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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine looks around and then back to the clearly disappointed Brody. "What? Nothing intriguing at the beach? There's little shells, crabs, water that can put you to sleep on a warm summer night." She steps forward and slides off her shirt revealing a pastel pink bra and shiny silver belly button piercing. "I love the beach. Well at night I do. It used to be my place of comfort. I'd go to this exact beach just a few miles down before we moved and sleep on a big soft towel for comfort; when things got rough." She turns to face him and smiles.

"And what do you mean by that?" He took a picture of her, smirking to himself, knowing how dangerous a picture like that could be. He strolled closer to the water, looking out towards the ocean. When he was younger he always took pictures of the beach. He thought it was the most beautiful place in the world. He knew it wasn't now, and he also knew it was one of the least beautiful. Not even the seashells or the wildlife made up for it. @BasicallyMe
"What do I mean by what?" She follows him a few steps then departs towards the water alone; still listening. "By when things got rough?" She kicks up water then sinks her toes into the gooey sand that nobody liked but her. "I had an ex boyfriend. He was.. different." She laughs silently and shakes her head thinking of the fool. "I always told him I hated the beach so he wouldn't come here to find me on nights I tried to get away. He's the type of person that's hard to shake."

"And why was that?" He followed, but only to the line just before the water touched the sand. "What makes you say he was different?" Brody was curious, and curiosity always forced him to ask personal questions. He wouldn't stop without the answers he wanted, but she had answered him so far so he didn't think he'd have to pry too much. He took another picture. She made the beach more interesting. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looks down at her leggings wet up to the ankle. "He definitely had a temper." She looked to the other people around them and slid her leggings down slightly. A scar was clearly laying on her inner thigh. "And he like to get his way." She quickly slid back up her leggings and splashed his feet. "It's freezing in here."

Brody all but sprinted back to the restaurant at the feeling of the cold water. He moved an easy ten feet back without a second thought. "Don't do that," he said simply, though his heart rate had increased exponentially and he found it difficult to keep himself calm. He took a couple deep breaths, focusing back on her. He didn't want her to ask any questions. "Is he crazy enough to follow you here?" He asked. @BasicallyMe
She notices his fear of the water, but decides to leave it alone for now. "Uhm, he did once. The last night of our fling." She steps out of the water and grabs her sandy shirt. "Let's go back to my dorm so I can change for the strip thing tonight." She giggles slightly at how the word formation made it sound as if she were giving him a lap dance tonight. "But don't worry he's most likely not going to show up on this side of the beach." Jasmine winks and starts walking the way they came from.

Brody followed after her, only pausing to put his shoes back on. He chuckled at her wording, though he decided not to comment on it, instead focusing on her psycho ex. "Well that's good. I'd hate to have pictures of police officers dragging someone off campus. Not the prettiest scene." Brody walked with her back to the girl's dorm. "So, what are you going to change into for the 'strip thing' as you so eloquently put it?" @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looks up to the sky as if thinking hard. "I was thinking something lacy and red. Maybe some heels and fish-nets?" She grins and shakes her head, "I don't know yet. Whatever I think I'll look flattering in that's in my closet." She then decides to comment on Brody's word that he'd hate to take pictures of someone being dragged off campus. "It'd make an interesting story."

Once they finally reach her dorm, she opens the door for them to both walk in. Jasmine immediately goes to her closet and opens it up to dig. A few minutes later she finally takes out a white lace crop top, high waisted light colored shorts, and a floral cardigan to match. "Uhmm.. turn around." Jasmine motions twirling with her finger.

Brody did, snapped a picture and turned to leave. "Alright, let's go." He said, starting for the exit. "There's all kinds of teenager stuff at the strip, so you can decide what we do. There's clothes stores, candy shops, a club we can go to, a club we can't go to, a skating rink, and that's just one side." He added. "I haven't been through all the stores yet so I don't know everything that's there." He added, glancing down at his own outfit and pausing. Jeans and a sweatshirt. Not very flattering. "Um, maybe I should change too." @BasicallyMe
"Well the club we can't get into sounds interesting." She throws the clothes she just picked onto the bed and looks up nervously. "We should go to it. H-have you ever had alcohol?" Jasmine turns back into her closet and pulls out a tight red dress with a slit where her cleavage will show. When Brody wasn't looking she slipped off all her clothes and slid the dress on. "Slutty Freshmen prom, twerk circle- don't ask." She walks to the door and opens it up after grabbing a pair of black sparkly heels.

"Of course I've had alcohol before. Why do you think I like margaritas so much?" Brody looked her up and down and took another picture. "I'm going to have to create an entire album just for you." He muttered, walking over to the guys dorm. He slid into his dorm, noticing his roommate was gone. Good. He changes into some nicer jeans and a polo with a leather jacket, not even bothering to close the door to his dorm beforehand. He didn't really care if he anybody saw him change. @BasicallyMe
Shane nodded at that as he used his right hand to go into another website. "I could rent a cabin and we could stay there the night?" He questioned. Renting a cabin for them to stay was if they got tire. "We could also try telling horror stories?" He questioned again. @McMajestic
"Oh ok." She follows Brody to his dorm and avoids watching him change. She stands in the hall and watches as some girls pass by with giggles and hearty eyes, which annoyed her. When Brody finally finished changing she walked with him down the hall barefoot until they get outside. "Ok lead the way." Jasmine bends over slightly to put on her heels without exposing her bare skin to pedestrians and co-peers. Her palms were beginning to feel a little sweaty at the fact she's never tried alcohol before.

"Sure thing, Sweetheart," Brody didn't wait up, he just started walking and expected her to keep pace. He wasn't good at looking back, at checking on others. Once they got to the strip he walked towards the club. The music vibrated the sidewalk and despite the daylight there was a line wrapped around the building. Brody walked right up to the bouncer, pulling his wallet out of his pocket and flashing his ID at the guy. "Brody Wilson. I'm taking pictures for the website." He lied easily, lifting his camera up for good measure. He never left home without it. The bouncer nodded in approval. @BasicallyMe

"Or we could sleep on the beach," Mari suggested. "And I've got some killer scary stories. You'll be crying by the end of them, shaking with fear." She joked, changing into her bikini before pulling on a pair of shorts. She didn't care too much if Shane saw her. Almost the entire student body had. She didn't really have a right to boundaries anymore. Everyone had passed them and she had let them. There wasn't much to argue against when she hadn't argued against it any other time. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her mind off the past, before searching for a pair of flipflops. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine tries to think quick and uses Brody's lie- but she's the assistant. The bouncer lets her in as well thankfully, so she makes her way in. The smell of sweat, butt, and alcohol filled her nostrils making her almost gag. For a second Jaz was thinking maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here, but they were now and all she could do was have fun. "I'm going to get a drink." She smiles and acts like it isn't her first. The bartender slid a cup of plain beer to a guy sitting next to her, to which the guy slid it to Jasmine out of flirtation and she smiles. The first sip burned a little, causing her face to scrunch up in disgust, but she drank half of it down anyway.

Brody followed after her, quickly taking the drink away from her. "Whoa there Hotshot. You stick to ginger ale. Leave the alcohol to someone who actually knows the club." Brody slid the beer back to the guy. "Never, and I mean never take a drink from someone. I don't care if you watched the bartender hand it to them or not. This club is full of horny guys and drugs." He huffed, watching as the guy looked obviously offended, but then a little scared. He turned away pretty fast. "You're obviously new to this club thing so I'm going to set up some rules." Brody muttered, trying to think of where to start. @BasicallyMe
"Oh come on, it's just a little fun." She looks to the floor with her tongue sticking out. The flavor didn't seem like it was going to go away. "So the bartender would've spiked my drink? I don't believe that." She sighs when he tells her there will be rules. "Why did we come to a big girl club if you're going to lay rules on me. I'm just trying to be fun and try new things." Jasmine was still nervous about the whole situation, but she continued to defend herself. "Pleasee can I have the rest of my drink? Maybe another one?"

"Okay fine, but if you're going to get hammered, you're going to do it right. Yo, I need twenty shots." Brody said to the bartender, who laughed, already knowing what was going on. He set ten in front of Jasmine and ten in front of Brody. "This is the real way to drink. Last one to finish pays." He said, "Go!" Brody started downing them like a champ, though he had a feeling he was going to leave Jasmine behind anyways. @BasicallyMe
Her eyes widened at the number 20. It was never a big number to her until it was coordinated with shots. When Brody set ten infront of her she felt like throwing up, the half a cup of beer made it worse. Jasmine smiled at him challengingly and began drinking once it was called. She was only on shot three when Brody was halfway done. Her heart began to beat faster and vision a little blurry. Am I getting drunk? The moment she downed the last shot was the breaking point and she was for sure going to chuck it back up on his feet if there was no nearby bathroom. Jasmine hopped off the stool quickly, falling to her knees. "Woahw." A mixture of the two words woah and wow escaped her mouth, totally forgetting about the nausea.

Shane stood up and stretched. "It's still too early to go and we still need the items to bring so that we can have an actual camp fire and a night at the beach." He told her with a soft smile. @McMajestic
Cody chuckled, helping Her to her feet and leading her towards the girls bathroom. He stepped inside with her, prepared to hold her hair back when she started puking. "you're a lightweight. Better not accept too many more challenges from me." He told her. A few girls squealed at the sight of them, buy few bothered. It wasn't exactly something that didn't happen in a place like this. @BasicallyMe

Mari frowned, pouting her lip and crossing her are over her chest. "Do I look adorable enough for you to change your mind yet?" she pleaded, not caring if it was still daylight. She'd gotten excited and forgot about the time, but she didn't care. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I'm not a li- weigh-." She says, her words a bit slurred and cut off. Jasmine slaps his hand away from her hair and laughs. "I'm not gonna bark, silly." She stands slowly and stumbles into him. "One more. Just one more." She pushes off of him and onto the wall towards the bathroom door. "I'm having soo much fun ri- now. Don't take it away!" A tear rolls down her cheek as if she were worried he would, so she swings open the bathroom door and waits for Brody to go out first. "Let's just ha- fun."

"One, you're already drunk. Two, you're totally gonna puke. If it gets on my shoes I'm going to maim you." He chuckled, grabbing her hand to steady her and leading her out and back to the bar. "Give me two more shots." He ordered, sliding one to Jasmine. He threw his back without a thought. "Wanna dance?" He asked. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine drank hers down still with the after-face. She nods to his offer and marched onto the dance floor where others were twerking and grinding their sweaty intimates together. It made her shudder but then again she joined the twerk circle in 9th grade. "Fas-, slow, what?" Jasmine pushes her hair behind her ear and reaches her arms out like a zombie waiting for him to guide her into whatever it is they were doing.


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