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Futuristic Brain Burger

Nathan sits down beside Elizabeth and look across at Stewart blankly, he then looks off towards Norman, signalling that he wants him to do the talking; Norman caresses Elizabeth's hand once more before releasing it and sipping his coffee. He looks up at Stewart and wipes his forehead while taking a deep breath, his eyes closing slightly.

"Like what?" He asked, clearly looking for elaboration on his question. (@Stew)
Stewart takes another sip of his coffee,

"Maybe start off with who the group members are, I think I have all of your names." He starts pointing at people,

"Nathan, Elizabeth, and you're Norman, I assume." He then puts his hand down,

"And that guy that left is called Connor, right?" He sips his coffee again. (@DrTrollinski)
"I'm alright... just still sorta' tired, that's all." He said to her, nodding for a moment. "How did you and Norman sleep last night?" He asked, clearly hinting at the fact that both Norman and Ellie had shared a bed for the first time in a while; Norman cleared his throat and sipped his coffee.(@Soul OMU)


"That's right... then there's the three upstairs. The youngest one's name is Asha, the older boy that's about Nathan's age is Clay, and the girl's name is Antoinette, but you can call her Tony - if you want to know anything else about them, I'll leave that to them to tell you - non-disclosure rule, and all." He said to him. (@Stew)
Stewart nods,

"Alright then." He takes another sip of his coffee,

"If you need anything built, I'm your guy. Also, you're welcome for the leg brace." He gestures at the brace,

"And if you didn't catch my name, I'm Stewart." He sips his coffee once again. (@DrTrollinski)
"Oh, you know... just wondering..." He said in a sort of 'what did you get up to, I wonder?' sort of voice. He grins off at Norman in a teasing manner, but is quick to get a slap around the side of the head. (@Soul OMU) 
"Yeah... thanks for the brace, man. I appreciate it. You any good at playin' doctor?" He asked him. (@Stew)
Stewart finishes his coffee,

"I might even be able to make you one of these." Stewart flicks his hands, a small gun springs out from his sleeve and just stays there,

"Huh?" He asks, waiting for a response.

Stewart chuckles,

"This baby will give De Niro a run for his money." He laughs at his own joke. Stewart glances at Nathan,

"Woah there buddy, I don't have anything against you, but. I don't know if I should make one for you." Stewart glances over at Norman.

Norman glares across at Nathan. "You really do ruin things, you know that?" He snarled at him.

"Hey... I'm sorry." He said with a smirk.

"No. Enough of that shit." He reaches over and slaps him across the head, even harder this time. "Get outta' here. Now." He snaps, Nathan says nothing else and storms out of the kitchen in embarrassment. (@Stew) (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth currently sitting on the roof, sighing softly while looking out over the town. Trying to calm down by rubbing her cheeks, very embarrassed since Stewart was there was well, feels like her personal life was invaded. (@DrTrollinski)
"On my way home. Got what you wanted and some barbed wire. Also found some fencing, it would be nice if I got some help with getting it into the truck." Conner said into his radio. The stretch of road was quiet, to quiet. Then out jumped a popper, right in the middle of the road. Not having time to react, Conner plows straight into it. Then, well, it popped, covering the wind shield. "God damn it." Conner said out loud, coming to a stop. "I ran into a slight hiccup. A popper jumped out and now my windshield is covered in s**t, can't see a thing. Can I get a pick up out here? I'll just be sitting tight right here with my gun."
Stewart sighs and resets the spring,

"Is there anything I can do? I should at least do something while I can stay be awake." He puts the cup in the sink and walks back over to the table,

"At least do a scavenging mission." He stretches. (@DrTrollinski)
Stewart nods and walks back up to his room where he left his rifle and his club along with his back pack. He heads back to the kitchen,

"Where is he again?" He asks Norman. (@DrTrollinski)
Stewart nods and walks off, he carefully maneuvers his way through the town and finds the military truck. He walks up to it and opens the door,

"Hey, uh, Connor was it? I'm here to rescue you." He steps back to let Connor get out.

(Correction, old light blue one.) 
"'Bout time someone came. Got the generator in the back and some barbed wire." Conner said as he got out of the truck. Going around the back, he opens the tail gate, puts on the gloves, and drags out the spool of barbed wire. "Hopefully we will get back to the station without meeting anything nasty. And while we're there, we can grab the other truck and grab that fencing I saw back at the super store."
Norman slowly hobbles up to the roof and sits down beside Elizabeth. "You okay...?" He asks her, setting a hand on her shoulder. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart nods,

"Alrighty then." He walks around and picks up the generator, Stewart then starts following Connor,

"So, this is a pretty safe town, eh?" He says as he walks, his rifle slung across his back.
Elizabeth nodded while staring out over the town. "Yeah... Just a bit embarrassed... But it's not his fault you know... Especially since he doesn't know that some things are meant to stay quiet. Plus it's not like we would do anything like that with the kids around..." She said while looking at him slightly. (@DrTrollinski)

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