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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane closed his eyes and started thinking about it. What could they really do? He smirked before looking at her. "How about that make out session?" He joked while sounding serious. Hey, if no one could tell he was joking or lying, he would be the perfect actor but he liked dancing better. @McMajestic
Mari chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Are you being persistent, or was that just a joke?" She smirked, pressing her lips against his. Joke or not she was going to enjoy herself. Something she hadn't done in a long time. Shane was helping her do a lot of things she hadn't in a while, and she appreciated every second of it. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane continue to stare at her before grinning. "It's up to you my evil maiden." He said as he kissed her back. He kissed full force. He really enjoyed himself around Mari and especially enjoyed her kisses. @McMajestic
Mari grinned into the kiss, holding him tighter, pushing herself against him. She never wanted this to end. She hoped Shane would stay by her side forever. She loved every part of him. Even when he was yelling at her she couldn't help but love him. You've known him two days. She thought to herself. Funny, it feels like a lifetime. She ran her hands down his chest, letting her fingers knot into his tee shirt. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine stepped from her dorm quietly. She was dressed in black leggings and a flowy pink polka-dot tank top shirt with a bow in the back. Her jet black hair was pulled up into a messy bun- which was hard for her to ever achieve. Where to now? Today is her second week here and she still had no idea what to do. This school was so full of cool things and even has it's own dining area. She shrugged to herself and began down the hall, automatically going towards one of Bouvardia's on-campus restaurants.
Shane was so lost deep in the kiss, that he had forgotten about the computers being on. He was kissing her with passion, something he barely did. He knew things were going too fast, but honestly, he just didn't care and wanted to continue. She had taken his attention away from any other girl the moment he met her and that was saying something, no one has ever caught his attention before at all. @McMajestic
Brody was strolling around the campus, taking pictures of whatever he saw that caught his eye. It was his photography class, and he had a pass if anyone asked, but he was sure at least half the students he watched walk by didn't. They were all seniors with free periods or juniors who didn't want to suffer through their fourth period. A few of them were on lunch, but he doubted the amount he saw were all scheduled for thirty minutes of freedom. He snapped a shot of a bird landing by a girl's feet, before aiming the camera up at her and taking the picture. He let the camera drop back against his chest, pushing the sleeves to his sweatshirt up before taking another picture of her. @BasicallyMe

Mari was breathless but she didn't want to stop. Everything in that moment vanished. She'd never believed in those moments in the movies where everything went black except for the person being kissed, but she was submerged in that moment. Everything was heating up. She was sweating. She pulled away, throwing her jacket to the ground. "Jesus Christ," she breathed out, wiping the sweat off her forehead before kissing him again. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Jasmine soon made her way to the outside paths and stopped dead in her tracks. She was a bit lost and had forgotten her map in the dorm; well, she 'forgot' it. Being two weeks new and walking around with a map is practically feeding yourself to the sharks. For a moment Jaz was distracted by a small bird that landed beside her feet then flew off. For those few seconds she felt peace, but as it flew away Jasmine snapped back to reality and began looking around again. "Oh God this is embarrassing," She thought to herself.

"Are you lost?" Brody asked, taking another picture of the girl. She looked lost. He took note of the way her eyes wandered, searching for something she couldn't find. "It's a pretty big campus so I don't blame you," he added, walking closer to the girl. he let his camera hang around his neck as he adjusted his sunglasses, looking the girl up and down. He new natural beauty when he saw it. He took another picture from a lower angle. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine jumped slightly and looked over at her new paparazzi. He snapped a picture of her and she blinked, "Oh, uh, yeah I'm lost." She watches as he takes another picture from a lower angle, "Is this for a project?" She began to feel a little uncomfortable and insecure. "I was trying to find one of the on-campus restaurants. I'm hungry." She rubs her arm and looks around at the passing students.

"Not a project, just my own viewing pleasure," Brody grinned, taking a step to the left and snapping another shot. "Well, you've reached the right place," He added. "Chinese is over there," he pointed to the left. "Italian is that way," right. "And, if you'd like to join me for a bite, Mexican is straight ahead." He winked at her, took another photo, and started towards the restaurant. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listened to his directions and flinched again as he snapped another photo. She watched him walk away and stood there hesitant on if she should go or not. "I guess I could go for Mexican," The words came out of her mouth quietly and she caught up to him. "I kind of would like to know your name?" Jas walks beside the brunette and waits for his answer. The biggest thing on her mind right now though is what he'll be doing with those pictures later on.

Brody thought for a moment. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," he smiled, taking a picture of the lady who grabbed a couple of menus for them once they were inside.

"Table for two again, Brody? It's a new girl every time." The waitress chuckled.

"Well there's just so much beauty it's hard to stick to one." He wrapped an arm around Jasmine's shoulders as the waitress led them to their table. "So, your name?" He asked. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine went to tell Brody her name, but the waitress began to speak. She listened in and as Brody swung his arm around her she guarded her face. Immediately she felt embarrassed and ignored the situation. Once they were seated, the boy asked for her name again to which she replied, "My name is Jasmine." She reaches for her menu and opens it, pretending to actually read the entrees. Her mind was on how this guy must be some kind of player.

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"Cute name." He took a picture of her sitting at the table, with the menu half in the way. He didn't even glance at his own menu. He already knew what he wanted. "What do you want to drink? They have awesome virgin Margaritas. I get one every time I come. The only thing that could make it better is actual alcohol," he laughed to himself, before looking back to the girl. "I'm kidding, by the way." @BasicallyMe
She set her menu down after glancing across a good sounding taco and nodded to Brody's suggestion. "Sure I'll take one." Jasmine bit her lip and looked down to the table. She felt like she could be coming off boring. Compared to this kid she has a shriveled up raison personality. When he mentions alcohol her mouth opens to say something fun-sounding back, but closes immediately when he confesses it a joke. "Yeah, I know." A smile forms on her face as she tries to be more optimistic and out-going. "So you take photos every five minutes and do what with them exactly?"


I'm going to bed! Be on tomorrow.
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Brody smirked at the question. "That is for me to know, and you to never find out," he knocked loudly on the table, and the same waitress as before came by. He ordered their drinks. After the waitress was gone he turned back to Jasmine. "So, what amazing talent brought you to Bouvardia?" He asked, slipping his sunglasses off and setting them on the table, revealing his bright green eyes.


Shane hadn't actually expected the kiss to have lasted this long. He stood up and pushed her toward the wall as he continue to kiss her, hey he didn't want her to fall off. On his head, he was actually thanking god for letting him meet her. @McMajestic
Mari stumbled. Her legs were practically useless at that point. She held on tight to Shane, lost in the moment. Minutes or hours could have gone by and she wouldn't be able to tell. It was like a dream. A beautiful, wonderful dream. All her logic had left her. She couldn't think straight. She didn't care. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane pulled away and looked at her. "Do you like it?" He asked her with a smirk. He could had continue asking her that, but he wanted to know her answer first. @McMajestic
"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I like it." Mari took a deep breath, trying to get her heart rate down to something acceptable. She leaned heavily against the wall, trying to regain composure. After a moment she walked over to her bed, laying on it. "Break's over, get back to work." She gestured towards the laptops. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane smirked at that. She wanted him to go back to work when he wanted her? Now that was being unfair. "And I though you wanted to continue." He mock pouted at her before sitting back down and going back to work on both computer while also placing a paper down and writing with his left. @McMajestic
Mari was quiet for a moment. "Okay, that's true, but also beside the point. We'll continue when you finish your job," She said, sitting up and grabbing for her sketchbook. "And while you do that I'm going to work on my art project that's due tomorrow." She added, looking at some of the sketches she'd already made before grabbing some canvas and starting on the final. "It centers around you, so that should boost your ego." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine watched as he ordered their drinks and then hesitates a minute before answering. "Well, I do theater and I dabble with acrylics." She takes a sugar packet and splits it open. The white grains spill all over the table in front of her. "Art is life." Jasmine dabs her finger in the sugar and begins to swirl it around, soon making the sugar form into what is the form of a dog. "I would ask you, but I already know that it's obviously photography." She chuckles quietly while cleaning up the sugary mess.

Shane stare at her when she said that. So she was making a project out of him, now that was interesting. "I'm working on your website while trying to decipher some dances that I got sent a few months ago." He was typing fast with one hand while writing with his left hand, sometimes even switched hands just for the fun of it. @McMajestic

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