excited grin. "Oh, fresh air!" He screamed in delight, followed by breaking out into a flurry of laughter. He dashes over to the wall and pulls harshly on lever - the mechanisms behind this lever are connected to ropes, of which are connected to the doors. They slowly creak shut - when Norman and Clay looked, any doorknobs that should have been on the door were removed. They'd slipped up by leaving those doors open. He could smell the fresh outdoor breeze.

Norman darted his eyes off at the doors and then looked to Clay. "Shit... he knows we're here, Clay..." He whispers quietly, slowly backing away from the door and grabbing one of Clay's arms, moving him with him - he took them merely around the corner from the door, but they could still hear everything that was being said.

Gabriel's grin turns into a frown. "Isn't it just rude?! You're trying to make an arrangement in the Lord's name and people decide..." He walks over to a dresser in the corner of the room and begins opening up all of the drawers, digging through them. ".. they decide to break into your home!" He roars, he retrieves a few items from the drawer and hides them behind his back. "I'm not setting you free. You think I believe you? You... you're the devil incarnate... and I'm going to send you and our guests on a one-way ticket to hell." (@firejay1)
Elizabeth sighed softly. "I'm trying Nate... I'm trying... But... it's become much harder now." she said softly while running a hand through her hair. "I don't know what to do Nate..." she said with a sigh while sipping her tea. (@DrTrollinski)
Noah looked at Clary, '' Go ahead. I'll stay awake for now.'' he said as he sat on the dusty green sofa. Skylar smiled at him ruffling his messy and pretty greasy hair. Her shoulder still hurting but it eased up with the antibiotics she took earlier. She sat behind Brianna as she started to fix Brianna's hair, they were soft despite the disaster outside. '' You know, I always wanted to have hair like yours.'' she said nicely as she separated her hair in several locks to make a fishtail braid.

Noah just sat next to them looking at Brianna with a small smile seeing that they still seemed to have joy of life compared to him. He saw moved closer to Skylar seeing that Tessa didn't seem to be moving and maybe she would want to sit after this long road day.
".. talk to him--.. I know how to use a rifle... I'll tell him that I'll keep watch. I don't mind. He does love you, Ell. I know that - he checks everyone, every morning to make sure they're okay. He does it before they wake up - it might look like he doesn't care, but he always checks your room first. I know that because I wake up really early sometimes. He cares about you... just give him time." He said with a smile while reaching over and setting a hand down on top of her free one. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth sighed softly while holding his hand lightly and looking at him. "...I'll try... But what if he doesn't listen to me?" she said softly and ran a hand through her hair. "Because you see how well he listens... not that great." she said softly with a small smile. (@DrTrollinski)
Belinda made her eyes wide and demented, though in actuality she just felt more alive than usual. She screamed at him, something she hadn't done since the beginning of the zombie invasion. "YOU CALL ME THE DEVIL INCARNATE. WATCH YOURSELF YOU F***ING SADIST. I watched my father dissect a woman, and he didn't just do carve into her, he raped her with a thin knife, then he took his knowledge of the human body and made it so that she felt every second of the pain and horror, so she bled to death as he inspected her organs and the way her muscles looked. He watched her heart beat as tears and snot mixed with her blood, and she couldn't even scream because of the tape over her mouth. He would've loved to hear her scream, I could see it in his eyes. The only reason he didn't let her do it was because some part of him was still smart enough to know he'd be caught. GO ON THEN, KILL ME. You think I'm afraid of you? You think I'd ever help you steal a kid?" She laughed, then forced her chair backwards hard, so it fell. It landed hard on her arms and they screamed in pain, but she ignored it, forcing herself to the side, so the chair blocked the knife's path to her. A knife could still hurt her, but it wouldn't go in as deep.


Clay gave up on adults right then. If he knew they were there, they were going to die anyways, might as well die shooting, and the woman was providing a perfect distraction with her screaming. Even as Belinda's chair began tipping backwards, Clay smashed through the doors with all his body weight and began shooting indiscriminately around the room, missing Belinda because she was on the ground.
Noah pulled out the only way of communication he had with his father back at the base. He hadn't opened it since he died. He didn't have any use but at the moment,something inside of him was telling him to just take it. Rummaging inside his rucksack, he finally found it and started playing with the signals. He laughed a bit, in this world..There was almost no reason to keep this. '' Hi..Anyone alive or is it just the dead hearing this..'' he said in a joking way as he released the button to hear a response which would surprise him.
Elizabeth heard the radio cackle before getting up and looking at Nathan. "I'll be back, she said while heading down to the radio room to pick up. "Yes, hello, Elizabeth Williams from the Sheriff Department in New Hampshire." (@32sillylight32) (@DrTrollinski)

Brianna smiled a bit and giggled at Skylar's words. "Aww... But your hair is much nicer... And okay!" She said softly while looking at Skylar over her shoulder. Brianna's eyes widened slightly before looking at the radio in Noah's hand, "Ellia..." she said softly while staring at the radio. (@Vaila)(@32sillylight32)
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Stewart sees someone come out and wave, he waves back, but then he suddenly hears a loud crash inside,

"Oh bugger!" He exclaims as he darts back inside, he sees that the couch has slid down the stairs, crushing several zombies but at the same time letting more of them waltz up the stairs. He darts back up the fire escape, rifle in hand and goes back to the sign, he then crudely changes the o to a p,

"Help" Is what the board now reads, although it looks terrible.
"He'll listen, trust me..." He said reassuringly, holding her hand for a few seconds. (@Soul OMU)

((Ah, ah, ah... this isn't over yet, Jay.))

Pause right there. No one said the door wasn't locked. A pre-teenage boy's body weight against a solid wooden door wasn't going to much. It would have jolted, definitely, but there was no such luck in knocking it down. He didn't kill her, not at all. The item hidden behind his back was only a chloroform rag that he quickly applied to her face. The second thing, obviously looted from some sort of military squad was none other than a tear gas grenade. Despite the wooden door being right there - it was all a lie. They weren't hearing it from behind the door. They were hearing it from behind a grate which soon squeaked open. Norman shot his eyes up to it and watched as a small metallic can rolled into the room with them.

"Shit!" He yelled as he ran and grabbed hold of Clay - he pulled him away from the door with all his force. As soon as he saw the can pop open and start spewing out gas, he pulled Clay's face into his chest to stop it from getting to him. It may have worked for Clay temporarily, but Norman instantly felt his eyes beginning to water and burn - he dropped his gun and fell to the floor as the whole room quickly became engulfed with the toxic gas - he did everything he could to help save Clay for just a few minutes - an honorable move, but soon he began rolling around in agony, and before Clay knew it, the horrid gas was already penetrating his throat and making his eyes water and sting immensely. Gabriel pulled a metal shutter shutter down on his side of the grate while he walked back to the drawer, pulling out another looted military item which was a gas mask - he slipped it on and went and unlocked the door, pushing it open and rushing over to Norman and Clay who would have been screaming in pain because of the gas. How long did it take him to kick the guns away and get them sleeping under the chloroform? About fifteen seconds, if that.

I guess you could say the plan failed.

They awoke a mere ten minutes later. All of them did. Norman was strapped to chair in front of the dresser in the corner, Belinda was back in her normal place, but her mouth was covered by duct-tape once again. Clay, on the other hand, oh dear, he was strapped down to the wooden table against the wall, a mere few feet away from Belinda's chair. His mouth would also be duct taped shut - his shirt is no longer on, but all of his other clothes are.

Norman slowly lifted his head, his eyes still watering from the tear gas. He looked at Clay and he started shaking in anger. "NOOOO! CLAY! You son of a BITCH! Let him go right NOW!" He roared at him, rocking his chair back and forth with all his force; the ropes on his wrists were barely coming loose. It was going to take far more effort to even get close to coming loose. Gabriel merely smiled as he slipped of his gas mask and set it on the table in the far corner, the iron dagger clenched tightly in his hands.

"It would have worked, Mister Craig. You're a smart man, but no one is a match for what I've got organized. I can counter everything... you were all too scared to even set foot in the church... that's the main reason my work is so successful." He says sincerely. (@Xeno238)
Stewart darts back over to the top of the fire escape, several zombies have already clambered out onto the fire escape. Stewart doesn't hesitate in shooting them, one by one. This doesn't seem to do much to the horde's numbers, they just keep coming. He pulls out his club and starts bashing in brains.

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