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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Had to ditch the barbed wire." Conner panted out. "But we did get your generator." he continued as he patted the mentioned generator. "Oh, and my truck is back there. I'm going to get it back, you mark my words I'm going to get it. And you can just radio someone at the station to take a quick jog out to get the wire."
Hunter moved the truck forward, pulling up to the side of the station and parking. "Ok, take the shotgun and stay behind me. We are here to survive, if they are friendly then we take our chances with them and watch each others back. If they are not.. well then you will run with the truck and I shall meet you outside later. Sound good to you?" He had all of his magazine in the many assortments of pockets in the jacket, his pistol on his hip, and had even brought his machete for the ride.

The place they were entering was like a fortress, and for them to both be running and gunning in there would be suicide. While Hunter didn't want to die here, he had a feeling that if things did turn bad that he wanted to get Annie out. Again his minds turned to grief, and glancing at her only made it worse. Hunter hid his view from her, awaiting an answer.

(@Soul OMU Happy? ;P)
(For now... ;P)

Annie nodded and picked up the shot gun while putting her sniper rifle and dual pistols in her bag which was slung across her back. "Got it..." She said softly while looking at him slightly.

Elizabeth glanced down and noticed the two and raised a brow before heading down all the stairs to the bottom. "Who's there and what do you want?" She asked from the other side of the door. (@Huntrey)
"I can, but that doesn't mean I will... it's too dangerous with his horde lurkin' around. We'll get it another time, don't worry." He said to him; he drove the horde deep into the city and left them struggling to keep up as he spun around and took a back-street to head back North. It was lucky. There was no way of the horde tracking them currently - they eventually got so far ahead that they couldn't hear the screams and groans of all the undead. Norman looked slightly pale and sick, but that could just be narrowed down to the injury his leg underwent. He just had to pray the wound didn't get infected before it was treated; the last thing he wanted to do was drain some of their much-needed medical supplies.

"Neither of you hurt, no?" He asked in worry, wiping a line of cold sweat from his forehead. He asked once they arrived, but they arrived right on cue to Hunter and Annie's entry. "Oh, shit--.." He scanned the glove compartment of the car and pulled out a small Glock 18. A common service pistol - there was no external safety; he powered down the engine and kicked the car door open, ducking down behind it as he aimed off the gun at the two of them. "Who are you?!" He yelled. (@Soul OMU, @Stew, @Beowulf)
Stewart bursts out of the door, rifle in hand,

"So who are these faceaches?" He asks as he keeps his rifle pointed at the ground.

(@Soul OMU)
Hunter immediately backed behind his HDR, his SCAR trailing at the figures in the car and the one already ready to fire. "Not an enemy if I don't have to be. Put your gun down, we didn't mean any harm." His voice was stern, but showed friendliness. As he said this Hunter lifted his finger off the trigger, putting it straight as if to show he wouldn't shoot.
Getting into a place that provided decent cover, Conner looked at the man, and a spark of recognition happened. "Hey, your that guy that gave me some ammo." he yelled out. If what the man did for him was anything to go by, he was good enough. Now what was his name again?
"You're in our house, pal... you put your gun down first, and we'll talk--.." He said as he tilted his Glock backwards towards himself, not aiming at them any more. "Or at least holster the damn thing--.. we ain't meanin' you any harm either." He states surely. To the east of where they're standing, about thirty feet from the station, there's an old burnt out building that appeared to once have been a church. It's still smoking, showing that the fire was recent. (@Huntrey)
Annie quickly ducked behind with Hunter. "W-we heard there was a safe house here! Please... We don't want any trouble if we don't need too..." She said quickly. Elizabeth raises a brow as she looked at them through the shades. "What are your names?" She asked slightly. Annie looked towards the door. "I'm Annie..." She said softly. (@Stew) (@DrTrollinski)
Hunter shouldered the gun, the strap growing tight with the new heft. His hand was near his pistol, but he was relaxed. "I'm First Sergeant-- I guess just Hunter now." He let his eyes go over the group, stopping on the man he gave ammo to. "How is the ammo treating you? Military grade is always the best.".
"Annie--.. Alright..." He slowly removed himself from cover and hobbled over towards them, taking a deep breath as he kept his gun aimed up towards the sky, posing no immediate threat to them. "What about you?" He asked Hunter with a nod when he was about five feet away from them. (@Soul OMU) 
"Okay. Hunter. Annie. We're lookin' for reliable people... how about we go inside and have a little chat?" He offered, the cold sweat still running down his pale face. (@Soul OMU)
Annie looked at Hunter slightly, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "We... Came all the way from Orlando... Drove here mostly since he managed to find this lovely army truck... And that sounds nice.." She said while slowly going to the door.

Elizabeth unlocked the door slightly and slowly opened it. (@Huntrey) (@DrTrollinski)
Stewart glances over the two people,

"Yeah, let's go inside, I need to work on some of my weapons." He says as he walks inside the station,

"Hey, Elizabeth, is there anymore coffee?" He asks her.

(@ Soul OMU @Huntrey)
"Just having it makes me feel safer." Conner replied. He didn't use any of the M240G ammo yet, didn't want to waste it. But having it on hand was a good thing in his book.
"Alright..." He'd lead them both upstairs and into one of the offices that's at the far end of the hallway - he drags two chairs over and places them adjacent to each other while he walks over to the other side of the desk and takes his seat, leaning back in it slightly. "Sit." He says sternly, sighing softly to himself. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth gave a nod as she headed upstairs to make some more. "Yeah. Just going to make some more in case you guys need some. Connor tea for you right?" She asked while heating up water. (@Stew)
"Sure." He gave a light smile, but was still on edge. These people could kill him within a second with these numbers, but seeing Conner here made it feel like they were good people. He followed close to Annie, sitting in the seat that was given to him. Hunter knew the exit and tried to remember which way it was.
"I'm the one asking questions right now." He says sternly to her. "You've found the safe haven you've been lookin' for, but first... tell me about yourselves..." He said to them both, glancing over them in an eerie sort of manner. It was only around the time of 5am, and after last night's events it didn't look like anyone was going to be waking up any time soon. (@Soul OMU)
"What ever you got out really." Conner replied, taking a seat at the table. He wasn't a tea or coffee drinker, he just drank what ever was at hand and would wake him up.
Stewart follows Norman just in case they pull a gun on him, he follows them into the room,

"Hey, Norman, should I take their weapons?" He asks him.

"Touch my weapons and you will be eating lead. We came here for a safe haven not for a fight." He let a stern tone out to match Norman's. "What would you like to know?"
".. No." He said after a brief pause. "No. They can keep 'em, just keep an eye on 'em both." He said quietly. (@Stew)
Stewart whips around to the new guy,

"Hey, pal, if I were you, I'd lighten my tone." He glares at the man,

"Got it, pisscouch?" He asks the man gruffly.

"Firstly. Do not fucking threaten any of my people." He ordered in a snarl, a hint of aggression behind his voice. "Now. I want to know where you came from, what you did before all this. You got any friends that might find us?" He questions, leaning forward onto the desk. (@Soul OMU)

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