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Futuristic Brain Burger

Coming around a corner with his pistol, he stops at what Nathan said. "Oh, I'll put this away then, I guess." he said, a bit bummed he couldn't at least look threatening with it. Taking all the guns he could find that wasn't part of thier littl group, he nudged open the armory door and shoved it all under the bench as he was asked, not told.
Nathan chuckles for a moment and shakes his head. "No, no... of course you don't. You just need to understand the rules. Are you listening closely?" He asks, leaning forward onto the desk slightly. (@Xeno238)
Stewart sighs,

"Fine, lay them on me, pisscouch." He says casually, he picks one of his ears and flicks the booger away.
Elizabeth lightly shot the ground by Stewart's chair with her rifle. "Oops.. I suggest you stop acting like an asshat and listen up you good for nothing zombie bait." She hissed and glared at him. "Next time you need help I hope the Zeds eat you." She muttered darkly. (@Xeno238)
Stewart glares at her,

"Listen, lady, all I needed was some help and even then it turned out that I really didn't need any! Then when I got help, this kid points a gun at me and tells me to walk!" He remains seated but he was seething with rage.

(@Soul OMU)
"Rule number one... we share everything aside from personal guns. What you brought with you is yours, but in the future, any weapons you loot - ammo, food, drink - we share it. It goes into the stockpile."

"Rule number two... you remain honest. You don't lie to any of us, we don't lie to any of you - that's just how it goes."

"Rule number three... No one is... the 'boss'. My brother is the leader, and he can make calls on behalf of people, but he's not the 'boss'. He can't make you do something, but when it comes to operations, and stuff... you listen to him. You are not a boss. You're a boss of yourself, but that's it."

"Rule number four... You only kill when you need to. If it's danger to us or to yourself, you kill it. But that doesn't mean you get to shoot us at any point in time."

"Rule five - You don't kill when you don't have to. We ain't killers - give people chances."

"Rule six - Any long talks and recruiting's commonly left to my brother Norman. Then why do I have you here, you ask? Because I'm think you're reliable enough to have here. That's why. You should call for him first, but trust 'em enough and you're free to give 'em a shot."

"Rule seven - Do not betray each other. Right now, I think the punishment for Betrayal is either gettin' kicked out, or gettin' shot. I'm not sure."

"And finally, this one applies to you, so listen up. Rule eight. Do not underestimate any of us - there's currently four 'kids' here, including myself. Aged six, eleven, twelve, and thirteen. You treat us like adults, and we treat you how you want to be treated." (@Xeno238)
Clay held back the tears against the pain. He wasn't going to cry. But against his will, tears leaked out of his eyes, and he tried not to scream in fear. He forced himself not to move, desperate to minimize the pain.


Belinda saw the priest coming and prepared herself. She whimpered in pain as he stepped on her arm and grabbed her neck. The knife plunged into her stomach, and he didn't take it out. She fainted for a second from the pain, then woke again to more pain. Her mind was hazy, but she knew one thing: he'd given her a gift - a knife. Triumph mingled with the pain and anger and her vision grew at once blindingly sharp and covered in a red veil. She didn't move, pretending he had felled her in a way. Her pain-fogged mind raced as she tried to figure out a way to get to the knife. Once she got there, she could actually do something. Yeah, keep screaming, Mr. Overprotective Father, distract the psycho.

Her hands were tied so tightly together she was losing circulation, and what with the knife in her gut, she didn't have a lot of time. Slowly, she straightened her body a little, using the fact that her feet were tied down as leverage. She did this as quietly as she could, ignoring the pain lancing through her arms as they had to widen over the top of the chair, as well as the pain of the knife as her abdominal muscles tightened. Finally, quietly, her arms slid over the top. This didn't do much for the rest of her situation, but it allowed her upper body some freedom. Painfully, she twisted her body around, pulling her arms around her body until her left arm felt like it would pop out of her shoulder. With her right hand, she kept pushing, the rope scratching hard against her arm as she forced it through. After what felt like too long, she reached the handle of the knife, finally managing to slide it painfully out of her stomach. She stilled again, praying to the actual God that the priest hadn't seen her, and waited, getting ready to cut her wrists free. (@DrTrollinski)


Ash dropped his little mug of hot chocolate, the instant kind. He looked up at Tony. "Ette-neesan. I don't feel good." She looked at him in alarm. "I have a tummy ache." Of all things to happen at a time like this, not that Antoinette knew there was really anything wrong.
Stewart grumbles,

"Fine, I'll try my best to abide by your rules." He glances at Elizabeth,

"And what was that about me working for someone? I don't know anyone and I surely do not work for anyone, well at least not until now." He shoots a cold glance at the kid before turning back to Liz.

(@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth sighs softly before realizing the others should have been back by now. "...fine since we have to not tell lies... there's a crazy priest guy who lives down in the church just out of town... Norman and Clay went there to try and deal with him and save some girl that saw him dragging... Nate they would have been back by now..." She said while switching her glance from Stewart to Nathan. (@Xeno238)
Stewart's expression changes to a more sorry face,

"Well, What do I do now?" He looks at Nathan then at Elizabeth,

"Do I just bugger off somewhere?" He asks her.

(@Soul OMU)
"I don't want to know what they're doing to him, Ell... don't worry... he can take care of himself." He muttered in reassurance.


Oh dear. Old Gabriel would do the same to Clay once again, but would go across the top of his chest in a quick manner this time - he had carved the cross into his chest. Any screams of pain or cries that he gave off didn't phase him in the slightest. He didn't care. He walked over to Norman and looked him in his eyes, shaking his head slowly. He leaned over for a moment and got up in his face, listening closely to the grunts or cries or screams of pain from Clay.

"How do you feel, Mister Craig? What was it you said about me harming your family? That--.. I'd end up dead?" He burst out into brief laughter but would instantly stop as Norman builds up some saliva and spits in his face. He slowly wipes it off and quickly delivers a harsh slap to the side of his head, stunning him for a moment. He starts to walk away but then turns back, driving the blade down into Norman's upper thigh and leaving it there.

"ARRRRRRRRRRGGH! MOTHERFU--.. AH-AHAAA..." He screams in agony, struggling and kicking as much as he can. Gabriel walks back over to the table where Clay's lying, thinking to himself for a moment. ".. you're ready for the sacrifice, my child. You're doing the Lord a great favor." He said to him in a mundane tone.

If Norman could manage to pull the rope on his wrist to the side, he could use the blade that was stuck in his leg to cut the rope and hopefully intervene. "Don't kill him! Kill me and let him live, you son of a bitch! KILL ME!" He screams at him. (@Xeno238)
Elizabeth sighed slightly and ran a hand through her hair before her eyes flared with determination. "You can stay in one of the unoccupied offices... But I'm going and I'm finding Norman. They could be in trouble, I trust Norman, Nate but I have a bad feeling..." She said as she got up and picked up her rifle. (@Xeno238)
Stewart nods,

"Alright then, do I get a room?" He scratches the side of his head. Stewart yawns, he's been travelling for quite sometime and could use a bed. 
Stewart looks at her,

"Shouldn't you take someone with you?" He glances around the room,

"What about that Connor guy?" He remembers that one guy that Nathan called.

(@Soul OMU)
"You do." He swipes up his gun from the desk and takes a deep breath as he tucks it into the side of his pants. "Follow me." He says, he leads him out of the room and opens up one of the office doors just a couple of spaces down from the the office they were in, but on the other side of the hallway. "You'll stay here. You're getting a single mattress." He says quietly, he leads him to one room at the far end of the hall and opens up the door - inside, the room's stacked with mattresses, blankets, and pillows - there's several dozen there, easily. "Take one blanket, one pillow, one mattress. Move 'em into your room and you're all set." (@Xeno238) 
"Ell... don't leave. He'll be back..." He says to her. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart sighs,

"Fine then." he walks in and takes what Nathan instructed him to,

"Now what, warden?" He remarks, he doesn't mean to joke around like this but he can't help.

"I think Norman should add a Rule Nine, don't you? Respect, maybe..." He says sarcastically, scratching his chin and tapping his foot on the ground. "Oh yeah, I think respect would be fantastic." He says to him, beaming his sight into his eyes. (@Xeno238)
Stewart glares at him,

"Ha ha ha." He says sarcastically,

"But really though, after I get moved in to my room, do I just hang out?" He glances down the hall.

Belinda cut the ropes little by little, taking an excruciatingly long time, but if she was too hasty, the sadist would hear it. She did it as he continued cutting into the little boy, flashing reminders of her father into her brain. She did it as the man hollered in pain. She did it as she began bleeding to death. And finally, the ropes on her hand were cut. Curling her body over slowly, she worked on her feet until both of those were free as well. The next time "Pedo" turned back to the boy, she stood like a shot, thankfully close to Norman, and ripped the knife point first through the ropes on his hands. It made his hands start bleeding, too, and didn't cut through completely, but it was enough for Norman to be able to break the bonds. Without a second to lose, as she felt herself swaying, she flung the knife with as much power and accuracy as she had, straight towards the priest. (@DrTrollinski Counting on you not to humiliate me again :P
((Pssst. You forgot non-disclosure))
Gabriel would quickly turn towards her as she fell forward, roaring in annoyance as she came towards him. He took hold of her arms and spun her around, quickly pulling the knife from her hand and slamming her head against the wall. He took no hesitation and quickly turned to Clay, bringing the knife into the air. Norman had already hobbled off to the other side of the room for some reason - was he leaving Clay now?

"By the sweat of your face you will eat bread, till you return to the ground, because from it you were taken for the dust you are--"

"And to the dust you shall return." Norman splutters out from the other side of the room. The priest looks up and sees Norman standing there - there was one thing he forgot to take from him, and that was the sidearm. He quite physically stared down the barrel and watched it flash as a bullet flew from it and struck him in the upper left shoulder. "No one." He shoots his left knee. "Harms." He shoots his right knee, bringing him to the ground completely. "My." He shoots him in the stomach, bringing him onto all fours. He steps up quickly. "FAMILY!" He snarls as he delivers his boot to his face, sending him flying over onto his back.

".. you--.. you'll die under God's hand... you all will..." He splutters, Norman steps on his chest and shakes his head.

"Burn in hell you cock-sucker." He growls as he empties the rest of the magazine into his head, splattering his blood and brains all over the place. He quickly tucked the gun back into his pants and them limped over to Clay, ripping the duct-tape from his mouth followed by unbinding him and pulling him into a sitting position - after saving his life, he couldn't help but quickly pull him into a hug and hold him there for a few seconds, some tears escaping his eyes. I'm going to go with the fact that Clay would definitely be crying right about now - he was on the verge of it with the cuts, but when he looked death in the eye that must have been too much for him. Personally, he must at least owe it to Norman to allow the embrace, especially seeing as he just saved his life and all.

"It's okay--.. we're fine and that fucker's dead." He said to him, sighing as the blood from Clay's body stained his clothes - the shock and pain that must have induced would temporarily cripple some people. When he pulls away from him and leaves him sitting on the edge of the table he shakes his head. "Can you walk, buddy?" He blurts, looking down at the woman on the floor. (@Stew)
Stewart grumbles,

"Fine, but can I at least have my sleeve holster? I feel safer with it." He sets his stuff in what appears to be his room.

"Not yet... you're fine here. For now. Wait until my brother gets back and let him decide." He says to him. (@Stew)
Clay was crying. He was sobbing like a child in Norman's arms as if Norman were the father he'd never had. It wasn't the pain, it was the shock, the horror and the fear. "I think so." He stuttered, through his shaky breaths. He closed his eyes, breathing evenly, forgetting the woman on the floor.


Belinda's vision fuzzed, and she realized that the knife hadn't left her fingers of her own volition, but had it pulled away from her by the crazy guy. When her head met the wall, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she collapsed to the floor.

As Norman looked down towards Belinda, Roland hopped down off the balcony, from which he'd been watching this little drama, rolling himself so that he didn't break anything when he landed. He went to Belinda, completely ignoring Norman, and pulled a first-aid kit out of his pocket. He wrapped her stomach tightly in a long bandage, after inspecting it carefully, then turned his attention to her arms. (@DrTrollinski)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c03336f23_RolandKaplan.jpg.71582d8c5fbb39e18da67f2dc6d71e15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27818" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c03336f23_RolandKaplan.jpg.71582d8c5fbb39e18da67f2dc6d71e15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"You're okay, buddy... you're alive... now let's get you out of here... I've got a bum leg now..." He looked around the room. "Your shirt's on the table over there." He said as he pointed to the table where Gabriel kept all the knives.

He'd look down to Roland, not saying anything for a moment - in fact, he didn't say anything at all for quite a while while he waited for Clay to put his shirt back on. ".. You--.. uh... you need some help with her, pal...? I... we've got medical supplies... we kinda' owe it to her..." He said to the unknown man anxiously. He gasped as his leg started paining him again. He went down onto one knee and gritted his teeth. ".. Jesus H Christ..." He'd look up at Clay, and then back to Roland. (@firejay1)
Roland looked up at Norman with an almost skeptical grin. "She should be fine with lots of water and rest. She's lost lots of blood and has a minor concussion. I want you to take her back to your base. I'm not staying with her. Her name's Belinda Dawn. Take care of her. And it's in your best interest to trust her." He went over to the priest's knife table, where her own weapons were stashed. Picking them up, he replaced each weapon to its place on her belt. He looked at them, seriously. "One last thing: don't tell her I was here." Kissing her once on the forehead, he left the church without looking back, maneuvering the doors open and openable as if he'd lived there and engineered the technology instead of the priest. There was no sign of even a single weapon on him.


Clay pulled his shirt on, and managed to get his breathing under control. That man... what a- there were a lot of different imprecations Clay wanted to use for him right now for dumping an unconscious woman on them, without helping Norman, who was obviously also injured. "Try using the radio." He hiccuped at Norman. "We can't -hiccup- make it on our own."

(@DrTrollinski )

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