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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

The brown-haired girl emitted a laugh when he made the comment of not having a bathing suit. “Looks like we’re buying you some, then,” she told him, nudging him with her arm. When the crosswalk light turned green, she crossed the street, slightly in front of him. When he asked what she did in her spare time, she heard the faint quaver in his voice, but she thought she could be mistaking it. “Jesus,” she said allowed. “This sounds extremely lame, but I love to read. I do it all the time. Back home, our house is full of my books.” Kaya gave a fond smile. She always got unbelievably homesick the first month of school, but it always passed. “And I usually take runs after school. It’s like a ritual for me. God, I just brought myself two notches down on the coolness scale. What about you?”

He smiled a little at the nudge she gave him. "There's nothing uncool about reading. I mean, I don't read a whole lot--that's more Abs' thing. She's a walking Encyclopedia Britannica. But I can definitely get behind running and all that. I even took martial arts when I was younger." By this time, Zane was thinking he might need sunblock, he could really feel the sun beating down on him. It would be even worse for Abs, since London was even colder than New York.


Shane looked at her as if she had sprung a second head but he didn't look away from her. What the hell was she talking about? He just wanted to go to a family party that he was invited to and she comes up with that. "What type of bull shit are you talking about? I was fucking invited to a party by my cousin and told me to bring someone and what do I do, I invite you and here you get upset just because I'm saying it's a family party." He didn't really wanted say those words, but unlike some people, he had limits and she had pushed the bottoms by saying. "I been trying to get to know and by inviting you to a party that 'my family' was gonna have, it was a way of saying that I wanted us but no, you had to take it the wrong way." He whispered the last part. He had been nothing but nice and she had said things that others would had gotten upset over but he didn't say anything, but when it came to things like that, he had his limits.

“My sister was a walking Ripley’s world record book and dictionary, so I know how you feel.” Just as she was about to open the building door, it opened and a blonde girl stepped out. After a quick swapping of words, and a series of “thank you!”s, the girl said she’d bring Kaya’s bag in. Since Zane didn’t know her much, she figured he’d think that the girl backtracking to put away her bag in her room for her might be strange, so she clarified: “I mom a lot. I’m pretty much the mom of my building, so the girls are usually really nice to me. And you’re a runner? Finally. Maybe I’ll have a running partner for once. My friends aren’t runners, and they think I’m crazy when I do it. But martial arts - that had to be hard. I never did it so I have no idea.”

Mari scoffed, trying to keep her cool. She had completely heard him wrong, but she wasn't going to let him know that. The last time Mari admitted she was wrong about something was never, and she wasn't about to start in that moment. "First of all, I thought you meant as a first date, which would be horrible by the way, and second of all, In case you didn't understand this the first time, I don't do family parties." She put her sketchbook in her bag and stood up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "I'm not the type mothers or fathers or cousins like. There are a lot of pretty girls at this school, I'm sure it won't be hard for you to find someone to replace me," she smiled, before turning to walk off. Great job, Mari, you started a war with the first guy who didn't fling you onto a bed within ten minutes of knowing each other. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Oh, there's nothing quite like the feeling you get the first time you successfully circle throw someone. It's great. And I'd definitely like to go running with you some time. Sounds like fun," he paused for a moment and looked around. "So...now what?"


Shane laughed at that. "Who the fuck cares about what the hell they think? I'm not bringing you just so that they could say wether they like or not, does it look like I fucking care about that? Hell to the fucking no, I'm bringing you because I fucking freaking feel like bringin the girl whom I like, is that bad? Fuck no, if it's not?whoop dido, who the hell cares." He pulled her so that she sat on his lap. "Fuck them, your gonna be my date and that's all that freaking matters, am I clear?" He said to her.

@McMajestic (sorry for all the cursing xD )
“I told you, I’m showing you the beach. I feel like you’re gonna really like it, but I usually have a bad sense. And then we can find lunch or something.” Kaya shrugged and presumed walking. “A circle throw, huh? I’ve got some people I’d like for you to circle throw,” she muttered, not caring if he took it as a comical statement or not.

(I don't mind. That's basically my inner-voice 100% of the time lol)

Mari smiled. "Is it wrong that I like this demanding side of you?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him quickly. "It's pretty hot." She giggled, resting her forehead against his. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Zane chuckled a little, "And who would that be?" He laughed while asking the question, but he was becoming fond of this girl and if he could help her, he would.

Abigayle had finished her conversation with the boy in the snap-back and was wandering around the school again. She strolled by a couple who were being all romantic, and it made her smile.

Kaya let out a whistle. “The list is pretty damn long. My birth parents. Especially my dad. My roommate. The drunk driver that killed my sister. My art partner. My English teacher, that’s always a definite one.” She listed them all casually, but Kaya knew that she was had definitely crossed the Things I’ll Never Talk About Ever! line by mentioning a few of the people on the list. The funny thing was that she almost didn’t mind telling Zane. She’d only known him for, what, twenty minutes and she was already crossing lines she’d set in stone since she was eleven?That was uncharacteristically unlike her, but she had an odd feeling to trust him. If her trusting blew up in her face, it blew up in her face.

Zane understood that some of the topics she was listing would be more sensitive than others, and out of consideration for Kaya he started with something more trivial. "What makes your art partner deserve to be thrown around?" he laughed a little to try and ease the tension, even going so far as to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. He didn't actually realize he was doing it, but it would probably make her feel just as awkward.

Kaya noted Zane’s unease; she didn’t mind though. When she usually talked about her family, she brought it up in different ways, and talked about it differently, and people usually didn’t know how to react. “For starters, he’s a complete idiot. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t have bangs or freckles. He drew me with both for a project, and when I had to grade it, I took points off for it. He makes my life a living hell sometimes.” As they got to the road’s bend, she added, “I’m sorry if that came out badly. The thing I said before, my little list. I don’t normally talk about it, so I don’t have any real way to talk about it. And when I do, I say it so casually it just slips out in regular conversation. If you have any bugging questions about it, ask me. I promise it won’t make things awkward and I won’t hold it against you.”


Shane smirked at that. He always did what he wanted and usually got out with it. "I never did say I was against the idea of us going to the gallery, I was just implimenting my own plans that we could make a date." He said to her at the end.

"I mean, I was wondering if you'd like to share with it or not, and er, I just thought I'd ask about something more minor." He stammered out the words and felt like a complete idiot for how he was speaking.

Abs actually decided to walk up to the couple. "Er, hi there, sorry to interrupt you two, but where's the cafeteria?" she gave them a good natured smile as her blue eyes lit up.

Abs furrowed her brow at the floor as she thought for a second and then looked back at the girl. "You might have seen me and my brother out near the entrance earlier." She held out her hand with her trademark beaming smile, "I'm Abigayle, nice to meet you!"

"You too," Mari shook it, then her the telltale ring of the bell. She sighed, leaning into Shane. "Aw, our vending machine date is ruined." she grumbled, before turning back to Abigayle. "This is Shane, by the way." Mari added, patting Shane's head. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII @Magattahana

(third as of now @SomaFel )
In his math class, someone tried to mess with Ronnie, but Ronnie turned to him and said"I'm friends with Mari white...."then turns back around. The other kid kinda leaves Ronnie alone at that point.
"Hello Shane! Love the hair!" Abs had no real idea of where she needed to be, she'd leave it to her brother to figure that stuff out. "Er, would you to mind if I tagged along with the both of you to class? I figure it'd be more productive than if I just kept wandering through the halls."

Ari walked in, insucure and unsure. She's the new kid, you know? She quickly maneuvered herself to her locker, unsure what period of the day it was.

(im having a writers block omg.)
Kaya laughed gently at his awkwardness when he spoke, but it wasn’t an awful one. She was laughing at the situation in general; it stated that she was laughing at their current situation, not at him entirely. “Don’t worry about it. It’s been a while, I’ve come to peace with everything. I don’t mind talking about it, but when it does get mentioned, it’s out of the blue because a part of it’s relevant to what I’m talking about.” She changed the subject. “I bet Abigayle’s not used to nice weather. And the sun.”

After working up the courage to do so, Ari walked up to a bright group of students, giggle thier heads off. She uneasily walked up to the group and introduced herself. "Hi im Ari, Im new and i don't know anyone her so i thought I'd talk to yall for now."
Mari thought for a moment. "My next class is on the third floor. It's Digital art. So sure, you can tag along, but unless your class is all the way up there you probably don't wanna follow me," Mari added. @Magattahana

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