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Futuristic Brain Burger

".. yeah--.. yeah, sure..." He said, patting Clay on the shoulder. "Oh, bro... I can't believe this shit..." He said as he hobbled over to the radio that sat on top of the dresser in the corner of the room. ".. I feel like I should make a bad joke here--.. to just lighten the mood... you know what? I will... about this whole situation... we just need to find a bridge so we can get over it." He said, remaining silent for a few moments until actually cracking a faint giggle - hopefully this would induce some cheer from Clay as well - Christ-knows they needed it right now. (@firejay1)
Clay began laughing in a crazy, "OH WOW WE SURVIVED" kind of unstoppable giggle, hoping it wouldn't be heard over the radio. He made a whistling noise through his lips like the sound of plane falling out of a sky. "Over it man, high as da SKAI, like an airplane on the flai." His skin hurt as he bent over and kept laughing. "Is the -hiccup- radio working?"
Norman would be creased up in near tears of laughter as he picks up the transmitter and holds down the button, transmitting their voices and childish giggles. "I--.. HAAAAAAAA! I think it is... aha! Hello? Anyone around?" He yelled down the radio, hoping to contact one of the members back at base - Nathan was closest to the radio room, so he quickly ran in there and picked up the transmitter, speaking into it.

"Norman?! You okay?!" He asked, Norman's and Clay's laughing would just keep going down the radio. Nathan sighs.

"We're just fine, Nathan... need some assistance, though... bring who you can down to the church basement, eh? We need to go find a bridge so we can get over it, okay?" He said, trying to contain his laughter once again. He'd slowly look to Clay after making the pun over the radio. Once again, this would most likely end in the flurry of laughter from them both again; Nathan listens for a few moments and frowns, his jaw dropping slightly.

"Have you been drugged, Norman...?"

"No, Nathan! We're ALIVE. WE'RE ALIVE, FOR CHRIST SAKES! Get people here right now!" He said, bursting out into laughter again; he took his finger off the transmitter button and sat against the wall. "We're alive, Clay! Kickin' ass and takin' names like we should be, bro! We MADE it! Haha!" He yelled at him, still not being able to get over the shock of surviving it all. Nathan would shake his head as he walks away from the radio and goes into Stewart's room.

"Hey, Stewart... my bro's in trouble, apparently. You mind comin' and helpin' me get him back here?" He asked. (@Stew)
Stewart glances at him after properly making his 'Bed' ,

"Do I get my weapons back?" He gives him a less annoyed look, he wasn't as irritated as earlier.
"Yes. If you help me. You get them back." He said to him, not giving him any sarcastic looks or smiles. Just a serious expression. "Let's go." He said before dashing down the hallway with Stewart hopefully following behind him; he goes down the stairs and unlocks the main door, leading him down the street and into the church. Upon entrance, they'd see the same thing Norman and Clay saw - skinned bodies strung up from the roof, accompanied by the most stomach-turning odour.

"What the dick...?" Nathan muttered in total disbelief. 'What the dick'. That was a new one for the book of 'suitable phrases to say in a strange situation'. He slowly withdrew his gun and walked inside, with Stewart hopefully trailing right behind him. (@Stew)
Stewart follows dreadfully, he doesn't want to obey this little brat, but he had no choice,

"Quite the swear." Stewart mutters upon hearing the remark. He sighs and pulls his t-shirt over his nose to block the smell out, it didn't do much good.

".. Jesus--.. okay then... let's find Norman and Clay..." He said as he scanned around the church with his gun drawn until they reached the old wooden door. He tried opening it but it was still locked, sadly. "Norman?!"

"Yeah! I'm here!" He called out, a smile lighting up his face.

"The door's locked!"

"Uh--.. Hold on!" He called back as he crawled along on all fours and went over to Gabriel's body, patting him down and searching him for a few minutes. ".. bet you've touched a few people like this haven't you, you crazy guy." He muttered to the corpse - some dark humour indeed, but he got a good chuckle out of it. He eventually found the key and hobbled to his feet, limping over to the door and unlocking it slowly before slumping back down onto the ground.

Nathan instantly rushed in and looked at both Norman and Clay, his jaw dropping. "What the hell happened, and why do you both look so damn happy?" He said, scratching the back of his head in disbelief. Norman merely gave a chuckle as he placed a hand over the gaping hole in his leg. "Who's the chick...?" He asked as he looked at the girl on the ground.

"Who's your pet that you've got with you?" Norman countered before looking up at the man, winking at him with a grin.

"It's a long story, Norman... can we just get out of here?" He asked, looking at the both of them. (@Stew)
Stew grumbles, what a remark,

"Come on alre-" Just then a runner burst through the door and charges at Stew,

"MOTHER-" The zombie pushes him against the wall, Stew holds it at bay,

"DO SOMETHING YOU TWITS!" He yells at the lot.

Nathan's had just about enough of this shit. He quickly aims the silenced Beretta up at the runner's head and pulls the trigger, painting the already blood-coated walls with fresh brain matter and gore.

"Please. Let's get out of here... Stewart--.. with his leg he ain't gonna' be able to do much. I'll help Clay and Norman get back - think you can carry the girl?" He asks him, taking a deep breath. (@Stew)
With one person at either of his sides, Nathan assists Clay and Norman out of the church and back over to the Sheriff's Department. The first thing they did was get sat down in the kitchen while Nathan ran and got the medkit; although Norman's leg was bleeding heavily, he didn't really care about that and first ushered Clay in taking his shirt off again - he took a roll of bandages and first fixed up his sliced up hands before going over to Clay and wrapping the bandaging around his body. The bandage went over one of his shoulders to keep it in place, and once all the wounds were covered he carefully sealed it off with some medical tape.

"I know the wounds weren't deep, but... you don't want 'em gettin' infected nonetheless." He said quietly before taking his seat again. He was beginning to look incredibly pale. (@Stew, @firejay1)
Stewart set the girl down in his bed, he didn't need to sleep for the time being and she needed it more then him. He heads downstairs and stands in the doorway of the kitchen,

"Quite a nasty leg you got there, I could help you out with it, but at a price." He examines Norman's leg from the doorway.

".. a price... you're fuckin' kiddin' me, right?" He asked, sounding irritated. ".. what 'price', big man?" He asked him, taking a deep breath thereafter. (@Stew)
"Christ... how did you even end up here in the first place? That's what I want to know, for Christ Sakes..." He said. "Tell me that, and you can have 'em back." He offered him. (@Stew)
Clay allowed himself to be bandaged up, then hopped over to their room. Tony took one look at him and her eyes grew round as quarters. "What happened to you? You look like you died and were resurrected." And that was without his shirt off and his bandages showing.

He ignored her question, looking down at Ash with concern. "What's the matter with him?"

"He got a stomachache." She said with a shrug. The little boy was curled up into fetal position, sucking his thumb as he slept, having fallen asleep just moments ago. "He's alright." She glanced up at him. "You gonna tell me what happened out there?"

"Only if you tell me who the new guy is." He shot back.

"What new guy?" She asked, nonplussed. He stared at her. She didn't know the guy either. The stomachache had made Tony miss all the excitement. She sighed. "I guess that means we'll be making a new.... friend, tomorrow." Just as they'd gotten used to the adults already around them, now another one?

He coughed. "I'd make that two...." She stared at him, then rolled her eyes. "Ah, whatever." She stood and shut the door, then lay down next to Ash, and wrapped her arms around him. They'd figure it out when they woke up tomorrow morning. For now, they were all oddly exhausted, as if it hadn't just been Clay who'd been through an ordeal. Clay lay down on the other side of Ash, and the three of them fell asleep like that.

((That's also my cue to leave, guys, see you tomorrow morning.))
Stewart nods at Nathan,

"I was just passing by when I got held up in the apartment building across the street. I found a way of communication when zombies broke through my barricade, so I requested help. When that kid, Nathan stopped by, he helped me kill the rest of the zombies which I soon realized I could have done by myself easily. That kid stuck a gun in my face and told me to walk, so I did, and that's how I ended up here." He sighs.

"Fine... Christ Sakes, Nathan. You're so awkward. Get him his guns so he can fix up my leg." He said, Nathan would dash off, looking rather ashamed while he ran off and grabbed the weapons for Stewart. He handed them back to him and then got all of the medical supplies that were going to be needed to help fix him up. Once all of that was done, they decided to stick around in the kitchen for a while until he was all fixed up. After that and a quick thanks, Norman went around locking up the armory and the stockpile, checked on everyone in their rooms, and then went to bed themselves.

(( I'm going to get some rest myself. I'll write out a short time-skip thing for the following morning of the group so that everyone can hopefully get with it a little more. ))
Time skip - following morning - August 30th, 2015.

So, the night was quiet after all. That was a decent sign - Norman didn't know about Asha's sickness, so hopefully that wouldn't spiral off and end up being some sort of sickness bug - the last thing they needed was for it to be something like that. At least Norman would be up at 4am, and if there was any problems he'd know about it, without a doubt. Since the incident at the church had been dealt with, people could finally start feeling more at ease in and laid back. With one new addition to the group, a Mister 'Stewart' - a not half-bad medic but a guy who had a totally piss-off-attitude and appearance with a few people already, only time would tell if this guy could stick around and make friends or be kicked out on his ass.

On that night, Norman would have went to bed with Elizabeth, whom of which he hadn't really paid much attention to over the last few days. He had a couple of nightmares during the night about Nathan and the other kids - the dream was about Gabriel coming back and getting the lot of them this time; he wasn't sure whether or not Tony and Ash knew what happened, but if they didn't, it wouldn't be too long before they did. He had one plan to carry out when he woke up though, and the nightmares only encouraged him to do it more.


After a decent night with Elizabeth, Norman woke up at 4am as per usual. He took a look outside and found that there were no walkers, no runners, no bone runners - nothing. The neighborhood was clear once again; he sighed and shook his head as he went downstairs into the shooting range and took a Jerry can of gasoline from the storage cupboard behind the boxes; he took an old pack of matches from one of the drawers at the reception desk and then wandered down to the church - he whistled quietly while he went to the room that he and Clay were pretty much tortured in. That's when he started emptying all of the fuel out, right from the basement up to the entrance of the church - the place would light up like a match and be burned to the ground before anyone even woke up - that placed couldn't have been used by them or anyone else, not with all the history it had. The most he could do was put the place and all the trapped souls within it to rest; before he lit it up he took a look around and managed to find a stack of unused bear traps. He took those and then stood at the entrance of the church, a lit match in his hand. ".. a sudden plunge in the sullen swell... Ten fathoms deep..." He said to himself as he flicked the match onto the trail of fuel, watching it travel along to the inside of the church and light the whole place up in a matter of seconds. ".. On the road to hell." He finished his sentenced and spat at the church doors - there was nothing holy about this place. There never was. He went back to the Department and poked his head into every room to make sure that everyone was okay - he checked the room of Clay, Tony, and Asha first to see if everything was alright, and then he checked everyone else's room. Once his routine check was done he went and sat down in the kitchen.

((Right. We'll see where things go with this when I wake up - I've been up all night so I'm only having a couple of hours sleep (Hopefully), so I'll see you all at some point today! Have fun!))
Elizabeth slowly woke up and yawned as she slowly got up quietly, running a hand through her hair as she headed out of her room and into the kitchen were she came upon Norman. She offered him a small smile as she went over to the stove to boil some water. "Coffee?" She asked softly while still in her pj bottoms but a clean top and bra so she was somewhat decent. (@DrTrollinski)


Annie looked at Hunter slightly as they pulled up to the Sheriff Department. "So we're finally here... It's not a bad place... I just hope they are friendly..." She said with a small smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes. (@Huntrey)



Brianna smiled a bit and thanked Skylar after she finished her braid and looked at Noah as he was on the radio.(@32sillylight32)
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Conner woke up early again, this time working out where to get the necessary supplies for that fence idea. Most of the night, he was sketching variations of the fence, chain link to barbed wire. The barbed wire might be nice, cut up the zeds a little bit, slow them down for other survivors. Barbed wire could be found in stores to, but which ones? Walking down the stairs, lost in thought, and sat down at the table, not noticing any one was there until he looked up. When he did, the first person he saw was Norman. "Glad I could find you first thing in the morning. You remember the fence idea of mine? Well, I was thinking, and if you could find some barbed wire or chain linked fencing on one of your runs, could you grab it for me? You can use my truck if you have to."
He would have accepted the offer for coffee from Elizabeth; he gave her a quick kiss on the lips once she came to him. (@Soul OMU)


He'd slowly look up at him for a moment, taking a deep breath. ".. I need time to rest... I had a ten-inch blade driven through my leg yesterday--.. I ain't in any shape to be up and movin' around." He explained, rubbing his now bandaged and stitched up left thigh. (@Beowulf)
Stewart didn't get much sleep as he was up most of the night making a leg brace,

"I hope this Norman guy likes it." He mutters to himself, he had dark bags around his eyes from staying up late. He finally finishes the brace as he tests it, it actually worked. He walks off looking for Norman.

(@Stew) He'd find Norman down in the kitchen with Conner and Elizabeth, drinking coffee - his injured leg is stretched out in front of him.

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