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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody smirked, taking her hands in his. "Fast," he chuckled, pulling her against him and grinding on her. She wanted to go to this club so he was going to give her the full experience. He felt it was only his job. Besides, she was already drunk. How could she say no? @BasicallyMe
Jasmine giggled as she felt him grind on her. She was drunk with no real thoughts, opinions, or rationalizing. All she knew right now was that a cute boy- or two?- was grinding his stuff against her. "Ok then." Her response to his answer was late from being distracted. "You're so werd." Jasmine stumbles again as her left heel falls off leaving her to be an uneven height. "Oh my. Oh my what happened why my leaning?" She looks around for an answer unable to find it. Once the raven-haired girl realizes it's her shoe, she kicks the other one off and continues to dance like she didn't just have an embarrassing freak out.

"Things could get more interesting." She grins and leans in to his neck.

Brody smirked, lost in the mindnumbing beat of the music. "Oh I bet they could," he chuckled, resting his hands on her hips to hold her in place. He was thoroughly enjoying himself. He'd never seen someone get so drunk so fast, and that in itself was extremely entertaining. He thought about taking some pictures, but decided not to. He'd save that for later, when putting her hand into a fist made her think her fingers disappeared. "what did you have in mind? " He asked. @BasicallyMe
She continues to sway her hips back and forth to the feeling of his hand being on them. "I don't know, we could go back to the dorm." She talks into his ear so he could hear over all the loud music. Jasmine rests her head onto his shoulder while they dance and her lips could be vaguely felt against his neck. "If you want." Her voice was a bit deeper than her normally girly voice, as if challenging him. "After all you still haven't swiped your v-card, right?" Jaz steps back from his grasp and dances faster than what they were doing while staring at him for an answer. Her lips turned into a grin.

Brody thought for a moment. I'd totally be taking advantage of her. But it would make for some good pictures. "Okay. If you know what you're getting into then let's do it." He smirked, spinning her around before pulling her back against him. He liked the feeling of her pressed into his body. "Lead the way, " He said, nodding towards the exit. Even as he said it he felt a tingle within him. Was that... Nerves? He shook himself out of it. He was seventeen and well passed due getting laid. There was no reason to be nervous. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smirks and grabs his hand to walk him out. Once they both reach the outside she lets go and leads the way back to her dorm with only a few wrong turns. Once there she kicks off her sparkly heels and grabs Brody's shirt, pulling him to her bed. "Hopefully this is my dorm." She giggles and kisses his neck while plowing her fingers through the back of his hair. Her legs wrap around his waist lifting her tight dress ever so slightly.

"I'm sure we're close enough," Brody kicked off his shoes, practically slamming her against the bed and smacking their teeth together, kissing her hard. he hadn't kissed a girl in awhile. It was a nice change in pace. He took his camera off, letting it fall to the floor, trailing kisses down her jawline. He laughed quietly to himself, unable to believe what was happening. He'd known this girl for two hours tops, but it looked like he wasn't going to know her for much longer. This is wrong. Eh, no pain no fame. That is the quote, isn't it? @BasicallyMe
She continued to kiss him back, her neck arching back while he goes down her jaw line. Jasmine's red painted finger nails grab onto Brody's shirt and pull it off. The excitement was almost to much, she never thought this kind of thing would happen again, but it is. In her defense it wouldn't be happening if she wasn't plastered. Her fingers then go to the buttons on his pants, undoing them with the zipper as well. Fades to Black.

A couple hours later

Brody had fully intended on leaving. But something held him back. She looked so peaceful after she had fallen asleep he had pulled the blanket to her neck and taken a couple pictures. He hadn't meant to be a creep, he just couldn't help how beautiful she looked. He redressed himself, shrugging his jacket back on, then taking it off and laying it over her instead. He wanted a reason to see her again, and the jacket would be one. He headed towards the door, opened it, noticed a girl he had made cry last week, and slammed it shut, locking it quickly. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine jumps up from her spot in the bed, his jacket falling on the floor revealing her body. She felt straight up contact with the cold air and looked down, her girls staring back at her. Are you shitting me? She grabs the sheet and covers her body before her hostile green eyes dart to Brody. "What the hell." Each word spaced out and just as deep as the other making it sound like a statement other than a question. Her eyes close in fear she might stab him on the spot right now. "Were we doing some sort of ancient wrestling practice that requires nudity or did you decide to use me as your toy?" Her feet slam to the ground from the bed and she stands, "You were going to leave!" Jasmine reaches out her hand to gesture.

Brody gulped. He hadn't thought he'd have to deal with this mess so soon after it had ended. He had no time to come up with a convincing lie. He let out a breath. If he couldnt lie, he'd have to tell the truth. "You were drunk. I was sober." He wasn't sure what else to say. What else could he say? "If you want to press charges against me I won't try to stop you, but I was going to come back. " He added, knowing it wouldn't change anything. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stares at him in her spot dumb-founded. "I'm not going to press charges on you, idiot." She listens to the part on how he was going to come back and rolls her eyes. "What were you going to leave for anyway? Some coffee?" Sarcasm was evident in her voice with a bit of hurt. She admired the fact that he practically admitted taking advantage of her though; for once no lies- she guesses. "Ok well you can go now. I'm not exactly getting a pleasant feeling while you're here." Jaz kicks Brody's jacket up with her feet and it lands close to him. She finally moves out of her spot with the blanket still wrapped around her and she sits on the couch, totally ignoring him now. Now that she thinks about it the unpleasant feeling is the horrendous migraine mixed with a need to puke.

Brody thought for a moment before leaving quickly. He went to the common room and made some coffee for both of them before heading back to the dorm, tapping the door open with his foot. He set hers down next to her and went straight into her bathroom. "You need some medicine. Where's it at? " He asked, opening a drawer and looking in. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looks at the coffee quietly still upset. She listens as Brody enters her bathroom and leans her head back to try and relieve migraine pain. "I don't have any." Her sentence simple and short, but then she realizes her need to go to the store. "I have to go to the store." She gets up with a fast pace despite her sickness trying to avoid giving Brody satisfaction of seeing her naked again. Her clothes were on in less than 20 seconds.

Brody almost laughed. "you're hungover. You're not going to the store." He reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a small bottle and pouring two out. "It's Advil. It'll help." He added. "And make me a grocery list. I'll get whatever you need. I wanna make this up to you. Honest." Brody spoke hopefully. He wasn't a total asshole. He didn't want her to get caught with alcohol in her system, and he especially didn't want her to humiliate herself in public by stopping to puke on aisle 5. He just hoped she'd get the fact that he really did want to make it up to her.
Jasmine swollowed the pills, grabbed a nearby pen, and pulled Brody's hand to her. She pushed the pen down hard for the beginning letter, 'A' for Advil. Afterwards she softened on her writing and put ramen as the second. Third was tampons. Fourth was chocolate. Jaz looks up to Brody and shrugs. "Shark week starts in a few days." She sits back on the sofa and keeps her eyes on Brody until he disappears to the hall. Her feelings were hurt, which may seem petty to him, but she just couldn't not be upset.

Brody moved fast. He went to the store and got everything she needed, but he decided that wasn't enough. He pulled out his wallet, checking to see how much cash he had left. You've never asked for forgiveness before. He thought, scolding himself for blowing so much money on one girl. You've also never slept with a girl before. Brody bought a small bouquet of daisies, then roses. He wasn't sure which she would like. A horrible thought struck him. What if she was allergic to flowers? He got ice cream too just in case. He headed back to her dorm with four bags, and walked back in, dropping them on her bed. "Hey sweetheart, still hate me? " he asked, pulling out all the flowers and holding them out to her. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stood from the couch now changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. Her eyes widened slightly at the flowers and she grabbed them. The kid was making it hard to be upset. She sniffs them and grabs a vase her mother gave her. "A little." Jasmine tried to stay stubborn while filling the vase with water, but it wasn't working well.

Brody bit his lip. "I wasn't lying, you know. I don't sleep with other girls. You're my first. " He thought that could help some. He pulled the rest of the stuff out of the bag, setting it all on her bed. He set the ice cream down. "I got that for you too." Brody said, taking a deep breath. He didn't want her to hate him. He'd already grown an interest in her. "Maybe we can eat it while watching a movie of your choice. " He hadn't just apologized. He didn't want to if he was being honest with himself, but he hoped she'd take everything he was doing as one. @BasicallyMe

(I gotta go to bed. Night)
Jasmine set the flowers on the counter and turned to see the icecream and everything else. "You're making it hard to be mad." She walks over after grabbing two spoons, "I believe that you were a virgin. That's not what upset me." She grabbed the icecream and sat on the small couch, motioning for him to come. "I was mad that you slept with me but when I woke up you were going to leave." She opens the pint and dips a big spoon in. "You can't do that.." She says quickly and quietly while in the midst of shoving her face.


(Same. Night.)
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Brody bit his lip, trying to figure out what to say that would make this wash over completely. He couldn't come up with anything. "I'm just not looking for any commitment right now. Me and girlfriends don't exactly work. I just didn't want you to think we were like just a couple suddenly." He explained, taking a cautious bite of the ice cream. "It was fun, but there's a level of freedom I'm not giving up right now." He shrugged, trying to seem casual about it, hoping she understood. @BasicallyMe
"I know. We just met a few hours ago." She smiles reassuringly to him and turns the channel to a scary movie about to begin. "Like I said, you could've said bye even if it was awkward." She elbows him softly into the arm without turning her attention to him. "And why'd you slam my door closed without leaving did you have an epiphany or something?"

Shane stare at her and seeing her pout, he crossed his arms. "Adorable? Yes, is it hard for me to resist myself from jumping you right now? Hell to the yes." He told her with a serious tone. The more he looked at her, the harder it became for him. @McMajestic
Brody bit his lip, unsure of what to say. He could lie, but he felt there was no reason to since she wasn't grabbing for a knife to slice his throat. "There was a girl in the hallway that was one of the ones that cried because of me. I didnt want to get into it with her." He turned towards the movie, then quickly looked away. "Could we watch something with a little less... Blood. " He asked, taking another bite of ice cream. @BasicallyMe

Mari laughed, heading towards the door. "Wanna come and get me? I'll be Heading towards the beach." She picked up her bag and started for the door. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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