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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane shook his head at her as he continue going down the stairs. He didn't care what the others said, he just wanted for them two to be outside and talk with no one around. "It was my fault anyways." He said to her, giving her a kiss.

She sighed. "No, I started this." Mari took a shaky breath, still holding on tight even after they were outside. "I made you mad. I shouldn't have." She curled herself into him as much as she could, wishing she could just disappear. She felt horrible. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane placed her under a tree and sat next to her. He looked up at the clouds and smiled. "I doesn't really matter whose fault it is, I shouldn't had gotten mad over something like that." He closed his eyes and placed his head on her shoulder. "I got jealous and I shouldn't have said that. " He added kissing her cheeks.

Mari rested her head on his chest, wiping her tears away. "You know, I've never cried because of a boy before. I guess that means I really like you," Mari mumbled, taking his hand in hers and squeezing weakly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Zane nodded to show he understood, and laughed when she mentioned his sister. "Yeah, I can guarantee she'll look like a lobster after her first day trying to go swimming. She practically has to bathe in sunblock." He had put his hands in his pockets as he walked along with Kaya.

Abs followed the two lovebirds to Mari's class, not saying much.


Shane looked at Mari before sighing. "I'm usually one of those who barely get mad, only time I get mad are with my parents or my brother." He said. Yes, he got along with his brother but they had their own differences. "So getting mad at you was kinda unexpected." He just hoped his brother didn't hack into the school camera and saw a video of it.

Mari looked up at Shane. "I'm good at pushing buttons." She took a deep breath, finally recovered from the disgusting sobs that she thought would never end. "We'll work on it together." She smiled weakly, pressing her lips against his in a deep kiss. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
“I feel genuinely bad for her,” Kaya stated. She was thankful she never burned easily - she grew up outside, either running around outside to escape her parents or going down to the beach every weekend during the summer. Actually making the turn, she made a wide sweeping gesture with her arm, as if presenting the beach to him. It was nothing overly spectacular, but it served its purpose. “I love the beach. It was such a pleasant surprise when we learned there was one on campus.”


Dom kissed her back, pulling her closer. He placed one hand on her cheeks while wrapping his other arm around her waist. He knew that he didn't want to let her go and he wasn't gonna let go of her until he feels like it.

Mari pulled away after a few minutes, resting her forehead against his. "We have to go back to class, you know," she whispered, wishing she could spend the rest of the day with him instead. "It's not my favorite option, but the principal frowns on skipping class." She sighed to herself, closing her eyes. She felt tired for the first time in months, like she could sleep for hours. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane looked at her with a look that said he didn't want to go back to class. He pulled her back into a kiss before pulling away. "Are you sure you want to go back to class?" He really didn't want to go, he wanted to spend his time with her.

"No," Mari admitted. "But I'd probably just fall asleep on you, and I'm sure you don't want to just watch me sleep for a few hours." Mari mumbled, yawning. She couldn't explain it, this sense of exhaustion that had suddenly overtaken her. "But we should go back to my dorm if we decide to skip, that way you can keep working on my website." She added. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane shrugged before nodding, he could do that. He stood up and stretched, his body feeling sore for some reason he couldn't explain. He was tire as hell and that never happened, he could stay awake a long time without problem, his songs and dance could be an example of barely getting tire. "Let's go to your dorm then, but I gotta go get my laptop again." He told her. What she didn't know was that while he was making her website, he was also finding people on the other computer to get them on the website and buy her arts from there. He knew enough people who liked arts from student and they payed well, even told him to tell them about any website that they could search for art, which he has done. He had even made sure that no one could hack into her account, his brother was gonna put the finishing touch once Shane finished the website. @McMajestic (surprise surprise xD isn't he great?)
(Yeah xD )

Mari nodded. "Okay, you get the laptop, I'll meet you there. Don't get caught." She gave him a quick kiss before heading off towards her dorm. Once she got in she collapsed on her bed, kicking her shoes off and curling up under the covers. She didn't want to fall asleep if Shane was coming by. She turned on her TV, letting Netflix play in the background of her thoughts. That would keep her awake.
Shane didn't take long to arrive at his dorm. He opened it and went to where his laptop was at but before that, he went to go get a drink. He took an apple juice and quickly drank it. After finishing it, he held his laptop on his hand and headed toward Mari dorm room. He knocked on her door and waited for her to open it. @McMajestic
"It's open," she called, not bothering to head to the door. She sat up in bed, grabbing her laptop off the end of it and logging in so Shane had easy access. She glanced at the home screen picture of her brothers. She'd have to talk to them soon, tell them about Shane. She was sure they'd like him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane opened the door and went inside, locking the door. He sat down by table and logged in into his computer. The picture on the screen was of him and his former best friend. He smiled a little bit at the picture before frowning after remembering that his ex best friend stabbed him in the back. Dustin was his name and he had brown hair, Green eyes and a scar running along his left eye. He wore a business suit while Shane wore a silver track suit. He kept on frowning before switching the picture to one of his little sister. Hehehe, he remembered when this picture was taken. @McMajestic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/044a8a6ec4b345fd4b302664424e6058.jpg.2dae92324a22e7fd4d5caf3f49da4ef5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/044a8a6ec4b345fd4b302664424e6058.jpg.2dae92324a22e7fd4d5caf3f49da4ef5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(That's how she looks
xD )



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Mari crawled over to the end of her bed and looked over at Shane. "She's cute, is that your sister?" she asked, smiling at the image. Sometimes she wished she had a sister. Mari got to her feet, walking over to the desk and sitting in Shane's lap. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane nodded at that. This was his ten year old sister, Karina, aka the most troublesome but helpless person he knew. "Karina Reeze, good girl but at the same time troublesome." He told her as he wrapped one arm around her waist when she sat on his lap. "My brother has been like her father, so he calls him dad." That was true, she called Marcus aka his brother dad while his father was just called Grandpa, it always made him laugh when his dad got mad at that. @McMajestic
"I better meet your brother at the party you've invited me to. I keep hearing all this awesome stuff about him so I expect a complete introduction." Mari looked at Shane. "So, Prince Charming, how much longer till my website's done?" She asked. She wanted to start selling stuff fast. The quicker she got cash, the quicker she could ditch her less legal methods of getting it. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane though about and shrugged. He just needed a full day or two to completely finish. "I need to full day or two." He said to her. "If he isn't working, he will be there." He told her with his smile as he used his friend hand to continue working on her website using her laptop. @McMajestic
"You know, this is pretty awesome. I wish you would have been here last year. Last time I tried to get someone to help me make a website I..." Mari trailed off, growing tense as she remembered the fight they had just had, and her stupid comment that had started it. She didn't want that to happen again. She didn't want to cry again. "Well, it didn't work out." @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane looked at her before looking back at the computer. He wasn't gonna let that bother him at all. He continue to work on the website, while given her a kiss on the neck. @McMajestic
Mari relaxed against him, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. "So, what else should we do when you've decided your done working on this website," she asked. "We do, after all, have almost an entire day for us to just be together and do something crazy." She grinned, resting her head on his shoulder. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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