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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine nods in realization and shakes her head with a small grin on it. "That's unfortunate." She listens to his request and changes to a chick flick. "Sure but if we don't watch that then we'rs watching this." Jaz sets the remote back down and snatches the icecream from his reach. "Don't take big bites!" She scoops a huge chunk and begins to lick it. She was usually selfish when it came to food.

Brody chuckled, and relaxed against the chair. "I'm good with this. Romance is usually beautiful." He kicked his shoes off, getting comfortable on the couch and taking a smaller bite of the ice cream. He took a picture of Jasmine as she ate the ice cream, smiling as she did so. "Thanks for not throwing glass at me by the way. Last time that happened I got thirty-two stitches in my side." He said, hoping he'd keep the smile on her face. Most girls laughed at that. They usually thought he was joking. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's smile whipes clear from her face. "Well you're welcome. I wasn't planning on physically taking my frustration out." She sets the half empty icecream down and goes over to her bed for chocolate. "What else is there to do? Want to have dinner with me tonight? I'm thinking chinese." She stops talking and looks at him, "Don't worry, just as friends."

Well that didn't go as planned. Brody nodded, at the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds good, but we don't have to go out all the time. I make awesome pasta." He added, hoping to lighten the mood. He was surprised she was offering to go anywhere with him honestly, but he wouldn't say no. He liked to move around, and when he had a friend with him that made it even better. @BasicallyMe
"I know, but I've actually been eating ramen the past two weeks in my dorm during break periods." She laughs slightly at herself and then nods to Brody, "Sounds yummy, I love pasta, obviously." Jasmine sits next to him and chews on her candy. "So whats the most awkward thing to happen with you and one of your head over heels woman?" Jaz smirks slightly interested in hearing some crazy stories.

Brody chuckled. "Alright, the second craziest one had a boyfriend- which I didn't know when I asked if she wanted me to take her pictures. She comes over to my dorm, right? And I'm taking pictures with the setup I normally have. Somehow one of my lights mysteriously goes out and I need it obviously so there's enough brightness in the picture. So I go to get a new bulb. I'm gone for five minutes tops. When I get back, she's laying naked on my bed in some pose." Brody laughed at the memory. "Well, her boyfriend just so happened to be my roommate at the time, and he came back early from classes. She tried to say I seduced her, and I get the shit beat out of me. As if that's not bad enough, they stayed together and he stayed my roommate for five more months and she still had me take pictures of her, and used the fact that her boyfriend could beat me up as blackmail so she didn't even pay me. It was so awkward, especially when he was there for the pictures. I had to move out because he wouldn't. I also lied and told the girl I moved to Canada." He added, thinking back to the memory. It had been horrible. He shuttered just at the thought of the girl. @BasicallyMe
I grab my book bag and purse from the side of my bed and rush to class because it's nearly time for class to begin. I get to class sit down and get situated. I set my purse by my desk along with my book bag. I stare at the door waiting for everyone else to arrive. I look over at the teacher and I greet Him "Hi I'm new I'm Crystal Malby nice to meet you" I say then head back to my desk and watch the rest of the class pour in. I frown as I notice I know no one and I look like a loser... :(
Jasmine laughs at his story and finishes her chocolate. "Wow what a slut." She thinks of one of her own experiences, "The ex I've talked about once took me on a double date, but with another girl."

"Yikes. Was that when you decided to break up with him?" Brody asked. He took the ice cream from her entirely, eating it for himself since she had the candy. He was only half paying attention to her, even as he asked the question, mostly focusing on the movie. It was an older film, one he'd already seen. "Cause I would have." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine hesitates for a second before answering and shakes her head, "No.." She feels a bit ashamed since she let him use her. "I was making wrong decisions then, obviously." She laughs to lighten up the subject and poke at her own stupidity. Jaz notices his interest in the movie and decides to pay attention herself so he could focus.

Brody bit his lip, looking over at her. Great job, you used her just like her old boyfriend. That's gotta hurt. "You're really making me feel bad, you know it?" He looked back at the TV, trying to get his mind off it, but he couldn't. "What else did he do to you?" He asked suddenly, reaching for the remote and turning down the movie. He was curious now, and so he had to find out. @BasicallyMe

"Oh fine," Mari kissed him before walking over to her desk, taking a seat on the chair Shane had just gotten up from. "I'll wait right here, unless you take too long," she added, spinning around in her chair. "Then I'll just go myself." She looked back at her laptop, clicking out of the website without thinking much about it and going to shut the computer down. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Well that's my goal," She teases, "to make you feel bad." Jasmine listens to his curious questions and shrugs. "He did a lot. If you and I didn't.. you know, I would still call my self a virgin- since assault shouldn't count as the first time I lost my virginity. Also he was abusive as you already know, he wouldn't let me leave without threatening to make me disappear. He's done things in front of me to other girls- sexually and violently." Jasmine unwraps another chocolate and begins to eat. "It's over though, I hate sob stories. I just turn the experiences into a joke since that's what it was." She smiles and flicks her candy wrapper to Brody's cheek.

Brody grabbed for it, tossing it on her floor before laying down, resting his head in her lap casually. "Well good thing you got me, the asshole who sleeps with you and tries to run away, I'm sure that's an improvement," he joked, although he was beating himself up internally. Maybe he wouldn't have done it if he had known how bad he really was. His smile faltered. He thought about staying away from her after today. Maybe that'd be better. He couldn't imagine how bad it must feel to be used twice. @BasicallyMe
Shane left her dorm before heading to his own. He changed into swimming trunk and a sleeveless shirt. He just got some shoes that he always used for swimming. He had bought them when he went to a water park when the family went to New Jersey. He went back to Mari dorm holding a towel and things he usually took to the beach. @McMajestic (you can get what it is xD so I don't need to explain)
Mari jumped up, walking over to him. "Alright, let's go." She grabbed her bag, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. She couldn't explain her excitement. She saw the beach everyday, she was close enough to swim in it every day. Maybe it was just Shane coming with her that made her have childish excitement. The beach wasn't a long walk away, especially at the pace Mari was going. "What should we do first?" She asked as they stepped into the sand. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"You're not the only guy who runs away almost all guys try to leave before the crack of dawn." She giggles and makes it more comfy for his head. "You just can't get past me," Her eyes transition to his and she winks. "Anyway, what time is it? Dinner always takes forever to get here." Jasmine stands and walks over to her closet. "I'm going to put on actual clothes for when the time does come, no looking." Jaz digs around for a few minutes until she pulls out a white lacey oversized half sleeve shirt with black leggings and white sandals to match for when they leave.

McMajestic said:
Mari jumped up, walking over to him. "Alright, let's go." She grabbed her bag, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. She couldn't explain her excitement. She saw the beach everyday, she was close enough to swim in it every day. Maybe it was just Shane coming with her that made her have childish excitement. The beach wasn't a long walk away, especially at the pace Mari was going. "What should we do first?" She asked as they stepped into the sand. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
The sad part was, Trent was at the beach also, far away,but in line of sight, he was reading something and laughing. Something seems fishy about what he's reading though...
Brody stretched out on the couch, closing his eyes as she changed. "It's too soon for dinner." He said, popping a piece of candy in his mouth. "We still have all these sweets we can eat." He grinned to himself, suddenly glad he hadn't run off as he originally intended. "Plus the movie isn't over." he added. @BasicallyMe
She throws her shirt and leggings on then jumps over the sofa landing on him. "I know I wanted to get dressed. I feel good when I'm dressed to impressed." She laughs as her body slams into his and takes a candy from his hand. "You're taking up my space, so I had to improvise." Jasmine chews the delicious goodness, but frowns, "All of my savory choco is going to be gone when I'm actually in need of it most next week." She pinches his arm softly and finishes chewing while staring at the ceiling still smothering him.

Brody laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist and flipping them so he was laying on her. "I'll get you more." He laid there casually, looking back towards the movie. "You know, chick flicks are actually pretty good. Better than those dumb movies where blood splatters everywhere," he shuttered just at the mention of it. He'd never been a big fan of blood. It usually made him nauseous. Last time he got a cut he had passed out. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine laughs with him as he flips her over. "Yeah I love chick flicks, but sometimes they make me cry." She confesses her secret and watches the movie. "Hey, I like those dumb blood splattering movies." Her hands wrapped around his chest and she relaxes her eyes. "Did I say anything personal while I was drunk?" She questions him hoping he says no.

Trent was seriously cracking up about what he was reading... It sounds like trents talking about some new kid at school and this is his journal...is what Mari can hear from where she is....@McMajestic
Shane shrugged before looking at the surrounding. "We could always just get a tan or swim." He told her. He wasn't sure what they could do, he only went to water parks not beach. @McMajestic
Brody thought for a moment. "I don't think so." He looked down at her, smirking. "Why, anything I need to know?" He asked, resting his hands on either side of her head. "I could hold you here all day until I get a confession and we could miss the Chinese food," he added jokingly. @BasicallyMe

Mari grinned. "Swimming sounds fun." She glanced around the beach, noticing the kid from earlier whose arm she had thought about breaking. "What the hell is he laughing at?" She muttered, pointing him out to Shane. Whatever it was in his hand, it looked personal, and she had a feeling if it was his he wouldn't be laughing like that. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @SomaFel

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