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Futuristic Brain Burger

((May be far, but it makes it interesting :) ))

"Yeah, other groups, maybe... but there's different rules... I'll explain when you get here." He responded, taking a deep breath.
"Seems like it's going to be a long trip for me. You got time to explain it to me. But if you got nothing yet, that's fine by me."

(Looked it up on google maps. When I zoomed in, the pin was on a McDonalds.)
"I can explain... just give me a minute, alright? I'm gonna' go grab a smaller radio and a rifle and take it up to the roof." He said before placing the transmitter back down - he went to the general inventory stash of the station and flicked on one of the hand-held radios, placing it in his pocket while he made his way to the armory and took a .308 Caliber rifle and some ammo before making his way to the roof of the building. He laid himself down and loaded the rifle, peering off across the city streets.

"I'm here. You want to hear the rules?" (@Beowulf)
"Better then hearing this truck hit every bump." he replied. Possibly one of the things he missed the most was the radio. It kept him entertained and up to date on what was happening.
Elizabeth Williams was no idiot, she knew she was running out of food and she was going to have to find a new safe house because she had way too many close calls when she was coming back from her food runs, she had a radio thought which was good for listening for any news that could help her such as that there was a safe house nearby in New Hampshire. She just hoped that maybe her sister was there or at least somewhere close.

Brianna Williams quietly but quickly ran across the street to a nearby alley, her clothes were tattered like the zombies and she was covered in mud which helped hide her scent. She knew that there was a safe house nearby, and she really hoped that the people were friends, as she was currently in Orlando, Florida.
"Alright... me and my brother took this place. It was empty... we've secured it enough. For now. But I've figured somethin' out in my time bein' here - it's all fading away. Food, water, you name it..." He begins speaking, still running his eyes across the streets below. "We have enough, but everyone needs more. The rules go like this." He says, giving a faint silence.

"Number one. We share everything aside from personal guns - what's yours is yours, but if you find anything out there, you put it in for everyone else to use - ammo is the same, you can have a couple of mags to yourself but you contribute the rest to help keep everyone safe." He said to him, the radio static making him frown slightly. It soon faded, though.

"Number two. You remain honest - honesty's needed here, and as I'm with a kid, I really don't need any trust issues arising."

"Number three. No one is leader. I don't lead, you don't lead - no one does. You are your OWN leader, but if one of us says that we need your help, or someone tells you to do something that's beneficial to everyone. You do it. No questions asked unless you absolutely CAN'T carry out the task - same goes for me and my bro as well."

"Number four. You kill when you need to. If you need to kill someone for the safety of the people we have - do it. It's us or them."

"Number five. Do not kill needlessly. If you see someone alive and they look friendly enough, approach 'em however you see fit but don't shoot-on-sight. If they're worth somethin', they can join us."

"Number six. Leave the recruiting and long talks to me - unless absolutely necessary, I'd prefer to be the one to talk to newcomers, but if you think they're trustworthy just throw me a message saying that, and I'll check in on 'em later."

"And finally: Number seven. Do not betray anyone that joins us - it's a mad world, and betrayal will either result in exile or death; I currently don't have any issues with you, but if this group gets any bigger - this rule will be more important. Think you can remember all of that, Conner?" He muttered to him, his eyes carefully scanning the surrounding neighborhood from the rooftop. (@Beowulf

[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Elizabeth Williams was no idiot, she knew she was running out of food and she was going to have to find a new safe house because she had way too many close calls when she was coming back from her food runs, she had a radio thought which was good for listening for any news that could help her such as that there was a safe house nearby in New Hampshire. She just hoped that maybe her sister was there or at least somewhere close.
Brianna Williams quietly but quickly ran across the street to a nearby alley, her clothes were tattered like the zombies and she was covered in mud which helped hide her scent. She knew that there was a safe house nearby, and she really hoped that the people were friends, as she was currently in Orlando, Florida.

Elizabeth may or may not have heard the gunshots from the Sheriff's Department on the previous night.
(( That is also very true, thank you seeing my message. xD ))

Elizabeth fixed her bag slightly as she quickly grabbed her belongings, along with whatever else she could fit in her bag to take with her as she started heading out to the Sheriff's Department where she had heard gunshots, which meant life and that someone else was here. She didn't want to get her hopes up but she figured she might as well go scope things out.
Logan pushed through a set of double doors and found himself in the school gym. He looked around the gym then ran across it to the nearest door. The door was banged up like somebody had been trying to get in but by the amount of blood it seemed that the walkers had gotten to them before they could. There must be something worth getting in the room. Finishing the job on opening the door, Logan moved into what turned out to be a supply closet. He smiled coldly as he looked at the room's contents. He, by some luck, had found the school's archery club storage room. Grabbing a barrel of arrows, he dragged it out into the gym and grabbed his bow from his shoulders. The walkers were pounding on the double doors, the doors giving in with every hit. Logan nocked an arrow and smiled, now he would not be helpless against these undead freaks.
"Seems eay enough. Share and don't be an ass. Simple rules seem to be the best. Alright, I'll radio you when I see the town." Conner said before nearly slamming into one of the newest zombies, the runner. "One last thing. I just saw one of those fast ones, and damn they are ugly." As he said that, he swerved around the small horde that followed a runner. Well, most of them.
"Yeah, they are, bro." He chuckles softly and goes back into a prone position, holding the rifle closely while continuing to scan the streets.
Elizabeth quickly scoped out the streets to see if it was safe to make a break for it, seeing as it seemed all quiet, she quickly started running, carrying her loaded bow, her riffle on her back and her pistol on her hip as she runs.
"So settling in comfortably is the only choice we got, huh? Who's Logan? Heck, who're you?" She asked the man and the woman with him, brusquely.


Noah kindly smiled to her, '' Well, I can see a back door right there,'' Noah said pointing at the far back of the gym where it seemed to have locks on the door. He looked around, none of the windows were covered but they were pretty high so they could escaped from there if needed. '' Just saying, if you really want to leave during the night. Those things might be less active but still a whole hoard was leaded here thanks to commando Logan.'' he added snickering. He stood up and sat on one of the many chairs around. '' By the way, Noah is my name. How about you?'' he asked.
"Belinda." She said, grinning at him. She threw out her hand to shake his. "Sorry about the blood, it gets kind of hard to keep track of personal hygiene when being chased around by the undead. "Waiting 'till nightfall seems like a pretty good idea, probably going to crash before then. Honestly, who's Logan? And what's with the silent chick?" She lifted her chin to indicate Skylar.
Skylar blinked realizing she was looking at the interaction between her brother and Belinda. '' Oh sorry! I kind of was somewhere else.'' she said giggling as she smiled kindly. '' I'm Noah's sister. Skylar. I like your name Belinda!'' she said nicely as she sat on the stairs trying to ignore the moans of the zombies probably smelling them from outside of the room.

Noah shaked her hand, his probably as dirty from all the blood that was splattered with his bloody machete. '' Pleasure to meet you Belinda.'' he said. '' Logan is a guy we met at a car garage but for some crazy reason, he decided to search for survivors and all.'' he said with a smirk. He knew it wouldn't work as planned but he just shrugged it away.
Belinda smiled at the other woman, "Back at you, Sky." She paused to listen to Noah, then gave a little snort, "Sounds just like Poor Sap. Some idiot who thought he'd be altruistic by blowing up a truck to draw the zeds away from some other survivors." Finally, she sheathed her combat knife. "I'm going to sleep." She looked at the two of them with a mischievous little grin. "Don't kill me in my sleep. I know I'm one more mouth to feed, but it'd be much appreciated if you did that for me. I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can get out of here." She lay down as comfortably as she could and closed her eyes.
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Brie knew that one possible place to see if their was anyone else alive, would be checking some often big zed nests areas. Like schools, malls and forests, she figured she'd try and head to the school and see if anyone was maybe hiding out there. With that in mind, she quickly started making her way to the school, while avoiding as many zeds as she could.
Norman continues to watch the streets surrounding the Sheriff's Department with his fully-loaded scoped rifle, looking around closely for any members of the sprinting horde that he heard earlier. There wan't any signs of life anywhere. Yet.
Elizabeth glanced around the corner into the street, noticing a horde nearby and swearing softly under her breath and getting ready to fight if they noticed her as she continued to slowly now make her way towards the Sheriff's Department.
As Elizabeth turns the corner of course the crafty little marksman sat atop the Sheriff's Department would see her. He'd also look just up from where she was glanced - the sprinting zombie horde was good at disguising itself as one of the slow walking ones - but they were too fast to trick anyone if they looked for long enough - they were more speed-walkers when they were in their disguise.

"Oh, honey... you ain't gonna' walk into those ones..." He mutters under his breath, keeping his sights locked on her. He inspects her whole body for any weapons and smiles to himself, shaking his head. "They get'a hold of you and you ain't got a chance..." He says quietly, almost completely hidden from view on the lower streets. He primarily kept his eyes on Elizabeth but also glanced off to the horde occasionally, of which had began to start drifting by - if she stayed hidden, they wouldn't see her.
Elizabeth quickly threw herself into the next alley she could find to hide from the approaching horde, knowing with the limited amount of arrows she had and how many zombies there were in the horde, she wouldn't have time to change to her rifle to bust some heads, she just hoped that they wouldn't see or smell her.

((Is he western? xD I'm loving his accent.)
((As Western as a Cowboy, my friend ;) ))

"Oh... smart girl, smart girl..." He muttered quietly while grinning to himself, taking a deep breath through his nose and being greeted by the smell of rotting flesh as the horde went by; he watched it pass for a minute. One of the runners would stop and turn off towards the direction of which Elizabeth was hidden. ".. shit..." He whispered as they started slowly drifting towards her; he'd quickly swipe up one of the bricks that was rested on the top of the roof and launch it off the roof to his right - it smashes down on top of a car not far down the street and lets out a loud smash as it goes through one of the windows. No car alarm, though. The battery must have been dead.

The main runner of the horde shoots his head off in the direction of the noise. Of course Elizabeth would have seen the brick fly. A guardian angel, none other? The leader of the horde lets out a scream and goes sprinting off at the car, stopping beside it. It glances around slowly and awaits its partners to get back to it. With that, the horde would slowly start drifting away from the station when they realize there is no chance for a meal today.
Elizabeth let's out a sigh of relief, waiting until they completely disappeared around the corner and slowly, quietly crept out of the alley she was hiding in and looked towards the Sheriff's Department and squinted her eyes when she noticed a figure standing on top and blinked, realizing who her mysterious savior must of been and continued to make her way towards the Department.
As she got closer he'd hold one finger to his lip, signalling her to be quiet. They had to wait for the horde to get further away.

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