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Futuristic Brain Burger

"What are you going to give me, a pack of crackers or a couple of bullets I don't need." He gave a glare back, but it became calm. "Not much you can give me, I'm about to team up with a bunch of pricks in that building who will with no doubt give me everything I need." He said in a sarcastic tone.
Elizabeth smiles a bit. "It's nice to meet you too Nathan." she said while looking at him then at Norman. "So what now?"

Annie hissed in annoyance. "look, I know how to build stuff alright, i could make probably sup up his truck and make it a killing machine if I wanted to and had the parts... actually I might have most of them.. And what's the point if you obviously don't like them since they've been using you?"
"Now... you get settled in, and I get on the radio for more survivors. You want a coffee, or anything? We've got power, so I'm sure we can spare one." He smiled.
"Because, if I don't have anyone watching my back then how long will I survive?" He said as a very matter of fact. "I'm sure you know what I mean considering you're here alone.".
Elizabeth shook her head and waved her hand slightly. "No no it's fine, I'll be good, but thank you." she said and gave him a small smile.

Annie snorted slightly. "I was doing just fine on my own until my partner decided to betray me and nearly killed me which is why i am here now. Plus you seemed to have done fine, finding this tank. it's got remarkable durability."
Norman left Nathan to actually show Elizabeth around after that, so that should keep her occupied for a while. Norman would have also stated that she could shower and unpack her stuff in one of the offices if she wanted to; on that note, while Nathan showed Eli the stuff that Norman had missed out on, such as the staff kitchen and the all of the other features such as the metal shutters on the windows and such, Norman got right back on the radio.

"This is Norman Craig calling from the Cheshire County Sheriff's Department in New Hampshire, can anyone hear me?" He said clearly; if Hunter had a radio, there's a chance he'd be able to hear it (@Huntrey), same goes for any other survivors.
Antoinette Favre locked eyes with the boy in the tree across from her, both of them dead silent. Underneath them, rotting, walking corpses roamed the streets, not looking up. They'd been using this method for the whole month to hide from the zombies whenever they needed to get out of their little tree house. Talk about a modus operandi. They waited with bated breath for what felt like hours, counting the zombies as they went. Twelve, ten, fifteen, eight, nine, six, two. NOW.

The boy lifted his left arm from the branch and made a big "O" with his fingers. In response, she shot two arrows in quick succession, both finding their mark with quiet twangs. She'd set the setting down to 20lb. They didn't need high poundage when the targets were this close. The sandy-haired boy, in the meantime, was climbing swiftly down the tree. He made it to the ground moments after the zombies were downed. She followed moments later, collecting her arrows, and together they raced to the true target: a convenience store a few feet away. As usual, they stole mostly non-perishables, such as crackers, jams, and bottled water, whatever they could carry. They didn't have a lot of time, so they worked as a team, helping each other place the stolen good in the bags on their backs. "Clay, they're coming." She hissed at him.

"I know." He hissed back, and they raced back to the safety of the trees, running past cracked stone pavement and overgrown plant life. They ran like the desperate children they were, trying not to clank and ignoring the weight on their backs that made breathing painful. At least the streets were level, not that they could appreciate that while trying to outrun dead people who wanted to taste their insides. Finally, finally, they made it past the more urban area and to the old Bryn Mawr camps area. An old tree house, large and beautiful sat in the trees. Where the prior residents had gone, neither child knew, but that didn't matter to them in the least. All that mattered, was that they'd successfully hacked off the stairs and added a rope ladder in time to make it zombie-proof. Zombies don't climb, everybody knows that. ;)

Ever the gentlemen, the sandy-haired boy let Antoinette go up the rope first. She heaved herself up, to face a quivering gun. "Relax, Ash. It's just me." She said, to the little Japanese boy aiming at her. He made little bang-bang noises, but put the gun away.

"Clay is doko, Ette-neesan?" He asked, in his usual Janglish. (Doko = where. Neesan = older sister)

"Right behind her." Clayton Parker clambered up and dropped the pack onto the floor. "Can you stop with the Janglish already?" He asked, raking his short hair back as if he thought he was cool. Which, of course, he did.

Asha Kamiya didn't listen to Clay. He only bothered doing that when Clay said something he thought was worth paying attention to. Six-year-old children were wonderfully selfish like that. Instead, he turned to Antoinette with big eyes. "No zombies came into the house while you guys were gone." He reported to her proudly.

"Good job, Ash." She responded, patting him on the head affectionately, a gesture of comfort.

"Yeah, we can tell." Clay said, almost grumbling. "Stop babying him, Tony." He began rifling through what they had taken, putting them all in the storage cupboard. For a big house where three kids ran the show, it was a very neat clean place, a product of the "rules of cleanliness" Ash's parents had taught him, the constantly unstable lifestyle Clay was used to, and the discipline training Tony'd been subjected to. They were unusual kids, to say the least, but any different and they just might not have survived.

"Clay, stop it." Tony's words might have had more effect if her voice wasn't so childishly high. "C'mon, sit down. I'll wash up and make some sandwiches. You guys wash off, too." Like their own little family, the three of them sat down to eat - a play-pretend of normalcy - but that night, as with every night since the infection, not one of them slept without nightmares.
Hunter gave a chuckle, "Sounds like quite the story, but I feel like I know how it ends.". He sighed, "It has everything going for it, beside being the loudest thing on earth.".
"I repeat, this is Norman Craig callin' from Cheshire County Sheriff's Department... can ANYONE hear me right now?" He yells sternly, taking a deep breath thereafter while he waited for so much as static.
Elizabeth following Nathan around while he shows her around, looking around and deciding to put her stuff down in one of the empty offices.

Annie nods and looked thoughtful for a moment as she bit her lip and scrunched her nose up. "I think I could put a muffler on it to silence the noise it makes while adding some modifications to make as sturdy as a tank but still movable and faster." she said while looking at him.

Brianna reached the school and quietly made her way inside, while looking for any signs of life, hoping that there were in fact people here and she wasn't going to get killed by zombies who probably flocked her. So she made her way to the gym.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth following Nathan around while he shows her around, looking around and deciding to put her stuff down in one of the empty offices.
Annie nods and looked thoughtful for a moment as she bit her lip and scrunched her nose up. "I think I could put a muffler on it to silence the noise it makes while adding some modifications to make as sturdy as a tank but still movable and faster." she said while looking at him.

Brianna reached the school and quietly made her way inside, while looking for any signs of life, hoping that there were in fact people here and she wasn't going to get killed by zombies who probably flocked her. So she made her way to the gym.

A loud screeching of the previous running horde would be heard. Nathan would instantly run to Elizabeth's side as she was closer to him than Norman. She'd learn one thing about him right there - he panicked very easily. He'd be breathing somewhat quickly as he essentially cowers behind her and looks off towards the door of the office she had unpacked in.

".. w-w-what was that?" He stuttered, gulping directly after. (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth blinked as she looked down at Nathan, she sighed softly before putting her hand on his head and bring him into a small hug. "It was probably just a wild animal... they can be pretty crash..." she said not sure if he knew about zombies or not, or if Norman had kept that from him.
".. that didn't sound like any animal..." He gulped, also lightly hugging her in return. ".. it didn't sound like one of the lurkers either--.. are we safe here?" He whimpered, his voice shaking slightly and his breathing still quite fast. He was on the verge of hyperventilating. The screams and roars would only come closer to the Sheriff's Department, and at this point Norman flicked the radio off and hit the dirt, getting out of sight of the window as soon as he could.
Elizabeth blinked at the term 'lurkers' as she held him slightly. "Lurkers...? It's alright Nathan... they can't get us in here okay?... Norman and I will keep you safe..." she said softly while rocking him lightly as she held him.
"Alright... alright..." He whimpered quietly, setting his head against her side and shutting his eyes, heavily flinching every time the horde let off a scream. It seemed to only get closer and closer to the Sheriff's Department, but there was no way that they could know they were in there.
Elizabeth holding him slightly while rocking him gently before deciding to hum a soft lullaby she use to sing for her sister, hoping it would help calm Nathan down as it did for Brianna.
Despite the screams getting closer, Nathan's breathing eventually does stabilize and soon he's breathing normally again. He still holds onto her tightly and keeps his eyes locked shut, but he was calmer nonetheless. Norman would be slowly crawling along the floor to get out of the radio room - he withdraws his sidearm and sits against the wall outside the room, awaiting any further noises.
Hunter laughed and thought he would do something outrageous. "I'm not much for big groups, and seeing you're the only one who remembers I'm here, how about me and you team up." He then got a little excited at the idea. "All those guys are assholes and you seem like the only one with a head on your shoulders, plus I know a military base in New Hampshire that would be perfect.".
The screams would slowly fade away as the horde moves off into the distance. Nathan would slowly open his eyes after a couple of minutes, taking a deep breath. ".. are--.. are they gone?" (@Soul OMU)
Elizabeth continued to hum softly while holding Nathan lightly, rocking him gently while lightly running her hand through his hair. Her eyes slightly closed as she remembered the melody as the screeches slowly stopped she looked down at Nathan. "Mostly, yes..."

Annie smiled a bit and nodded. "Alright... Sounds like a good plan. And you seem... reliable." she said before offering her hand. "Annie Daniels btw."
Nathan took a deep breath and hugged her for a moment longer, relaxing his body slightly before pulling away and sitting on the top of the desk located in 'room'. ".. Thank you..." He muttered.

Norman went back to the radio room once the horde had faded; he picked up the transmitter and sighed before speaking into it again.

"This is Norman Craig, calling from Cheshire County Sheriff's Department, is anyone there?"
Elizabeth smiled a bit but it was slightly sad. "Your welcome..." she said as she seemed to be reminded of the fact her sister was still missing and sighed softly.
He took her hand and shook it, "First Sergeant Hunter Manchester, but for now I think it is Hunter.". With that he grabbed the SCAR from the back and loaded the first round into the chamber. "Should we tell the others, or would you just like to leave?".
Annie grins a bit. "I think they'll figure it out when they notice that the truck with the pretty cool driver is missing." she said and sat her bag on her lap." she said while stretching out a bit.
He'd notice her sadness, of course. Nathan always seemed to be good at noticing differences in people after living with his brother for so long. Norman was prone to emotional changes quite rapidly, so now he could tell the mood people were in almost instantly.

"Are you okay?" He asks. (@Soul OMU)

Meanwhile, Norman's still on the radio, looking for any connection to a hand-held radio, a military vehicle radio, a police vehicle radio - anything! "This is NORMAN CRAIG of the Cheshire County Sheriff's Department; can anyone here me, damnit?!" He yells.

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