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Futuristic Brain Burger

"Not always. First day I was here, hordes every where. Those kids we got, they had to sneak around one of those hordes to get to us. And, you know how there is a church right near the station? Well, I heard that there was this crazy priest that lived in there. Got shot seven times by one of ours. Not sure if he lived or not, never saw the body. And then there was the first popper, giant blood splatter right outside our door. New kinds of zeds seem to like coming here."
Stewart shakes his head,

"I came from Texas, and let me tell ya, it took quite some time to get here. In fact, where is here? I'm not too good with maps." He sighs.

".. Yeah--.. he's gettin' towards the teenage years. He's about that age where he's gonna' go through... 'changes'." He said, chuckling as he stretched his leg out in front of him. "You know how it goes." (@Soul OMU)
"Some town in New Hampshire." Conner replied, still rolling the barbed wire down the street. That was when he heard it, distant growls of the undead. "We got to get going, ditch the stuff if we have to. I think we got a group of them coming our way, and it isn't a small one."
"Heh. Sure... I'm gonna' head downstairs to the kitchen, alright? You comin' back, or what?" He asks her, kissing her cheek. (@Soul OMU)
Stewart groans,

"We can leave the barbed wire, we need to get this generator, if you can carry it I can cover you." He sets it down for Connor to carry. He then slings the rifle around and takes aim at where the horde is coming from, not in view yet.

"Alright... I'll be downstairs if you need me..." He smiles and kisses her quickly before hopping up and hobbling away downstairs again; he returns to the kitchen and finishes of his cold cup of coffee, waiting for something interesting to happen.
"I don't know if you've noticed, I have an assault rifle. If anything, I will cover you." he said, but took the generator and began to quickly jog down the street.
Elizabeth keeping watch from the top of the department, finally noticing the large horde as her eyes widen at the number of runners, walkers and bone-runners there were, she quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen, taking that radio slightly. "Guys you better hurry cuz you have a horde the size of Texas headed your way..." She said swiftly. (@Stew)
Stewart walks backwards at a brisk pace, making sure to stay at a certain distance behind Connor,

"Alright you walking piss bags, show your faces." He remarks at the zombies.

(@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth quickly heads to the roof to try and get a good shot with her assault rifle. "Come you ugly bastards..." She said as she started shooting from the roof of the Department. (@Stew) (@Beowulf)
"This is why I want a fence." Conner stated, not expecting an answer. "New guy, get up here and take this. I'll see how many I can drop." he continued as he held the generator our for Stew to take before slinging his M-16 around and firing into the horde, aiming for runners and poppers first then zeds.
"Jesus..." Norman says quietly. He hops up and dashes out of the building as quick as he can and hops into the police cruiser that was parked outside - he didn't have his gun with him, but if he was quick, he wasn't going to need it - he sped off down the two blocks where Conner and Stewart were in trouble, mowing down several walkers and runners, splattering the car's hood and wind-shield with blood; he drove ahead of the horde and ran down the runners giving them trouble. "Get in! Now!" He yelled at them both. (@Stew @Beowulf)
Elizabeth continued firing at the ones that got too close to the cruiser, letting loose a flurry of bullets and curses, looking out for any others that might come. "I'll watch your tail from here. I'll tell you if your being followed." She said into the radio, having brought it up with her. (@Stew)
"Get in, get in." Conner said, grabbing the generator again and shoving it into the car. Once they were both in, "Go, go, go." and leans out the window of the cruiser, shooting at the receding horde with his pistol.
The moment they both got into the car he sped off in the opposite direction of the station - he was leading the horde off elsewhere. All rifles were silenced, thankfully, so the sound of the gunshots weren't even apparent, and therefore, they weren't going to be attracting any more hordes; he picked up the radio that hung above his head in the car and spoke into it.

"Hold fire, Ellie!" He ordered. "I'm leadin' elsewhere! We'll be back soon!" He said; he continued driving at a pace that the horde could keep up with but not catch them; he lead them far away from the department. He went further south into the town where only more undead joined in on the horde, but they were safe enough in the car now. He was leading them at least a mile or so away before he turned back.

"You guys get everythin'?" He asked calmly, taking a deep breath. (@Stew, @Soul OMU)

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